1000 Years

by DekaSkittalz

Day 186880

You know… in all my time… there were few occasions where I thought: hey, I could actually die here. Even fewer where I thought that the world might legitimately be ending. The thought of the world ending terrifies me more than death ever could. Why? Because there's the chance that I might be spared from whatever armageddon might bring. Lost among the rubble. Forever watching; Never a chance to be free. And knowing my luck, that would probably happen. And if I was spared whatever armageddon throws at the world, knowing me I’d probably be freed when there is nothing left. No civilization, no food, no life.

Very rarely do I think these kind of thoughts. Now happens to be one of those times. Why? Because another fuckwit is striving for world domination. Except… it isn’t really world domination… more like… he wants to pretty much kill everyone. Now, the thought of death doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m not phased by it at all. But it certainly seems to scare the hell out of everyone else. I don’t see why though. I mean, I understand that death scares them, but I think it’s just because that’s how they are; I don’t actually understand the reason for it. It’s such a simple prospect. So easy to cause.

Maybe I’m not scared because I want to die. Fuck living. Fuck the world. Fuck Celestia, Luna, Starswirl, and fuck birds! I’m beyond caring for this world! It’s been 109500 days since Luna asked starswirl to try and find a way to free me. And in 300 fucking years, he still seems to be nowhere close. Bless his soul for trying, but fuck, he isn’t even trying that hard anymore. He thinks I’m a lost cause. Celestia is scared of me, but fuck her anyways because it’s partly her fault I’m in this mess. And fuck Luna because… because… okay maybe I take that one back… she’s the only good I’ve got. The one reason I would maybe NOT want to die, is her. I want to thank her… and tell her how much I appreciate everything she’s done for me.

In all the 186880 days I’ve been here, I cherish the ones with her the most. She’s… my anchor… and I hate her for it. It seems passive aggressive, but hear me out. She’s kept me partially sane by keeping me company. That’s a good thing, right? But if she hadn’t done that, my mind probably would have went blank a long time ago. And that can be seen as a good thing and a bad thing. But to me, it would have been good. Because then I wouldn’t have to fade in and out of time in partial coherence and sanity. In hindsight, I wouldn’t want to have gone this long like this. So you see, I’m grateful to her for making these days somewhat bearable, but I hate her because she’s the reason I even still experience days.

It’s a weird love/hate relationship, I know… it’s like a drug, you love the feeling, but you hate yourself for it later. I should probably backtrack a little bit here though. The part about Starswirl still not being anywhere close to freeing me in particular. I got the chance to see through his eyes about… 40 years ago. Give or take a few, as time is extremely hard to keep track of when it all blurs together in the seemingly short spans of the mental nothingness that exists when there’s nothing going on. Anyways, back to the point. I got to see what goes on behind closed doors with this fucker. And no, I did NOT see him masturbate! Just want to make that clear!

He’s hardly ever working on my problem. Only once a week. Just so he can say he’s making progress when Luna asks him how things are coming along. Maybe he thinks that if I’m ever freed, his chances with her with be reduced to zero. If that’s his fear, he’s sorely mistaken; I don’t see her in that light. If anything, I see her like a little sister; even though she’s probably older than me. And don’t you dare call that a friendzone, I pretty much don’t even exist in the social spectrum.

A more logical explanation, and much less petty one, is that he’s just an entrepreneur who’s thirst for knowledge is never ending. It would make sense, considering he’s still constantly developing more magic. Yeah, that’s right, I said I’m being petty. I know I am and I’ll continue to be petty because I see no reason to change. I’m dead, what do I care? I’ve noticed that emotion like anger, happiness, and even amusement still exist to me, just not how you would think. For example, say something was to ‘piss me off’. I wouldn’t actually feel anger, but I would know that’s what I’m SUPPOSED to feel. So I just continue to use logic to figure out that I’m supposed to feel angry, and continue to formulate my responses and thoughts from there.

