//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Weird Royal Treatment // Story: WAY Too Many Marefriends, and Girlfriends(?) // by ThePinkedWonder //------------------------------// Oh man, this was the weirdest day of my life. This was so weird, I'm not even gonna give much of a recap like I usually do, and I'm just gonna skip most of it this time. Starlight, Spike, and I were on our way to the Crystal Empire to hide me at Sunburst's place. Once I was safely there, Starlight would finally be able to focus on fixing a spell she cast on me that's making every mare think I'm their boyfriend, and not take "no" for an answer, as one of the weirdest side effects of all-time. Starlight's invisibility spell wouldn't last long enough to hide me for the entire trip, so she had no choice but to end the counterspell's effect of the Nightmare Prevention spell's magic that's still active on me to shrink me back to four inches tall, since without its counterspell, I can't be my normal height. This way I can hide in her mane, and she'd keep me there till we got to Sunburst's place, then cast the counterspell again to return me to my normal height. I haven't been on her head in over three weeks, so it was about time to get on my big sister's head again for a while, anyway. In the Crystal Empire, at Sunburst's place, Starlight levitated me off her head, sat me on a chair, and recast the counterspell to return me to normal height. Then she, Spike, and I told Sunburst all that's going on. Playing with his beard, Sunburst asked, "Really? Every mare has chased after Eric all day?" "Yep, and "chasing" might be putting it lightly, Sunburst," Spike sighed. "No kidding, If Starlight wasn't a Unicorn that mastered teleportation, she wouldn't have been able to get me out of there!" "We didn't try to ask Rarity for help, because she was working at her place, and the last place to hide Eric from mares is there. You're the only one I could think of to help us hide him, so, can he hide here until I can reverse this spell on him?" "Sure, Starlight, he can hide here, and I'll help you figure out how to reverse that spell on him." "All right, thanks a lot Sunburst. I owe you one. I'll be sure to stay out of your and Starlight's way while you two figure out how to fix the spell Starlight cast on me." Starlight grabbed two books from a bookshelf with magic. "Well, Sunburst, the first thing we gotta do is find out what part of the spell went wrong, then use a spell to counteract it. I think Twilight and I have been over it before, but I don't remember exactly what it was." Sunburst picked up another two books from the bookshelf. "Okay, let's get to work, Starlight." Starlight and Sunburst went through book after book, as they tried and figure out how to reverse the spell on me. They went on about some spells that I still can't or just struggle to pronounce. This felt very familiar to my first day in Equestria, when Twilight and Starlight were trying to learn the counterspell to the Nightmare Prevention Spell. Except that this time, I'm waiting while normal-sized, and not hiding in a mane of a (to a tiny-size me) giant pony. Close to an hour later, Starlight and Sunburst were getting close to figuring out how to reverse the spell. Sunburst went to a window to take a look outside, gasped, and nervously asked, "Uh, Starlight, since you're the one that cast the spell, do you think the 'side effect' to it would be strong enough to affect Alicorns?" Starlight put a hoof to her cheek and thought about that. "Hmm. It might, if they weren't prepared for it. Why you ask?" "In that case, you better hide, Eric. Now." "But why should he--" Before Spike could finish, we found out why Sunburst asked if Alicorns would be affected. Princess Cadance, with Flurry Heart on her head, came through the door and pulled me to her with her magic. She then threw her forelegs around me, gave -- you guessed it -- a romantic smile, and batted her eyes. Then she gave me a wet one on the lips. Just like when the Unicorns got me on the lips, I couldn't turn my head because I was in the grip of Cadance's magic. In fact, because I was in an Alicorn's magical grip, I could barely move anyway. Not that it made it much less awkward for me, but I'd say that Cadance batted her eyes not just better than Rainbow, but better than Rarity. "There you are, sweetie! I knew you'll come to the Crystal Empire before the day was over!" "P-Princess Cadance! You didn't say you were coming by today. What's wrong?" Still holding me in her forelegs and magic, Cadance kissed me a second time, then turned to Sunburst. "Oh, I'm sorry about that, Sunburst. I know I shouldn't just show up without warning just because I'm a princess, and think I can just do what I want. But I could just sense that Eric was here, and I just had to come get my sweetie." "B-But what about Shining Armor? He won't like us like this, Princess Cadance, nor will Twilight!" "Well, we can keep this a secret from them, can't we? I do so much as a