Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire?

by The Bricklayer

2: "I'm a... Cheetah Girl?"

“Wait, since when were you one of those Kamen Rider things?” Rainbow asked as Adagio walked to her car, still carrying the unconscious body of her sister.

“Since today apparently,” Adagio deadpanned, setting her sister down on a nearby bench as she fiddled with her car keys grumbling to herself how BMW couldn’t possibly make their car any more complicated than it already was. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, I know about as much relating to this as you do, which equals zippo. All I care about is getting my sister home, then finding the guy who possessed her and knocking his block off and getting a few answers out of him.”

“Um… are you sure about that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, quite sure. He tried to strangle me using my sister’s body, and right when I was in the heat of battle and could have been killed by that… well, whatever it was, he barely explained a damn thing. Hell, I still don’t even know what that was I just fought! So yeah, it’s safe to say he’s not exactly high on my Christmas card list.”

“Listen, what I’m saying is, don’t you think given how dangerous he seems to be, reasoning with him might be a better option?” Fluttershy asked, pressing her fingers together nervously as Adagio continued fumbling with her car keys. Eventually, the lock chirped and Adagio gently lifted her sister into the passenger seat.

“Suppose it’s possible, considering I still have one of these…” Adagio murmured, holding up the blood-red Ookamiuo/Wolffish medal. She’d managed to fish it away -if you pardon the pun- from Ankh before he took off. “Seemed rather interested in these things, and I’m willing to bet Ankh or whatever he calls himself would be willing to start bargaining off information for getting his… hand on this.”

“Seems a bit of a gamble really,” Rainbow commented. “Now listen, you know I’m not your biggest fan, but if this ‘Ankh’ tried to choke you don’t you think you should play this smart?”

“I am, actually,” Adagio remarked. “Now Rainbow, what’s your desire?”

“To… To be awesome, of course?” Rainbow stammered out, rather confused. “What’s your point?”

“My point is, everyone desires something, don’t they? It’s only natural, to live without wanting something is just not in human nature. And I’m willing to bet from what I’ve seen of Ankh that while he may not be human, he still desires something. Namely this,” Adagio continued, flipping the Ookamiuo medal up in the air. “And if he doesn’t, well… someone else probably does.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game Adagio…” Fluttershy warned. “I hope you do realize that.”

“Hey, family matters to me,” Adagio replied as she buckled herself in. “Soon as Ankh possessed my sister’s body, well… suffice it to say he and I were going to have words no matter the case.”

“Least you know you have your priorities in order…” Rainbow muttered, seeing where Adagio was coming from. If someone had possessed or did anything to her adopted little sis, she’d be pissed really. “Still, uh, one question. Let’s presume for a second, Ankh. He doesn’t realize that medal thing isn’t in his possession. Personally, I don’t buy that theory. From what you told me, he probably will, therefore, he’d have to come looking for you. And that presents a problem, doesn’t it? He’d have to come looking for a woman whom he probably doesn’t care jack-shit about enough to remember her face.” Rainbow remarked, leaning on the hood of Adagio’s car. A BMW Z8 if she remembered correctly. Rainbow was proud to know her cars used in James Bond films. Guilty pleasure, she admitted to herself.

Adagio was struck speechless, this not having occurred to her.

“Aw fu…” she trailed off, her head hitting the steering wheel of her car in frustration. “So you’re saying I have to get Ankh to come to me?”

“Yep,” Rainbow remarked, popping the p. “Could go and rent a crop duster or whatevs from a nearby airfield or wherever, and write a message in the sky saying: “Hey Ankh! I have your medal thingy! If you want it, come find me! -Adagio Dazzle.” Rainbow remarked, finishing off her sentence in this perhaps needlessly overdramatic tone. Adagio admitted if only to herself, it was a fairly good impression. In the background, Fluttershy facepalmed.

“Really Rainbow….? Really?” the woman thought to herself.

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea. May just be crazy enough to work actually... “ Adagio trailed off. “But I’ll skip renting the crop duster. One, I don’t have a pilot’s license -Hell, I’m terrified of heights!- and two I don’t need one anyways.”

