Thread of Destiny

by Shenzy

The Spirit of Generosity

The spirit of generosity

The draconequus sat on the roof and played along with his magic. He never have been patient and found it to be incredible boring to wait for something to happen.

Rolling his eyes he grumbled "What does her take so long?" so he tried to get a peak through a window whats happening in there and was quite annoyed to find Twilight - babble poor Fluttershy's cute ears full. He would like to just snap her out of it, saving her from this horrible fate, but just as he was about to raise his fingers, a though came to mind- this could be a chance to get some free space. being in town already- his wife probably occupied for the next hour or so - "why not have some fun then" he grinned to himself.

With a snap of his fingers he was in middle of town, searching out for the first victim, when a conversation caught his ears. He looked around to find right below him the Mayor Mare of Ponyville in conversation with a red stallion. "Lucky me" he said to him self, listening in to her petty talk.

"Thank you for helping out on the construction site, we could not have done without you" the mare said in her diplomatic tone "still, i would like to book you for another two days, until the new workers arrive, if that's a possibility".

The red stallion nodded and simply replied "Yup".

The stallion was one of the strongest pony's around, working hard all his life on the apple farm, plowing fields and moving big loads of farming goods around the city without even breaking into sweat.

Discord knew this guy was the brother of Applejack and somepony called him BigMac.

"Well, lets see how big you are after this" he said to himself, snapping his fingers and in the blink of an eye the once tall stallion shrunk down to the size of a filly.

The Mayor Mare was shocked "What happened!?" she shouted, while the now tiny stallion looked at him self in confusion "don't know". Not even his usual deep voice was left the same, for now it was high pitched and changed beyond recognition.

The gray haired mare, which now quite a giant in comparison, looked down at him and tried to get a calm tough together "well, i guess, you wont be able to help till we can change you back to normal size".

Looking again on his self, the stallion frowned and let his head hanging down and again simply replied "nope", but this time with a sad tune in his voice.

The jokester on top of the building could not stop laughing at this sight. It was hilarious!

"You are a genius" he complimented himself and snapped him self to the very next location, leaving behind the two in their utter state of confusion.

Floating over Ponyville, performing aerial roles and keeping eye out for a new chance to play a prank. Right in his front a gray pegasus pony with crossed eyes came by, wearing a post bag and holding a packets in her hooves and was about to land right in front of her customer Cheerilee, the school teacher of the filly's in town.

The deep purple earth pony smiled when her eye caught Derpy coming down out of the sky, ready to deliver her packet, but right when she was about to touch down, she stumbled about the packet she was wearing and made a somersault to the ground.

Cheerilee looked down onto her with some worries "is everything alright?" she asked.

Derpy Hooves got her self up and nodded cheerful and picked up the packet to bring it to her.

The teacher opened the packet right away to find all kind of school materials in there.

board-sponges, chalk, papers, rubber bands, glues and a few other things.

"Everything seems to be alright" she smiled "without your special delivery, the young filly's would had a hard time to start the new year".

All of a sudden the chalk floated out of the packet and attacked the teacher, in a matter of seconds her deep purple fur was white as a sheet of paper – which also left the packet, along with all the other things inside, circling around the post-pony Derpy, faster and faster till she was wrapped up like one of her packets, unable to move anymore. Only the snot and her eyes wasn't covered, luckily still able to breath and see whats going on, but frightened non the less.

While the two down there cried out lout (as good as you can do, wrapped up anyways in case of Derpy) and asking them self how and why this did happened to them!

Just a few meters away across the road sat a spirit of chaos in a tree, holding on to his stomach with his paw, while his griffon claw was hammering onto the branch he was sitting on "now that's what i call a lesson!" he roared of laughter with tears of joy coming from his eyes.

"Hey! What ya think you are doing" a shriek reached his ear.

Suddenly disturbed he looked down below to find young pony with red mane and yellow fur, wearing a big pink ribbon on her head.

