//------------------------------// // Pegasus Platinum // Story: Falling // by Maddie Koester //------------------------------// After we got home from the hill, we got grounded from dessert, but that had ended a week ago. Instead, today was my day, where I would hopefully join my friends in having a cutie mark! The Super Flyer needed a small fixing after it began steaming and the wing blew off. There would be no time for testing, even with all five of us there, it would be a close call to get it fixed. If this failed… No; it won’t fail. Shining said I needed to believe in myself more, so I tried whenever I could to be positive. Two hours left to fix it, then the contest would start. They said that there would be an amazing prize, and a secret judge! I hoped the judge would be a wonderbolt, since my invention was to fly. The contest was over inventing though, so it probably wouldn’t. I was sitting behind stage, with Shining helping attach the straps around my chest and stomach. She fluttered her wings, and I wondered, once again, what it must be like to be her. To be born with the ability to fly, or to be a unicorn and have amazing magical powers. Earth Ponies were the boring farmers… and seemed to be the lowest class is many stories. Shining accidently pulled a strap too tight and I let out a small squeak. “Sorry!” she apologized, and went back to getting straps in place. I heard the announcer begin his welcome speech, and the metal clanked together as I stood up. Even though I was the last to go, we all went on stage for a first look. There were five of us total, and their inventions looked much prettier or intricate than mine, but as we all walked out and looked to the audience, many ponies looked at mine. I was the only one wearing an invention, so maybe that was why. “And our judges are Metal Page and Iron Dust. We also have a guest judge, the great and magnificent Princess of friendship. Please welcome, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” the announcer exclaimed, and the crowd burst into cheering as the Royal mare flew down from above and took her seat. The crowd settled down as she pulled a microphone over to her. “I’m so excited to be judging this contest, for I used to love inventing and reading about inventions. These foals are hopefully better than me, since mine never did anything” she began, and the crowd laughed, “Let’s see these inventions!” We all walked back offstage, and I ran over to Shining and began panicking. She sat quietly, and help my hoof, and her calm demeanor melted away the panic and some of the anxiety. I never even heard the first foal finish and the second begin. “What if it doesn’t work? I’ll be so embarrassed, and then the princess will tell Rainbow Dash, and my life will be over!” I fretted. “What did I tell you about doubting yourself, I’m sure you’ll do fine. You worked so hard, It has to work,” Shining reassured, and the third foal went on stage. “But...” I began before she cut me off. “You’ll do great, I know it,” she said. “I don’t think so…” I groaned. She sat thinking for a moment, and the fourth foal began their speech. “Think of it as a school presentation, and if you pass, you get a trophy,” she said, and I looked to her doubtfully. “Then I’m going to fail this and school,” I worried. She looked annoyed for a second, then the same calm face washed over her again. “You won’t win by thinking you’ll fail. Please just do this for me,” she said, and gave me a small kiss of the cheek. “You’re up Platinum Streak,” a pony said. I took a deep breath and walked on stage. The crowd looked at me, and my hooves shook slightly. “So, what is your invention called, what does it do, and how long did it take?” the announcer asked. “This is called the Super Flyer, and it will allow me to fly like a pegasus. It took me about a year, and five different ideas to make,” I explained. “Why did you choose this as your invention?” she questioned. “I’m not really sure, I just always wanted to feel what it was like to be a pegasus,” I stated. “Well, let’s see it then!” the announcer said, and she stepped back. I moved the remote panel in front of me, and pressed the take off button. The wings began spinning, and I felt my hooves begin to lift. Then a cough of smoke came off, and I touched ground again. Mom looked concerned, but I pressed the button again, and nothing happened. It had failed; I had failed. I turned to walk off stage when the gears began grinding together and my feet lifted off the stage. Hovering in the air, the crowd oohed and aahed. I moved it forward, then back, and up before touching back to the ground. Dad cheered, and soon the whole crowd was cheering, clapping, and chanting my name. I left the stage, and Shining gave me a tight hug before helping me pulled it off. We all were called back on stage, and the ponies clap and cheer. “We have chosen our winners, once your name if called, come collect your prize, then you can exit the stage. The top three foals were Rusted Hook, Platinum Streak, and Gear Glow!” The princess announced, and the other two foals walked off stage. “In third place; Rusted Hook with his fruit sortamajiger!” the purple mare called, and the crowd clapped as he collected a ribbon and walked off stage with his machine. “The second place medal goes to… Gear Glow with her Springtastic Cart,” she exclaimed, and the brown unicorn took her trophy, and drove her spring loaded car off the stage. “That means that first place goes to Platinum Streak and his Super Flyer! For your reward, you get a brand new Inventor Extraordinar building kit, along with a meeting with my five friends before school starts!” Twilight informed as she flew over and shook my hoof. Camera’s went off throughout the crowd, and I took my trophy. I felt a sharp zap, and the crowd gasped. This is it! Please say it is! I turned to see a silver blade spinning and creating a streak across my flank. Shining ran out from the wing and jumped to pull me into the best hug of my life. I fell of my back, and “AWWW” sounded through the crowd. We stood up, my hair in my eyes. After brushing it back, Mom and Dad came up and we took photos for the Ponyville Paper. As the crowd cleared out, I walked over to the Princess. “Umm, P-princess Twilight Sparkle, I-I actually have a request for my reward…” I stammered. “Yes?” she asked. “Do you think I… could meet the Wonderbolts instead… I don’t want to offend you or anything! I just really… really want to meet them…” I babbled. The princess smiled and nodded. “I’m sure I could arrange that,” she said before lifting into the air and flying away. I jumped into the air and cheered. My dreams are coming together! Now I can finish school with all my friends, and fly with Shining! The day I would fly with Shining would be the best one. She had left in a hurry, and I figured it was just to get a present or add to her prize winning book. I felt unstoppable.