Placing two of her fingers in her mouth, she let out a sharp whistle and darting out of the skies came Cube Condor, chirping and perching himself on her shoulder. Rainbow stared at the little violet-toned bird-bot wordlessly. Peeking out of her jean pockets was a certain Cube Leopard, his eyes sparkling upon seeing his fellow cube animal once more.

“Way ahead of you on that front,” Adagio smirked before Fluttershy let out a small squeal and began hugging Cube Conder to her chest.

“Oh, he’s soooooo cute!” Fluttershy squeaked out as she rubbed Cube Condor’s head. Adagio and Rainbow shared a look, sweatdropping in unison. “Oh, you must simply tell me where you found him!”

“Ah, maybe later…” Adagio trailed off. “I’ve got to get my sister home, and he’s got to get about writing a message in the sky anyways.”

Snapping her fingers, she summoned Cube Condor to her, the little bird transforming himself into his cube form and hiding himself in the car’s glove compartment. With that, Adagio drove off down the streets, a plan beginning to form in her mind. And not even an hour later, as he was stealing ice pops from one very angry vendor in that body he’d found in the morgue, Ankh found himself seeing a certain message in the sky made of violet smoke. Adagio had left her name out, but Ankh didn’t need to know who’d left it. The identity was clear enough.

“Tch…” he muttered before tossing his ice pop in a nearby trash can and walking off.

“So, you called?” Ankh remarked with a wave of his hand, meeting Adagio in one of Denver’s many parks. Cheesman Park to be exact. The irony wasn’t exactly lost on Adagio really, given she was meeting a world-class asshole in the exact same spot her counterparts had tried to take control over all of Denver’s teenagers atop the nearby pavilion at this Battle of the Bands nonsense.

“New body?” Adagio commented, on a bench and looking up at Ankh who was sitting atop a tree grasping a nearby branch for balance. “Which poor soul did you possess this time?”

“A dead one. Found this body in the morgue just after I was set free,” Ankh said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Now, give me the medal and we can all be on our way. Won’t bother you and your pathetic little mortal life anytime soon,” he remarked, unwrapping another ice pop and nibbling on it.

Adagio looked… well, I suppose infuriated might have been the proper word for it.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’ll be happening,” she snarled grasping the Ookamiuo medal in her hand tightly. “You said you grabbed that body from a morgue, does respect for the dead have any meaning for you?”

“Well, it’s not like the meatsack who this body used to belong to had any more use for it!” Ankh remarked, taking the ice pop out of his mouth and looking down at Adagio. The way he looked at her… she shuddered. It was like a hawk regarding a snake right before he dived down to grab it in its claws. “So, I don’t see why you’re so offended… Wait, was he someone close to you? Like that last meatsack I grabbed?”

“No, b-but!” Adagio sputtered out trying to calm herself long enough to form a coherent sentence. Eventually, she managed to do so by taking a few deep breaths and continued. “Firstly, bodily possession? Generally frowned upon! That was my sister you possessed you dunce! And this guy… While he may not be related to me, he was still a living being once!”

“Once. Emphasis on once,” Ankh snapped back. “You humans, you throw away your dead like it doesn’t matter to you. Well, I suppose it doesn’t. It’s not like you can do anything with the bodies, and once they start to rot… well, awful smell isn’t it?” Ankh commented with a dismissive wave of his feathered hand. “So, really, I’m doing the world a favor by using this meatsack, and hell if I start gathering up enough medals and reform my body maybe you’ll get lucky and this guy will come back to life as well! So win-win for you!” he said with a small clap of his hands. Adagio didn’t look amused.

“Explain. You. Now.” Adagio stated glaring back at Ankh, almost sharklike in her gaze. Hey, if Ankh could look at her like a hawk, she could channel the shark with him. “What the hell was that thing back there, and who is Kamen Rider OOOs?”

“That thing as you called it was a ‘Greeed’,” Ankh explained, and even while he said this unbeknownst to either of them Rainbow Dash was piling away on any food she could find. Not just from her metabolism thrown into overdrive by the geode, but the little cell medal Kazari had given her as well acting up and making her embrace some of her desires. All around her, patrons of the restaurant she was currently in were watching in a mix of awe and disgust as Rainbow grabbed a little bit of everything. Ankh continued with his explanations. “About… Oh, I’d say 800 years ago we, the Greeed race, were born from the Core Medals. Namely, one of those things you, you little homunculus are holding in your hand right now. That enough of an explanation for you?” Ankh asked, leaping down from the tree.