"None of your business" he grumpy replied. This filly was just like her bigger sister, nagging all the time, which left her pretty low on his list of favorite fellow citizens.

The filly bucked against the tree the draconequus was sitting in, which resulted him to lose his balance and crash to the ground painfully.

"Serves ja right" the little girl stated "Its not nice to play pranks like dis".

Discord came back on his feet, rubbing his head in agony, dramatize the pain he had "don't you know who i am!?" he grumbled.

"A big mean bully, that's for sure" the filly said, in her typical country accent.

"Bully!?" Discord said with disbelieve in his voice "Nononono" he added, waving his paws in front of her like he could deny his part in this prank "you see, i just...... tried to ....."

"I know what ya tried" Apple Bloom said strict "don't you dare to talk ya self oud of it"

He could not fool the filly, her sister probably had told everything about him already, so he raised his hands in defeat.

"Okay fine, you got me" making a tiny white flag appear in his hand "I pulled of a tinzy tiny prank, so what?" he smoothly asked.

The filly toughed for a moment "well, ...." she paused again "... i will tell ma sister all about it and then you will be in a lot of trouble" she proudly said.

Discord was about to turn away and leaving, when this words made him stop in his tracks and freeze in place (literally) "...oh poo" he thought to him self. He knew what that meant. Her big sister Applejack, with her irritating habit of honesty, would of course tell Fluttershy next, which wasn't good at all considering the fine line he used to walk.

The young filly grinned at him, when he sighed and said "Ok, what i have to do so you keep your cute little mouth shut" while pinching her in one of her cheeks.

Slapping his hand away "first of, i'm not a baby..." she pleaded, which made him role eyes "... and i don't want anything from you" she said and was about to walk of, but the draconequus teleported right in front of her "why don't you wait a moment and talk this over!"

"No" she stubborn replied, walking around him, just to find him once more in her path and her self on a comfortable chair.

"You see i cannot let you tell on me" he said, while raising his arms and twitching his fingers "so i thought we could make a little deal" he smiled dishonest, knowing he could not just zap her away, since this would make it even worse when anypony finds out.

The filly raised her hoof to her chin, rethinking the offer, which made Discord raise his hopes for a moment.

"Hmmmm i like you to......" she started, making Discord leaning forward in order to pay close attention "... get out of ma way" she ended.

This was the last drop in the barrel. He snapped his hands and the young filly was lifted upside down from the ground in eye height "look you little weasel, if you don't tell me what you want in order to keep that cute little mouth of yours shut, i will turn you into scarecrow and put you on display on that little farm of yours" he said sharply.

"Ya wouldn't dare!" still holding on to her decision.

She was right, but he could not possible let her know for sure.

"Applejack sure didn't left anything out about me" Discord thought to him self, the filly would probably stay stubborn, so he tried a change of tactics once more when he noticed something.

"What about a cutie mark?" he said, looking on her blank flank.

"A cutiemark!?" she gasped, but let go of that idea right after, pouting "Magic don't works on that, ... tried already...... " she sighed "caused quite a lot of chaos..."

"Good you met me! I'm the spirit of chaos!" he exclaimed "I can make the impossible happened!"

"Na ah" she said "i don't take chances, i learned ma lesson" she stood her ground.

On the other hoof, still, he had a point. This was no ordinary pony she had right in front of her. She had the one in a life time chance to get anything she wanted. She knew he had huge magic ability, to say at least. Taking over Equestria wasn't easy as its sounds after all.

She was still struggling, levitating upside down in the air "okay, but first you have to put me down" she said with a straight face, which wasn't easy since her blood started to get to her head.

Without hesitation she found her self on the ground, right to the feet of her "wish fulfilling spirit".

"So so, what you want then kid" he asked curious, still a little leery if he really got this in his bag.

She glanced at him "well, actually a bunch of things" checking out what he was willing to offer "we could work down my Christmas list for starters!"