Princess, so I deserve the fun of having a boyfriend and a husband! And you don't have to call me 'Princess Cadance', sweetie. Call me 'Heartstealer'. Don't that sound better for the pony that has your heart?" Cadance wouldn't be wrong about that you know, if she did steal my heart! At this point, Starlight had got to be nearing her limit on freeing me from love-sick mares, and it might just be her sisterly love that's keeping her going. But she tried to do it again by running up to Cadance and begged, "Wait, hold on, Princess Cadance. Uh, how about we go prepare him for...whatever you want to do with him first?" Spike, probably nearing his limit too, added, "Y-yeah! You don't get much free time to just...enjoy yourself. So, uh, don't you want to make it count?" Cadance rolled her eyes up, and shocked all of us, including Sunburst and answered, "Hmm...no, I'm good. I love Eric the way he is right now, so he can come with me now." Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and I all yelled, "What?!" "Yeah! I'm not a type of princess that needs everything perfect, anyway. I've waited too long as it is --"Cadance levitated Flurry Heart to Sunburst "--and Sunburst, you can watch Flurry Heart can't you? Let's go, Eric!" WOW! Right now, Cadance was making Twilight look like a princess princess! Twi doesn't carry herself like a "princess", so you could never guess she's one if no one told you, or if you couldn't tell just by the fact that she's an Alicorn. But she does like to make things as perfect as she can: there's a reason why she loves making lists. Princess Cadance? At this point, nope, she didn't care a bit about perfection! Anyway, the Princess of low maintenance took her forelegs off me, but still held on to me with her magic, turned around to Sunburst's still-open door, and was about to carry me out, when Sunburst asked, "Uh, wait, Princess Cadance! Eric doesn't feel so good right now, so can you give us some time to make him feel better?" Funny thing is, Sunburst probably thought he was lying, but in truth, he really wasn't. I wasn't feeling good over all this. Starlight added, "Uh, yeah, Princess Cadance, he was saying he has a headache, right, Buggie?" That made Cadance loosen her magical grip on me a little, so I could move my arm enough to rub my head, pretending it was hurting badly. It wasn't hurting bad, but just a little. "Uh, yeah, it's really bad, so can you wait a while, my little, uh, Heartstealer?" Cadance bought it, finally let me go, and she even set me down on the floor gently with her magic. At least she was kind enough to be careful setting me down...unlike some other Alicorn that dropped me on the floor the week before. But before I could relax, she told me, "Oh, well, I guess it can't be helped, so I'll come back in fifteen minutes for you, sweetie, okay?" "Wait, only fifteen minutes?! What if he needs more time?" Spike asked, with his eyes wide open. "If he still feels bad, I'll use the power of our love to make him feel better. Okay, guys, make him well, or I will!" Cadance picked up Flurry Heart from Sunburst with her magic, set her on her head, and left. Starlight, Spike, Sunburst, and I just sat down on the floor. We all needed to process what happened. Oh, and you guys reading this better not tell Shining Armor I called his wife "Heartstealer" if you ever come here to Equestria and meet him! "Uh...is that what Shining Armor goes through with Cadance when we're not around?!" I asked. Starlight, with a hoof on her cheek, answered, "No, I don't think so, Buggie. Remember, the side effect of that spell doesn't only make mares think you're their boyfriend, but make them be a lot more aggressive about it than they'll normally be, or 'out-of-character' I guess you could say." "And is that why they won't leave Eric alone, even if he's clearly not interested?" "It should be the reason, Sunburst. I know Trixie, and if she ever gets a boyfriend, she'll never try to drag him away against his will." "Well, I guess that answers that question, but it doesn't answer this question, Starie: what do we do if Cadance comes back before you learn how to fix this spell?! She's an Alicorn, and I can't escape an Alicorn! I couldn't even escape Fluttershy!" Starlight assured, "All right, just calm down, Buggie. Princess Cadance said she'll be back in fifteen minutes, but it should be enough time for Sunburst and me to get rid of the side effect of the spell on you." "Well, you better get to it guys!" Spike demanded. But before Starlight and Sunburst could get to it again, Princess Celestia opened Sunburst's front door and ran in! Now even the ruler of Equestria's getting into the act! I once again found myself getting grabbed in a mare's magic. This did go a bit different: because of her height, while pulling me to her, Celestia lifted me in the air higher then the other mares did, by about two feet in the air. Other than that, she did everything the other mares did: she gave "the smile", batted her eyes (better than