My New Life

by Ark125

Age Is But A Number

My New Life

Chapter 15 – Age Is But A Number

Luna's POV

“That was quite a different experience, was it not?” I said out loud.

I looked over at Pure Heart. He usually would of commented right away, but he had been quiet since we left Fluttershy's cottage. It was very disconcerting.

“Pure Heart?” I flew up close to him. He seemed to be slightly irritated, and that in itself was scaring me. Since talking to him didn't get him out of it, there was only one thing that I knew that would.

I flew just above him and then pulled my wings in and fell onto his back. “Gotcha!” I said, wrapping my forelegs around his neck and held on tight.

“Holy Mother of Celestia!” He screamed, whipping his head around. “What in the name of Equestria are you doing?!” I could feel his neck muscles ripple and tense up.

“Having fun of course!” I laughed.

He smiled a little. “Oh, is that what you are doing? I'll show you some fun!” He immediately folded in his wings as well and we started to descend at a very fast rate. “Having fun?”

The speed of the descent was making my ears ring, thus making it hard for me to hear. Though I did happen to hear somepony screaming, but after a moment I realized it was me.

I looked down and saw that we were plummeting towards the ground very fast. I closed my eyes in fear of us hitting the ground.

I felt his body shift and then a tingling sensation overcame my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Pure Heart was staring directly into mine. He smiled and I smiled back at him. He embraced me and then I kissed him and forgot entirely about the fact that we were falling to our deaths. It felt so good to have this very last moment of passion before we died, I closed my eyes and then suddenly it ended.


I forced open my eyes and found that we were underwater, still embracing Pure. He gestured up and I followed. We broke the surface and I accidentally spat out water in Pure's face.

“Oops, sorry Pure.” I giggled.

He wiped off his and smiled. “It's okay, love.”

I looked around and found that we were in a lake just on the edge of the Everfree Forest. “How did we get here?” I asked.

“I teleported us a couple seconds before hitting the ground.” He chuckled.

I splashed him in the face. “That wasn't very nice.” I pouted.

“Hey, you asked for fun, so I gave it to you. What is more fun than a death-defying fall. You have to admit, it was pretty thrilling.” He grinned.

I stared him down, then broke a smile. I started laughing. “Okay, okay. I will say it was pretty fun. But we should probably get out of the water and get going.” He nodded and we swam towards the shore.

Once we got on land and shook out the water in our coats, he looked back at me. “So, really. What was all that about?”

I inclined my head and started scratching at the ground. “Well, you looked kind of sad, so I thought I would try and cheer you up.”

He lifted my chin and lifted my head until our eyes meet. “It was a valiant effort.” He kissed me again, this time for a longer period of time.

When we parted, I saw something in his eyes. Something that said that he loved me with all his heart, mind, and soul. There seemed to be something else glinting in the far reaches of his conscience. I couldn't confirm what is was for I saw it only for an instant.

“Pure Heart, what is wrong? What aren't you telling me?”

He turned his head away, seemingly to just break eye contact, and sighed. “Nothing. It's nothing.”

It was my turn to make him look me in the eyes. I placed my hoof on his right cheek and gently turned his head until our eyes meet. This time, I know I saw a flicker of the something from before. It was something that seemed that it was slowly flooding his persona with sadness. Though, I knew what is was this time. I knew what it was because I myself had felt this particular emotion on more than one occasion.

It was doubt.

“Pure Heart. Please, tell me what is wrong. I want to help you. But I can only help if you tell me what is wrong.”

“I don't know...” He started to shift his gaze again, but I held him in place, with both hooves this time.

“Please. I am asking you, not just because you are my husband, but also because you are my best friend.” I said this with my most sincere voice.

He started to tear up. “Really? I'm your best friend?”

“Of course.” I brought him into a hug.

We held the embrace for a couple of minutes, then he whispered into my ear. “You are my best friend, too.”

When we parted, I looked him right in the eyes and said, “Now, tell me what has you so depressed.”

He sighed, “Luna... how old are you?”

I was caught off guard by this question. I really hadn't thought about for a while now. I sat back on my haunches and took a minute to think. “Um, I think... one thousand... seven hundred... and twenty-six years old.” I looked back at him and his jaw was hanging.


“Um, yeah. Why?”

“Well, when you and Fluttershy were discussing Kat Scratch's living arrangements, she started bothering me about how I should have married somepony much younger. I didn't think it was a big deal until she said it.”

He looked at me with sad eyes and I smiled at him. “Why did you not just say something? I know of a spell that can advance your age to my own.”

I swear, his eyes nearly popped out of his head. “No way.” He said in astonishment.

“Yes, but it is quite a difficult spell to perform, so we need Tia to be here to help. Should contact her?”

