
by Wishes

Chapter Two

The day awoke beautifully with a bashful birdsong, the sun rising in the distance, the stars fading into the daylight. Twilight Sparkle rubbed her head with her hoof, her messy purple hair all over the place. Her sparkling eyes seemed to glisten, catching the eye of her assistant who seemed to have awoken earlier than her. Spike, Twilight's number-one assistant, smiled at the purple unicorn, holding many dull-colored books in his scaly claws.

"Good morning, Twilight," Spike said politely, holding out a book to her, "Mind Magic for Beginners. Weren't you looking for that earlier?"

The purple librarian nodded, smiling gratefully down at the helpful baby dragon. His poor, large eyes were baggy and tinted red at the sides, and he would yawn every once in a while, shelving the books slowly and sleepily.

"Oh, Spike, you don't have to do all this," the unicorn smiled warmly at the assistant.

"I don't?" Spike asked.

"No, you don't," the purple pony laughed, removing the floral blanket from her back hooves, "I can do it while you're snoring away under Applejack's hoof-sewed blanket!"

"Really?" Spike's eyes were wide.

"Yep. But you're still my number-one assistant, don't forget that," Twilight Sparkle said, as she watched Spike hop into his blankets, instantly falling asleep.

Twilight sighed. She brought a comb to her hair and began brushing, her mane becoming neater and neater, Twilight starting to make out the pink and dark, grayish purple streaks. Soon, she was finished with both her mane and tail.

Ding, dong!

"Right on time," Twilight Sparkle muttered to herself, laughing, "Otherwise I'd look like a complete mess in front of that pony!"

She took no rush into walking to the door, but made sure to quicken up her normal pace to not keep anypony waiting. That'd be simply rude. And nopony likes a rude pony!

A bright pink aura circled around the door knob. Twilight easily pulled the door open and...

Fwoosh! A quick breeze flew past the librarian, with a blob of pink. The unicorn's eyes were squeezed shut and her mane had stuck in a certain unattractive hairstyle. It didn't take her a second to guess who it was.

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight Sparkle rubbed her eyes with her hoof, opening them carefully to see the pink pony standing in front of her, worriedly, "What are you so worried about?"

" you have the time? It's a long story," Pinkie Pie said slowly, innocently.

"Yeah," Twilight Sparkle said, simply.

"Alright...uh..." Pinkie Pie glanced at two chairs behind her, walking towards them, "C'mon. Sit down."


Twilight and Pinkie shared a few glances before Pinkie Pie started her story.

"It all started when I was a little filly. I was born and raised by my very, very boring parents, Clyde and Sue Pie, simple, normal ponies who lived outside of Ponyville on a rock farm. You know that...right?" Pinkie began.

"Yes, I do. From your cutie mark story." Twilight kept a normal tone, though she was pretty excited in learning new information. Especially about the unknown wonder of Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah. Right. My Cutie Mark story." Pinkie said slowly, hesitantly.


Pinkamena Diane Pie felt around her bag for her homework. The sun outside was dull and the sky was gray, the normal weather for the boring rock farm. It was early in the morning, and Pinkamena was just getting ready for school with her older sister Inkamena and her younger sister Bellamena. As close sisters, they often used the nicknames they gave each other: Inkie, Blinkie, and Pinkie.

Pinkie looked around the room; it was her bedroom that she shared with her sisters, as they were not that rich and could only afford a house with one floor and two bedrooms; There was also a few other rooms like the kitchen and the family room, too, though, so they could have a proper life.

"Hey, Inkie, Blinkie, do you have your homework in your bags?" Pinkamena asked curiously, "Momma will be very angry if you forget it. You know her."

Blinkie giggled. "Oh, yeah. How about you?"

"Hey, Blinkie," Inkamena whispered, "No laughing. No smiling. If Momma catches us talking she'll be super angry. Remember the rules..."

"Do not talk until you have permission," the three sisters said blandly in unison.

"Well, do you have your homework, Pinkie?" Blinkie whispered.

"I-I think so. There's so much stuff in my bag, though, that...that I can't really tell."

"Why don't you take out all the stuff in the bag? Clean it out?" Inkamena asked maturely.

"W-what? A-and take away...take away this?" Pinkie held up a small bag with three balloons; one yellow, two blue.

Inkie and Blinkie looked curiously at the light-blue bag. "What's in it?" Inkie asked.

"An alligator egg!" the dull pink pony exclaimed.

"WHAT!? AN ALLIGATO--!" Blinkie yelled, shushed by Inkie's hoof on her mouth.

"Not so loud, you guys," Inkie whispered, "Otherwise Momma might catch us..."

There was a sudden, awkward silence.

Suddenly, the room seemed to darken. Pinkie and Blinkie had weird expressions on their face, looking behind Inkie. Inkamena seemed surprised to have them both looking at her weird, and wasn't really suspicious of anything until...