Rainbow) wrapped her forelegs around me, and then came the kiss on the lips. If you've been keeping count, how many times have I've been kissed by a mare at this point? Over nine thousand?! No wait, that can't be right. Anyway, with me in her grip, Celestia said, "Here you are, my little Sunshine! I thought you would've been at my palace by now!" "Uh, I would?" "Yes! I thought you'll come to me by now! Are you trying to play hide and seek with me, because I found you! What do I win?" And as Celestia was asking about getting a prize for "finding" me, the Princess of The Night came in! After she used her magic to free me from Celestia's grip, she pulled me to her, gave me the treatment that I'd been getting this whole story, and did "it" better than you-know-who. "There you are, my little dreamboat! And don't you worry, you're not dreaming: I really am here!" Welp, there went any hopes I might've had about this being a dream. Celestia turned to face Luna, pulled me back to her with her magic, and wrapped a foreleg around me. "Hey, sister! Eric is my boyfriend! Get your own!" "No, sister, he is my boyfriend!" Luna pulled me back to her. Celestia took me back, and yelled at Luna in her "Royal Canterlot" voice, "No, this little Sunshine is mine!" With the pupils of my eyes spinning in circles from getting this kind of "Royal Treatment" Luna pulled me to her yet again, and yelled in her "Royal Canterlot" voice, "No! Dreamboat here is mine! I need him more than you, sister!" Maybe it was because she heard Celestia and Luna's yelling, but Cadance came back, much sooner than she said, and asked, "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna? Why are you two here?" It wasn't just Cadance: I was still curious about that myself. While still in Luna's grip, I added to Cadance's question and questioned, "Y-yeah, why are you here? I thought you were still sleeping, Princess Luna--" I looked in Celestia's direction "--and that you were with Twilight helping her with her lectures, Princess Celestia?" Celestia pulled me from Luna's magic, and told us, "Well, Twilight's the best student I've ever had, my little Sunshine, and a wonderful princess, so she can handle it all by herself. You need me more!" Luna took me back. "And I can just go to sleep later! You're in need for some 'Luna-lovin' now!" Now it was Cadance's turn to pull me to her with her magic, and she also wrapped a wing around me. "Wait, Princess Luna! I'm the Princess of Love remember? If anypony should give my little sweetie any 'lovin', It's me, isn't that right, sweetie?" Cadance leaned her head around to me, still wrapped in her wing, gave me another romantic smile and batted her eyes again. I had no idea how to respond to the Princess of Awkward Questions, so I got out nothing but stutters. Starlight's, Spike's, and Sunburst's eyes were locked at the sight in front of them. They just couldn't believe what they were seeing. Spike facepalmed. "I was not ready for today." Starlight facehoofed too. "Neither was I, Spike." Sunburst facehoofed last. "Nor was I, when you three came here." I didn't say it, but I sure wasn't ready for today either! Starlight finally shook it off, teleported me to her, and then teleported me, Spike, Sunburst, and herself in some bushes outside of Sunburst's house. The three love-crazed Princesses ran out of the house and turned their heads back and forth, trying to see if they could spot where we went. "Where did he go?" Did you see, sister? Cadance?" "No, I didn't see, sister." "I didn't either. Did they get away?" "For now, they did. But I'll find my little Sunshine, and this could be an opportunity, my sister and niece." "What do you mean?" "Well, Cadance, Instead of the three of us just argue over who gets Eric, how about if we settle it this way: whoever catches him first, gets him as her boyfriend?" "Ah yes, that's a good idea, sister! What says you, Cadance?" "Yeah, I like it too, and this is the Crystal Empire, so it's like I have home-field advantage!" "So, deal?" Both Cadance and Luna said, "Deal!" and all three went in a different direction to try to find me. Hiding in the bushes with Starlight, Spike, and Sunburst, I said, "Uh, Starie? I'm starting to get a little scared here. Not even you can keep this up much longer against three Alicorns!" "Don't worry, Buggie. They're not heading towards us, so we got some time to reverse the spell, and we're so close to learning how to do it." Spike suggested, "Well, you and Sunburst should get to work, fast, before they come back and see Eric, or before some other mare grabs him!" Sunburst crept out of the bushes, and went in his house first. This is so that, if one of the princesses came, he could tell them I went in a direction that's not toward the bushes the rest of us was hiding in to make them leave again. After Sunburst was inside, and we didn't see any signs of the Princesses, Starlight, Spike, and I began to come out the bush too. But as I was about halfway out, I yelped as a Unicorn