Another reason I’ll continue to be petty is because I know something will come along later on that will change my thoughts. So I’ll wait for then instead of bothering with it right now. It’s like… imagine you’re playing a game. And there’s this really cool ability you can get. You get it automatically after a certain point, but you can get it earlier if you grind. Why waste your time grinding for that ability when you can continue on and get other abilities you’ll need, and get the cool one along the way? I hope that makes it a bit more easy to understand. Either way, for now, fuck Starswirl.

Because one way or another, he’s keeping me in suspense. If there’s nothing to be done, then I had hope for nothing. If there is something that can be done, then I waited for longer than I might have had to. It’s a huge clusterfuck. Besides that though, the thing that allowed me to find all this out: my eye. Starswirl’s not the only one who’s been doing some researching. It seems Luna has been doing some snooping around of her own. She’s been trying to find out more about my eye, which definitely has my interest piqued. I never really thought about it as an explorable option, not just because I can’t move on my own, but because I didn’t think there would even be any information on it to begin with.

Turns out, I think I really got the short end of the stick. From what I saw Luna looking at, the one who had the eye before me was really powerful. They never had a chance to actually study the eye, as once he was killed, the eye disappeared; likely to where I found it. Now whether their power was attributed to the eye, or something else, I’m not sure. Last one who had it was also a human; or at the very least, looked human. No way to be sure. And last I checked, humans didn’t run around with powers capable of destroying life as we know it.

That’s another thought though… Man, I haven’t thought about humans in a long time. Anyone in the world I knew is now gone; whether that be due to natural causes, murder, or the world somehow came to an end. My family left to wonder where I went; never to know how I disappeared off the face of the earth. My friends all grown up, met someone who made them happy, had kids of their own, who went on to repeat the cycle. Even they are gone. But the worst part of it all? I can’t remember what any of them looked like, nor their names. My friends, my dog, my sister, my mom and dad… all are just blanks. Any character from any book, movie, game, all blanks. I only remember the fact that I know what they are. It’s a depressing thought; but it only upsets me for the fact that I lost something, not what it was. Can’t miss something if you don’t remember what it was, right?

Holy fuck, I completely went off track. Pending death really gets one to think, doesn’t it? Hell, I would have kept going had I not noticed the big hulking thing walking towards me. Wide fella, has wings, top heavy, furry, has a tail, a belt, and oddly enough, a triangle shaped necklace. I’ve seen him around a little bit, but not much. Apparently he’s Starswirl’s friend. And he ain’t alone right now. The very same old mage along with Luna are heading my way. Why? Ask them yourself; I’d do it myself but something tells me you’d have better luck than I would.

“Pray tell, what is this? And why have you brought me to it? I’ve never seen anything like it, not even in the Nether Lands.” asked Starswirl’s friend, who also happens to look weird as fuck. Yeah, I didn’t say shit about you but you’re quick to assume I’m some sort of whore hound from hell or something ain’tcha.

Luna at least had my back as she had it in her to look somewhat offended. “This, Scorpan, is Null. He appeared in Equestria around the time Discord was wreaking havoc.” She lets out a disappointed sigh. “Unfortunately, I foolishly gave in to my sisters fears of him and helped imprisoned him in stone with the elements of harmony.”

“You used the elements of harmony on him. But now you regret this decision? More importantly, what would cause your sister fear of such a small creature? He hardly seems dangerous.” he says with a confused look as he continues to examine me.

“Yes, I regret it dearly. It was a hastily made decision, and almost groundless. What causes Null to scare Celestia? Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared as well. The possibility of what could have happened couldn’t be ignored, but I wish we had went about it differently. But to answer the question, he possessed what we call a Left Eye.”

“Left Eye?” Scorpan parrots questioningly, finally tearing his gaze from me. Bout time too, he’s adding onto the heeby jeeby shivers that are just piling up.

