My Little Pony - Equestria Boy

by OliverSparkle

Chapter 32

The sun was beginning to set as Lightning, the main eight, and Lightning's friends were all at Carousel Boutique getting ready for the Grand Galloping Gala. Fluttershy, her friends and the CMC were already in their dresses, which were remakes of their dresses from last year. Oliver was wearing a black tuxedo with a purple tie, just like Sandbar and Gallus but with different colour ties, while Sunset and Starlight’s dress were the same as Twilight’s first Grand Galloping Gala dress but the colour designs on them were the same as their manes. Fluttershy was busy tying the tie to Lightning's tuxedo while Lightning squirmed around a little bit in discomfort. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a black tie. His mane was combed perfectly straight and around his neck was the necklace that Fluttershy had given him for his birthday.

"Oh come on sweetheart," Fluttershy said to her son gently, "It's not that bad, you only have to wear this for one night."

Lightning said nothing as he continued to wish he didn't have to dress up at all in the first place. Fluttershy finally finished with the tie and stepped back so she could get a full good view of her son. The rest of her friends looked at him as well.

"Oh Lightning darling, you look absolutely handsome," Rarity said happily.

Sunset walked over to her nephew and nudged his shoulder.

"Heh, looking sharp, little buddy. Hoping to catch a certain dragon’s eye?" She said with a smug look on her face.

Lightning blushed a little bit at the compliments before hearing hoofsteps coming down the stairs. Everyone turned and saw Yona, Ocellus and Silverstream walking downstairs in their dresses.

Silverstream’s dress was designed after the horizon of both sky and sea. Light blue with seafoam green.

Ocellus‘s dress is light purple to match her wing membrane with a flowery necklace.

Yona’s dress had grey outlines like the mountains with light pink bows in her hair.

Everyone smiled at them.

"Oh my. All three of you look absolutely beautiful," Starlight said softly and kindly.

Ocellus and Yona spun around in their dresses, while Silverstream spun round and twerked, as one more pair of footsteps were heard getting everyone's attention. The last one coming down the steps made everyone smile and made Lightning go wide eyed.

Smolder was walking down the steps in a beautiful purple and red dress that looked almost like Sunset’s with orange gems on one of her antlers.

Lightning stared with his jaw hanging open as Smolder began to approach the group. Gallus gently shoved Lightning towards her a little bit. The two met each other halfway and both were blushing.

"W-wow S-Smolder," Lightning stammered as he gazed at the dragon in front of him. "Y-you look beautiful."

Smolder’s face was now bright red as she replied, "Thank you, Lightning. You don't look so bad yourself."

Everyone in the room either had a soft smiles on their faces or were giggling.

"Alright, you two lovebirds. Let's get going, we don't want to be late," Rainbow said before making her way out the door.

Everyone followed behind her as Lightning and Smolder continued to stare at each other for one more minute before joining the group. Once everyone was at the station, they gave the conductor their tickets and made their way onto the train to Canterlot. Almost everypony on board was wearing something fancy as well. Everyone looked at all the well dressed ponies before finding a car.

Everyone entered the car and found their seats. Fluttershy sat with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie sat with Applejack, Twilight sat with Rarity and Oliver and Sunset sat with Starlight. On the opposite side of the car, Applebloom sat in a seat with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and Lightning sat in a seat with the Young Six. Everyone began talking about what they were going to do tonight as the train began to pull out of the station and began it's journey to Canterlot.


When the train arrived, everyone exited the train and began making their way to the castle. Lightning stood as close to Fluttershy as he could. Even though he had been here before and the streets were practically abandoned at night, it was still a large city and Lightning didn't want to get separated from his mother or the rest of his friends and family. When the group finally arrived at the castle, everyone stood there and smiled knowing that they have finally reached their destination and tonight would be the true best night ever. However before anyone went in, Rarity stepped forward and addressed her friends.

"Alright everycreature, we're finally here and we will truly have the best night ever this time. Now, as for the children, I want you all to be on your best behavior. We are at one of the biggest events of the year after all. It's 7 o'clock now, I want you all to meet us back here at 11 o'clock so we can catch the last train to Ponyville. However, the most important thing I want you all to do tonight, is have fun. Don't be like us last year and ruin what could really be the best night ever."