yanked me backward from the bush with magic, and behind a house near Sunburst's. Who was it this time?! "Hi! I bet you weren't expecting me to come, were you, cutie?" This was getting beyond ridiculous! The mare that had me in her magical grip, with her forelegs around me, giving "the smile" and eye bat (even better than Cadance) and kissed me on the lips, was none other than...Sunset Shimmer. Yes, the Sunset Shimmer, in her pony form. What made her come?! I found myself not just wiping my mouth, but spitting a bit and was out of breath. Why? Because not only did Sunset kiss me the longest, at ten seconds, but she did something the other mares didn't when they kissed me on the lips: This Unicorn used tongue! "S-Sunset? Is that you? What are you doing here?!" "Why do you think? It's because you're here! And if you're gonna get the 'Royal Treatment' then it should be by me!" That confused me, and I asked, "But, why you? No offense, and it's not like you don't deserve to be a princess or anything, but you're still a Unicorn, Sunset. I thought only Alicorns can be princesses?" Sunset rolled her eyes up, thinking, and brought them back down to me. "Well, let's just pretend I am an Alicorn right now, cutie, and I should've gotten Alicorn wings after the Friendship Games anyway! Now give me another kiss!" I'll be honest with you guys: if Sunset didn't have to change back to her pony form in Equestria, I would enjoy this. I mean, in her human form, Sunset Shimmer isn't just cute, she's hot! But with her in her pony form, it's no less weird than with any other mare kissing me. After putting up with mares chasing and grabbing me so much, I was finally at my limit, and I yelled, "Will you let me go, Sunset Shimmer?! I don't want to kiss you!" Starlight lost track of me when Sunset pulled me away from that bush with her magic, but when she heard me yell at Sunset, Starie came running to where we were, and teleported me to her. "Sunset, leave him alone! He said he doesn't want to kiss you! And why are you here, anyway?" But Sunset just pulled me right back to her with her magic. "I'm here for this cutie, Starlight! I know we're friends and all, but this man doesn't need a marefriend, he needs a girlfriend!" Starlight shook her head. "No, it's not like that, Sunset! I don't think about him like that, he's like my brother!" "In that case, can you leave us alone? I have some work to do here." Oh, boy, Sunset really did it there. Something about the way Sunset said that, plus with how Starlight was already so stressed to begin with at this point, triggered my big sister. Starlight entered not "Big sister" mode, but into the less common "Overprotective big sister" mode. She took a few steps forward, yanked me away from Sunset with her magic to her, braking Sunset's magical grip on me in the process. "Hey, hey, HEY! Don't you talk like he's just something for you to 'do', Sunset! Did you forget that I said he's like my brother?! Leave him alone!" Sunset pulled me away from Starlight and to her again with her magic. "Oh, come on, Starlight, Just give me a minute with him! I need to Sunshim my man here!" My eyes widened to their limits so fast when I heard Sunset say that, my eyelids were hurting! That was not happening! Especially NOT OUTSIDE!! Starlight pulled me back to her. "Sunset, I said leave my brother alone! I'm serious!" Sunset took me back. "Okay, I won't Sunshim him. So all I'll do is just kiss this cutie, I promise! Just one more little kiss!" Starlight gritted her teeth, walked right up to Sunset's face, and pulled me to her yet again. But this time, once big sis Starie got me beside her, she wrapped a foreleg around and held me to her tightly, so Sunset couldn't pull me away again. "Sunset Shimmer, this is your last warning. if you don't leave my little brother alone right now, I'll knock you back through that portal from here!!" Before Sunset could respond, we saw Princess Celestia running toward us, but still a good distance away, so she couldn't make out it was us, yet. For some reason, seeing her made Sunset frown, and she got really nervous. Turning away, she quickly said, "Okay you win, Starlight I'll leave Eric alone! Bye!" and that mare ran away, fast, and I don't think it was from Starlight. Starlight teleported herself, Spike, and me into Sunburst's house, before Celestia could see us. Not sure why she didn't think to just do that in the first place, so Sunset wouldn't have been able to try to Sunshim me! Starie, still in her "Overprotective big sister" mode, was still fuming over Sunset, and having trouble calming herself down. Stomping around back and forth in Sunburst's house, mad enough for red smoke to start coming out from her horn at any moment, Starlight angrily muttered, "I can't believe she talked about you like that, Buggie, like you're just a...thing! Ooh, just wait till I see her again...!" Sunburst didn't see Sunset out there, and while watching Starlight stomp around, he asked her, "What do you mean, Starlight? Who