Starswirl decides to chime in this time before Luna could respond. “The Left Eye; a mark bearing great power. A long time ago, another creature similar to Null here nearly wiped out all life in existence. He also had the Left Eye. at first, we thought it was just unique to him, but if Null has it, we know it can’t have been.” he scratches his beard in thought, while Luna stares at him somewhat slack jawed.

“Starswirl, you were around when Harbinger was?!”

This was new information for me. I had never known the name of the one before me, and now my curiosity was piqued; everything else be damned!

Starswirl simply looks at Luna, then realizes what she asked as his eyes go wide and he laughs awkwardly. “N-no, perhaps I phrased something wrong. I was not around at the time; however, an ancestor of mine was. And he kept a journal that for a page or two, detailed his observations of Harbinger. They weren’t much, and hardly worth looking at. In fact I believe you have already read it if you know that it was called Harbinger.” he tacks on at the end.

Luna lets out an ‘oh’ and falls back into silence. A silence Scorpan decides to break. “I see. That still doesn’t tell me why you brought me to it.”

Yeah, why did you bring this thing to me?

“Well, you said you wanted to know more about Equestrian Culture. I figured I would show you one last piece before we go to fight your brother, as the unfortunate reality is: we might not get another chance to share like this again.” Luna says with a bit of sorrow in her voice.

Scorpan, confusingly, takes on a look of disdain at the mention of his brother. Frankly, I didn’t know the freak had a brother. “I’ve tried to convince my brother to forgo his plans to rend Equestria of its magic; that doing so would bring about a societal collapse.” he lets out a sigh as he turns back and faces me directly, which threw me off because he’s at eye level with me; I’m not used to that. “But he would hear none of it. Said that you’re kind was below us. That you should be lucky he doesn’t kill you all outright.” His expression morphs from disdain to outright disgust as he continues to talk about his brother. “But I’ve seen the damage he can cause. When he feeds, it leaves them a husk of their former selves. Devoid of any magic, barely able to stand, left to just rot in the elements. And even if he was defeated and the stolen magic returned, there will be many who will not recover. He has no magic of his own; so when he absorbs and uses the magic of others, that magic is expunged. Gone and used forever. Never to be returned to its owner, and leaving them in such a state in which they cannot help themselves. Which is why we need to put him down as swiftly as possible.” his expression finally settles on one of anger, and he takes a few breaths to calm himself. “I apologize as I have probably downplayed the severity of this issue in the past, but I made the mistake of believing my brother could change.”

Luna and Starswirl are stunned in silence, but angered nonetheless. Not at Scorpan, but at his brother for doing such things without a single thought about the repercussions his actions have on his victims.

Scorpan is disturbed from his brooding as a raindrop hits his head and causes him to look up into the sky. Odd, as it’s winter time. Just cold enough to make the rain freezing, but not enough to make it snow. Combine that with a darkened sky, the sun blocked out by clouds entirely? That’s the scene I have in front of me. Scorpan looks at me again, and this time, his eyes catch mine just right, causing me to internally yell out in pain. Despite having done it before, it has never been a seamless transition; always a huge pain. Scorpan, for his part, seems to only have a twitch in his eye, which I assume he must have passed off as a raindrop, as he doesn’t say anything regarding it.

As his vision comes into focus for me, I can see myself once again. And absolutely NOTHING has changed. Did I expect anything to change? Not really… but one can always hope, right? Wait… what… no fucking way…. SON OF A BITCH! FUCK BIRDS! THAT IS CLEARLY BIRD CRAP ON MY SHOULDER! The world is ending, and a bird decides to be the final fuck you to me… fucking amazing. It better wash off in the rain…

Scorpan turns his sight away from me as Celestia descends from her tower directly to them. And once again, the moving vision is causing turmoil in my head. I’m handling it well enough though. “It is nearly time. Are we all ready?” Celestia asks the small group.

