//------------------------------// // Ch.1 - Ultra Battle - Pt.1 // Story: A Little Adventure in Alola // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// A Little Adventure in Alola - Chapter 1 - Ultra Battle - Pt.1 “Sooo… does anyone know what to do? Because I certainly don’t,” Twilight exclaimed as she slipped out of her bags and tossed them onto the sand. She shook sand from her hooves in annoyance before glancing at Pikachu. “You’ve faced this creature before. If you have any valuable information that can help us, please, share it now.” Pikachu looked up at the tall alicorn while pointing at the floating, jelly-like creature. “All I know is that it’s from a different world and that it can control others. It seemed to merge with Lusamine, making her go insane, and when Lusamine commanded her pokemon to attack us, they were surrounded by an aura that made them stronger.” “Aura? Was it similar to the one that Totem Pokemon have?” Nica asked, glancing at the Pikachu curiously. “Oh, right. You’ve challenged Totem Pokemon as well. And to answer your question, yes.” Pikachu nodded. “Those auras were very similar.” “So in other words,” Starlight said, “this creature can take control of others and give an aura that makes them stronger?” “Um-maaaybeee,” Pikachu responded, the uncertainty clear in his voice. “So you’re even unsure of that? Great, just great,” Starlight muttered as she lowered her head and shook it in disbelief. “So rule number one; keep your distance from this creature and avoid physical contact.” “What about its types?” Twilight asked. “According to Nica’s weekly reports, pokemon types play an important role in your world. What type would this creature be classified as?” “I…” Pikachu took a step backwards while giving the princess a sheepish smile. “I don’t remember.” “You don’t, but how? You were fighting it,” Twilight pointed out. Her wings spread in aggravation. She stomped as sand flew up, accidentally coating the pokemon. “How could you forget?!” “Ash is the one who always pays attention to this kind of stuff,” Pikachu responded, quickly wiping the stray sand from his fur. “Give me a break.” Twilight mumbled under her breath for a moment before taking a few calming breaths. She forced a smile and exclaimed, “Well, let’s look on the bright side. This creature don’t seem to be too aggressive. Maybe we can still salvage the situation with some good old fashioned diplomacy.” “Watch out!” Dash shouted. Turning their heads, the gathered group stared in shock at a bubbling stream of violet poison flying towards them. Ace and Pikachu’s instincts kicked in and they dropped to their paws. Nica threw herself before the ponies, raising her metallic tail in preparation for the attack. At the same, Twilight’s horn sparked to life, summoning a protective dome around the group. The poison struck the protective dome, melting away at the alicorn’s shield before finally piercing the bubble. Nica responded accordingly and swung her ‘Iron Tail,’ using the move to block the toxins that burst through, before shuffling back as a few stray drops of venom fell to the ground and incinerated the sand below her paws. “Forget what I said. Certainly aggressive,” Twilight concluded as she examined the toxins scattered amongst the sand. Shaking her head, she muttered, “Looks like a diplomatic approach is out of the question.” “It attacked with ‘Venoshock!’” Pikachu shouted, catching everyone’s attention. “I remember one of Team Rocket’s pokemon using the same move against me. Uh, Mareanie I believe? This one was identical and much, much stronger.” “So… a poison type…?” Nica whispered to herself. As the group conversed, the ultra beast prepared another attack, freezing as a little, violet gem appeared on the beast’s head. A moment later, a destructive beam shot forwards, aim straight for the collection of ponies and pokemon. Nica jumped up to interpret the blow, slightly wincing as the beam made contact with her tail. Twilight looked to the side. She raised her left foreleg and spread her right wing, holding them both protectively over her face. Squinting, she attempted to watch the battle, yet every time she tried, the blinding light between the clash of Nica’s ‘Iron Tail’ and the beam left her turning away. The creature screeched, sending more power into the attack. Nica grit her teeth as she landed, struggling to contain the beam. The bronze tips of her rear paws sank into the sand as her rear legs trembled. Through pure determination, she kept the attack at bay, refusing to budge backwards an inch. Starlight answered the creature’s calls by shooting a beam of magic at the aggressor while Pikachu assisted with a ‘Thunderbolt.’ Nihilego ceased its attack, floating left and right while bending its body in a display of great flexibility, evading both beams of magic and bolts of electricity. Both Pikachu and Starlight gasped, watching as their attacks flew past harmlessly. Narrowing his eyes, Pikachu hopped on top of the mare and called, “You’re not going to get away that easily!” With his cheeks sparking in annoyance, he added, “You messed with the wrong group, pal.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Starlight responded before charging towards the beast, Pikachu in tow. Floating above the battlefield, Ace watched as Pikachu and Starlight charged towards the beast. He grinned and flew beside them, his own cheeks sparking, before noticing a certain rainbow-haired mare darting towards Nihilego. Upon realizing that she was attempting to kick the creature he narrowed his eyes and his ears flashed with power. He surrounded the Ultra Beast in a silvery aura and threw it against the stairs connecting the beach with the city. Sharpened stone fragments scattered on the sand as Nihilego ended up trapped inside the crater in the middle of the stairs. No touching or kicking, Dash. No buddy of mine gets brainwashed on my watch, he explained telepathically while immobilizing Rainbow Dash in his telekinetic field. “Brainwashed? This thing does that?” Dash asked before giving the trapped creature an angered glare. “Wow, thanks for the save. Bullet dodged.” “Great job, Ace, that was a close one,” Starlight called, wiping sweat from her forehead. She pulled up beside them, catching her breath. With a small jump, Pikachu leapt off her back and sent another ‘Thunderbolt’ towards the ultra beast. He grinned as it made contact, electrifying the stunned Nihilego. As the noise of wayward explosions reached the group and wandering smoke coming from the deeper part of the city became visible among the local buildings, Ace levitated towards Nica and tried to snatch her collar. Nica leaped backward, evading his paws. “What are you doing?” Need to borrow your collar, sis. Hurry! Ace said in his sister’s mind before taking the offered collar and putting it on his neck. Nihilego flew from inside of the crater before attacking once again. A ‘Venoshock’ came flying at the group before the creature followed up with another ‘Power Gem.’ Starlight and Twilight teleported out of the way while counter attacking with beams of magic, missing the flexible opponent. Pikachu jumped into the air and swung his tail against the stream of poison before attacking with ‘Thunderbolt.’ His electricity ended up in a stalemate against the beam for a few seconds before being overpowered. He was thrown to the side as the poison scalded his side. With the translating collar on his neck, Ace said, “Leave this pokemon to me.” He pointed at the smoke coming from the ruined city. “Something bad is going on. I’m sure whoever is there needs your help. Go and check it out while I take care of Nihilego.” Twilight looked away from the hostile creature and glanced at Ace instead. “While I admit that investigating the cause of those explosions and checking if anypony… anyone needs our help is important, we can’t leave you alone. What kind of friends would we be?” Pikachu nodded in agreement. “Even with Type Null’s help we couldn’t stop Nihilego from capturing Lusamine. How can you stand against it alone?” He leaped to the side, evading another stream of toxins. Ace rolled his eyes before pointing at the Ultra Beasts. “Poison and rock type attacks.” He pointed at himself. “Psychic type.” He pointed at the sea behind him. “My loveable water surface field and my ‘Surf’ attack.” He pointed at himself and raised his head proudly. “I got this.” “Rock type attacks?” Twilight asked before intercepting one of the Ultra Beast’s beams. She was locked in and one on one struggle against the Nihilego, slowly overpowering it. Her raw power proved superior as the beast was forced to evade. “That beam you just overpowered, it is called ‘Power Gem,’ a rock type attack,” Ace explained. Twilight teleported closer, now staring at him in confusion. “How can its beam be a rock type attack? There were no earth elements to incorporate into the attack and it wasn’t as simple as throwing a