//------------------------------// // Pearls before Mine // Story: A Future of Friendship, a History of Hate // by Skyeheart //------------------------------// "Thank you ever so much for your assistance, dear Blossomforth," Rarity eagerly expressed her appreciation to the straight-haired white pegasus in hot pink and green bangs as they picked with precision nearly clear stone drops that seemed to sparkle from one color to the next from the ovaries of a patch of glistening orchids. "It's no trouble at all," her companion replied. "It takes a good eye to know which flowers have condensed and matured enough to make a dew pearl, and a steady set of hooves to remove the fragile little gems. I can see why you came to me. You working on a new dress?" "Actually, it's a jumper, but yes. I was thinking of giving it a glassy look, but the smooth kind, not the type of luster that comes with sapphires or rubies. The first thing that came to my mind were rhinestones, but Celestia forbid I use such garish and ersatz ornamentations. And then I remembered what Daisy said the other day about these magnificent little baubles that could only develop beneath the stigma of these flowers, and I knew I just had to use these!" She carefully scooped several more into a small pouch, filled to the brim with the seed shaped crystals, and delicately and neatly closed it with a bow knot. "That should be more than enough. I should be able to complete at least five complete garments with this amount. Perhaps I could fashion one just for you, my good mare? A little token of my appreciation as it may." "Nah, nah. That's fine of you to offer, though. Anyways, I gotta hurry back to the station. My sis is going to chew my hide out if I'm late for another rainstorm shift." "Rainstorm?" Rarity's eyes showed a hint of alarm. "But thought that wasn't scheduled until tomorrow afternoon." "Last minute change of plans, it was bumped up to this evening when we got word of an incoming heat wave. The cloud factories will be at minimal production to keep the water reserves from going completely dry. So we got to get this downpour over with before then. See you later!" As Blossomforth took off, Rarity looked up at the orange eventide that was already beginning to darken and gray. Oh, dear. I just came out of the spa this afternoon, and me without my umbrella! I have to get back to the boutique before my perm is ruined! She had only managed to gallop out of the woods when she felt several drops touch her backside. Oh nononononono! Please! Don't rain yet! Her pace increased as the drizzle escalated into showers, attacking her groomed curls. My mane! Oh my poor, beautiful mane! If fact, she was so focused on the damage that was starting to form on the top of her head, that she was not paying attention to the road in front of her. A circumstance that, as luck would have it, caused her to trip over a loose flagstone and right towards a large muddy flowerbed. Rarity cried in dismay and squeezed her eyes shut in fright for the inevitable disaster that was about to befall her coat. What she felt next though was not the cold, dirty embrace of wet soil, but a warm, muscular leg that suddenly caught her around the midriff. Opening an eye, she felt her heart skip a beat as she gazed into the deep violet eyes of a handsome tall, white stallion with a long red mane. "My goodness, that certainly wouldn't have ended well. Brown is certainly not the color for a mare like you." Her hero levitated a large blue and gold umbrella over her head as he picked up the bag of pearls she dropped and smiled deeply. "Let's get that pretty little hair of yours somewhere wind damage free, shall we?" My Little Pony, My Little Pony Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh… (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be Until you all shared its magic with me Big adventure Tons of fun A beautiful heart Faithful and strong Sharing kindness It's an easy feat And magic makes it all complete You have my little ponies Do you know you're all my very best friends? Pearls before Mine Rarity daintily stepped through the doors of Carousel Boutique, her thoughts still slightly disoriented from the events that had played out moments ago. Stepping in front of the nearest vanity mirror, her mind cleared as she was able to inspect her mane more closely, and to her relief, the harm inflicted on her hair had been minimal. A quick stroke of a brush plus a twist of a curler and she was perfection again. "Quite a lovely place you have." Her heart skipped again as she was quickly reminded of how her mane had been spared from the harsh elements in the first place. A quick preen of the eyelashes, and she then turned back to get a better look at her savior. As she inspected the tall stallion, her mind began to muddle again in a daze. His shoulders were so tall and broad, not an ounce of muscle was out of place from the torso down. And his mane, it's sleek and wavy luster draped the back of his neck like luxurious scarf, adorned by a long, polished, ivory horn. He wore a glossy silver windbreaker, bejeweled with coral encrusted pendent of aquamarine that matched his cutie mark, a golden crown, with crossed tridents and laced by an angelic halo. "A grand display of beauty that stands out among everything else, much like it's owner." She simply melted at the sound of his deep and rich voice, ardent and inviting, with a touch of acute apprehension, like he was a jeweler who was judging the cut of diamond, and pleasantly found no flaw. Rarity finally managed to regain the strength in her knees, and coyly batted an eyelash at him. "Why thank you ever so much, my good sir. And I must say, you certainly are no stranger to the pretension of elegance yourself, what with that marvelous attire just perfect for this weather, and it goes so well with that...dashing figure of yours." His smile deepened as his strode up to a desk where he placed her satchel of dew pearls. "But of course. I expect and accept nothing if not the finest. Something we are apparently both akin to judging by this assortment you have gathered." Rarity beamed, sashaying up next to him. "Oh, these? They're a little something I picked up to decorate my latest project. One of them will actually be a birthday present for my friend Fluttershy." She then swished her tail, glazing over his coat playfully as she turned towards her kitchen near the backroom. "Speaking of gifts, I have yet to show my gratefulness for your chivalry. Let me put on some tea and show you some Ponyville hospitality while we wait this dreary rainstorm out, mister..." "Regal Rule, if you'd be so kind." "Charmed, you may call me Rarity." Within moments, the fashionista had table for two with a small plate of crumpets laid out among some fine china set in the reception area of her shop. She gently poured the teapot with her telekinesis as Regal took a lovingly whiff of the blend. "Mmm...Trottingham Darjeeling. Exquisite, a fine eye and fine taste." "Nothing but the best for my guests. So tell me, sir Regal, what brings you to Ponyville?" "I'm on my way to Canterlot, I have business amongst the mainland nobility, and wish to pay my respects to my grandaunts while I'm there. This town was actually a bit of a scenic detour I chose en-route, though I am quite glad I did. It has given me the time to appreciate the more elusive sights." He slyly narrowed his eyes and the edge of his irises have a quick twinkle. Rarity's inner schoolfilly screamed in excitement and she fought to keep her calm demeanor from breaking. She then noticed he was no longer looking at her, but at a rim of his sleeve that was slightly torn. For a moment, it seemed as if his expression had evolved into a look of outright disgust, but Rarity simply dismissed it as she too found the flaw appalling. "Pitiful, it seems my vestment has suffered at the hooves of nature. I'll have to discard this for a new one." "Oh, don't you worry about a thing, Sir Regal. Allow me to fix that." Regal shook his head. "A mere repair cannot change fact that it was flawed. No patch or hem performed can ever fully amend the faultless state of what untorn cloth should be." "Then you my friend, have yet to witness the skills from a seamstress of my caliber. Allow me to demonstrate." She quickly stood up from her seat and pulled his windbreaker off, trying her best not to think naughtily about the fact that she was, in a way, striping a handsome male down in her private studio. "And if you are not at all satisfied with my work, then allow me to make you an entirely new outfit, free of charge." It took her several minutes to find an appropriate thread color and material that would match the quality of the fabric, and soon she was propped over her machine, her design glasses fastened firmly to her eyes. "So, Canterlot, you say? How delightful! I've only been there on a few occasions, but each time was such a rewarding experience for me. And with the nobility no less! Did you know my wares are critically acclaimed by quite a few members of the high society as of late?" "Are they?" "Oh, indeed. Ever since I became connected with Fancy Pants, my recognition has skyrocketed. Are you aware I was the dressmaker for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's wedding?" "Really? A tailor worthy of an alicorn's attention is certainly worth his or her own weight in gold." Rarity hid a playful smirk at the compliment behind her hoof, and then neatly folded up her finished work and presented it to her client. "Viola! Your jacket is as good as new if not better." Regal looked carefully at the coat, then felt around the once damaged sleeve. Finally, he gazed up at Rarity with a bewildered smile. "Perfect...simply perfect...even more than the one who made this in the first place." His smile broadened as he suddenly grasped her hoof. "You did this...you didn't just craft purity, you made it from something improper. You...have no idea just how wonderful a talent you have. To make something perfect...a true Rarity indeed." Rarity found herself teetering on the edge of losing her composure with those words being said with such passion. "W-well, of course! A-anything less would be an insult to both of us!" "Yes, indeed. Miss Rarity, you have won another patron of your art today. I would love to have you fashion for me some suits for my personal occasions. I can see only you deserving enough...to create a garment worthy of a king." Rarity's elation was near gushing. "I would be delighted to! Now, let's get you back into this and we can converse on-" And then her heart skipped two beats. Her hoof, having run down the side to affix Regal's windbreaker, touched something feathery. Body frozen, her eyes swiveled to the edge of their sockets to look upon the stallion's being, and fell upon two long swan-like wings tucked in at his sides. "Y-you....you're... an alicorn?" "Oh, did I not mention it before? I am none other than the-" "Prince!" A set of quick raps upon the door sounded off, and before Rarity could even reach out for the door, the handle turned and a stout brown pony in a thick button down vest of green came barreling in. His cutie mark was a scroll of seaweed papyrus. "There you are! I've been combing this town top to bottom for you!" "Ah, squire Hardpress, impeccable timing, though rather intrusive. I just had a need to announce myself." "A-announce? Here? Whatever for?" "The reason is right before you." He motioned over to Rarity, whose mouth hung slightly agape. "P-prince?" He looked back over to the short newcomer. "If you please, it is part of your duties." The pony called Hardpress immediately cleared his throat as Regal stood to full height, and spread his wings in a brilliant radiance. "Uh...Presenting his illustrious highness, monarch of the nation of Corralica, Prince Regulus de Cordelia!" Rarity collapsed on her knees, the sheer magnitude of the news too much for her to take in all at once. "P-p-prince?" She repeated at last. "Indeed, I am the ruler of Corralica, heart of the Antlertic Ocean. And may I say, it is the most wonderful of places to be a sovereign of." "My prince, we must depart now. We are expected at the palace within the hour! Please!" "Now, now. I have yet to thank this paragon of virtue for allowing me sanctuary from this weather, and so much more. She has been quite the perfect lady so far, and I wish to better aquatint myself with her." Regal's squire gave his prince a dreadful look of urgency. The alicorn sighed as he lifted Rarity's hoof. "My apologies Miss Rarity, but it would appear I have lingered a bit too long as I must be at Canterlot palace by moonrise. Would it be alright if we discussed our business at a later time? I promise you will be amply rewarded for such patience." "O-oh! Yes! Most definitely! I would be...honored to meet with you again!" "Excellent, you shall be hearing from me soon." He leaned forward and kissed her hoof before turning to the door. "May this be but the first of our many...engagements...my Rarity." The door then closed, leaving the alabaster unicorn alone on her shop. A minute passed as she stood stiff as a stick. Then she slowly felt her kissed hoof, and exploded into a series of delighted squeals and shrieks. She flopped down on her sofa, and rolled around clutching one of the cushions tightly to her chest. It's happened! It's finally happened! "MY PRINCE HAS COME FOR ME AT LAST!!!" "Oh, I'm so happy for you," Fluttershy said as she clapped softly as she paused from handling Twilight's teacup. Rarity could simply not keep to herself and had immediately proceeded to spill the beans to her friends when she met with them the next day at the Golden Oaks library. "Oh, yes. I can just imagine it now! The wedding at Canterlot will seem like a mere trifle compared to mine! A entire symphony orchestra to play our march to the altar, flowers from every corner of the world adorning the chapel, and an exquisite butter-cream cake five miles high!" "Better make it six miles if Pinkie's on the guest list," Rainbow Dash joked without even looking up from her copy of Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet. "Easy there Rare," Applejack said as she wiped Pinkie's slobbering mouth. "We're getting a mite ahead ourselves, aren't we? Yeah, he's royalty, and he certainly appreciates yer clothes better than most, but ah'm not so sure that there's proof enough to be sure he's interested'n romancin' ya." "Oh trust me Applejack, a mare just knows these things. It'll be that much clearer to you once you find your soulmate one day." "I'm just sayin', you seem fixed on jumpin' the wagon a little too fast for mah tastes. Wouldn't want ya to get yer expect-itations dashed like that time at the gala. Hooo-wee, that was catastrophe in a can back there." Rarity cringed at the memory, and have a quick harrumph. "Regal Rule is nothing like 'he who shall not be named'. I witnessed for myself that he is a true gentlecolt of the utmost decency. After all, he did save-" "Your gorgeous hair, yeah, yeah. We heard that from you about ten times already." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, trying only slightly to hide her gagging motion. "Just where is this Corralica, anyways? Sounds like some made up kingdom if you ask me." "Corralica is an independent sovereignty of several dozen arpeggios just east of Equestrian waters and south of the Baatic sea," Twilight said, nose stuck in an atlas. "Founded by the Delmara clan in 515. It's three main exports are coral, kelp, and seabed pearls. While territorially it remains non-partisan to the mainland, its leaders have sworn unofficial fealty to the Equestrian crown, making it recognized by the political view as a provisional state." "Uh, what does that mean in non-egghead terms?" Rainbow asked. Twilight rolled her eyes. "It means it's a kingdom of many islands that are very close together that consider Equestria as a mother country." "Really? This Corralica is Equestria's baby? Who's its daddy? Wait, how do countries give birth anyway? I mean it's not like they can love each other very very much my mommy and daddy did. Or can they? Oh, hold on. That brings up another question, it's a kingdom of islands right? Does each island count as a child? Or is it like a Siamese landmass or something?" Twilight looked at Rainbow, Rainbow looked at Applejack, Applejack looked at Rarity and Fluttershy and they looked at each other. With a unanimous shrug, they all smiled and spoke together. "Pinkie Pie, you are so random." A mighty conch horn trumpeted outside, and Rarity's heart sang as she heard a knock on the door along with a familiar voice. "Miss Rarity? Are you there?" "Cooo-miiiing~" she falsettoed as she danced over to the door. Opening it, she was greeted by the prestigious white alicorn, sharply dressed in a cerulean tuxedo. "Why, Sir Regal! How marvelous it is to see you again so soon! And might I add that wonderful ensemble is even more magnificent than the last!" "Do tell. I ascertained from the locals that I would find you here at this time." He surveyed the others in the room with a vacant smile. "Associates of yours, I take?" "Oh, yes! Do forgive my lack of manners! Allow me to introduce my dear and invaluable friends! Applejack." "Howdy." "Rainbow Dash." "Hey." "Twilight Sparkle." "A pleasure." "Fluttershy." "H-hello." "And Pinkie Pie." "Heya Regie! I know this is actually your second time here in Ponyville, thus technically you're not a new pony in Ponyville. But since I didn't get to throw you a welcome to Ponyville party then, we might as well have it now since-" Rarity stuck her hoof into Pinkie's mouth before she could continue. "Ah hah...do excuse her eccentricity. She's...affable to a fault." Regal seemed to stiffen at the word fault, but he kept his polite smile. "I'm sure it is omittable. As I am sure you are all privileged to be acquainted with Lady Rarity. She only accompanies the finest there is to offer." "Oh yes! Indeed! I could not possibly think of a better circle of companions in the entire world than these mares right here!" She then gave Applejack a smug I told you he was nothing like you know who look. "Well, thank ya for the compliment ah suppose." At least ah think that there was a compliment. Applejack thought to herself. "Now, to the matter at hoof. Miss Rarity, you said you are within Fancy Pants' circle of socialites?" "That I did, and please. Just Rarity is fine." "Well then Rarity, allow me to extend an invitation to make up for my abrupt departure last evening. I am attending a luncheon he is hosting today, and believe this would be an opportune time to resume our discourse from before. In fact, he seemed rather elated at the prospect of your appearance when I mentioned it. I know it would be an honor for him if you allowed me to grace him with your presence." "Really?" Rarity's eyes sparkled at the thought of a day in Canterlot, reconnecting with her high society compatriots and perhaps establishing some new ones. And with him by her side all day, the things they could do together in that magical city! Lost in her fantasy, she did not notice that Rainbow Dash was trying to get her attention until the pegasus finally spat of her hoof and rubbed it against her ear. "Hey Rarity!" "Aah!" Rarity jumped back, quickly rubbing the saliva away with a handkerchief. "Rainbow Dash, what was that vulgar display for?!" "Be glad I went for a wet-willie instead of a purple-nurple," she tartly responded. "As I was trying to say, didn't we plan for a picnic today? That's why we all gathered here at Twilight's in the first place?" "Oh. Oh! You're right. I already did make plans didn't I?" Rarity fidgeted a bit as the forecast of a luxurious date began to fade. "Oh, uh. That's okay. You don't have to join us today," Twilight said, noticing the disappointment in Rarity's face, which turned slightly hopeful at her response. "Truly? You don't mind my imposition to accompany Regal?" "Aw shucks, ain't no skin off our noses if'n ya miss one get together with us. S'not everyday you get to smooze with those hoity-toity Canterfolk you admire so much...with a certain somepony ta boot." Applejack playfully nudged her frilly friend with that last remark and winked. Rarity blushed and tittered in return. "Yeah! A party's still a party even if one pony can't come! I'll even save you some cake for when you get back!" Pinkie chirped. "It's alright with me....uh...that is...unless you don't want to go," Fluttershy softly said. Rainbow shrugged. "Eeeh, yeah, I guess it's fine. Might even turn out to be more enjoyable without all the drama." "Oh, thank you so much girls!" Rarity lightheartedly squealed. "You really are the most absolute best friends in the entire universe!" "Think nothing of it, Rarity." Twilight smiled back. "Your happiness is our happiness." The edges of Regal's lips curled upward. "Truer words could not have been spoken. I can see now Rarity's choice in confidants is as flawless as her other traits." He then extended a hoof to his consort to Canterlot. "Shall we be off? My chariot is just outside." Rarity skipped along side of him, turning back only once to wave at her friends. "I promise to get you all a nice present while I'm up there!" The door to the library closed, and the other five mares leaned in close around the table and started to gossip. "So, what do you think of him?" Rainbow asked. "He's...nice," Fluttershy said. "You say that about everypony!" "He ain't the biggest stuffed shirt ah've met, ah'll admit. Rarity was right in that aspect. Still, fer some reason it kinda felt that he only liked us cause she likes us," Applejack weighed in. "Well, what do think her chances are? For real?" Rainbow wagged her eyebrows. "I think they make a cute couple!" Pinkie said. "I dunno...like I said, I really think it's too early to be thinking whether or not that colt's the right type for her. But....it kinda seems promising. I'm just hopin' she doesn't get a little too forceful should he fail'n meeting one of her assumptions." "Hmph. He's all wrong!" The five ponies turned to see a certain dragon child sitting at the base of the stairs with his arms crossed and his face pouted. "I'm sorry, what do mean by that Spike?" Twilight asked her assistant. "I'm saying that Regal guy's nothing but trouble! I know my Rarity, and that 'prince' is definitely not the one for her!" "And just what makes him out to be so bad?" Twilight said as a smirk was beginning to grow on her face. "Just a feeling I got in my gut. Dragon instincts and all that." Applejack chuckled. "Oh, yer feelin' somethin' alright, lover boy. But ah don't think it's yer 'dragon instincts' that's tellin' ya that." The others joined in Applejack's little chortle while Spike turned his back trying to act as indignant as possible. "See if I ever give a hoot about your love problems." "Hoot." Spike shot a look up towards the rafters. "Et tu, Owlowiscious?" "Rarity! How good it is to see you again after so long!" Rarity politely shook hooves with her blue maned, monocle wearing associate in the private gardens of his estate. "The feeling is mutual Fancy Pants. I have pined for quite a while to hear another of your amusing excursions." "Ah, then I have just the anecdote for you. It was three months back, and Fleur and I had just arranged for a week long holiday in Neighpon. I had retired to my room after a dinner with the prime minister, and she had partaken a little heavily on the sake. Then...here's where it gets amusing, have you ever seen or worked with a kimono before?" "I daresay I have admired their intricate designs, but never have designed one myself." Rarity thought to herself. Hmmm...a kimono. That would be a smashing gift for my friends! I should make a note to purchase some extra silk and a tea ceremony set while I'm here. "Well, Fleur had discovered a little game some stallions play with their mare in that ensemble. It involves..." He whispered the rest delicately into her ear, and Rarity's cheeks grew hot as she stifled a giggle. "Oh! Fancy Pants! You naughty little colt! I take it you were a little tipsy yourself at the time?" "More sober than you think my dear." Rarity tittered as she playfully waved a dismissive hoof. "Oh ho ho, Fancy Pants! Naughty, naughty!" "And that was just the first night, I'll tell you." Rarity continued to enjoy herself listening the elite unicorn's amusing escapades over the world, all the while elegantly showing off her latest outfit that she had stopped by her boutique to fetch before departing for the city. It was a goldenrod sun dress with a purple satin lace trimming the outlines. A down padding was sewn underneath to give the frills more volume and exemplify the soft textile better. She hadn't planned on unveiling it just yet as she was thinking of finding a brooch to along with it, but Regal had provided one for her from one of the many jewelers around once he learned of her dilemma. She had also taken upon herself to get one for each of her friends while she was at it. She had promised to get them something while she was up there. Rainbow's and Applejack's were of course more practical in design, being that they'd probably only wear it if it didn't hinder their work. Regal had been impressed with Rarity's reasoning, thinking what was best for her friends. "Many would not think to give their best if it did not benefit them," he had said to her at the counter. "That is such a one sided creed to live by. Giving is as much an aspect of life as taking, if not treated similarly, it is an appalling reflection of one's own worth." Rarity wholeheartedly agreed at his words. Being the element of generosity did not simply mean hoofing anything away freely, only the best...from the very best! That was her. Thinking of which, Regal soon joined the duo, a glass of wine floating behind. "Enjoying yourself I take it?" "Oh, I'm having the most divine time!" Rarity trilled. "I even managed to receive some requests for a late spring gown. Not to be rude to Pinkie but, I have been craving a chance to practice my more refined senses, and her soirees are not exactly eloquent for socializing at a relaxed pace." Fancy Pants chuckled. "I suppose not. But what is life without a little whimsy? Just hearing that name has me recalling the time she downed that entire chocolate fountain in one gulp. Makes