“Sorry, no. Tempting, but no dice Ankh,” Adagio said, and when Ankh lunged for the  Ookamiuo medal she pulled it away from him with a teasing laugh. “An answer, and you might just get this Core Medal of yours back. The keyword is might, if I like your answer and I’m feeling charitable.”

“Oh, you’re an interesting little homunculus aren’t you?” Ankh remarked. “Your bargaining posture, bit dubious though really…”  

“Way I see it, you need this Medal to give to that cat thing, maybe to regain a position of power or to keep him from killing you. So, until I get the answers I want, no Medal for you,” Adagio remarked, tossing the medal in the air almost daring Ankh to try and catch it. “Now, explain to me, who is Kamen Rider OOOs and why was Cat Scratch Fever so angry about me becoming him/her?”

Ankh bit back a growl. “Fine, fine. A long time ago, even before you were in a womb, there existed this king. A tyrant really. He took our Core Medals from us, and rather foolishly so, decided to become a god. He created this belt,” Ankh explained, holding up the belt from before still with the Same and Kujira medals in it. “To try and contain this power. It did, for a time. Right up till the moment he tried scanning every Core Medal at once. Destroyed his body, and that belt became the seal for the coffin holding us inside. Right up till the moment some idiots calling themselves Shocker dug it up. Got them killed, but alas. Too bad, so sad for them at least. Now, the Greeed are free once more upon your little planet to try and grab every ounce of desire they can! Kamen Rider OOOs, as much as I hate to admit it, is the only way to take back the Core Medals and destroy the Greeed completely. Well, not completely as I want my own Cores back, just so I don’t have to rely on this meatsack for a body. There, that good enough of an explanation for you?” Ankh sighed.

“Hardly,” Adagio commented, staring Ankh down. “What are these Core Medals anyways?””

“Oh, do I have to explain everything to you?” Ankh muttered before grumbling something rather rude under his breath and holding up an ice pop and a yellow Core medal, depicting a cheetah. “Fine, fine… See this ice pop? You can liken it to Core Medals, and Cell Medals. That part you eat? That’s the cell, and the stick is the core. The cells stick to the core, which is our center if you will. Bad analogy, but it’s the best one I can think up that your little human brain will actually understand. Happy now?”

“Fair. A bargain’s a bargain,” Adagio remarked, tossing the Core to Ankh, but not before taking the belt out of Ankh’s hands, as the Bird Greeed’s eyes widened. “But I’m keeping this. If these Greeed have been unleashed upon the world, someone’s got to stop them right?”

“You’ll die in the process,” Ankh remarked, looking towards another part of Denver. It was almost as if he sensed something Adagio didn’t. “And what’s in it for you anyways?”

“What, is saving lives not enough of a reward for you? Suppose not, but that’s what’s in it for me. And sure, I’m probably going to die, but if I save even just one life before that happens I’ll be happy,” Adagio said, grabbing onto the driver and holding it tight. “And from the looks of it, I’d say someone’s life does need saving. Unless that intrigued look on your face is you having a brain freeze. Or you’re constipated. Can’t tell yet.”

“A yummy’s been born,” Ankh stated. “So, time for you to prove yourself worthy, and get me some cell medals. That’s about the only value that poor sap who became a yummy has to the world now. Just more cell medals for me to rebuild a complete body.”

“Well, while you may have it in you deciding how much one person is valued, that’s not me. Let me repeat this so so you get it in your head. It's not for me to decide other people's worth,” Adagio replied without an ounce of hesitation. The thing was with her, once she’d made up her mind about something you were hard-pressed to change it. And it was the same with Ankh.

“Well, I will. The moment you are worthless to me, I will abandon you,” Ankh stated as his final answer on the matter. Adagio turned to him and smiled even as she gestured for him to get in her car.

“I'll find an opening in you and save you from your own greed. Even if that means defeating you.”

“I’d be actually impressed if you did, Adagio Dazzle,” Ankh smirked. “This way! The yummy’s not far…”

Eventually, the chase led the two under a bridge, where they found Rainbow Dash of all people scaring away the drivers of a food truck and ravaging it of its contents.