He rubbed his chin " quite greedy for your size, aren't you? I was talking about one wish, i'm not Santa Hooves" he pointed out.

"Make it ten or the deal is off!" she insisted.

Raising a paw and spinning it around he said "lets say i grand you.... four wishes... remember, i got unlimited powers... and unlike your aunt Twilight i wont cut off your fun" he smiled devilish.

That's more the filly had hoped to get and almost bursted out in excitement, but hold in to act cool.

"Ain't it usual three wishes you get?" she then asked to clarify the terms of their agreement.

Discord made a grimace "look, i'm not some lame genie in the bottle kid, i'm the spirit of chaos! I don't stick that pesky rules, so do you want them or not!?"

"All right, all right!" she cut him off " don't have to flip out, was just asking...".

She thought hard what to wish for but her mind was jammed. Unlimited possibility's and just four wishes to spend it on, how should she know what to wish for? There was just to many things she wanted so bad at some point.

The filly sighed "i wished my friends where here" she mumbled to her self.

"GRANTED! The draconequus acknowledged, snapping his fingers to in order to make the other two cutie mark crusaders right next to her in the flash of a light.

"That wasn't ma wish!" Apple Bloom shouted at him, but Discord just raised his shoulders "Our deal was you got four wishes – you said i wish and i fulfilled that" as he quoted his words "wish of yours... so there are three more left. Take it or leave it!"

"Not fair!" she argued again, when she got tapped on her shoulder "whats going on here!?" her friend Scootaloo demanded to know.

Her unicorn friend stepped forward "i was about to help my sister..." she said, obviously wearing a just half finished dress.

Sweetie Belle was the first one to notice Discord "... and what is HE doing here?" pointing on that hideous thing in front of her.

"Yeah, she s right! should he not be on honeymoon with Fluttershy?"

This line made Sweetie Belle gag "she sure got an awful taste"

"Watch your tongue!" Discord said furious "Or i turn you into a mule!"

"If you touch them" Apple Bloom stepping in front of her friends "our deal is off!"

Discord grumbled something in his goat beard and waved her off.

"What deal"? Sweetie Belle asked, even more confused than before "Could somepony finally explain whats going on!?" looking back and forth between her friends.

Scootaloo stayed quiet keeping her attention now on Apple Bloom, since she seem the only one knowing what was going on here.

"So... you two got a deal, that much i got, but what is it all about?" she asked.

"You know, Discord did...MPhh" the draconequus careful hold her mouth close with his lion paw and answered the question for her "that's none of your business, all you got ot know is that your....." he took a breath in order to swallow the word "pesky" and instead said "dear friend.... and me got our self a little deal. And she got four wishes granted, three of them remaining".

"Why four wishes!?" Scootaloo asked.

"Seems odd" Sweetie Belle agreed.

Discord snarled at this "what fun is there to make sense!? Just go with it!" starting to spit flames.

The two filly's he was shouting at was terrified and jumped behind the tree next by.

Apple Bloom somehow could understand his reaction a little better, so she wasn't as afraid and waved her friends over to come back again. "Its okay, i will explain it to you... and don't worry, he" pointing her hoof at the angry spirit of chaos "wont do a thing, wont ja?" giving Discord a glance, which was sulking with crossed arms. "Yaya what ever" he agreed "just hurry up, i don't get younger!".

The tree filly's got into her "thinking circle" as she always used to when thinking of new ideas, how to earn their cutie marks – since all of them are still so called "blank flanks".

"Ok, here is the deal" she explained "Discord granted me four wishes so i ......" she kept her mouth shot and noticed Discords stare "doesn't matter. Point is, we can wish for anything we want"!

"Four wishes?" Sweetie Belle asked "we sure could use them good" she said, with excitement in her voice growing.

"But we are three friends, how we split them?" Scootaloo pointed out, trying to calculated it, tapping her hooves on one another.

