//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - The return of Sacanas // Story: Captain Goodking and the Nightmare Knights // by Leondude //------------------------------// Somewhere in a distant land far away from Equestria, a land filled with centaurs and gargoyles, King Scorpan sat on his throne keeping an eye on his subjects and the various things he has been tasked with keeping safe as a favour to Celestia and the rest of Equestria. Then suddenly, a cloaked pony entered with a band of thestral minstrels in tow. The minstrels were playing a tune that sounded like this, more specifically at 0:31 while chanting "Sa-ca-ha-naaaassssss-ha!". After making his way towards Scorpan, the pony removed the hood of his cloak and looked up at the gargoyle king. The pony had a rather unusual appearance, with a bald head and two smaller horns behind his main unicorn horn and had a dark red complexion. He also had black make-up around his yellow eyes. The expression on his face was one of confusion, one that indicated there was a burning question on his mind. And when the pony at last spoke, the band stopped playing their instruments rather abruptly. "Sooooooo, who talks first? you talk first? I talk first?" "Sacanas, is it?" "Ah, you know you I am, do you? Well then, that means you know what I've come for." "I know where you came from before one of our own took you in." That provoked Sacanas to levitate Scorpan and angrily pin him to the wall. After that, he laughed maniacally before letting Scorpan go. "Look how old you have become, Scorpan!" "True, but something far worse has happened to you." "Sweet mother of Celestia! You know my name, you know that I was raised here, you know I was KILLED BY MY APPRENTICE!!! HOW DO YOU KNOW THESE THINGS?!" "Well uh...Celestia told me after Discord invited me over to Equestria to take your staff and guard it over here so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands again after the Storm King incident, but not before it was stolen by Discord's cousin, Princess Eris. I didn't even know Discord had a cousin!" "Wait...Discord?" "Yes, he became friends with the ponies of Equestria, just like I did. I'm quite proud of him for doing that actually since he always seemed so lonely and a bit antisocial." Sacanas just looked at Scorpan with an expression of extreme confusion and befuddlement. Discord is friends with the ponies now?! What the Tartarus happened in his absence?! Naturally, such a revelation made Sacanas belt out another crazed cackle before pinning Scorpan to the wall again. "ENOUGH WITH THE FORMALITIES! Here's how we are going to do this, Scorpy: Either you give me back my staff or I will rip out the location of the staff out of your mind! And trust me when I say that the last option is extremely painful for you!" What followed was a lot of screaming on Scorpan's end and Sacanas trotting out with his minstrels in tow, continuing the menacing theme they played before Sacanas introduced himself to Scorpan. They then made their way to a chest, one that Sacanas hoped to Celestia wasn't a mimic and picked the lock with ease. Sacanas can't help but be amused at how weak the security was but thought to himself "well, sending dangerous magical artifacts to a distant land must be enough to stop it from getting in the wrong hooves, or hands in any other creature's case". He looked in the chest and found his staff. While he was happy to be reunited with his staff, he can't help but be disappointed that there wasn't more stuff in there like his Alicorn Amulet or one of those Seals of the Planets an acquaintance of his keeps whinnying on about.