me wonder how one of my trips would go if I took you and your five companions with me. And speaking of gowns, I think you'll be quite pleased to see what my dear Fleur is wearing for this occasion." Rarity curved her neck to glance at approaching model unicorn. Her snow white, slender frame was slipped beautifully into two layers of cauliflower blue silk, a triplet of rainbow opals adorning the two sides while the back collar had several ribbons interwoven to give the impression of a rainbow stream mixed in her pink hair as she walked. "Oh my, is that...my dress? The one that was ordered two months back? Goodness, it looks even better on you than I thought it would Lady Fleur!" "I'm pleased to hear that," Fleur replied. "Of course, I already knew coming from you, any outfit made would certainly be the creme de la creme of any situation." "Oh please. I'm not that world renowned." "Do not be so quick as to dismiss yourself inferior," Regal said. "Such dispositions will only invite the more undeserving to step on you." "While I don't feel that's the most appropriate way to say it, I must agree with Lord Regal to some point. You should take some more pride in your work, despite any criticism you might face," Fancy Pants noted. "Success is 90% attitude and 10% aptitude after all." "By the by," Regal Rule turned to Fancy Pants. "Have you given more thought to my proposition?" "I have. And you will be receiving the first fleet once the development is complete." "Proposition?" Rarity asked. "I hold several enterprises within my affluence," Fancy explained. "One happens to be researching new forms of air travel. My R&D department has made a breakthrough in which we will finally be able to construct large passenger ships that exceed current balloon capacities fifty-fold and their speed by at least ten times." "That's astounding!" "Quite, but the means to acquire the materials and assemble even one of these currently goes beyond the fiscal budget. Lord Regal here has offered to dedicate a portion of his capital to allow for further advancement, provided I give to him several ships of his own once complete." He then faced Regal with a more serious look on his face. "I will however, not accept the port under my name. I have no intention of inheriting any titles that come with it." Rarity blinked in confusion. "Why would you receive any titles for simply making a new vehicle?" "For ships that large, Regal Rule would need an additional docking center made simply to house them. He has also offered to build the port under my husband's ownership, and inadvertently, the land it is constructed on. The amount of territory under a noble's name greatly influences his or her peerage amongst the court." Rarity slowly nodded at Fleur's explanation, only to double take when the realization hit that he had just passed up a chance at a promotion in the aristocracy. "You're saying you do not wish to be anything more than a viscount?" Regal asked with a raised eye. "Hardly!" Fancy Pants laughed. "But said shipyard will be coming from your money, not mine. I know it's rather old fashioned for a stallion of my age, but I like to see myself as a 'self-made' noble. When the time comes that I am allowed into the more powerful circles, it will be by my own hooves, not another's." "I do apologize if this is unfavorable to you," he quickly added. Regal seemed as if he was in deep thought for but several seconds, and a small smile crept up from his face. "Not at all. In fact, I probably would have been more wary if you had accepted. Sacrifice nothing for gain, that shows that everything you've achieved up to now is worth holding on to, as is mine. Your assertiveness to your ideals marks you trustworthy in my ledger. You can expect more great opportunities from me in the foreseeable future." Rarity wasn't sure of it, but Regal seemed to cast a fleeting look to her the moment he said 'mine'. "Again, not exactly how I would have put it, but you are right in aspect. When it comes to felicity, there are some things you cannot compromise just because someone else disagrees." The silver and ivory chariot came to a stop as the twin sea-blue pegasuses parked themselves right outside of Carousel Boutique. Rarity stepped out, a large bag of assortments levitated after her. "Today was perfect," Regal said from his seat as he leaned over the side to nuzzle her cheek. "You made it perfect." "R-regal, please," Rarity flustered. "I should be saying that to you." "Then let us say we were both perfect." He then signaled for his drivers to begin heading back. "I shall see you on the morrow, my Rarity." Rarity softly waved until the chariot disappeared from sight. Sighing lovingly, she floated over to her door. The stallion of her dreams still swam in her eyes as she faintly thought on how to surprise her friends with her little gifts. "SURPRISE!!!" "Aah!" Rarity was struck out of her stupor as the door burst open and streams of confetti poured out along with a gaggle of hooves that pulled her in. Her five friends were all huddled in a tight circle around her, and Pinkie lifted a plate of strawberry shortcake in front of the shocked unicorn. "You're finally back! I told you I'd save you some cake! And by the way, welcome to your congratulations on your first date party!" Rarity shook her head a few times to make sure she was completely oriented. "You...you've all been here, waiting for me?" "Waiting is an understatement," Rainbow Dash said. "We've been here ever since the picnic ended at four. I mean, what gives? How long can a lunch last?" "Oh, I see. Well, it wasn't just the lunch I went to. Afterwards, there was an auction I attended where I got a lovely maredarin rug. And then there was that philharmonic performance that started in the hall over that I just had to stay around for. By the time that was done, it was already well into the evening and so Regal offered to treat me to dinner at a Roamanian restaurant he knew well." She swooned at his mentioning. "Aaaaah...Regal. How he doted on me every minute, and I cherished every moment of it! His chivalrous character guarding me with every step on the streets, as if I were made of gold! His soft touch as he wrapped his hoof around me as we sat before the orchestra! Like caressing the petals of lilacs!" Rainbow Dash smirked mischievously as she tuned out most of Rarity's dialogue. "So, what, did you make it to second base or what? Dish it!" Rarity frowned, it was clear not everypony here was as romantic as she was. "Honestly, Rainbow Dash. Can't you go for a single conversation without degenerating to a curt remark?" "Aaah, she don't mean no harm Rarity. We're just all a little curious to see how well you two are hittin' off," Applejack said. "No worries about that. After today I am most positively sure that he is...the one!" Rarity's eyes twinkled as she looked starward. "As a matter of fact, he's invited me again tomorrow to attend the grand opening of a new opera house, with box seat tickets, no less!" Rainbow's brow suddenly knitted. "Wait, you're going back tomorrow? But tomor-" Twilight cupped the mouth with her hoof. "That's wonderful news! What's the program?" "Song of the red nightingale. An eleven act tragedy with an average running time of ten hours, excluding intermissions." "Ten hours!" Rainbow Dash jerked Twilight's hoof off her muzzle. "So you're going to be there all day? Then you're definitely gonna miss-" Applejack's hoof was promptly inserted before Rainbow could get another word in. "Sounds like you got a full schedule all set up with that prince of yers, ah'm hopin' things go as smoothly tomorrow for you as they did today. We all do, right?" She directed a glare at Rainbow. Rainbow, having gotten the point, slowly nodded with Applejack's hoof still stuck in her mouth. "Oh yes, one more thing. I did promise to get you all something while I was up there, didn't I?" Rarity levitated the brooches out of the sack, along with some other assortments such as a mint condition third edition art encyclopedia for Twilight, a small box of exotic truffles for Pinkie, a bottle of hyacinth potpourri for Fluttershy, etc. She then proceed upstairs, nibbling a bit on Pinkie's cake. "Now, if you'd be so kind. I would like to take a warm bubble bath and then retire early for the night. I will be departing at eight in the morning." "Okie dokie lokie! Nighty night Rarity!" Pinkie bounced right out with the others in tow, each saying goodnight as well. When they were all finally a good distance away from the boutique, Applejack finally pulled her hoof out of Rainbow's mouth. "Have you tasted yourself lately?" Rainbow asked rhetorically, wiping her tongue. "Cause that is not apple I'm trying to get out of my mouth." "Weren't exactly an enjoyable moment for me neither," Applejack replied dryly. "So why didn't any of you point out that tomorrow was the Wonderbolt derby? The biggest race of the season that I got us all tickets to last week?" "Now Dash, don't go havin' crabapples on us now. Rarity's havin' a good time at the moment, and it'd be gosh darn inconsiderate if we spoil it fer her." "Applejack's right," Twilight agreed. "Everypony needs some time to herself now and then. And I'm sure she'll have a much more enjoyable time with Regal Rule in Canterlot than she would sitting in a hot, crowded balloon in Cloudsdale." "Yeah, listening to a bunch of artsy-fartsy actors in monkey suits belch out tunes in a dead language for ten whole hours is way more entertaining than watching high flying, adrenaline pumping, gravity defying, no holds barred racing ten thousand feet in the air." "That does sound fun! Burping gibberish in song for ten hours! That's so hilarious! That's gotta be a world record! Hey! I bet I can do eleven hours easy! In fact, that's a great idea! I'm going to try to go a whole day burp singing!" And Pinkie then proceeded to eruct a cacophony of gobbledygook in a deep bowel moving voice emanating from her stomach. "Um, I'd like the opera better...if that's alright with you." Rainbow Dash groaned, thinking in hindsight that her argument would probably have been stronger if she hadn't mentioned heights in front of Fluttershy and burps in front of Pinkie Pie. The satin cushions felt heavenly as Rarity nestled down, spectacles in hoof. The lights dimmed as the overture ended. "This is delightful," she whispered to Regal, who sat beside her. "I've always wanted to attend a theatrical performance as grand and brilliant as an opera, but never could find the time." "I often find myself in situations where the rules of the clock try to dictate my movements," her alicorn host replied. "That is when I make time. There is no sense in putting so much effort into a result you do not want. It is why I have made difficult decisions sometimes for the good of my nation." He then dismissed the subject with a smile. "But there's no need to bring up such political jargon on an occasion like this. Let us enjoy what the thespians have to offer." The curtain opened to a red pegasus, wearing a rose tinted flock to make her look more like a bird than a pony and in a large golden cage. She began to sing of how she loved her owner, yet the feelings reciprocated were not of the same context, for to him, she was but his songbird, and amore could not be thought of between a pony and his pet. The scenes continued from her invoking a cursed ritual to transform into a pony, the male lead's anguish at the sudden disappearance of his companion and the haunting feelings of nostalgia that came with the appearance of the mysterious maiden, to the heartbreak of the transformed bird as she learned of a betrothed that was not her. Towards the play's end, she had binded the other mare with the price that she had to pay for the curse instead of herself, in hopes of securing her love. But the specter of guilt visited her as she watched her love mourn in despair for losing yet another love. Thus, she cast herself off the cliffs, believing to be undeserving and her love watched her perish as she returned to her original form, prompting him to leap into the jaws of death after her. As the actors stood for the third round of ovation. Rarity felt a wing drape over her. "How did you find the performance, my Rarity?" "It was a wonderful display of lovelorn and lost. As good as any of my novels, still..." "Yes?" "The one playing the engaged noble..." Rarity lifted the program pamphlet to look up the name. "Canon Da Capo. That dance in act 5, stanza 3...she was off a little in tempo. Not that anypony other than I could have noticed it but-" "I did." Rarity craned her head to see Regal staring down at the said actor on stage. His calm demeanor betraying a look of disappointment. "An excellent eye for detail as always, Rarity. That gives this imperfect performance a silver lining so to speak." "I'm sure it wasn't intentional. If anything, she just seemed to lack a little passion in articulating the more subtle movements." "All the more reason to express criticism. Rarity, would you ever allow a dress with a loose seam be sold under your name?" "Of course not! That would be an affront to my standards!" "Precisely, when that mare became a performer, she realized a dream. A dream should never be pursued halfheartedly. By faltering even the tiniest bit, she showed hesitation, she showed regret, she showed defeat." He led her out pass the lobby and into the courtyards. "It is the same for many I have met outside my kingdom. They show they have acquired their talents, yet do naught to master them. The fire in their hearts does not burn to exceed their predecessors. They are imitators, not innovators." "My, that certainly sounds most distasteful. I suppose I too would be offended if somepony did not care about the discipline that went into their own work and merely hoofed it off to another." "Verily. I never stop halfway. To pause would invite squander to opportunity. My steadfastness is what has kept my kingdom strong and superior to neighbors three times Corralica's size." He plucked a rose from a nearby bush, and after inspecting it, he passed it over to Rarity. "You show no lapse in your work either. You stand with absolute confidence that what you present to others is exactly what they want. It is because of that they are not disappointed." He felt the auburn blazer he was wearing with one wing along with the sleeve of Rarity's amaranthine evening gown with the other, both of which had been crafted by her for the occasion. "I know I am not." Rarity beamed as she eagerly accepted his token of affection. In the back of her mind though, an inkling of thought prodded at her as if she was forgetting something, something about today. No, no. I'm sure it wasn't important if I can't recall it. Besides, I can always...hm hm hmm...'make' time should I do remember it. Yes. Regal was correct! She had no regrets. Regrets were for those in the wrong! And this being here with him, the most gentlecoltly and handsome stallion that ever graced her in this lifetime, the pony that melted her heart with such soft words and elegant praise...felt so right! "She's not coming back tonight, is she?" Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves as she slumped down on Carousel Boutique's roof. Spike mimicked her posture and expression perfectly one floor down. "I'll second that notion. I'll bet he's holding her hostage in some high class love shack, forcing himself on her! Stripping her of her innocence against her will!" "I wouldn't say she's that innocent given the books AB found under her bed that one time she had a sleepover with Sweetie," Applejack joked. "E-QUEEEEESTRIA! E-QUEEEEESTRIA! SUN SHED YOUR LIGHT ON THEEEEEEE...." Pinkie burped in the background. "For crying out loud and the umpteenth time Pinkie, that is not what I meant by opera singing, so cut it out!" "B-UUUUUUUT IIIIIIT'S SO FUN DAAAAAAAAAAASHIIIIIIIIIE!" "Yeah, it was for the first two hours..." "Come on Spike," Twilight said as she nudged her assistant. "It's past your bed time, and we open at six tomorrow." "Aww, Five more minutes Twilight, please? I just know she's going to be back any moment!" "Didn't you just assume she's being forced down in bed thirty seconds ago?" "All the more reason not to go to bed! We should ride out to Canterlot and save her!" Twilight sighed and gave her little assistant the look a mother would give her disobedient child. "Spike, I know you're feeling jealous right now, but that's no excuse to go making a mountain out of a molehill. Rarity is-" "COMING THIS WAAAAY BUR-LAP!" Everypony's attention snapped to the skies as a small, one ponied chariot landed. However riding it was not Rarity or Regal, but a lanky tawny earth pony with a courier's cap that had the emblem of Corralica etched on the brim. He looked upon the group standing before the boutique. "Oh, are you Lady Rarity's friends?" he asked in a rather scratchy and high pitched voice. "Uh...yes?" Twilight answered. "Oh, good, that saves me time." He reached into the carriage and hauled out several gift baskets which he placed before the five mares and the dragon. "Carry On, part of the Corralica porter corps. I'm here to deliver these gift baskets and retrieve several articles of importance from Carousel Boutique. That's this place, right?" Before he get his hoof on the door, Applejack barred the way. "Now hold on there partner! What's all this bargin' inta our friend's house and takin' her stuff about?" Carry On unfurled a short list that everypony recognized had Rarity's hoofwriting. "His royal highness, Prince Regulus de Cordelia, has coordinately invited Lady Rarity to stay overnight as a guest in Canterlot palace. Upon acceptance, she has formally requested the following items to be moved to her suite for the duration of her stay." A few moments passed in silence...minus Pinkie's burp-boxing to the song 'Smile'. "So let me get this straight," Rainbow finally said. "Rarity is going to be staying with his royal highness for the night instead of coming back here...which means we waited around for nothing again?!" "Well, it's not like she knew we were expecting her back," Twilight affirmed. "In fact, it probably would have been more practical to wait until tomorrow morning to try and check up on her." "If I may, can I be allowed to fulfill my task?" Applejack shrugged and let her hoof drop. "Carry on, Carry On." As the porter disappeared behind the door, Spike turned to Twilight with his hands on his hips. "What did I tell ya? Bad news. That prince Regal's turning my dear Rarity into a total flake!" "Spike, you're overreacting. So Rarity's going to spend an extra day in Canterlot. That only makes it three days. Keep in mind she's taken trips there that have lasted over a week." "Yeah, after she clears her schedule of other events ahead of time, like tomorrow's book club meeting?" A painful cry of "Aaah! Nice kitty! Down! Into the carrier!" accompanied by an annoyed yowl of Opalescence sounded off while Twilight mentally facehoofed. Book club! I completely forgot our monthly book club meeting too! Fluttershy and I were looking so forward to sharing our opinions of Cribnote's 'Sailing of the Moonlighter' with Rarity. I guess we'll have to hold it some other time unless- Then Twilight had an idea. "Hey, girls. None of us are doing anything particularly important tomorrow, are we?" Rarity sighed in bliss as she sunk beneath the steaming waters of the immense scented bath. A hoofmaiden was busy filing her hooves while another gently massaged her shoulders. Heaven...she was truly in heaven. If only she could start every morning like this. "Caress, was it? You have the most magnificent touch. Better even than Aloe, and that is something I do not say lightly." "Most appreciated madam." The servant gave one last squeeze around the collar, and then proceeded to rinse the shampoo off her mane. "Shall I prepare your attire for the day?" "Just the towels will necessary. Dressing myself is a luxury I tend to enjoy personally." As the other wrapped up polishing the tips of Rarity's hooves, she proceeded to rise from the tub, and wrapped both her body and mane in the rose-magenta towels that were soon provided for her. "Master Regal will be a bit delayed joining you in the dining hall for breakfast. He is currently engaged in a meeting with princess Celestia in the audience chamber." "Is that so?" Rarity levitated a sky blue dress with a snow white petticoat underneath as she teased her eyelashes. "Well, no sense in starting without him. Perhaps I'll pay the princess a visit myself." "I certainly appreciate your consideration on such a short notice, Princess Celestia." Regal bowed before his monarch as he concluded his business. "It is no trouble at all. My sister and I would love to have you tonight. It is always a pleasure to indulge in the company of family." Her highness straightened up as the Prince of Corralica raised his head. "Talking of which, how fares Lord Silver?" "My father's condition, I'm afraid, has not improved, but neither has it worsened. As it is, he may be bedridden until the end of his days. Worry not though, as I'm sure your auditors have noted, Corralica remains prosperous under my watch and has even grown in territory and wealth. And with my ascension all but a formality now, both he and you can rest assured that the nation is in good hooves." "I have no doubts in your abilities, and I am sure your parents do not either. Still, I would love to talk with my nephew personally after such a long time since we have last seen one another. Perhaps I may arrange a visit myself to Corralica someday." "I would be most most honored to have you in my home. To have the grace of the our sun's shepherd would be a blessing onto Corralica itself." "You've never been one to avoid laying it on thick were you?" Celestia said with a chuckle. "I speak nothing if it is not forthright. For all your actions and merits, there is none other worthy of the stature you hold." With a final bow, he dismissed himself from her presence. For now... Pacing back and forth before the huge assembly doors, Prince Blueblood took note of the large grandfather clock to the left of the hall. 9:05...five minutes late! Who could possibly have the audacity to keep me from my scheduled audience with auntie for this long? Doesn't anypony in this castle realize how important I am to the integrity of this land's social structure? That I have important business to conduct elsewhere? Matters of extreme consequence to attend to? And yet here I am, forced to stand idly by whilst some figure of lesser significance has his say first with my dear aunt. Without proper appointment to say the least! A fine start to the morning this is! What's next? An assault from an assassin around the corner? At that moment, he turned around to collide snout to snout into a white unicorn mare that had just turned into the corridor. Rubbing their bruised noses, the two pairs of eyes took a moment to undaze their focus, then narrowed at each other in abject horror. "YOU!" they both exclaimed. "Who let this commoner in here? Guards! Come quick! Someone escort this demoness out of my sight immediately!" "Excuse me?!" Rarity choked a gasp of revulsion at the sudden outburst and insult. "How dare you address me like that! If anyone's the monster around here, it's you! I can see you haven't improved your character in the slightest since last time!" Blueblood skirted backwards from her pointed hoof. "Keep away from me, you plebeian creature! I will not be violated in my own home again!" "Violated?! If anything, I was the victim that night! Forcing me to wait on you hoof and mane for every little thing like a beast of burden! The disrespect you showed my friends as if they nothing more than clumps of sod! Oh, and let's not forget the cake-AUGH!" Blueblood had unwittingly chosen to shield himself with a nearby vase of carnations, which poured out as he swung it around to protect his face, soaking Rarity and her dress to the bone. Peeking a half-closed eye out, he saw her gritting her teeth, cheeks flushed and eyes narrowed. "Oh, oh dear..." "So that's how you want to play it? Fine then, Blueblood...IT. IS. ON!" She was instantly on top of him with several more of the vases in the halls, slathering him in a mess of dirty water and cut roses as she pinned him to the ground. "HEEEELP!!! GUUUARDS!! I'm being defiled by the most vile of all harlots!!" "Keep digging yourself deeper, you insufferable-awp!" Rarity was seized and hoisted by the forelimbs from a pair of burly white pegasus guards, bearing the compass rose insignia of house Blueblood on their chestplates. Blueblood looked over the mess of his coat as he stood up and then glared at Rarity with as disdain as he could muster with dignity. "Time to do what I should have done months ago. Throw this...villain into the dungeons immediately!" "That will not do, Blueblood." The doors opened wide to allow Regal Rule to step in between the two drenched ponies. Blueblood's disgust quickly turned into a scowl of deeper contempt as he met Regal's gaze. "Regal...I should have known it was you who kept me delayed. And I take it you are responsible for...her being here as well?" "Lady Rarity is here as my guest. Any mistreatment to her is mistreatment to me." "Lady? That is so poor a joke I cannot even bring myself to laugh at its absurdity. No decorum, no pedigree, not even a inkling of respect for the hierarchy's mannerisms. This common mare is anything but." Regal towered above Blueblood, his eyes boring into the indignant stallion. "There is nothing common about Lady Rarity. Impugn her again at your own peril." Rather than cringe in fear or disgust as she had always seen him do, Blueblood attempted to stand higher than Regal to Rarity's surprise, as if he felt there was an advantage he could press without consequence. "Know your place, Marquess Cordelia. Your word may be absolute in that backwater hinterland of islands you call a country, but in this court, I outrank you!" Regal was quick to retort. "I am well aware of my position, Grand Duke Blueblood. Though I call into question yours if you believe you can condemn without trial for something as trivial as a wet mane. Especially since I saw you throw the first volley." He cast a withering glare at Blueblood's guards, and they slowly lowered Rarity