Luna and Starswirl give off a nod, while Scorpan turned from her and faced the forest that surrounds the castle and village. Letting out a snort through his nose, he nods. “I suppose it’s time to end Tirek’s conquest, isn’t it… we’ll need to end this quickly to maximize the amount who will recover.”

Celestia taps on Scorpan’s shoulder, causing him to turn around and look down at her. “We have the plan. But it will require Tirek to be distracted long enough to give us an opening.”

The hell are you planning on doing? You want a new lawn ornament or something?

Luna nods in agreement with her sister. “Yes, Starswirl’s research on the elements have revealed some new properties. With a bit of influence, hopefully we can use them to extract the magic Tirek has stolen and return it to where it belongs. After that, we’ll end him.”

Scorpan shakes his head. “Returning the magic is the top priority. Evil or not, he is still my brother and I won’t kill him. He needs to pay for his crimes anyways, not take an easy way out. We’ll banish him. Something I’m sure you two are capable of?” he asks as he continues to look out into the forest above the treeline.

From my own view, I see Celestia and Luna glance at each other with looks I can’t quite place… unease perhaps? Maybe they know how but have never done it.

But if that’s the case, they don’t let it show as Celestia speaks up. “Y-yes, that is something we can do.” she lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry Scorpan, but if for any reason it fails, we will have to… you know.”

Way to show no hesitation princess… truly a great leader. Even Scorpan can tell you aren’t exactly telling the truth as his eyes dart down to the side. He turns around and faces the princesses. “You sound unsure. Whether that be because you do not believe yourselves capable of banishing him, or you really fear it won’t work for some other reason, I don’t need to know. However, you need to trust in the path of mercy. Your nation is so peaceful, yet so ready for war at the drop of a hat. Developing more and more will only push others to try and keep up. Think, if you had not befriended me, you and your nation would have fell. It was friendship that brought us together, friendship that will see us through today, friendship that will have you banish Tirek, and if you are smart, friendship that will lead you to the future. Always remember that.”

Luna speaks up at that, somewhat indignantly. “You expect us to simply roll over and befriend any who are against us?”

Scorpan scoffs. “Hardly. Of course, be ready to defend yourselves. I’m simply suggesting you arm one hand, but offer the other. Friendship is a very powerful thing. No one can stand alone against everything. Remember that.”

They are about to say something back, are interrupted when a faint thud is heard in the distance. Then the crack of a tree falling. A louder thud. It continues to get louder and louder, and Scopran finally turns around. When he does, I see some trees falling towards us, and after a moment, a red centaur emerges from the treeline.

He seems to stare at the group for a moment, possibly sizing them up. Even through the stone, I can feel the tension rising. Finally, after a solid minute of constant eye contact, Scopran breaks the silence. “Tirek. You know I stand here as your enemy, not your brother; I will not hold back.”

Tirek scoffs, showing no sign of caring. “So be it. If you cannot help, you are useless to me. And if you cannot help me, you are against me. You were against me the moment we set hoof here. Your interference will end here!” he charges forward at Scorpan, who also charges forward to meet him halfway.

I see Celestia and Luna don their armour with magic and summon their Halberd and Swords respectively. Starswirl stands there with his eyes closed and horn glowing. What are you doing old man…

Celestia and Luna dart off and crash into Tirek head on, pushing him back a bit, both on either side of Scorpan. Tirek smirks and opens his mouth, but before he can do anything, Scorpan lets Tirek push his momentum, and uses it to swing him around back the way he came; interrupting whatever tirek was doing. Starswirl finally opens his eyes and they are glowing white. He teleports away, and through Scorpan’s vision, who has jumped high and flown far to keep Tirek in his sight, I see Starswirl Reappear on over top of Tirek and shoot a ball of magic at him. This ball connects with Tirek and explodes like a tripwire mine, sending him flying down towards the ground. Celestia and Luna catch up and meet Tirek as he hits the ground and goes skidding; trying to get up, The princesses slam into him, driving him even further from the castle due to his uneven footing. Scorpan flies down and slams on him from above, and starts laying into him with a series of punches.

