//------------------------------// // Something Sinister // Story: The Legend of Zelda Friendship is Magic 2: Return of Majora // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// Majora was trying to plan ahead in this plot to take over both Equestria, and Hyrule at the same time. Despite his thinking and brainstorming, Majora was growing more afraid of Link inside. The hero only had a few more shards of that very mask who killed him before, back together as whole. He was planning of a plan to find the remaining mask shards so Link would never assemble the Fierce Deity's mask together. If that mask did come back together, Majora's plans to take over the world will be thwarted and crushed like diamonds turning to sand. "How is it that he is always one step ahead of me?" He wondered out loud, pacing to and fro. "How is it that he and his meddlesome friends keep interfering with my plans?" "Because he is a hero of Legend." Said a female voice, strong and calm as the gentle summer breeze. It was Zelda, who is trapped in a magical barrier with her hands tied behind her back. "He will stop you, Majora. I know he will." "Bah! You're little boyfriend doesn't stand a chance against me once I am at my full power, princess." "You're scared." Zelda firmly said with her eyes thin at him. "I know you are." "Shut up!" Majora shouted. "I am the true king of darkness! I cannot possibly be afraid of anything!" "Why are you doing this, Majora? These are innocent creatures you are killing and or corrupting. Wake up!" "What do you mean: 'why am doing this?'" Majora retorted. "Are you blind, princess? I am the true lord of all evil, and I kill whatever I want, whenever I want. But if only there was a way for that Link to be absolutely powerless and-" a new idea popped in his head. He looked at Zelda with an evil, wicked smile on his monstrous face. Zelda still tried to look tough and firm, but she was slowly starting to become scared. "I think I found the perfect idea to have Link Crumble on his knees, along with the rest of his cronies." He slowly approached princess Zelda in a very menacing way. And the closer he got, the more he was showing his sharp, knife-like teeth. "Come here, Princess." He deactivated the barrier and laid his hands on her shoulders. "No, NO, NOOO!!!" Meanwhile, Link, Colin, Fluttershy, Pip, Lyra, and everyone else were having a little celebration on Mt. Aris, and Colin was back to his original form. A small feast with some seaweed-theme fruits and some nuts like peanuts, cashews, almonds, and other types of exotic, edible nuts. "Well, this is another job-well-done, my fear friends." Said Discord before taking a whole bowl of peanuts, and scarfing them all down his throat. After he ate the cashews in the bowl, he let out a gigantic, earthquake-like burp that caused the houses to mildly Rumble from the impact. "Oh boy. Excuse me." Everyone else looked at him, not looking impressed. "Discord, must you do this?!" Said the queen in an exasperated voice. "I'm the master of chaos, Novo. It's what I do. Besides, if your houses are destroyed, you can just rebuild them again." "Don't worry about him." Said Fluttershy. "He can be a real sweetheart." "Well, I certainly thank you Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Sky Star, Silverstream and Terramar for helping me come back to my senses." "You should give Link, Princess Twilight, and their friends some credit too, your highness." Terramar pointed out. She smiled warmly at him. "Of course, my dear Terramar." "So, I wonder where we go from here." Said Colin. "I'll see what Kit has to say." He put on the Keaton mask again, and it took a little more than a few seconds. Kit suddenly appeared from the ground like magic and he had that rather adorable smile on his kitsune face. "You have all done so well in collecting the shards of the legendary mask." He said. "There's still a few more left before it is complete." Said Colin. "How many more do we need to find, Kit?" "Let me take a look at it." Link went up to him, and showed him the almost complete mask. "It's almost whole again." "Indeed, it is." “Where are the last ones?” Asked Applejack. “It apppears That there are only.... two more pieces of the mask to assemble befriend it is fully complete. Be warned, Majora is growing stronger and stronger every minute that passes by. You all need to take him down ASAP.” “That won’t be a problem,” Said Bon Bon. “I do like that attitude, but still, you should proceed with caution.” Kit continued. “The second-to-last one lies within the mysterious and dangerous Everfree Forest, and the very last one lies within the Dragon Lands.” “Whoo. That’s a relief.” Said Spike. “We can just tell Ember that she needs to help us find the shard.” “Hello?” Said Lyra. “You know how... grabby dragons can be when it comes to gold or gems, right?” “Lyra’s right.” Said Fluttershy. “If it did end up in a dragon’s gold pile, he or she would not want to give it to us willingly.” “That’s why Ember can help me with that.” Spike pointed. “The least she can do is talk to that dragon.” “True. Still, I think we will take down that greedy dragon if we have to.” Thorax Said. Another thing on Link’s mind was the safety and the well-being of Princess Zelda, Majora’s captive. It was another thing he wanted to accomplish: safe Zelda again, and not fail in doing what he does as the hero of Twilight. “Don’t worry, Zelda.” Link thought to himself. “We’ll save you soon. Just hang in there a little longer.” “I wonder where in the Everfree Forest it might be.” Said Rarity. “It’s our guess,” Said Pip. “It could be in that old, ruined castle that the pricness’ used to live in, or atteh Tree Of Harmony.” “Those are pretty good theories. pip.” Said Fluttershy. “Good thing we all know It well.” “Still, we should always be careful in that place.” Said Rainbow. “So many monsters mean enough to fight us on.” “I’m sure we’ll find the last shards.” Mathayus Said with confidence. “As soon as we have completed the mask, we will out an end to Majora and his madness.” "You are all the heroes of this world and Hyrule, you all need to succeed in the name of Justice." "Right. But, I hope Zelda's okay. I would never forgive myself if Majora even laid a finger on her." "We'll save her soon, Link." Said Colin. "I know we will." Link then smiled at his younger brother-figure. He knew that maybe there is hope, and he needed to keep his head high in his bravery and courage. Soon, he will he able to bring peace to Hyrule and Equestria once again. Will they have enough power to save princess Zelda and everyone they care about? Nevertheless, the festival continued on and everyone said their byes to Novi, and the other hippogriffs snd or Hippodromes. The train arrived many minutes after and they were all off to find the last two shards of the Fierce Deity's mask and finally he able to stop Majora. "Maybe Celestia and Luna guide you on your quest Link." Novo Said to herself. "Thank you."