Phineas and Ferb- Across the Equestrian Dimension

by BronyGirl

Chapter 3

Twilight's POV

I look over at the filly beside me.
"Should we go wake her up?" i ask her.
She nods enthusiastically.
So we walk over to the sleeping pegasus on the ground and shake her. She doesn't wake up. (That pegasus is a deep sleeper.) So my horn glows and after a second, she's awake. Her wings were curled around her, but now they're out, in sort of a fighting stance.
"Who are you?" she yells. Then, quieter, "Oh, Twilight, it's you and Scootaloo. Hi."
She yawns.
"Hi Rainbow Dash. Come on, we have to get out of this creepy place!" I shriek, confused that she hasn't already tried to get out.
"Okay Twilight." she yawns again.
She flies, and us with her. (did I need to say that?) But for the life of me, I can't find the greenish tube thing.
"Uh, Twilight, just how are we supposed to get out of here?" asks Rainbow.
I shake my head. "Sorry guys, I don't have any other ideas."
"Well," rainbow began, "We could stay here, you know. There are these nicish humans that like to invent impossible things. They said that they'd try to help me get out of here."
I look at Scootaloo.
"Well, do you think we should?" i asked.
"Since it's either that or being stuck here just aimlessly wandering, I vote yes."
"Cool. So, where are these humans?" i ask Rainbow.
"They're inside that weird house over there." She points to a low, modernish two story house.
"wow, that doesn't look like any kind of Equestrian building." notes Scootaloo.
"No, the buildings here are built really weirdly." says Rainbow.
"We can see that. Can we get on with Operation Get Back To Equestria?"
* * * * * * *
Applejack's POV
"Howdy Applebloom. Ah just have to finish bucking these last few trees and then we can get goin'."
I say.
"Awww, but sis, that's like twenty trees! Ya won't be done in time!" Says the adorable little filly, my sister Applebloom.
"Don't worry, li'l sis, ah'll be done in no time at all."
She pouts a little but sits down to wait.
"Can I help gather the apples?" she asks, her former pout all gone now.
"Ahf course, li'l sis, that'll be a big help." I say, tousling her mane.
In about 5 minutes, we're off to the Sisterhooves Social, a competition where sisters like Applebloom an' I compete against other sisters. Course, cause it's farm stuff and Applebloom and I do that all the time, we usually win.
The first obstacle is the mud jump. Applebloom and I each run as fast as we can, and we both soar right over the mud.

Next up is the grage juice-making contest, where you have to make a bottle of grape juice. Quick as can be, we toss the grapes in one big throw, then jump on the grapes to make a bottle of delicious grape juice.
Then we go to the hay pushing contest. We both kneel down so our noses are on the hay, then run as fast as we can. The finfish line is just ahead, only a tiny ways to go... We make it first. I hoof-five Applebloom, then we jump up to leave.
"Thanks Applejack!" Applebloom says, grinning up at me.
"Ah shucks sis, it wasn't that big of a deal." I say, smiling down at her and mussing her mane.
"So Applejack, are ya gonna go back to the farm now?" she asks.
"Well, li'l sis, ah was gonna go ta Twilight's library and see if she was there." I tell her. "She said she had a book on keeping apples in good conditions over long periods of time, so ah was gonna get it."
"Can you take me to the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting after that? Please?" she did her mighty adorable face, so ah figured, what the hay. Couldn't hurt.
"Sure Applebloom."
"Thanks sis!" Applebloom said, hopping around a little.
"You're mighty welcome, sugarcube."
The library isn't really mah favorite place, mostly because Twilight always makes me wash off my hooves before I come in. It's mighty hard to get hay and mud of your hooves every time you want ta see your friend. Also, it seems that if Twilight wants ta see me, she'll come ta the farm like earlier today.
Ah open the door carefully, not wanting ta disturb Twilight. But surprisingly, she's not there.
"Huh Applebloom, ah have no idea where she is. Well, ah'll just get tha book and leave."
Ah see a green and red book lying on the table. It has the title, "Good Conditions: Keeping Apples Fresh". Huh, seems like a pretty cool book.
"Well Applebloom, seems like this is the book. Let's leave now. It's mighty strange, bein' here when Twilight's not 'round."
I say, swinging the book into mah personalized saddlebag. As if on some sorta cue, a purple dragon walks down from upstairs.
"Oh hay Spike."
"Applebloom? Applejack? What are you doing here?" he asks, rubbing his eyes. (He's also carrying a pinkish-purple blankie. Reckon he was sleepin' till we woke 'im up.)
"Um, Spike, ah hate ta tell ya, but this is a public library. We don't need Twilight's permission ta come in. I was just grabbing this book she told me about. By the way, do you know where she is? Scootaloo's with her and they were scheduled ta have a Cutie Mark Crusaders meetin'" I say, making to open the door.
"Um, sorry, nope." he says, yawning and going back to his room.
"well sis," ah say once we're out the door, "ah reckon ah could take ya over ta Rarity an' Sweetie Belle's place."
She nods her head eagerly and ah smile.
* * * * * * * *
Ah knock once on the fancy white door ta Carousel Boutique and a white unicorn pokes her head out.
"Why hello Applejack. I have a problem. Could you please please please help me with it?" she asks pleadingly.
"Well shucks Rarity, ah was just gonna drop Applebloom off, but ah guess ah could spare a moment ta help you."
She hugs me really tightly.
"Thank you so much! Now, there's a strange hole thing that we think is called a portal. There's something on the other side!"
She takes us to her bedroom (impeccably neat of course.) There is indeed a portal. (This happened once on the farm before.)
"All right, ah know what to do. Just stay calm, Rarity use your horn and above all, don't go through!"
"Um," Rarity whispers, "Where are Sweetie belle and Applebloom?"
Filled with dread, ah turn around, reckoning they must be fooling with us, but I see a yellow hoof disappear through the hole.
"Rarity, ya know what we have to do right? Go after them?" ah ask the unicorn, but she's already going through the hole.
I jump after her, hoping the landing won't hurt. It does, and everything goes black.