Tirek seems to finally have had enough, as he blasts Scorpan off of him with a huge beam of magic that obscures our vision. As scorpan goes flying, I can hear another explosion go off somewhere around him and see his vision jerk around a bit. This repeats itself a few times before another kind of explosion, and the sound of Tirek yelling out is heard. Scorpan’s vision clears slowly, the white light fading to allow him to get a view of his surroundings. Around him, the tree’s are almost all have their top halves blown off, others with chunks missing. Scorpan looks up to see Starswirl blasting Tirek with a beam of magic, and Celestia and Luna charging at Tirek from behind, weapons at the ready to stab into him. Tirek jumps before he can be impaled, causing Starswirl’s magic to nearly hit the princesses, who luckily saw it hurtling towards them and peel off to either side.

Watching this fight go on, I get flashbacks to when They fought Sombra. Everything is so similar, yet different. Once again, there is no music, no perfect view of every part of the action. Simply the sound of combat. It’s a unique sound, not heard very often. It’s… refreshing; As morbid as that sounds.

I’m thrown from my moment of thought as Scorpan lands in front of tirek, and they start to exchange a series of blows. After a moment, Tirek starts to overpower his brother with punches and elbows, and goes in to spear him. Scorpan takes the hit, and grabs onto him and lifts him up, fucking piledriving his ass hard into the ground, and kicks him away hard.

Starswirl catches up once again, but his white eyes seem to be fading a bit; this is probably very taxing on him. Nonetheless, he still manages to cast his next spell, which appears to be a gridlock barrier around Tirek, the inside of which is soon rained down upon by fucking meteors! Tirek, confused by the barrier, didn’t see the meteors coming and starts to get absolutely pounded by each one as they explode on contact with him. Starswirl immediately starts casting another spell, this one being a series of lightning bolts slamming down on Tirek from the sky.

Tirek appears to have had enough of this as he lets out a huge scream, and does something which shatters the barrier around him, sending fragments of magic flying, which all impale themselves on trees before fading away. “Enough! I have let this go on far too long!” he yells out. “I’ll kill you!” he yells out before charging Scorpan with his horns pointed directly at him.

Scorpan is unable to react as Tirek was too fast, and gets impaled by his horns. Scorpan’s breath catches, and he looks down at his older brother, both horns bloody and stabbed through him. He regains his sense of self, and grabs onto tireks horns, trying to either pull them out or break them. Before he can make any headway, Tirek starts to gather magic at his horns, which causes whatever he’s casting to go on directly inside of Scorpan. The spell seems to be a fire spell, as an orange glow emits from inside his abdomen. Scorpan falls to the ground, unable to scream as he’s in a state of shock, and Tirek rips his horns out. “You were always useless.” Tirek states with indifference, and turns to walk away.

However, before he’s able to, a rainbow seems to slam into him, causing him to let out an ear splitting shriek. What this rainbow is doing to him, I don’t know, but seeing it scares the absolute shit out of me. I’ve only seen it one other time, and back then, it was directed at me.

Wisps of all sorts of colors start flying away from Tirek, heading in all kinds of directions. Through the rainbow, I can see his silhouette getting smaller and smaller, and until a portal opens up next to the rainbow. The rainbow disappears, leaving tirek standing there, confused and angry. He can’t do anything however, because Celestia and Luna slam into him from the side and kick his ass into the portal, then cut off the magic flowing from their horns, thus closing the portal.

The vision starts to fade away, and disappears completely as I assume Scorpan is either dying or passing out from blood loss and having his innards fried. But just because his vision fades, doesn’t mean mine is what I see. Once again, my vision is going blank. My final thoughts going out to Scorpan, hoping he walks away from this alright. I won’t be able to see it, but I’m sure I’ll find out one way or another.