back to the floor. "We shall leave you to your royal duties as I'm sure we've wasted enough of your time. After all, being the figurehead of a completely autonomous society is a rather crucial linchpin in the pony nobility." Rarity could not help but titter behind her hoof as they walked away from the sputtering unicorn prince. "Y-you disrespectful upstart! I'm telling auntie on you! You will not get away with such insolence this time!" "Yes, yes. The nepotism card worked so well for you the last forty-four times you tried to press an issue against me, why should it fail now?" As the two moved out of earshot, Rarity felt a tinge of regret creep up her spine for having a go a Blueblood in such an uncouth way. "So...you saw me, yes?" "Do not concern yourself over such petty displays. Your behavior, though undignified, was justifiable. I know it is considered poor taste to openly admonish somepony, but to be frank, he deserved much more than that. Ponies like Blueblood are the kind I despise the most." Rarity's interest was piqued as they continued to the dining hall. "Am I to presume you have a history with him?" Regal stopped for a moment and plucked a rose from one of the unturned vases. "That stallion holds many office names under his title, one of them happens to Grand Veneur, whom determines any changes to the borders of territory in Equestria. He has attempted for years to properly annex my country merely for the sake of using his position to directly influence their revenues in his favor. I've managed to deny him at every effort however, as my nation's welfare fares better than his coffers, leaving him no legal recourse." He held the rose close under his chin as he began to pluck the petals one by one. "Even if he hadn't such an obsession with making my kingdom a 'proper' state of Equestria, my enmity with him would not deter in the slightest. He is a stallion undeserving of his power. It was handed to him on a platter. As far as I'm concerned, he is opposite of above me regardless of rank. When I took charge over my father's rule, I showed that I was worthy of such privilege. Blood, sweat, and tears were shed as I worked to secure my country's prosperity. My neighbors bowed in fealty and respect not because I asked them to, but because I gave them a reason to. Blueblood has done none of that. All he has ever done is whine at his vassals and relatives for what he wants, and whatever is given is treated poorly or completely ignored soon after, squandered at his hooves and never to be brought forth and utilized by a more capable leader." He crushed the now bare stem with his hoof. "Opportunity ill merited, opportunity wasted. I'd wager the only way he could ever learn to be a noble befitting his position is if he were to relive his foalhood or perhaps the worst day of his life a million times over. Take these words to heart, Rarity. True fulfillment cannot be received, it must be seized. And do not let anyone deny you of what is rightfully earned, lest some other undeserving takes it away." Rarity silently agreed as Regal approached the door and held it open for her. It would be like somepony else taking credit for a dress she designed. Underhoofed, atrocious, and simply pathetic. She would never let herself become a doormat to another pony's narrow minded whim, and the fact that Regal felt the same only furthered her admiration. There is just simply no flaw in him whatsoever... she thought dreamily as she sat herself down. "But enough of such tiresome affairs. Wheatgrass and seaweed medley with a side of grapefruit please. To more pleasent topics, I have come to learn of a charity ball being held in the lunar sanctum of the palace tonight. And after speaking with dear Celestia, am pleased to say-" "What do mean we can't go in?" Twilight and the others stood before a pair of Corralica soldiers as they barred the entryway to the east wing. The train ride up to Canterlot and the walk up to the castle had gone relatively smoothly and uneventful. The guards at the palace entrance had even regarded the five mares and dragon with stoic smiles, and had informed them of where Rarity and Regal were currently staying. But when they had passed through the halls and entered the inner courtyard to cross over to section of the castle reserved for the Corralica emissaries, prince Regal's elite immediately halted them before they could take even one step past the gates. "This area is off limits to public access, no entry," the black pegasus on the left grunted. "That's absurd!" Twilight argued. "I'm princess Celestia's personal student! I've walked through every inch of this castle when I was a little filly and never have I been restricted from passage!" "Orders are orders," the gray and white spotted earth pony on the right stated monotonously. "This section of the palace has been reserved for Corralica dignitaries only. None may pass without Prince Regulus de Cordelia's consent and his alone." "Are you kidding me? I did not waste a sick day on the weather team to come all the way to Canterlot just to get sent back empty hoofed!" Rainbow leaned so close to one of the guards their muzzles nearly touched. "Either you let us through, or we're going through!" "Rainbow Dash, no!" Twilight pulled her back with a spurt of magic. "We're going to get kicked out for real if you assault a guardspony!" She then proceeded to herd the group back towards the main hall. "Let's just see Princess Celestia in the throne room. I'm sure she straighten this situation out." "Twilight's right RD, no sense in gettin' violent when we can have the princess handle all that red tape." "Really? Tape comes in that color? Neato! Think the princess will let me have extra so I can hang my pennants and flyers instead of using that boring old clear scotch tape? Why do they call it scotch tape anyways? I mean, it's not like it has any alcohol in it, I should know, I tasted it. And why are we talking about tape in the first place? I thought we were trying to find-" "Rarity!" "Actually, I was going to say the royal kitchens, I'm starving! But yeah, we're looking for her too." "No, I mean, Rarity! She's over there!" Everypony turned in the direction Fluttershy was pointing. Sure enough, towards the other end of the courtyard, having just exited the pavilion and heading across the garden towards the carriage stables, was their white unicorn friend being led by the alicorn prince. "Rarity! Hey Rarity! Over here!" Rainbow Dash and Spike waved their hooves and arms respectively, but their display went unnoticed. "I don't think she can hear us from over there," Twilight remarked. "Then we'll just have to get closer, hop on, Romeo!" Spike eagerly swapped mounts, and the two took off like a shot...for half a second. "You will not be warned again," the guards said in unison as they barricaded the view. "No trespassing." "Come on! She's right over there! LET. US. THROUGH!" Her obstructors said not a word as they continued to stare the cyan mare down in cold indifference. "That's it. I've had it up to here with your 'protocols' and 'credos', OUTTA MY WAY!" She shoved them aside in a surprise rush and whizzed right for the courtyard pair, leaving her friends wide-eyed and flabbergasted as the guards were back on the their hooves and after her in an instant. "Rainbow Dash, NO!" "Halt! You are ordered to halt!" Even with her dragon passenger, Rainbow was still easily able to outpace the pursuers. She was almost within shouting distance as Regal opened the door for his accompaniment, letting her disappear within the walls of the palace again when he looked up to see the multi-colored blur approaching. "Regal! Hey Regal! Hold that door for us! And call off your guards while you're at it! We're here to see Rarity!" Then Regal Rule did something completely surprising to Rainbow Dash. He stepped beyond the double doors, turned one last time to eye the approaching pegasus, a sinister smirk plastered all over his face, and slammed them shut just inches away from her. Rainbow peeled her face off the wooden embroidery, the taste of mahogany fresh in her mouth. She stared at the shut doorway in stunned silence as her mind tried to catch up with what just happened. Righteous fury then bubbled up from inside. "W-why that...that pompous jerkwad! He snubbed me on purpose!!" "Now do you believe me when I say that guy's bad news?" "You're darn right he's bad news. Time to give that smug foreign snob a piece of my-APGMPH!" Rainbow Dash and Spike were promptly reminded that they had guards chasing them only a few moments back as their faces met the cobblestones. Fighting back to escape their grip proved futile and only succeeded in getting them into a full body restraint by the burly stallions. "Ow! That...leg doesn't bend that way!" Spike protested. Rainbow Dash looked up to see a large four ponied carriage fly overhead and out of sight from the stables she had tried to get into. "Crud...now we've missed her." "Rainbow Dash!" The other four mares had finally manged to catch up and were now doing their best to huddle around and coax the guards off the two. "Consarn it, Rainbow Dash. Why do you always gotta think with yer wings instead of yer head?! Now we're all in trouble." "Hey, Rarity was right in front of us, about to fly off who knows where for who knows when! What I was supposed to do?" "You were supposed to stick to the plan and let Princess Celestia handle getting us inside! She would have come back eventually, and-" Twilight was cut off as a large spear crossed her face. The group nervously looked around to see at least a dozen more of the Corralica guard surrounding them, weapons pointed inward. "Anypony got some idea on what we should do now?" Applejack asked, a bead of sweat dripping down her neck. "Uh...panic?" Fluttershy meekly suggested. "You are in violation of diplomatic martial law. As per rule dictates, you will now be personally escorted off the premises, and barred from entry into Canterlot castle from now until the leave of Corralica's emissary. Failure to comply will result in the permission for use of force." Twilight tried to regard the soldiers with as much pleasantry as her nerves could muster up, resulting in a goofy awkward grin. "I don't suppose we could talk to the Princess first and have this misunderstanding cleared up?" The steel spearhead edged closer to her snout. "Yeah, that's what I thought." The morning greeted Rarity with a loving warmth as she slid out from underneath the silken sheets of her bed. The past week for her had been everything she could have fantasized and more. A tour of Manehattan, starlit dinners with a firsthoof look of Luna's aurora, a masquerade party where she had been crowned queen of the ball. And all the while...he had been by her side. Whispering soft comforts into her ear on occasion, nuzzling her tenderly when intimacy had been socially permissible, treating her as if she was the most precious pony ever to walk the land. And last night, right before she retired to bed, when he nipped her ears playfully...oh! She thought she was literally going to drown in ecstasy. Oh, how I wish this could last forever... "Miss Rarity." Rarity paused before her vanity mirror to address the hoofmaiden waiting by the door. "Good morning...Saving Grace, was it?" "Yes. I am honored. Master Regal is the only other pony I've served that has bothered to remember his servants' names." "Now, now. You're much more than just a servant. You attended me only once that afternoon two days ago, and I could tell you were a mare of impeccable taste. The floral arrangement you provided was the perfect mix of both colors and scents, the flower trio I know back in Ponyville could not have done a better job." Her compliment was received with a slight curtsy and a smile. "I am here to inform you that master is by the central courtyard fountain. He wishes to speak to you in private." It didn't take long for Rarity finish her morning touch up routine. A simple spring scarf and sunhat was all she needed to look ready for a stroll in the gardens. She approached the appointed destination and found Regal in a similar attire, a silk necktie and some white cuffs around his hooves. "My dear Rarity, please, right this way." He led her towards a nearby gazebo where both nobles and workers in the palace stopped to admire the decor in a panoramic view. "You wanted to speak with me, Regal?" She asked as she sat herself down against the alder benching. "Yes." Regal solemnly glanced out towards the tiny waterfall that poured from the brook that ran across the gardens. "My stay in Canterlot is coming to an end. I have concluded all dealings with my mainland associates...and I will be departing for my home this evening." Rarity's heart sank. She knew as royalty from another land, he could not stay forever but....but tonight? No, it was just too soon! She wanted more time with the stallion of her dreams, she needed to have more time! Regal quickly addressed her as he noted the worry in her eyes. "This brings me to why I've called you here. There is something you need to know. I did not come all the way to Equestria's capital merely for my vocational