rock, so what makes it a rock type? What’s the logic behind it?” Ace pointed at his own forehead. “A small gem appears on its forehead and unleashes a destructive beam. The gem shoots the beam and a gem is a rock, so it is a rock type move. Simple.” “Oh… I see. The more you know...” Twilight mumbled before giving Ace a confident look. “If you’re sure you can handle this creature, go right ahead.” She pointed at the portal which was still open in the sky, resting high above the water. “But keep guarding this portal. Pokemon are way stronger than the usual monsters that live in Equestria.” She pointed at Nihilego. “So we certainly don’t want a powerful creature loose in it. Especially with two of the Elements of Harmony stuck over here.” “Got it! I won’t let you down,” Ace called, saluting before levitating towards the pegasus. “Hey, Dash.” “Yes?” “Pegasi can control weather. Can you make it rain?” Rainbow Dash looked up before flying towards the closest white cloud. She pulled it into the water for a short moment before pulling it out. She punched the cloud lightly, turning its color to black in a matter of moments. “Sure can.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Though I’m not sure how much that’s gonna help.” “Trust me, it will help a lot.” Ace turned towards the rest of the group. “With Dash’s help, I’ll defend this portal and defeat the Ultra Beast.” He patted his chest while standing proudly on his tail. “We got this!” His ears flashed with a silver aura as an incoming stream of toxins ended up neutralized by his psychic powers. He glanced at Nica and added, “Also, sis, you really need to get rid of that electricity-absorbing feature from your collar. You can keep your electricity in check better than anyone I know and it just gets in the way.” He untied the collar from his neck before levitating it into Twilight’s large bag. Nica responded before looking at him with a confident smile. Ace shouted before his attention focused on the floating Ultra Beast. From the corner of his eye, he watched as the princess and the gang gathered together, moments later disappearing in a large, lavender flash. The massive bags accompanying Twilight were gone as well. He grinned as rain began to fall, soaking the floating Alolan Raichu in water as the raindrops slid down his cheeks and arms. “Here’s your rain, Ace,” Dash said from her new spot atop a stockpile of clouds. “Still no clue how it’s going to help.” The moment his opponent summoned a gem for another rock-type attack, Ace concentrated and levitated towards the water before using ‘Surf.’ A massive wave formed protectively in front of him while intercepting the beam, absorbing some of its power as well. He levitated to the very top of his massive wave, as if riding a wild and ferocious creature and shouted, Dash gave an approving nod and clapped. Nihilego, not seeming to appreciate the Alolan Raichu’s humor, flew up towards him, both to escape the oncoming wave of water and to grab him in its constrictive grasp. With a grin still present on Ace’s face, he concentrated, grabbing and pushing Nihilego towards the sand with extreme force from his ‘Psychic’ attack. A large cloud of airborne sand quickly ended up covered by rushing water as part of the beach turned muddy. “And that’s for good measure!” Dash shouted before kicking a few clouds. A small barrage of lightning bolts began to assault the beach, casting the sand and waves in an eerie light. Not wasting a moment, she flew closer to Ace, now hovering next to him. “That wave you attacked with… it was massive! Way bigger than your previous ones.” She spread her forelegs in excitement. “Even that rock beam couldn’t pierce it. It was awesome!” Ace raised his chin and rubbed his nose, speaking telepathically, Told you rain would help. Not only does having the sea behind me boost my ‘Surf’ attack, rain makes it even stronger. That’s an extreme combo. Dash rubbed top of her head. “I still don’t get it. How does rain make your attack so much stronger? It was only a little bit of rain, and it didn’t magically charge you like Twilight or Starlight powered up Pikachu that one time, so how the hay did that happen?” Ace shrugged. Beats me. I’m not making the rules, just following them. He closed his eyes the moment pegasus tackled him. “Huh, that was a close one,” Dash said before pointing at their doused opponent. Upon seeing a stream of toxins that would’ve hit him if not for his pegasus friend, Ace’s attention focused on the bruised and wet Nihilego before him. He narrowed his eyes and grit his teeth. If his theory was correct, his opponent was a rock/poison type, making it weak to ‘Psychic’ and “Surf.’ As a dedicated attacker, his moves had a lot force behind it while rain and the presence of water boosted his water attacks. To still have the will to fight him after being hit so hard meant his opponent wasn’t a pushover. Time to get serious, Ace thought before levitating towards the surface of water, surfing on a small wave in the rain. Turning left, turning up, surfing into the sky while performing a triple spin in mid-air, he evaded numerous beams and streams of poison, using his favorite field for extra agility. With a sharp turn, he surfed towards his opponent, every moment making the wave bigger and bigger. He yelped in pain as a stray ‘Power Gem’ took him by surprise and struck him in the belly, launching him into his own wave and pushing him into the water. Nihilego ended up swept away by the powerful wave as well a moment later. Both Ace and Nihilego emerged from the water at the same time, unleashing another round of devastating attacks. Ace felt the sting of ‘Venoshock’ cover his body as he struggled to keep balance on his tail, grumbling as his trembling rear legs refused to move an inch. He grit his teeth and tensed his muscles, preparing for the next exchange of moves. In response his ears flashed with power as he pushed Nihilego away, harshly throwing the Ultra Beast against the water from his own ‘Surf’ attack before smashing it into an abandoned shop. After a quick dive into the water to get rid of the poisonous substance, Ace flew closer to the ruined shore front and stared at the third large hole, this one of his own creation. He narrowed his eyes upon seeing Nihilego float outside while covered in ice-cream and what was looked like leftovers of a big malasada. With a warcry, he unleashed powerful ‘Thunderbolt,’ his opponent too injured and exhausted to evade. Nihilego screeched before collapsing onto the street, now lying flat against it in an exhausted heap. Ace displayed a toothy smile before dancing cheerfully on his own tail, ignoring the big bruise on his belly and post-poison burns covering his fur. He lowered himself to the ground, mentally patting himself on the back as he chanted, He looked to the side. He lowered his head as some of his enthusiasm vanished in an instant. “If this is how pokemon battles look in this world, sign me up!” Dash shouted as she flew closer to the levitating Raichu. She hovered in mid-air with forehooves on her hips. “Dash, the best like no one ever was. I like the sound of that.” Ace chuckled at his friend’s remark before looking at the collecting smoke in the distance. I hope the others are doing well. His ears drooped at the sudden realization and a sad whimper escaped his mouth. Now I really regret that Pikachu wasn’t here to see me in action. It would totally have impressed him. He sat on his tail and frowned, lightly hitting his forehead in aggravation. Stupid, stupid, stupid… “I don’t know what I was expecting,” Twilight said to herself while staring at the source of the commotion. Two lines of damaged buildings flanked everyone from both sides, creating a very uneasy atmosphere. The mixed architecture on this island reminded her both of Las Pegasus and Manehattan. The city was stunning, from tall residential buildings to recreation spots, shopping mails, fashion shops, and smaller hotels, though the area’s damage ruined the view. The creatures ahead of her looked like two large bugs. One was absolutely massive, reminding the ponies of Bulk Biceps in so many ways. The Alolan sun shone down on the beast, illuminating the creature’s transparent, crimson muscles. It stalked closer with its four, sharpened legs, oblivious the the ponies as it examined multiple damaged vehicles. Small cracks rippled underneath the beasts steps as its two antennas twitched, highlighting the enlarged, metallic proboscis sticking out of the ultra beast’s face. Twilight stared in shock, her jaw hanging open. “How… how… fascinating!” “Fascinating... are you crazy?” Starlight gulped as a few drops of sweat fell down her face. She stumbled backwards, taking a deep breath and preparing a protective dome incase the creature became aggressive. “Wow, it seems as though its very muscles are made from some sort of liquid,” Twilight observed, ignoring Starlight’s concerns. “It’s