did what?" Spike, standing beside me, reminded, "Wait, Starlight! You said that spell make mares act a lot more aggressive than they usually do, right? So that might not have been her fault!" "Well, yeah, Spike, but still, she--" I took a few steps towards Starlight, and slowly moved my hands up and down in a "calm down" motion, to try to calm her down. "I get why you're still so mad, and I'd be furious too if it were the other way around. But she didn't mean any of that stuff she said to me, and you know she's not really like that, right? So just try to calm down, for me? Please, Starie?" No matter how mad Starlight might get, whenever she hears me ask her to calm down for me, as long as I wasn't the one that made her mad, and especially if I ask her using the nickname I gave her, she always does. Starlight took a deep breath, and she was finally able to calm herself down. She then turned to Sunburst. "Well, let's get back to trying to find a way to reverse my spell." But before they could, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all came through and broke Sunbrust's door, and yelled at the same time, "There he is! I win! No, I win!" The chaos just kept getting worse. More mares were coming to the door, yelling my name. Including the three Princesses, there might've been over twenty of them out there! Starlight saw this and, with her lips in a flat horizontal line that could be meme-worthy, teleported herself, Spike, Sunburst, and I back outside, in a bush that's farther away than the one we were in when Sunset "found" me. Thinking about all the mares that were in front of Sunburst's house, some probably going in, looking for me, the four of us groaned loudly and facepalmed/facehoofed. "Oh, come on! Can we get any kind of break today?!" "I guess we're just not going to get any breaks today, Spike. This is almost as bad as when I flunked Princess Celestia's Magic School!" Starlight half-joked, "It's days like these that make me almost wish I did tear that scroll when I had the chance!" "Can things get any worse?!" I shouldn't have said that. You never say that! Now...oh boy...yet another(!) mare decided to show up, and called out from behind us, asking, "Sunburst, what's going on at your place?" The four of us turned around fast. The good news: This mare didn't want to kiss me, and she wasn't acting like yet another lovesick mare. The bad news: she was Twilight Sparkle! In all this chaos with lovesick mares, Starlight, Spike, and I forgot that she said she was doing her lectures in the Crystal Empire, and we're finally busted! But she wasn't mad, but confused on what was happening. "Uh, hi, Twi! What are you doing here?" "Well, I just got done doing my lectures, and this was where I did them, Buggie, remember? But never mind me; what are you, Spike, and Starlight doing here? You never said anything about wanting to come to the Crystal Empire before I left! And, what's wrong with the Princesses and those mares at Sunburst's? They looked like they're desperate to find somepony!" Starlight rubbed the back of her head while saying, "Well, Twilight, we, uh...have a problem." "Yeah, a royal problem, and then some," Spike added. "Why? What's wrong? Is somepony in trouble?" Now rubbing the back of his head, Sunburst responded, "Uh, you could say that, Princess Twilight." Twilight, becoming more alarmed, ran up to us and asked, "Well, what's going on then? Who's in trouble?!" "We'll tell you, Twi, but first we have to hide me before any more mares see me, and fast! And we'll explain once we do!" Cadance wouldn't let us go anywhere, as she came around the corner and yelled, "Hey, there you are, sweetie!" Puzzled, Twilight looked around. "Wait, Cadance? Who are you talking to? Shining Armor isn't here!" Celestia, Luna, and then all the other mares that were in Sunburst's place came around the corner, one by one, all calling me, either by my actual name, or some kind of pet name, like the "Dreamboat" one that Luna used. "Okay, seriously, what is going on with the Princesses and those mares? Are they under a spell or something?!" Starlight and I put on nervous grins, and Starlight answered a bit quietly, "Yeaaaah, they kinda are, Twilight." "Well, what kind of spell is it?! And who did it?!" Twilight noticed how Starlight and I were grinning, and her eyes locked on us. In a low, angry voice, Twilight asked, "Wait, are you two behind this?" Before Starlight or I could fess up, all the mares and Princesses suddenly began to sprint to us, or to be more accurate, to me. Getting really nervous, I reminded, "Uh, Twilight? Starlight? I think this is where you two teleport us out of here. Please?" But just then, I started glowing blue, and after about three seconds, I suddenly stopped, and the Princesses and the mares with them all fell to the ground. Twilight ran to them and checked on them all. They all seemed to be all right, but were just out cold. Spike slowly walked up to the mares laying in front of us. "Uh, does anypony know