He was bouncing up and down now. “Yes! YES! A thousand times yes!”

I laughed, “Alright, hold on.”


Yes my sister.

We need your help with the aging spell. Pure Heart was concerned about not being my age.

Well that is silly.

That is what I thought.

Alright, I will be there in second. It has been a while since I got to do that spell.


No problem.

I ended the mind contact with her and looked back at Pure Heart. “She is on her way.”

“Heck yes!” He pumped his hoof into the air.

Suddenly, Tia flashed in. “Somepony call for a sun goddess.” She said in giddy voice.

“Yep. Let's do this!” Pure yelled.

Me and Tia laughed.

“Hold on. We have to make the barrier.” Tia said.

Pure tilted his head in confusion. “Barrier?”

“Yes. It is so that it will only have an effect on you. It will go faster if you just form the shape with your magic.” I suggested, then beckoned him over. I started drawing a shape in the dirt with my hoof. “There. That is what you need to make. The outer circle needs to have a radius of 5 meters and the inner circle needs to have a radius of 1 and a half meters. Got it?”

“Yep!” He focused and the ground around us shifted and moved. Indentations began to form in the ground. The shape was of two circles, one inside of another, and twelve lines connecting the two circles.

“Alright, now can we begin?” He asked.

“Yes, let us start.” Tia said.

“Hold still.” I said.

Tia and I began to concentrate on the area around him. Two sparks appeared on opposite ends of the outer circle, one blue and one red. They grew bigger until the blue spark formed into a blue sphere, representing the moon, the red spark into a red sphere, representing the sun. The moon was in front of him and the sun was behind him.

The indentations began to light up with hues of red and blue, then the orbs started to slowly advance in a clockwise motion. As they moved forward, the sun left a trail of fire behind it and the moon left a trail of ice.

The orbs began to move faster and faster. The flames from the sun trail began to rise higher as well as the ice crystals left by the moon. Soon it go to the point where the ice was no longer melting and the fire was no longer being extinguished. The two elements seemed to actually fuse together.

“HEY! I feel really tingly!” Pure yelled from the inside. “Holy crap!” He screamed as the spheres passed around for the last couple times.

Finally, they slowed down and came to a complete halt. Their lights diminished and then completely disappeared. The ice began to melt and as it melted the water it produced extinguished the flames. The combination of this created a rather heavy curtain of mist to hang in the air.

Luna. Tia said to me mentally.


I need to head back to the castle. Can you handle things from here?

Of course. Thank you again.

No problem little sister. There was a noticeable flash that pierced the mist. It illuminated a silhouette of an alicorn.

“Pure Heart? Are you okay?” I asked in worry.

“Nope, I can't see a thing.” A familiar voice from inside the mist said. It was his voice, but it seemed a lot more stern and authoritative.

“Well, that is because of the fog layer. Hold on. I'll take care of it.”

“No, I got it.” A large burst of wind cut the fog bank in twain and revealed the large frame of my husband.

I ran to him and hugged him around the neck. “Pure Heart, how do you feel?”

“I still can't see!” He said out loud.


He looked directly at me. “Gotcha.”

I hoofed him in the shoulder, though it was much more firm than I remember. “Not funny.”

He laughed. “Yes it was.” I began to laugh with him.

After we settled down, I took a step back and looked at him. He was still had his red coat and he was still the same height. But he had gotten broader in the shoulders and his mane was now three times as long. It also had the same ethereal quality that me, Tia, and Death each had. Though, his had carbon grey tips and was nearly all dark blue now as well as falling down in long strands instead of one large bush of hair. His tail was also changed in to an ever-flowing river of dark blue with grey tips as well. The tips of his hooves which were once the color of fire were now as blue as the ocean deep. The one thing that was most noticeable was that his eyes had grown a darker blue.

“How do I look?”

I blinked, and smiled. “Wonderful. You are now 1,727 years old. How do you feel?”

“I feel like taking a nap.” He blinked and smiled at me.

“That is completely natural after one of these spells. We should both actually get some rest.”

Suddenly a scream was heard from inside the forest. “HELP! PONY DOWN!” Somepony else said.

“Somepony is in trouble. We need to help them.” Pure said.

I nodded and we ran into the thicket of trees towards the sound.

We ran a few miles into the forest when he came upon a marsh that looked battle torn. I saw large patches of purple blood every where and then what else I saw disturbed me.

“That is a hydra.” Pure Heart said.

He was referring to the mountain of bloody flesh in the middle of the swamp.


We ran over to the noise and found an unconscious pitch black unicorn with to a wound on either side of his body.

I looked at Pure Heart and he nodded at me. I lifted the unicorn with my magic onto Pure's back. Then we both took off towards Canterlot hospital.