"No talking without permission," a cold voice said from behind them.

Inkie slowly turned around, with an utterly embarrassed expression; She was frozen speechless.

"This has been the hundredth time I have caught you three foals talking without permission," Sue Pie said in a monotone, though she was obviously disappointed and angry from the whole thing, "But that's not why I'm here. We need to talk. Into the family room. With me. Now."

Pinkamena was still holding the bag. Her eyes were forced on it, and she felt tears in her eyes. It was going to be a birthday present to herself, since her birthday was tomorrow. They never really had birthday parties, unlike the other ponies at school. That school.

"May I have permission to talk?" Pinkie asked her mother, as they all were exiting their bedroom.

"Yes. You may," Sue answered simply.

"Oh. Well, what about school? If we go to the family room for a talk then we will have barely any time to pack up our things to go to school!" Pinkie calculated.

"You are correct," the foal's mother answered, "You need not to go to school now. This, I promise, will change everything."

"May I have permission to talk?" squeaked Bellamena, shyly.

"Yes. You may," Sue repeated.

"What...exactly...will it change?" she asked.

"You'll see."

Inkamena shivered, still unable to say anything.

Soon they arrived in the family room. The three foals sat next to each other in one large uncomfortable sofa, while Sue was left alone sitting on her personal sofa with hoof-sewn pillows. She didn't really claim it as her own; it was just that the Pie sisters were too scared to sit by her, and Clyde, their father, usually worked all day outside, harvesting rocks, while she cooked. She smiled slyly at them all.

"There's been a family secret I've wanted to tell you all..." she laughed, "Since Pinkamena's birthday is coming up."

Pinkie gulped. She covered her face with her hair.

"Follow me."

The three foals followed their strict mother to the refrigerator. She opened the small, white door; inside was the regular stuff: milk, fruit, etc.

"What...what are we supposed to be looking at?" Pinkie asked harshly.

"Shut up," Sue snapped, "Anyway, have you noticed this part of the fridge?"

Her hoof moved a few items so they saw the back of the fridge, where ten blood packets laid.

"A-are we making a blood donation company?" Blinkie asked.

The mother rolled her eyes. "We're vamponies, you idiot!" she screamed.

Bellamena squeaked, and hid behind her oldest sibling, who seemed able to talk now.

"Mother," Inkamena argued, "Vamponies are not real. I think you may need to see somepony about that..."

Sue Pie rolled her eyes. She focused on the three foals, her eyes glowing a dark, blood-red, opening her mouth to reveal...


There was an incredible silence. Pinkie's heart was beating faster than Rainbow Dash's flying when preforming a Sonic Rainboom. Twilight Sparkle, her mouth open wide, was hesitant.

Then she smiled. And laughed. And giggled.

"Oh, Pinkie!" Twilight smiled, "You're the best actress I've ever seen!"

"Act...what? I wasn't acting!" Pinkie felt offended.

"Silly, vamponies aren't real!" Twilight Sparkle laughed.

Pinkie Pie frowned. "I wasn't making it up," she said coldly, tears forming in her eyes, her poofy mane starting to deflate. This was what she dreaded. Her wisest friend, not believing the simplest of stories?

"I knew this day would come," she muttered.

The unicorn stopped laughing. "I'm sorry, Pinkie," she put her purple hoof on the pink party pony's, "I...I just can't believe you until I have proof. And nopony has proof!"

Pinkie stopped in her tracks. Looking up, she smiled. "I--I have proof."

Focusing, she closed her eyes, and felt power surge through her body and into her eyes and teeth. Then she felt a pop. She opened her eyes and mouth, and Twilight gasped, falling over.

"Did it work? Did it work?" Pinkie asked.

"Y-YES...!" the librarian was frightened.

" sure feels nice having the teeth out again."

Twilight Sparkle seemed to calm down. She went back to her chair, a little hesitant and unsure.

"There's been a question I wanted to ask you..." Pinkie said, her fangs growing duller by force and her red eyes turning back to the normal, clear, sky-blue, "Will you accept this?"

Twilight Sparkle hesitated. She looked at Pinkie Pie, then spoke the one word that changed everything.


Pinkie Pie's eyes widened her mane poofing back to her normal hairstyle. "YAY!"

"One thing, though..." the purple pony held her hoof up.

"What? I'll do anything!" the party pony smiled at her friend.

"Tell me more. Why didn't you stay at the rock farm? What about that alligator egg? Does this explain your super-hyper, super-social, personality? And the Pinkie Sense?"

Pinkie Pie sighed. "Alright. Even though it's painful for me to think about my past."

She glanced at Twilight Sparkle, who glanced at her. Then she began again.

"My Cutie Mark Story was a lie," she whispered.

"WHAT?" the librarian couldn't hold in the shock.