“R-Rainbow, is that you?” Adagio asked as she got out of the car, seeing the gray granite-like markings on Rainbow’s body.

“It is, and it isn’t. That’s some of Kazari’s work alright,” Ankh mused atop the car hood, seeing Rainbow ravage the food truck. “Parasite type yummy. It builds up inside the host and eventually, the host becomes a yummy, the Greeed’s foot soldiers if you will. Made for one reason only, to seek out Core Medals. As for this Rainbow girl… well, she’s just reaping what she’s sowing really. Her gluttony got the better of her.”

“No, it didn’t,” Adagio refuted sternly, looking at the glowing geode around Rainbow’s neck and remembering back to that time at the cafe.

“Wow, she sure can pack it in, wonder what her secret is…?” Adagio murmured to herself before whispering to Fluttershy: “I thought you said she was one of those athletic sporty types!”

Fluttershy sighed to herself, her head hitting the table. “Rainbow, please tell me you haven’t been out being a vigilante again…?”

“No, what happened is that geode around her neck. It spikes up her metabolism. She’s not a victim of her own greed, but simply of her own body’s needs. Kazari just mistook it for greed, that’s all.”

“So, she’s still going to become a yummy all the same!” Ankh remarked. “Now, just let her develop, and then grab her cell medals!”

“No,” Adagio stated, holding the OOO Driver over a manhole. “Ankh, see this? This is your last hope in getting any of those cell medals and core medals you cherish! And I’m losing my grip!”

“Why you…” Ankh hissed out, detaching himself from his body and swiping at Adagio, but she simply moved out of the way. “What the hell are you doing, I thought you wanted to save your friend!”

“Oh Ankh, it’s slipping!” Adagio singsonged, loosening her grip. “No, I can’t save my friend, not if you don’t let me do things the way I want to.” she remarked with a small smirk. Ankh swore, realizing he’d been played like a fool. Not just that, but his pride had been stripped from him. Adagio had figured him out, and knew just how to control him… for now anyways.

“Oooh, do tell!” Adagio exclaimed. “What’s this about being a vigilante? Wait, you one of those real-life superheroes I’ve heard so much about?”

She was, of course, referring to those people who got up and dressed up as superheroes to perform various acts of community service, like a neighborhood watch or inspecting for building code violations or performing acts of charity. Denver even had its own branch, the Colorado Initiative.

“No, it’s this stupid metabolism thing kicking in again… I swear, this geode gives me some fun powers but there are a few drawbacks…” Rainbow muttered as she packed it in seemingly forgetting Adagio was even there for the moment.

“Dare I ask?” Adagio remarked, and Rainbow facepalmed.

“Damnit…” she muttered upon realization. Adagio looked towards Fluttershy for an explanation, but Rainbow surprisingly was the one to answer. “A while back, me and the girls got these cool geodes that give us awesome superpowers. Flutters over there can talk to animals, while I get to be a real-life Flash!”

“Fine, do what you want. Here!” Ankh snapped, tossing Adagio the Same and Kujira medals while she flipped in midair to avoid a swing from Rainbow, and caught them before tossing out the Cube Condor letting it unfold.

“Go on little guy, find some food for Rainbow. I’ve got a plan.” she told it and it flew off.

“Ankh, like I said. It’s not within me to decide other people’s worth,” Adagio stated striding forwards as she slammed the driver across her waist the belt wrapping itself around her. Next, she slammed the Ookamiuo medal into the driver. “That should never be an option. And I will save Rainbow, and I will save you no matter how difficult the path is. But for now… Henshin!”

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!”

The Wolffish Spear forming in her hands, Adagio smirked under her helmet when Cube Condor returned with some raw chicken. Ankh balked at the sight, while Adagio flipped behind Rainbow, and grabbed her by the waist holding her tight.

“Ankh, you said the yummy inside her is a parasite right?” Adagio asked. “Well, time to draw it out! Oi Rainbow, you see that nice chunk of raw chicken, don’t you? You want it, don’t you? You desire it…”

Groaning, a mummy-like creature climbed out of Rainbow’s mouth, before changing into this massive yellow and blue cat creature made seemingly entirely of fat. Rainbow collapsed to the ground, with Adagio slicing and dicing into the cat’s body. Or trying to anyways. No matter what, not even throwing a whirlpool from her spear managed to pierce the cat yummy’s body.