duties. I came to find a suitor amongst the nobility." His gaze became fully focused on the mare as stepped closer to her. "However...despite the wealth of available ladies in the court, none have left my heart with wanting...none more so...than you." Rarity felt as if time had stopped. Could he be...w-was he really...? A horn engagement ring extended from his hoof answered her question before she could even finish piecing it together. "My Rarity...will you bless my beloved Corralica...as it's new queen?" Rarity's answer could only be one thing. Rarity danced and pranced gaily all the way down the sunset lit street as she exited her carriage, singing to herself like a giddy songbird. She had to let her friends know, she had to let EVERYpony know about the happiest moment of her life! First on her list, Fluttershy. She would certainly take the news with the utmost delight. Rarity twirled and floated as her cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville came into view. Lightly tapping on the door in a rapid motion, she bounced in place with an excitement that could rival Pinkie Pie's until she heard the click of unlocking. Wasting no time, she immediately leaped in finding, to her surprise, not only Fluttershy, but all the rest of her friends gathered around her. Pinkie immediately perked up at the sight of her, Fluttershy and Twilight seemed to give weak smiles after recovering from the initial shock, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack had large scowls plastered all over their faces. "Well, look who's here!" Dash said as she waved a presenting hoof in a sarcastic manner. "The last pony we ever expected to see at this hour!" "Rainbow Dash, shh!" Twilight warningly hissed. Rarity was too enamored to dampened by the sudden negative outburst, if anything, this announcement would raise their spirits. "Oh, good. How fortuitous, you're all together. This saves me the time of going back and forth around town." "Well, duh! Why wouldn't we all be together today?" Pinkie answered. "Yeah, all of us were together for the whole day except her..." Rainbow continued coldly. "Rainbow Dash, calm down." Twilight stepped between them and approached her fellow unicorn. "So, Rarity. You look like you had a good time up in Canterlot." "Oh, I had the most wonderful time!" Rarity sang. "Come here, all of you. I have...the greatest story to tell you since the history of sliced bread!" The five mares, and the little dragon who had been squished behind the open door, leaned in close, all expressions now of pure curiosity. "This morning. Regal brought me out to the most romantic spot in the royal gardens...and he proposed! To me!" Six mouths went agape as the romantic fanatic went on. "My dream has come true! I'm going to be next shining pearl of Corralica! Together with my true love for all eternity!" Twilight's brow furrowed as she fit the clues together. "So, you're going to marry him." "Technically, it is only an engagement at the moment, BUT YES!" "That means...you're going with him? To Corralica?" Applejack finished. "Indeed. His ship leaves tonight. I understand it's quite a short notice, but-" "TONIGHT?!" Rainbow erupted. "You're telling me, you've finally came back from Canterlot, only to pack your bags and let us know you're leaving Ponyville?!" "Oh, I know what you're thinking darling. But not to worry, Regal has already promised to have a new boutique made for me in his kingdom, and my old one will be converted into a summer villa. I'll be sure to grace you every holiday I take, oh and of course you're welcome to visit anytime. Any traveling expenses will be paid for by yours truly." "GRACE US?! VISIT?! THAT'S THE LAST STRAW!" Rainbow's nose honked against Rarity's as she backed her against the wall. "It'll be a cold day in Tartaurus before I let you waltz off across the ocean with 'his royal heinie'!" "Uh, actually, there is a location in Tartaurus known as the frigid wastelands where-" "Shut up Twilight, I'm trying to say she can't marry that chump!" Rarity was aghast in disbelief. "W-what is this?! I came here bearing exceptionally good tidings, and you're all acting like it's the end of the world! Honestly, I'd thought you'd be happy for me! Whatever happened to my happiness is your happiness?" "O-oh! Um, we are happy for you Rarity. It's okay that you're moving to Corralica, really." But Fluttershy's hushed words only fueled Rainbow's ranting. "No. No. No, it isn't okay, Fluttershy! And it should especially not be okay with you after what she did today!" "What I did? Rainbow Dash, darling, I haven't had any involvement with Fluttershy today at all!" "Exactly!" When Rarity only answered that retort with a puzzled expression, Rainbow's face darkened as she lowered her voice to a murmured whisper. "You really haven't a clue, do you? Wow, Rarity. For being the element of generosity, you sure are acting awfully selfish all of a sudden." "Selfish? Did I not send you all the most wonderful presents everyday while I was with Regal? That marvelous VIP voucher for this year's Wondercon in Fillydelphia? Oh, and Twilight, that lovely new reading lamp I know you've wanted ever since you saw it in the windows last winter when we went up for that pageant. And those hoof carved spice racks? Don't tell me you haven't been using them in your kitchen Applejack." Applejack narrowed her eyes at the what she interpreted was the most sorry excuse to buy somepony's way out of a situation. "We don't want your fancy schmancy pricy gifts Rarity, what we want is for you to actually be here!" Pinkie Pie then bounced her way to the front, pushing Rainbow Dash and Applejack to the side. "You can't go Rarity! We depend on you for so much! Who's going to make us all those pretty dresses? Who's going to coin up that extra bit for when Dashie forgets her wallet at the restaurant or when Fluttershy needs that extra cherry at the market? Who's going to get those moonstones that my sister Limestone likes so much before my family reunion? And whoooo's gonna cook us her famous triple berry garden herb quiche on every third Wednesday of the month?" Rarity's mouth went into a little 'o' shape as the string of questions that barraged her, then her brow furrowed as she drew the connection between them along with some thoughts fresh in her memory. When it comes to felicity, there are some things you cannot compromise just because someone else disagrees. Never stop halfway. To pause would invite squander to opportunity. Do not let anyone deny you of what is rightfully earned, lest some other undeserving takes it away. "Oh...oh I see how it is now." Rarity's tone suddenly became icy cold. "You all praise and admire me for my unyielding beneficence and purity of soul as long I promise to give you my anything and everything, selflessly donating my time and resources to your frivolous indulgences and then some when nopony else will. But when I have one tiny little want of my own that could mildly inconvenience you, you all turn on me like a pack of ravenous timberwolves!" "What? Oh no no no no no! That's not it at all!" Twilight tried to protest. "Oh yes it is! Sugarcoat it all you want, but the simple fact is that you don't want me to be with Regal because then you won't have me or all the things I do for you all to yourselves! I can't believe after all we've been through together you would act so inconsiderate and insensitive!" "Oh, we're the insensitive ones? We're inconsiderate? If that's how you genuinely feel, then maybe you and Regal are a perfect match!" Rainbow Dash huffed. "Um, uh...please don't yell at each other. I don't like when ponies fight." "We're doing this for you Fluttershy!" Rainbow argued. "It's time somepony made it clear to this prissy snob that has replaced our friend we don't take jerks for buddies!" "Well I never!" Rarity stood tall, her cheek turned at the brash pegasus. "So that's it then? The only way you'll appreciate me is if I discarded my most precious and treasured dream that I have nursed since I was but a little filly, just for you to ask favors of me every single day? Well I'll have you know, Miss Dash, the reason I've always been so benevolent and altruistic to your needs, is because I understand how important they are to you even if they aren't that important to me! I believed from the bottom of my heart that you earned my benediction, as you would always return it in kind. Though after today's events, I'm not so sure you do. I am a mare with desires of my own, and if there's anything my beloved as taught me since we've met, it's that such desires as not worth having unless you're willing to go the whole nine yards for it! And...and if you can't support my aspirations like I would yours, if you're not willing to give just a little back after all I've given you over the course of our friendship, then...then maybe I should dedicate my generosity to somepony more deserving of it!" She then marched to the door, stopping for a moment to calm herself, and then addressed her friends without a hint of anger in her voice. "My carriage for Baltimare will be departing in an hour. Despite what has just transgressed, I am still more than willing to allow you to accompany me and see me off at the harbor. I bid you good evening, ladies." "All set. Just the bare necessities for the initial trip," Rarity said to herself as she stacked her eleventh suitcase by the front entrance. "The porters should be able to fetch the rest later as I settle in." Opalescence meowed unpleasantly from her carrier and Rarity gently cooed her. "Oh, I know Opal, you hate these things. Just please bare with it a little longer, unless...you'd like Sweetie to care for you from now on?" Her feline companion hissed at her sly remark, memories of last month's CMC petsitter business fresh in her mind. And then, as if on cue, the little imp in an angel's body trotted in. "Hey, Rarity. What's with all the bags?" "Oh, Sweetie Belle." Rarity acknowledged her little sister with pat on her curly haired mane. "Well you see, I've just been courted by the most magnificent stallion who lives overseas. And well, he's invited me to his kingdom! I'll be moving my business as well, so you're going to be sleeping at mother and father's for awhile until I get settled down. Then you can all come see me in my new home whenever you like!" Sweetie Belle seemed silent for a moment as she looked around the somewhat empty shelves and dressers, once loaded with trimmings and fabrics that were now loaded into the suitcases. "So, you're...leaving?" she asked quietly. "Um, yes..." Rarity suddenly felt a tension in her heart start to mount. Did Sweetie Belle sound sad? Now that she thought about it, this was much bigger than simply moving out of the house to start her own business. But...it wasn't like she was leaving forever. Regal would certainly let her visit whenever she wanted, so she wouldn't be missed too much...right? Her nagging doubts were immediately dispersed when Sweetie Belle looked up at her with sparkling eyes and a huge grin. "Does that mean I can run Carousel Boutique?!" Rarity nearly burst out laughing at her ecstatic little sister. "Well, I suppose you could. Hmm mmm mmm! But I think mom and dad would want you to finish school first!" Sweetie Belle's ears drooped a bit. "Oh, yeah. I guess so." Rarity then affectionately nuzzled her adorable little sister. "There, there. I'm sure you have plenty of other things you can do before you're old enough to be owning your own shop. By the by, was there a reason for paying me a visit at this hour?" "Oh, yeah. I was wondering...um...maybe you didn't because I forgot to ask ahead of time, but did you save an extra piece of the cake for me?" "Cake? What cake?" "The birthday cake! The one Pinkie made for Fluttershy today?" "Oh, don't be ridiculous Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy's birthday isn't...until..." A half shriek, half gasp escaped Rarity's throat as made a mad dash for her calender/day planner/order deadline monitor. N-no, no! It couldn't be! Her birthday's on the 22nd, a-and...today...today is... Her nose pressed hard against the paper hanging against the wall as her eyes frantically searched and stopped at what could only be the present date. The 22nd... Her back legs gave away as she flopped down, her mind in a dread stupor. Come to think of it, hadn't she caught glimpses of banners and ribbons decorating the background of her living room when she had walked in her cottage that evening? And...the faint smell of frosting too. And, and of course, that would certainly explain why all her friends were there and not just Fluttershy, it was because...because of... Fluttershy's birthday...I...I missed Fluttershy's birthday. Her eyes once again fell upon the monthly agenda and continued to dilate in horror as she backtracked the days. No...not just her birthday. The book club meeting, the Wonderbolt derby, Applejack's taste tasting for the Hoofington bake off, Pinkie's talent night at Sugarcube Corner...I missed them all. I wasn't there for any of them, instead I was with...with... "Hey Rarity." Rarity snapped back to the present as Sweetie drew attention to a