"Well, not exactly four wishes..." Apple Bloom admitted "...i kinda blew the first one, so just three remain."

Scootaloo just did go along with it "well, at least it makes the splitting easier"

"Than we better make the remaining ones count" the white filly pointed out "I cant image he will be often this generous..."

"You are right" Apple Bloom confirmed "better Milk that cow, as long sun is up"

"He ain't a cow Apple Bloom, he is a dracunu, draconelu...."

"Draconequus" Discord mumbled.

"Yeah, that" the little pegasus nodded.

"Focus" Apple Bloom brought to mind "we have to think of good wishes. Remember, he can give us what ever we want!"

This made the faces of her friends shine bright with glee.

"...except our cutie marks" she quickly complemented, making her friends feel a little disappointed.

"You sure?" Scootaloo asked carefully, but all she got in response was a serious glimpse.

"So cutie marks are off limits, anything else there is? Sweetie Belle wanted to know.

"Nope" the orange filly said with a smile.

"Well than i already know exactly what i want" stepping in front of Discord first.

Scootaloo just mumbled "well that was fast, hope she know what to wish for" right to Apple Bloom.

"Finally!" Discord said in relieve. "So what you wish for?" he asked, raising his hand, ready to make his magic roam, prepared to unleash powers great enough to bring down all of Equestria in the blink of an eye.

"I wish my sister would have more time for me" she said without a hint of a doubt in her voice.

"You want me to do what?" he said, grabbing one of his ears and detaching it from his head, in order to shake and blow it out, just to put it back again where it belongs. "Come again?"

"I wish my sister would have more time for me" she said once more to him.

Discord looked a bit unhinged about this request "Look girl, magic don't quite works like this, i could make the day longer, not a problem!" assuring of his powers "...but Celestia and Luna are quite some fun breaks, when its about tempering with time, you got that?"

Sweetie Belle toughed about this for a moment. ".. but she is always busy! The past weeks she agreed to at least five new lines for some fancy occasions... she will need months to get them done!" she said, leaving her head hanging to the ground.

"Now you are talking!" he said and snapped his fingers before anypony could ask what he meant by that, a bright light flashed up and nothing seemed to had happen.

The filly´s looked on each other utter confused.

"Nothing happened" Apple Bloom said.

He just sighed about this meager understanding of magic and lack of observation skills.

"Hellooo!" he waved "somepony home?" pointing nonchalant on the dress Sweetie Belle was wearing.

It was not half finished anymore, he had completed it just like that and it looked stunning.

"Wooaaooooh" the three said in confirming unity. It really looked amazing, just like Rarity would had done it her self! They never had though a spirit of chaos was able to creat something beautiful like this.

"... i finished all of them, happy?" he nagged.

The little filly wearing the dress knew what that meant and was thrilled by it. "Thank you so much!" she shouted happily.

"Don't mention it." Discord said to the grinning filly, pinching his eyes together "seriously, don't mention it, or i zap ja to a mannequin!" he warned her, which still didn't make her smile any less.

His focus wandered to the remaining two little brats.

Scootaloo was the next in line to make a wish.

To see his magic work right in front of her, just has given her an idea what to ask for, so she stepped bravely forward and spread her tiny wings.

"I want to fly like Rainbow Dash!" she said.

"Hmm.. easy one" he said.

"Hold in!" she than shouted, having a bad feeling about that grin of his "just make my wings a little bigger, so i can fly by my self" she specified her wish.

His grin disappeared "please, that just what i had in mind too" he lied, followed after the familiar *snap* of his.

Checking her bag she found her wings just had the perfect size and felt stronger than ever before, so she tried to flap them a few times and raised from the ground with ease.

"FINALY!" she cheered out loud, while spinning a few rounds over their heads, when Discord snatched her out of the air by her tail and put her back to the ground.

"You can fly later some more, but if you don't mind, we got a deal to seal" turning to the last one to make a wish "so, spit it out, what you want?"