Lightning and his friends all nodded their heads as the main eight and Oliver smiled at them.

"Alright then," Twilight said, "Let's have the best night ever!"

The main eight and Oliver said goodbye to the children before departing together. Lightning and his friends all smiled at one another.

"Well, we have about an hour before Auntie Rainbow introduces me to the Wonderbolts. What should we all do until then?" Lightning pondered while tapping his chin with his hoof.

"Let's get something to eat. I'm starving." Gallus suggested.

“Yona hungry too.”

The rest of the friends heard their stomach's grumble and nodded their heads in agreement. The group of friends made their way to the ballroom where the buffet was at. There wasn't a highly appetizing selection but it was better than no food at all. The group all took a little bit of food as well as some cake and cookies that Princess Celestia asked Sugarcube Corner to provide. They all found a table and sat down together. Once all their food was gone, they began talking and laughing somewhat loudly earning glares of disapproval from almost every pony in the room. Lightning shrunk a little bit under the hard looks everyone was giving him. Smolder rubbed his shoulder in comfort and reassurance before she began to speak.

"I think we better go somewhere where most of the ponies aren't complete snobs," She said loud enough for the glaring ponies to hear.

The ponies gasped and scowled at her. Smolder however didn't care as she and her friends all left the room.


Once they were outside, they began exploring the castle halls while talking and laughing once more. However, they all stopped laughing and glared angrily at a familiar stallion heading their direction, it was Prince Blueblood. Not wanting anything to do with the arrogant prince, they went in the opposite direction. However, once the prince was out of sight, the friends saw once of the castle’s servants walking down the hallway with a large chocolate cake. A wicked mischievous smile grew on everyone's faces as Blueblood turned the corner and was once again behind them.

Wanting to get some payback at how the spoiled prince treated them at Lightning's birthday party, they kept walking until they were right beside the servant with the cake. Sandbar and Gallus both stuck one of their back legs out without the servant knowing and tripped him. The servant fell flat on his face and lost control of the cart. The cart eventually fell and the cake was sent flying right into Prince Blueblood. The cake coated stallion began screaming like a young filly as Lightning and his friends helped the servant up and acted like it was an accident. The servant assured them that everything was fine as Lightning and his friends tried to contain their laughter at the still screaming prince.

Once they were out of sight, they all fell to the ground and let out a hearty roll of laughter. Their faces were turning red and tears were coming out of their eyes as they laughed for almost five minutes straight. Once they were calm again, they all got up to their feet once more. The group began walking again until they were cut off by Rainbow Dash who landed in front of them.

"Hey there kids, you all enjoying yourselves?" The cyan mare asked the colt, fillies and the Young Six.

The children nodded their heads in response and Rainbow said, "That's good! I'm glad you all are enjoying the night together. But I'm afraid I'm here to split you all up though, because I just got done talking to the Wonderbolts. They told me they wanna meet Lightning."

Lightning immediately began getting energetic as the CMC and Young Six nodded their heads in understanding. They all said goodbye and ran off to find something to do.

Rainbow smiled at Lightning before asking, "You ready to go meet the Wonderbolts?"

The colt nodded his head vigorously and flew off with Rainbow Dash to the VIP area.


Arriving at the VIP area, the two saw everypony, except the Wonderbolts, leaving. Rainbow had special permission from Spitfire herself to visit her nephew after everyone else had to leave. Lightning's excitement turned to shyness when he laid eyes on the famous flying team. It took a few minutes of encouragement from Rainbow Dash to give Lightning enough courage to approach the Wonderbolts. When they did, Rainbow called Spitfire and Soarin over to them. Spitfire gave the young colt a soft smile before Rainbow introduced him.

"Spitfire, Soarin, I'd like to introduce you to my nephew, Lightning Twister."

Lightning tried make himself unseen by hiding behind Rainbow's dress, but Rainbow then gently brought him out as Spitfire trotted up to the shy colt.

"So you're the colt Rainbow Dash has been telling me about, huh?" Spitfire asked Lightning kindly.

Lightning didn’t say anything and nodded his head. Spitfire could understand how shy he was. She laid one of her hooves on his shoulder before talking to him.