almost as if this creature is a mixture between Big Mac, Bulk Biceps and a mosquito. I’ll have to tell them!” The unicorn shook her head, calling, “Twilight, what is wrong with you!? This thing looks ready to suck every last drop of blood from our bodies, and all you can talk about is how interesting it is?” Twilight blinked at the large creature who started flexing its muscles while taking different poses, one of said poses having one hand raised towards the sky while another as if ready to throw something heavy. “To be fair, it’s hard to be intimidated if all it’s doing is showing off.” Growing bored with a variety of poses, the creature bent down and snatched a four-wheeled device from the road, oblivious as it’s grip nearly crushed the car in half. Twilight bit her bottom lip as what seemed to weigh about half a ton was lifted towards the sky with a single finger. She approached Nica, who was maintaining a defensive stance next to Starlight, and asked, “Hey, Nica, what was your lifting strength limit… the one you reached without the help of your ‘Iron Tail?’” Nica answered, refusing to take her gaze away from the Ultra Beast before them. Her tail remained raised and at the ready, in case of an attack. “She said over four hundred kilograms,” Pikachu translated while staring at Nica in admiration. “That’s nearly four times my limit. I’m impressed.” Twilight pointed ahead. “I believe that this Ultra Beast beat your record with a single finger.” As if handling a toy, the creature threw the vehicle into the air and caught it moments later, before ripping it in two. The metal shrieked as it was torn, revealing a small complex device hidden in the front hood. “Alright, now I’m intimidated,” Twilight commented before looking at the second creature. This creature was painted in pure white, walking on thin, skinny legs that looked ready to snap at a moment’s notice. Two antennas sprouted from its head and curved down in a sloped descent, ending with rounded golden tips. They rested just above the ground, bouncing as the creature strutted on an invisible runway. The beast’s feet were cut into thin points, reflecting the image of high heels. Dark eyes stared back as its hair fell down like a waterfall, seemingly larger than the actual beast itself. Starlight sighed, muttering, “So, one of them is a bodybuilder while the other looks like a model? Who are we even fighting?” “I know, right!” Twilight shouted, misinterpreting Starlight’s sarcasm with genuine glee. “It’s times like these where I wish I could conduct my studies and ask questions rather than fight.” “I don’t think you understood,” Starlight began, but froze as the beautiful Ultra Beast zipped towards a nearby vehicle with unrivaled speed before sinking its arm into it. It pulled a metallic device identical to the other one. “What are they doing?” Starlight asked. “I think they’re pulling out engines for some reasons,” Pikachu said, scratching his head in confusion. “Those cars won’t be driving anytime soon.” “Engines? Like the steam engines that our train uses, or rather engines running on magic and magical gems that our zeppelins are equipped with?” Twilight asked with a growing curiosity. She was twitching with unanswered questions, only growing more fidgety as she spotted more odd looking devices trapped inside the building’s ruins. “I have sooo many questions.” “Save them for after we beat those two creatures into submission,” Starlight commented as she lit her horn, taking a fighting stance. “Right Nica?” The Raichu rubbed her chin before hesitantly lowering her tail. she joked, attempting to keep her voice steady. With slow steps, she walked on her two rear feet while approaching the Ultra Beasts. “Nica, what are you doing? It’s dangerous!” Starlight yelled, instinctively powering her horn. “She’s going to talk with them,” Pikachu said before grabbing Starlight’s rear leg and pulling it, stopping the pony from following Nica or grabbing her with her magic. “Let’s give her a chance.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “I approve. Diplomacy should always take priority.” At the same time though, the alicorn flared her wings and charged her horn, whispering, “Though we should be prepared if things turn south.” Starlight gazed at the demolished homes and buildings around her, gulping as she truly took in the damage around her. “Please be safe,” she murmured, charging a protective shield as Nica walked before the massive Ultra Beast.