"I'm not the element of honesty, Twilight. I'd thought you'd understand," she continued, "Staying there was way too much for me. At dinner Mother gave us blood claiming it was 'fruit punch'. Then as a 'bedtime story' she told us the history of vamponies, revealing that my father was one too, and that we were a 'rare' kind."

The librarian calmed quickly. "I understand, Pinkie," she said, "Now what's that rare kind?"

"Half-psionic, half-regular," Pinkie Pie answered, "That means I can drain energy or drink blood. I only drained a bit of energy, once, from somepony named Ditzy Do, and her eyes weren't the same ever again."

She sighed.

"Please continue," Twilight Sparkle said.

"All'stuff' that happens such as not showing up in mirrors only work when they are in 'vampony' mode, with the fangs and the red glowing eyes and all. Vamponies are supposed to have ever-lasting energy, and they are supposed to be immortal, and have special powers. Mine are shape-shifting, my Pinkie Sense, and...Some others," Pinkie continued, "I only used shape-shifting once, to get away parents. I left when it was dark, even though vamponies have heighted senses in the dark. And can see in the dark," the pink pony groaned, "I left for Ponyville, since it was the closest. With the help of Luna. She' me. The rare type of vampony. I soon found the Cakes and they left me a room there when I was a filly and..."

"Wait, Pinkie," Twilight Sparkle interrupted, "Did you say Luna was a vampony?"

"Um, well, yeah, and..."

"What about last Nightmare Night?" the unicorn asked curiously, "If you knew each other personally, why would you be scared of her? And what about when I came to Ponyville? You knew who Nightmare Moon was!"

Pinkie Pie blushed. "Well...yes. I wanted to hide the fact I knew her to be more...more normal. She must have been depressed, thinking that I might have done this special ritual to cure my vampirism, and wanted to avoid her. We made the whole, 'being scared is fun' thing up after I talked to Luna about it, and the others just were doing that for fun in the first place. I wanted to avoid be normal. Again. We're friends, actually. And some vampires can Luna changes into Nightmare Moon. Celestia doesn't change because she's not a vampony, but knows much about them. And I...well...I have this poofy mane apart from my normal straight one that triggers my craziness. Vamponies, when transforming, often have split personalities," Pinkie Pie explained, "And the alligator egg was dented. He cracked open during my great escape, right before midnight. I don't exactly know how, but he became toothless at birth. I celebrated my birthday in Ponyville...I had the best time in my life there. With Luna, the Cakes, everypony really, I was so happy to be finally free from the grasp of my parents. That's how I got my cutie mark."

"There's a ritual to cure vampirism!? And Celestia never told me about vamponies?" Twilight asked angrily.

"Yes....vamponies are too dangerous to spread information about," Pinkie said, "And there is a ritual to cure vampirism. But it comes at a very high price, and needs rare herbs. And if you do one. Thing. Wrong. Well, then you're turned into a werewolf. Worse than vamponies, who can actually kind of control themselves. But there's a really easy ritual to turn ponies into vamponies. Only Luna knows, though."

"Humph," Twilight muttered, "The princess doesn't trust me with information?"

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "It's...a detailed topic. I took a lot of energy from me to even say all of it!"

Twilight backed away. "Don't...don't drain my energy, okay? Or blood!"

"I wouldn't! I couldn't!" Pinkie Pie assured her friend, who sighed in relief.

"So, let me get this straight," the purple unicorn said, "You're a vampony. Luna's a vampony. You escaped from your vampony family lied about most of your life?"

Pinkie flushed. ""

"Was this what you came to me for?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

" There's know...a for yourself." Pinkie grabbed a piece of paper out of nowhere and handed it to Twilight Sparkle.

"Hmm..." Twilight Sparkle floated glasses to her eyes, glancing at the text carefully, reading the letter out loud:

"Dear Pinkamena Diane Pie,
I know you do not like your vampony fate. But you are one of the strongest vamponies I have ever met, and I would like you to join the Nightmare. With you we can rule together; I have a clever plan, and I think you'd like the end.

We can turn everypony in Equestria to food. Make the night last forever. And if you want, we can even spare your friends if they agree in this special 'ritual' I've planned for them. And only them.

My plan is in action. Do not fail me. If you want to help me you must come to the Canterlot Castle before midnight tomorrow.

~Nightmare Moon

"They want to turn the rest of the Elements of Harmony into...into vamponies!" she cried into her chair.

Twilight gulped. "Don't worry, I have another plan. For the good of Equestria. And I know just what to do."

"For the good of Equestria?" Pinkie asked.

"For the good of Equestria."


Author's Note:
I'm sorry if this chapter was boring to you. This was mainly about explaining vamponies to Twilight Sparkle. And Pinkie's back story of course.

Why the vampires in Twilight sparkle? Because she ate them! :P LOL