A series of unfortunate events that leads to another redeemed villain, yay!

by Leondude

Chapter 11 - I've got the power!

While Pinkie Pie was blasting aliens with her party cannon, she noticed Starlight lying on the floor panting. When she came to check on her friend, she only managed to get out these words:

"Storm King....returned....stole....magic"

Pinkie looked up and noticed Stormy using his magic powers to wreak havoc while dancing to a catchy tune emphasizing about how he's got the power, then changing the tune telling him to unleash the magic. Amongst all the havoc, there was an earth pony wearing a red shirt and a baseball cap screaming "THERE'S TOO MUCH MAGIC!" in a Manehatten accent. Normally, seeing a demonic creature destroying the land would elicit screams from normal ponies. But Pinkie was no normal pony. She was the Element of Laughter! So she did what she would do in a situation like this, especially since Stormy was wearing a dress.

"Huh, who dares laugh at me!" Stormy said, clearly overhearing Pinkie's laughter. He then proceeded to grab Pinkie by the neck.

"But I like your dress, it's funny!"


"I dunno, you got some funny dance moves"

"What are you talking about?! I got MAGICAL dancemovesTM"

Before Stormy could finish off Pinkie, a blue thing flies right into his face, releasing his grip on Pinkie and sending him rolling on his back. He then got up and noticed six colourful ponies posing heroically.

"Hey, I know you guys! I tried to turn you into stone before that meddling Tempest got in the way"

Any of you viewers familiar with that bugbear fight in "Slice Of Life"? Well, the battle between Stormy and the Mane 6 was a mix of that and Twilight's battle with Tirek. It was so awesome, words cannot even describe how awesome it was! So I'm just going to cut to the chase...

They lost and Stormy absorbed all their magic. Hey, you win some, you lose some! :derpytongue2:



Why are you still reading? This is the end of this chapter. Move on to the next one.


Let me guess, you want to know what happened during that fight scene. Fine, I'll tell you. But only because of popular demand. Ah-heh-hem.

"Storm King!" Twilight shouted. "Back down right now, or else-"

"Or else what?" Stormy said. "You're going to sing a little song about friendship and blast me with your rainbow laser? I'd love to see you try."

"Storm King..."

Stormy held up two fingers. "Two words. Try me."

With that, Twilight's horn lit up and she fired a continuous blast of magic from her horn. Stormy nonchalantly fired a laser of his own from his hand, grinning as Twilight struggled against it. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash launched from the ground and kicked Stormy in the side of the head, sending him to the ground flat on his back. In a split second, Stormy got up and hovered rapidly towards his colourful adversary, grabbing her by the neck with one hand and making her eyes bulge as her windpipe was forcibly closed off.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie, party cannon in tow, appeared on Stormy's shoulder and gave him a faceful of confetti, making him loosen his grip. With her newfound freedom, Rainbow Dash curved down to Stormy's abdomen and punched him square in the gut, sending him back as Pinkie jumped off of his shoulder, landing gracefully onto solid earth.

Stormy, having had enough of this nonsense by now, bellowed out a mighty roar as he flexed his biceps in midair, chilling the blood of Twilight and her friends, for a good ten seconds. By the time he had finished, he had gained a glowing golden aura about him, and his eyes were glowing red like hot coals.

"Ohoho, now this is power!" Stormy extended his hand and lightning shot forth from his fingertips to shock Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, blasting them both unconscious in an instant as everypony else flinched from the clap of thunder. "Unlimited power!"

"Storm King! Stop!" Twilight said desperately as she fired another blast of magic that Stormy easily deflected with his hand, her voice quaking and her legs quickly turning to jelly beneath her.

"Why should I? This party's only getting started!" Stormy slammed his hands together at the wrists in an open heart-like shape, where a pulsing ball of golden light was spontaneously generated. This ball of light then proceeded to rapidly shoot a barrage of golden magic beams that exploded upon contact with the ground. The series of explosions blew Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy off of their hooves and carried their bruised, battered forms in front of Twilight.

"Storm King, please stop this now!" Twilight pleaded once more.

"Alright 'Princess', I guess I'll humour you. No more lasers. Try this on for size instead!" Stormy clawed upwards, and a large clod of earth rose to meet him hovering in the air. He then closed his fist, transforming the ball of dirt into a swirling black hole, sucking up more earth from the ground to feed itself. Stormy pitched it towards Twilight, who cast a shield spell in a split second to protect herself. The black hole collided fiercely with Twilight's shield, creating a massive shower of sparks before flying off to the left and exploding on the ground.

Stormy once again fired a beam of magic from his hand, with Twilight countering with a powerful blast from her horn. Twilight grit her teeth and staggered back a bit as she struggled against the sheer power that Stormy had managed to accumulate. Sweat drops began to form on Twilight's forehead, and she began to feel herself grow short of breath as Stormy's beam of magic grew ever closer to her. Suddenly, her horn gave out, and she could only silently mouth the word 'no' before the blast hit her dead on, leaving her groaning in pain as she lay on her side in a smoking crater with parts of her coat singed off.

"Wow, that was almost too easy," Stormy mused to himself as he pulled the clamshell device from one of his dress pockets and clicked it open. Immediately, multicoloured beams of light began to stream out of the unmoving forms of the defeated Elements of Harmony, and their colours began to fade.