what might've happened?" I took some steps toward them too. "Hmm, maybe it's because of another side effect?" Twilight, who was still checking on the mares, quickly turned around to us, when she heard Sunburst say the word "spell". "Wait, what spell are you guys talking about?! Wait, let's just we should go to Sunburst's and confirm that the spell really is over, that everything's back to normal, and tell me about it there." We went back to Sunburst's place, Twilight and Starlight used their magic to fix his door, then explained to Twilight all that happened. And yeah, she was not happy, but the Princess of Quiet Rage didn't want to lay into Starlight and me yet. Twilight first wanted to make sure the spell really was over and that there are no other "side effects". After that, she'd want to explain what happened to every mare that was affected, and have us apologize. Once we were done with all that, we'd go back to her castle. And then the Alicorn would lay into us! Gulp. We found out that the strength of the "side effect" of the botched spell became stronger as time went on, and by the time we were on the train to the Crystal Empire, it was almost like a male version of a siren call to most mares: it's why the Princesses were able to find me without seeing me first. The effect even leaked into "Sunset's" world. Because Sunset's true form is an Equestrian mare, it affected and made her go through the portal to Equestria, she was even on the train with Starlight, Spike and me when we went to the Crystal Empire, but stayed out of sight. And you know what happened when that Unicorn finally made her move on me later on; and almost got herself knocked halfway through Equestria by another overprotective Unicorn. The spell became so strong, it ended itself, making every mare affected pass out, and me glowing just now was it ending. First, after they woke up, we explained everything to the Princesses and the other mares that were with them. They weren't too mad -- mostly just really embarrassed -- but Celestia was not only not mad, but she even thought the whole thing was kinda amusing. Heh, MLP fans don't call her "Trollestia" for nothing! But she did order Starlight to never do that kind of spell again. After that, Twilight, Starlight, Spike and I said good-bye to Sunburst, and we got on a train back to Ponyville. Sunset was on the train too to head back through the portal to "her" world, so we explained to her why she acted like she did and apologized to each other. Since Sunset was back to her usual kind-hearted self, she felt bad about what she did, and she apologized to both Starlight and me twice. And Starlight wasn't mad at her anymore. Back in Ponyville, Sunset split off from us to go through the portal, while Twilight, Starlight and I went to every mare that was affected, explained what happened, and to tell them sorry. Spike didn't have to come along, and Twilight wasn't mad at him at all (lucky Dragon) but he came with us on his own accord. After Bon Bon and Lyra, the last two we explained everything and apologized too, walked away (holding hooves for some reason) Twilight glared right at Starlight and me. "Okay, Starlight, Mini-Starlight, let's go back to the castle, so we can have a talk." Big Starlight and I gulped hard and, along with Spike, we followed the Princess of Silent Fury back to the castle, like two kids/foals in trouble following their mom. Starlight leaned to me and whispered, "Eric, unless things are serious, never ask me to cast spells like that on you again!" I whispered back, "Oh, don't worry, Starlight, I won't!" Twilight would later truly understand why I wanted to do a spell to make me forget about the weirdness I went through that previous week. She would even apologize to me again for it, even though it wasn't her fault. And it's not like she's never made mistakes with spells, or made...questionable decisions with them. However, that would've been after the Princess of Lectures chewed Starlight and me out. Once she had the two of us back in the castle, that Alicorn let us have it during the longest, loudest lecture of our lives! I can't believe I'm saying it, but before she was finally finished with us, I was thinking that I liked it better when Twilight was still the Princess of Romance. Remember when I said I didn't care about how bad it could backfire, if I asked Starlight about any spells to make me forget the weirdness of my friends hitting on me the week before? Well, me and my big mouth! However we couldn't find out what the "real" effect of the spell Starlight did was, since mares chasing after me were because of a side effect to it. Whatever it was, Twilight thought it was just something minor, and it should've worn off anyway when I stopped glowing. And one last thing. Trixie told me what she meant by that "Greatest Show of My Life" she wanted to give me when she was affected by that spell on me: she was just talking about a normal magic show, but with the magic tricks she's best at doing.