"Well, you certainly are a shy little fan, aren't you?" she said, "Heh, don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt ya. It's alright to be a little shy. I get shy sometimes when I meet certain ponies like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I'm also a little shy about performing sometimes too, but I always overcome it when I hear the crowd cheering for us."

Lightning was starting to warm up to the kind mare.

She gently smiled at him before bending her head down to his ear and whispered, "Just between you and me, Soarin says he's not shy about anything, but he's an absolute chicken when talking to Rainbow Dash."

Lightning giggled at that and Rainbow began blushing when she heard the stallion's name. Soarin heard what Spitfire said as well and blushed. He then went over to Lightning and introduced himself. Lightning was finally comfortable around both of the Wonderbolts as everyone smiled at him.

Soarin looked at Lightning before saying, "So, Rainbow Dash tells me that besides her, you are the fastest flyer in Ponyville."

Lightning blushed.

"Well, I’m not that fast," Lightning said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck as the three adults smiled at him.

"Well, we better get going, we have a show tomorrow in Manehatten. It was nice meeting you," Spitfire said to Lightning. Everyone said their goodbyes and the two Wonderbolts flew off into the night.

Rainbow smiled at Lightning and said, "I'm gonna head back to Fluttershy and the others. I'll see you later."

As Rainbow flew off, Lightning walked off to find Smolder.


After five minutes of searching, Lightning saw Smolder sitting near a fountain that had smooth flowing water. He smiled before walking over to her, she then saw him coming as she smiled at him.

“Hey Lightning,” she said, “How did it go?”

“It went alright,” he answered before sitting next to Smolder, “Auntie Rainbow went off to join Momma and the others, so I thought I spend some time with you, alone.”

Smolder smiled before saying, “I’m glad you did, Lightning. Cos I wanted to do that too once you were finished seeing the Wonderbolts.”

Smolder then gently nuzzled Lightning's cheek for a bit as Lightning then looked into her beautiful eyes and she looked into his. The two smiled at one another before closing their eyes. Their heads began moving closer and closer to one another. Both of them didn't know they were about to kiss. Just before Smolder's lips connected to Lightning's, he felt a powerful pain in his shoulder as if something yanked it with hard force and then pulled him backwards. Smolder opened her eyes and saw that Lightning was no longer in front of her. When she turned her head, she immediately gasped in shock and horror.

Lightning was tackled onto the ground by a tall and very angry looking Pegasus stallion with a dark red coat, a black mane and tail, and his cutie mark was a pair of red boxing gloves. The stallion was trying to get a grip of Lightning as Lightning began screaming for help. The stallion tried to get a hoof over his mouth to silence him, but he broke free of the stallion's grip. However before he could run, the stallion got hold of his tuxedo collar and ripped the whole tuxedo off of him and grabbed him once more.

“I’m coming, Lightning!”

Smolder tried to attack the Pegasus and break Lightning free of his grip. However the Pegasus slapped her with a great amount of force and set her flying a few feet away from him knocking the dragon unconscious. Lightning gasped in horror, but before he could say anything, the stallion put a hoof over his mouth and held him to the ground. He then took out a burlap sack and quickly put Lightning inside before tying it. He could feel Lightning kicking around inside and screaming for help. The Pegasus kicked Lightning inside the sack which made him quiet. The stallion then spread his wings out and flew off into the night with Lightning.

By the time, Smolder was conscious again, but she couldn't see Lightning anywhere. Tears welled up in her eyes as she frantically looked around for a second. She then let her tears flow free as she immediately flew inside while crying and screaming at the top of her lungs in the most scared and pain filled voice.



The stallion was now far from Canterlot with Lightning who was in the bag trembling harder than he ever had in the past. The stallion made his way to an old house just a few miles outside Ponyville. He immediately went inside and slammed the door shut. He dropped the sack, with Lightning inside, on the floor and went all around the house locking all windows and doors. He then shut all the curtains on the windows so no one could see inside. Once he felt like the house was secure, the stallion picked up the sack and untied before dumping Lightning out of it and making the little hit the ground hard. Lightning was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably, but he finally looked up at the stallion. Lightning let out a frightened gasp as he began to recognize the stallion. He could only udder out one word in the most terrified tone of voice.