satchel on the counter. "Rarity, aren't these those dew pearls you said you were getting last week? I thought you told me you were going to use them for Fluttershy's birthday present. Did you change your mind?" Rarity slowly plodded to the counter, and gazed at the bag in utter disbelief. It was just as it was the night she placed it on the table...unopened, unused, and forgotten. The implications of it sitting there sent her mind reeling. It was even worse than when she had fashioned Twilight's birthday gift last year. She hadn't just nervously told herself there would be time later for it, in Fluttershy's case, she had completely brushed it off, out of sight and out of mind, not even a simple base design had been planned. For being the element of generosity, you sure are acting awfully selfish all of a sudden. what we want is for you to actually be here! maybe I should dedicate my generosity to somepony more deserving of it! Her lips trembled as she clutched the edge of the table, her breathing deathly quiet. "What...have I done?" Her complexion paled has a rapt knock sounded off from her boutique's doors. "Um, Rarity? There's a couple stallions and this really huge and fancy carriage parked just outside. Are you expecting them?" Sweetie asked as she peeked out the window. The ride to Balitmare had been eerily surreal. Rarity had mulled over the onslaught of revelations that had come from missing just one week and a half with her friends. Her mind was still trying to get a grasp of the situation as she trotted with her escorts through the busy streets and into the harbor. So much was happening so fast, how could she have ever thought that leaving with Regal wouldn't impact those around her so much? There...there had to be some scenario she had overlooked, some idea that could solve this sudden dilemma, some way she could make up to her dear friends that she had unknowingly stiffed and still be with her beloved. But as the large white liner came into view over the designated dock, and her mind still drew blanks, it became obvious to the fashionista that there was none, only an impossible choice. Regal Rule politely addressed the porters as they proceeded to carry Rarity's belongings up the gangplank before speaking to her himself. "It's good to see you had no trouble finding your way here. And you're just in time too. All preparations for voyage are finished, and we can cast off immediately." He lead her up the platform, inhaling the salt air with a sense of satisfaction. "We are but moments away my little pearl. Our true happiness awaits just beyond these waters." "Yes...true happiness," she answered automatically as she glanced back towards the docks. No one stood there. Of course her friends hadn't come to see her off. After how she had neglected them, admonished them, and then just stormed off in a huff, she wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even consider her their friend anymore. My friends... Twilight Sparkle. Studious, modest, and who placed her friends above all else. She always made the best of decisions...most of the time. And of course, the mare was always the first to accommodate any personal issues that she had. Pinkie Pie. So silly and annoying at times, but one you got to know her, who could possibly live without that bundle of excitement? Always filling everyone's life with joy and energy whenever possible. She could make watching grass grow fun. In fact, she had that one time right before the Clover derby. Rainbow Dash. Protective, bold, outgoing Rainbow Dash who had even saved her life once or twice. Though not always the most pleasant of company, there was nopony more concerned with another pony's well being than her...even if she didn't express it properly. Applejack. Hardworking, forthright, and down to earth. Yes, she was stubborn and actually liked getting dirty as was her work ethic, but she was always courteous where and when it counted. And she was the anchor that often kept her relationships strong whenever things were strained. Fluttershy. A pony with a heart of gold, so serene, motherly, and caring. As her spa partner she was reliable conversationalist, and a valuable critique on beauty. She even pitched in with a bit of sewing of her own when Rarity felt pressed against a backlog of orders. Above all, she held the warmest of smiles that genuinely said 'I care about your problems, and am willing to listen, even if I can't do anything to help', which she always did. And Spike. That adorable baby dragon who was always ready to lend her a helping claw, whether it was for a gem hunt, hosting a fashion show, or merely carrying some of her fabrics. So witty and smart for his own age, at least he liked to think that, and of course remained steadfast as a companion, even if they both knew she didn't feel the same way about him. She looked again at the empty dock, an equally empty feeling springing up in her heart as a wistful sea breeze wafted through her mane. No. She couldn't do it. It was just too much to give up. Even if she could visit them and they could visit her however as often as they wanted to, it would still mean they could not participate in the wonderful slice of life outings as they had done before, events she had missed for over a week, activities...she longed for. "My dear Rarity, is something wrong?" Regal asked as he noticed her solemnly and slowly approaching him on the deck. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Regal...you are the most charming, chivalrous, and eligible stallion I have ever met. And knowing that you reciprocate my feelings has made me the happiest I've ever been. But...I'm afraid I cannot accompany you to Corralica. Please understand, my darling. I love you more than life itself, but I also love my friends and home just as much, and recent events have enlightened me to a startling epiphany. I will not be able to share or convey that love should I come with you." Regal's face remained stoic as he intently listened to Rarity. "My Rarity, are you saying you do not wish to accept my betrothal?" "Not at all! I would love to be your queen! But I want more than that. I want above all else, to be able to express my adoration to everypony I care for. And that's something I can only accomplish if I stay here. I truly am sorry for marking our paths as a star-crossed fate, but I'm not ready to leave Ponyville, not yet." A silence of what seemed to be an eternity passed, and then Regal unemotionally turned about towards the railing, gazing out at the horizon. "So...it came to a choice of either them or me, and you chose them." "Yes, please understand." "I do. And you have clearly much thought on this matter, and there is nothing that will change your mind, isn't there?" "Indeed." He sighed. "Such a shame." And then he turned his head back at her with a malicious smirk. "Because you're coming back with me whether you want to or not." The walkway fell away as the gate rails slammed shut behind Rarity. The alabaster unicorn jerked her head in surprise, only to find a pair of armored guards stationed by the edge, blocking any way of jumping over back to the docks. "Wha-What is the meaning of..." Rarity's mouth went agape as she turned back to the alicorn prince. He was grasping his pendant as it gave a glaring glow. The glow enveloped him and his whole body began to shine as his white nautical captain's uniform began to transform. Golden plating rippled and chinked with silver ribbons of steel. Diamonds bloomed from the skin of the grandiose armor and a billowing royal purple mantle emerged from the back of the encrusted collar. And the stallion's face disappeared under the shadow of an immense, intimidating and tall imperial crown, a crown that Rarity had seen only one other time. "Y-you're...you're-!" "Yes!" he proclaimed loudly. "Revel in your fortune, element of generosity! For today marks your engagement not only to Regal Rule, crown prince of Corralica, but also to the most powerful pony in the entire world, the herald of arrogance, Megalos Tyrant!" "No...NO!" Rarity scrambled back on her hooves, tripping over one of her bags. She flailed around in an attempt to get back on her hooves in a panic, and met the dark glowing eyes of her captor, who hovered over her, his pursed lips opening to show a devilish smile. "Since I was born, I have dedicated every moment to building the perfect empire, purging every impurity from myself, my nation, and my ponies, leaving only supremacy behind. And after many years I have succeeded. The most powerful, richest, and happiest country in the entire Antlertic. Corralica, the perfect kingdom, ruled by me, the most perfect leader! Only two things remain for my ideal, the perfect world for my dominion to exist in, which my master Ruinate will help me carve, and the perfect mate to continue my perfect bloodline. I will settle for nothing less than what I deserve, perfection!" Rarity felt the all too familiar hoof caress her neck as his face nearly touched hers, only this time she did not melt at its tender touch. Rather, she felt revolted as she could feel his warm breath beat down on her muzzle. "And you, my pristine, precious pearl, I deem perfect." "As flattered as I am at your adulation..." Rarity fished around the bags beneath her, taking care never to break his gaze until she found what she needed. "I do not consort with dastards!!" With a quick spring of her hind legs, she sucker bucked the herald right in the chest. As he staggered back, she pulled out her element necklace, and with a brilliant flash, she stood strong and proud in her gem gown, her orbiting jewels flittering around like a swarm of angry bees. "No hard feelings, my 'prince', but I think we should see other ponies from now on!" The mob of gemstones surged forward like a rain of arrows at Megalos. He made no movement however, except a single raised hoof. HALT. The mass stopped in mid-air inches away from him. His lips did not move, but his illuminated eyes pulsed as the command on par with the royal Canterlot voice emanated from him again. TURN. The army of precious stones swiveled round to now point at Rarity. SEIZE. Faster than before, the orbiters were instantly upon their former controller. Rarity yelped in alarm as she was pinned on her hooves, restrained and binded as the gems consolidated into a massive crystallization, gluing her from the waist down to the deck and rendering her immobile. "No! No! No no no no!" She tried in vain to will her gems back under her control, but to no avail. "Your command over your element's powers is exquisite," Megalos Tyrant said triumphantly as he slowly marched back towards his prize. "But in matters of magic, my powers of dominance overrule all!" Rarity shuddered in fright at the looming figure that now had her helpless under his hoof. "HELP!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Somepony! Anypony! HELP!" "Do not waste your lovely voice on pointless words," Megalos oily chided her in a low tone. "Anypony wandering these docks this evening are under my charge. And your friends...I think we both know they're not going to be within a hundred miles of you after your misunderstanding with them today." Rarity was dumbfounded at said statement. "You knew?" "Twas only natural such an initial reaction would be provoked after I kept you away from them for so long, but necessary. Worry not, my Rarity. They will realize in time along with everypony else how truly wonderful it is to be under my graceful wings." He lifted her head up to lock in his deep gaze again. "As will you, my prize. Come! Your new, and better life awaits!" Rarity shut her eyes in mournful resignation as she heard the sails unfold and felt the slight jostle of waves start to push the vessel out the bay. Megalos was right after all, her friends would not be coming. She had stupidly pushed them away, and for what? Some childish fantasy that she wouldn't even enjoy unless they were there with her? If anything, she was getting what she deserved. Trapped forever, a prisoner of love to one of the most evil ponies alive...alone. "Goodbye girls...I only hope you can find happiness without me." Suddenly, the ship lurched to a halt. Megalos tripped over the sudden jerk and Rarity swung her head towards a voice that called out, "It's not goodbye until we say so you stubborn frou-frou filly!" A lasso of vines was roped around the stem of the ship, and pulling it on the edge of the pier, were Ponyville's resident rodeo champ and animal caretaker. "Twilight! Pass me the Macintosh growing on mah left shoulder!" Applejack said through her teeth as she began to slide forward. Twilight plucked a juicy orange-red apple from the bark hide that the cowpony's element produced and levitated it in front of her. "No, that's the Jonathan, ah said the Macintosh! Sheesh, for a brainiac you sure don't know yer apples." With a roll of her eyes, the bookish unicorn corrected her mistake and the farmer wrapped her front hooves around the floral rope in order to keep her grip as she opened her mouth and bit deep into fruit. A surge of power rippled through her muscles as she swallowed. "HEAVE...HO!" With a tug of titan-like brawn, she brought the ship crashing back into the dock in one swift motion. "Macintoshs equal temporary super strength," Twilight footnoted to herself as she took a moment to write that down on a list from under her robe labeled 'Element of honesty apple powers' right under 'Golden Delicious = extra energy'. