//------------------------------// // Entry 11 // Story: Owner Of A Lonely Heart // by AlwaysDressesInStyle //------------------------------// Dear Diary, Caramel x Rarity! With the popular magazines all making it a trend to smoosh the names of dating celebrities together I started playing around with our names. I know we're not dating, yet, but it's surely only a matter of time until I win his heart. Anyway, this is what I've come up with so far: Rarimel Carity I don't like either. The first reminds me of that horrible fiend who was always chasing the Smurfs and the second sounds like a carrot. Blah! Well, I guess when I'm famous he'll just have to stay home with our seven foals! That way he won't become famous too and they won't be able to make such horrid nicknames about our relationship. Love, Rarity