“But there’s an issue isn’t there?” Adagio remarked.

“Yeah, damn thing wrecks havoc on my metabolism. Just like the Flash himself, the issue is the longer I use this damn thing, the more likely I am to need a huge amount of energy to actually build myself back up again. And man oh man, did I use a Hell of a lot last night. Chasing down this robber, or what I thought was a robber anyways…”

Rainbow’s expression turned sad for a moment, and Adagio wondered if she should pry and try to help Rainbow, but thought the better of it. No, it wasn’t her own business. If Rainbow wanted to talk about it, she’d say so when she wanted to. But it probably wasn’t going to be to her of all people, considering their current… relationship status and all.

“So basically, you’re a Cheetah Girl!” Adagio teased.

“I’m a… Cheetah Girl?” Rainbow blinked out in confusion before her eyes widened in realization. “Hey! Don’t you go comparing me to those girls from that crappy Disney movie!”

“Well, to be fair Rainbow, you’re pretty fast, and you did perform in a rock band back during your high school days so you’re not that far off…” Fluttershy teased, barely holding back her giggles.

“Tch, you’re not going to do any damage that way…” Ankh grumbled before sighing. “Here, take this!” he said, tossing the cheetah medal towards Adagio who rebounded off the cat yummy’s body and slammed the new medal into her driver before scanning it.

“Same, Kujira, Cheetah!”

Adagio soon found herself moving at superspeed and running around in circles around the yummy confusing it, she smiled to herself and chuckled. “Guess I’m the Cheetah Girl now eh Rainbow?”

“I’d rather be compared to Joan Jett thank you. Much cooler than a tween pop band. You calling me a Cheetah Girl, Adagio, well you might as well be calling me Miley ‘Wrecking Ball’ Cyrus! No thank you!” Rainbow huffed. “So uncool,” she grumbled with a crossing of her arms.

“High-School band?” Adagio asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow and looking towards Fluttershy.

“Yeah… It was something we all did back in our high-school days. Nothing came of it, except perhaps Sunset Shimmer, another friend of ours getting it big with a label. Now she’s off touring Europe and such. Think she’s in Russia right now…” Fluttershy mused. “But anyways, Rainbow, her ego kicking in decided to name the band after herself, and called it the Rainbooms.”

“Hey, plenty of cool bands have had their names stemming from a band member. Tom Petty, Alice Cooper, you know. Hell, Joan Jett!” Adagio put in, and Rainbow smirked smugly.

Adagio then realized something. “...Wait, weren’t the Rainbooms the ones who… Uh, defeated me and my sisters’ Equestrian counterparts?”

She then leaped onto the cat yummy’s body and grabbed onto it via the shoulders before kicking it over and over at nearly blinding speeds making it bleed out cell medals. Adagio then leaped off the yummy’s body and then ran the scanner over her belt.

Scanning Charge!

Three rings were in front of Adagio and she ran through all three powering herself up before slide kicking the monster with a shout of: “Rider Kick!” and with that destroyed the yummy making it explode into a pile of cell medals.

Fluttershy and Rainbow sucked in breaths, and Rainbow muttered out a small comment of: “Awkward…”

“Sorry ‘Dagi. Didn’t mean to bring up…” Fluttershy started before Adagio waved a hand dismissively.

“No, no, it’s fine. And on this superhero thing? Well, I personally think it's nice your doing something for the city,” Adagio said being genuinely sincere and not snide towards Rainbow for the first time since they'd met. “Gives the people hope.”

“...Wow, complemented by Adagio Dazzle of all people. What the Hell am I supposed to say to that?”

Ankh, seizing his chance dived for the medals before a swarm of what looked to be red hawks grabbed them all up and flew towards a man wearing a black suit, a red feather as his lapel. The man smiled as the ‘hawks’ all turned into little cans and deposited themselves in an open briefcase.

“Who…?” Adagio wondered, canceling her transformation.

“Who dares!?!” Ankh snarled.

“Hello, sorry for the interruption OOOs, Ankh. I just feel I needed to grab up those cell medals before any of the other Greeed came sniffing about. As for who I am, name’s Eiji Hino.”