The little filly really didn't know what to say, her friends had made some really great ideas for their wishes and she could simply not think of any right now, that would come close to be as good.

"Well...... i wish for......" she just tried to start, hoping something would come to her mind "i wish....... uhmmm...." trying to think of anything as hard as she could, ...but what was the right one to pick?

Helping the Apple Family with the farm? ...but they loved their work and she didn't want to take them away any of it.

Might forcing him to clean up the mess he made? ... as she looked over to Mrs. Cheerilee was already gone as well as Derpy just had left behind a hand full of torn apart papers.

Her face started to become a frown, she could not think of anything.

Cutiemarks where off limits and even payback on pesky Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon seemed a bit off a overkill – she could handle them by her self just fine.

Discord snapped his fingers with alarmed that filly to raise her had immediate, looking at him.

"Hey i didn't wished for anything yet!" she shouted.

Discord acted like he just noticed her "what? I just snapped them for fun!" then he started walking back and forth "but since i got your attention" he said, stopping in tracks "MAKE YOUR WISH FINALY!" he shouted, lifting him self of the ground a few inches "......... please" then he hastily added with a voice, cute as sugar, while coming back on the ground like a feather.

"I ... don't know" the filly just mumbled "i think i need some time"

The draconequus reached out with his hand to the kid, holding a card in between his griffon fingers, which she took and read out loud whats written on it -Discord, Spirit of Chaos : Your local source of mischief-.

"I don't have all day, call me when you made up your mind" he said.

"So, i just call for you and you will come?" she tried to understand.

"Duh!" knocking on her forehead "anypony home!? That's what i just said!"

The filly tried to push away his paw, making him stop from knocking on her head "ouch, stop it! i get it alright!"

Discord was about to leave when he gave her a last nod with the head, pointing his finger like a teacher would lecture a student: "remember– you keep your mouth shut, your friends had their wishes, so the deal is on".

The next time she blinked he was gone, just like that.

"Why didn't you ask for something" the pegasus said in confusion, flying small circles around her.

"She is right, you could had anything you ask for" Sweetie Belle stepped forward.

The small filly let her head hanging "I know, will think of something, ...eventually"

"Well, don't get me wrong, but i must check out my wings!" her flying friend said and took up into the sky "later" was the last thing she said before she was out of sight.

"I got to go too, i must return the dress" the unicorn said "... and spend some quality time with my sister" she smiled happily.

"Its alright, till later" Apple Bloom said, trying to return the smile - her unicorn friend than nodded and ran of in the direction of her sisters boutique.

As soon the others had left, she took a really deep breath and relieved a long sighed. This had not turned out as fun she thought it will be, not at all. Was something wrong with her?

Anypony had something to wish for – like her friends did, was she not like them after all?

Leaving her had hanging, she got her self on the long way back to Sweet Apple Acres, which hopefully would enough time for her to think a simple wish, coming from heart.

Discord was just back in time back home when his wife came back trough the door.

He sat him self comfortable on the couch and tried to act all natural – twiddle one´s thumbs.

Than he suddenly decided she never would buy that and made him self some chaos, summoning a winged pig on a unicycle, juggling a bunch of colored balls. That one always cheered him up.

Fluttershy stepped into the room, took a look at the pig, but didn't seem to disturbed about it.

"Howard, would you be so kind and leave us alone, please" she said calmly to the pig, which dropped his act and took up into the air, to disappear out of the open window.

"I was watching that" Discord said upset, pointing at the remains of the strange show.

"Discord, may i have a word with you" she said with a soft voice, close to a whispering.

The draconequus appeared right on her side "Of course my dear" he said charming, taking her hoof and started kissing it softly "what you want to talk about?" he smiled into her blue eyes.

His smile vanished just a moment later when a red colt stepped into the room, but it wasn't a colt at all.

"Oh poo" Discord said trough his paw, slowly sliding down his face- he knew he had