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie bounced up the tethered vine and cartwheeled up and over the side to lower the gangplank and Rainbow Dash rocketed over the masts tearing multiple holes through the sails. "Not that it's a good time to say I told you so, but I told you so!" KNIGHTS. DISPOSE OF THE INTERLOPERS. A dozen or so of black and gold armored stallions soon joined the two current guards on deck. The four pegasi among them immediately took to the air after Rainbow Dash while the remaining divided themselves into trying to catch the bouncing pink clown and barring the way for the other three mares and dragon. "Twi, now pass me the Jonathan," Applejack said. As she chewed away, her hooves shuffled and jittered in anticipation to the approaching guards. With a gulp, she barreled up the walkway at an incredible speed, knocking anypony in front of her over the side and into the water. 'Jonathan = super speed**' Twilight wrote. Sliding around on a pair of roller skates, Pinkie weaved and spun as the soldiers flopped and collided with each other trying to restrain her. "Missed me! Not even close! Oh, wow. You guys really stink at playing tag!" As more guards came from the hold to even the odds, Spike snuck his way under the legs of many to reach his fair maiden in distress. "Spike! You're...you're all here," Rarity barely spoke above a whisper. "Of course! Now don't you worry, hun! I'll have you out of this in no time!" And he zealously went to work doing what he did best, eating gems. "My hero," Rarity playfully crooned as he freed one of her legs, and she gave Spike a quick peck on the forehead. Spike scratched his cheek, blushing fervently. "Tis nothing my lad-AIEE!" A burst of magic sent the little dragon wheeling back. The floor stop spinning for him just long enough for him to catch a glimpse of a gold encrusted hoof banging his skull to the planks. "Keep your filthy, substandard scales off my property," came the low growl of the herald. "I am nopony's item! Especially not yours." Megalos turned to see the the seething unicorn grinding her teeth, a fire in her eyes. "And you...have just made the gravest mistake ever in assaulting my little Spikey-wikey." *Crack* "IT." *Crackle* "IS." *SNAP* "ON!!!" All Tartaurus broke loose as Rarity burst out of her confinements in a manner that only be compared to Twilight's bursting into flames temperamental spasm. The shattered shards regrouped and molded to form a glittering prism rapier and swung to her side as she plunged down on her adversary in pure rage. Megalos Tyrant answered swiftly, shaping an ethereal sword of his own with his shimmering aura of power. Another two soldiers went over the railing as Applejack delivered a cracking buck. "Land sakes, ah know this is a pretty big ship and all, but how many fighters does this prince need?" "I never mentioned that Corralica has the third largest military force in the entire world to date did I?" Twilight said as she and Fluttershy backed their flanks against their friend as a squad of fifteen boxed them in. "Ohmygoodness, Ohmygoodness." The timid pegasus looked left and right so many times trying to find a way out. "Um...mister guards? I know you're doing your jobs in trying to stop and, uh, possibly hurt us. But, umm, would it be too much to ask that you let us go?" Twilight was also looking for an opening to escape, and found it by spying a the main mast's boom ten meters above them. "Applejack, quick. Lasso the rigging above us." Applejack borrowed a couple vines off Fluttershy's element ensemble once again, as she hooked the wooden support Twilight prepped her horn and held on to Fluttershy's back. "Reel us in!" In but a half a second, Fluttershy had hoisted the three of them upwards and Twilight fired her magic right at the spot were they had been standing. Without warning, the wood around the guards began to warp and open, and they all soon lost footing and fell into the lower decks. *Whew* "That was close." "Duck!" "Um, actually Applejack, those waterfowl perched there are pelicans." "No, Fluttershy. Ah mean-" "Outta the way!" Rainbow Dash could not bank enough at the speed she was going and next thing anyone knew, there was a huge pony wrecking ball swinging around the mast. "WooAAAAOooaaAAAooooH!" The pursuing pegasi could not slow down enough in time either, and were soon knocked clean out of the air. The impact also caused Fluttershy to inadvertently loosen her vines' grip, and the four tumbled down right in the direction of Rarity and Megalos' duel. Oh, and Pinkie Pie stood in the way of the trajectory just for the fun of being included of bowling over the stallion. Crashing against a set of crates, Megalos felt the ponypile come crashing down, as well as his capacity for this interference. ENOUGH. The throng of mares was flung aside at the sheer ambiance of his voice. They landed around Rarity in a disorganized heap. Rainbow Dash was the first to try and stand back up, and was also the first to suddenly feel an invisible weight pressing down on her as Megalos spoke again. NO. STAY DOWN. "AGH!" Rainbow's legs finally buckled as her belly became well acquainted with the floor. "W-what's going on? My whole body feels like lead!" "Ascendancy magic," Twilight realized in apprehension. "His power is in his words." "Ooh, I bet he's never lost a single game of Simon Says hooves down!" Pinkie figured. Megalos Tyrant leisurely paced himself to the disabled group. "Now do you see? The futility of it all? Going against the will of the grandest being to ever walk Equestria?" He gave a quick glance to each of his new captures. "It is either my way, or my way. Friendship is no match for my prepotence. Harmony, like everything else, will submit to my discretion." He then grasped Rarity by the chin as he brought her in close. "And you...now belong...to me." "RAAAGH!" Spike leapt out of hiding from behind her and latched himself right onto the stallion's face. Blinded and muffled, Megalos thrashed about trying to dislodge his bold assailant as his clung on for dear life. "Leave...Rari...ty...alone!" the dragon enunciated as he was swung every which way. With a glow from his horn, Megalos finally zapped him off against the foremast. His shadow mounted over Spike as his horn began to charge. "Subspecies scum! It's time an example was made out of you!" "Oh Reeeegal~" The herald of arrogance turned abruptly to have a gob of amorphous crystal come into contact with his muzzle. Rarity grinned as she hardened her placid minerals over it. "Put a gem sock in it." "Mmmmph! MRRRGH! MRRRRN!" He clutched and struggled with the diamond gag, but to no avail. His eyes then widened as he saw the other mares start to stand up once again. "Consider this the first smudge on your flawless slate of social transactions," she continued as she began to glow a bright rainbow aura along with her friends. "You have been officially dumped!" The light of harmony lashed out in a powerful beam, sending the alicorn rocketing off the ship and into the bay with a smothered scream followed by a deafening splash. After a few passing moments, Rarity finally let out her building anxiety in a relieved sigh along with the rest of the group. "Well, that's that," Applejack said, dusting off her hooves. "'nother herald beat and sent packin'. Nice split second thinkin' there Rarity." "Yeah, that was so awesome! The way you stuffed your gems down that big pie hole of his, got him shut up and free us! And the look on his half frozen face when we blasted him...priceless!" Rainbow Dash laughed, but soon fell silent when she realized that Rarity had not spoken a word in return, and was instead gazing at them all intensely with a blank expression. "You all came for me," she flatly said at last. "Of course we did," Fluttershy replied sweetly. "But why?" "So we could save you of course," Spike said as if it were the most obvious statement in the history of statements."Like I was going to let some vile follower of an evil god whisk you away." "No, I mean, why? After everything I did, everything I said. How could possibly find it in your hearts to approach me like you still cared?" "Because we do care," Twilight stated. "You were right, Rarity. We should have been happy for you, and we were. Even if it meant we couldn't see each other as much we would like, you still deserved our support becuase that's what you would give us. That's why we came in the first place, to let you know that if this was what you wanted, then we would let you follow your dream without a heavy heart weighing against any of us." "Yeah! I mean what kind of friends would we be if we didn't throw you a proper going away party? And it's a good thing we decided to do that too, because then we never would have found out that Regie was one of those six meanies until it was waaaaay too late and now we can have a 'you're not moving away after all' party and that will be so much fun because not going away which means you can make us all those pretty dresses, coin up that extra bit for when Dashie forgets her wallet at the restaurant or when Fluttershy needs that extra cherry at the market, get those moonstones that my sister Limestone likes so much before my family reunion, aaaaaaaand cook us her famous triple berry garden herb quiche on every third Wednesday of the month!" "It's like you said you said before, give a little back. And your happiness really is our happiness." Rarity's eyes watered as she lifted a hoof to steady her quivering lips. She dramatically burst out with open forelegs leaning against the closest pony in reach. "Ohhhhhhh...Celestia be praised! I truly have the most wonderful, most admirable, most beautiful, precious, and compassionate friends in the entire universe! I am blessed! Blessed beyond a million four leaf clovers!" Applejack gave her head a slight shake to herself as she straightened her overly grateful friend off her shoulder with a small grin. "Well, ya may not have lucked out with royalty yet again, but at least ya'll always be our drama queen." And they shared a little laugh, right up until the ship began to rock violently. With a unanimous silent agreement to make for terra firma, they all galloped off the ship with Rarity's cat carrier and Spike on their backs just in time to watch the boat splinter and shatter down the middle of the hull. A displeased and scowling alicorn flew up through the sinking wreckage, his crown slightly dented and unconscious guards in tow with his magic. YOU HAVE BUT DELAYED THE INEVITABLE, MY RARITY. NO ONE DENIES ME WHAT I WANT. And with that, he flew off with his attendants and disappeared into the sunset, leaving behind nothing but an excessively gleaming gold trail and a vow of return. NO ONE! Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that the goals you have in life, while sometimes self serving, can never truly be gratifying if you have it all alone. Dreams and fantasies existed to be shared with others, so they can enjoy them just as much as you yourself would, and perhaps help you achieve it as well. And above all else, simply being there to support another's ambition is a fulfillment in life itself. After all, their happiness is your happiness, and vice versa. Yours truly, Rarity "Ta daaaaa~" sang Rarity as she unfurled the bluish green bejeweled jumper in front of her canary colored spa partner. "Happy belated birthday, Fluttershy!" "Oh, it's lovely," Fluttershy replied. "Is that real silk I'm feeling?" "But of course! I know it cost a little extra, but it was the least I could do after everything that's happened this past week." "That's okay." Fluttershy squeezed her figure into the short sleeved dress. "We already told you we forgive you for missing out on being with us." "Even so, I want to dedicate this entire next week to doing what you all want, no exceptions! Speaking of, we should be moving along soon if we're going to make this month's rescheduled book club meeting!" "Okay, get give me a moment to finish watering my ferns." Fluttershy trotted across her living room to fetch her canteen as she continued to admire her new outfit. "Oh, and these dew pearls really add to the silky texture." "Oh yes, it was quite a chore getting them out of those orchids, even with Blossomforth's help, but I just knew it would be worth it to see the elation on your face." Fluttershy's head poked out of the closet in alarm. "Y-you got these pearls from orchids?" "Uh, yes. Is...something wrong?" "Oh...oh dear." "Fluttershy? Did I make a mistake? Is something wrong with the gift?" "Oh, oh! No, no. It's lovely. I-I really mean it. The pearls compliment this perfectly. It's...just uh, that..." Rarity nearly fainted as large blotchy purple spots began to appear all over the pegasus' face. "I'm allergic to orchids." **keep away from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie