//------------------------------// // Ch.1 - Ultra Battle - Pt.2 // Story: A Little Adventure in Alola // by CommanderX5 //------------------------------// A Little Adventure in Alola - Chapter 1 - Ultra Battle - Pt.2 Nica cautiously moved closer, taking small steps as she observed the beasts from afar. Clearing her throat, she gave a cheerful smile and called, Both of the Ultra Beast’s heads snapped in her direction, before tilting to the side in curiosity. She stopped in the shadow of the bulky creature and stood on the tips of her rear paws. She held her forepaws together in a pleading gesture. The bulky creature knelt to take a closer look, ending with its long, sharp proboscis only a few centimeters away from her face. Nica gulped, feeling antsy at having the deadly point so close, but quickly overcame it, reminding herself how much rested on this peaceful negotiation. Now’s not the time to feel intimidated, she thought before asking out loud, the bulky creature mumbled before poking its own chest. Nica said before stretching her little forepaw towards the massive creature. The large creature grabbed Nica’s forepaw and squeezed it with a powerful grip before crushing it against the street. Nica grit her teeth, struggling to stay standing as a few tears dripped down her face. She forced a smile. She sighed in relief the moment her forepaw was released, shaking it out before cradling the limb against her chest. She pointed at the numerous destroyed cars that were littered across the street, each having its engine torn out. Buzz said before poking one of Nica’s yellow dots, causing her to whimper and unleash a few stray bolts of electricity. Nica took a few steps back and pointed at herself. The muscular pokemon lifted himself back up, returning to his full height before cracking his knuckles. Buzz gave a greedy grin, looking like a mob boss preparing to give a merciless beating to the poor chap who failed to pay the monthly fee. Nica took a few more steps back as the Ultra Beast began to descend towards her. The bug gave a feral grin, stalking closer. Buzz spread his large hands out wide before slapping them together in attempt to grab Nica. In response, she backflipped, evading the powerful grab. She followed her action with quick leaps to the side as the thin-looking creature charged at her, trying to grab her with its long and graceful fingers. Nica felt drops of sweat fall down her forehead, while her heartbeat and breathing substantially increased in speed. Despite her great speed and reflexes, she barely dodged the near-instant grabbing attempts from the taller creature. Nica attempted to fall back to the group, seeking the aid of the ponies and other pokemon, but before she could make her move, she was snatched up by the thin creature. It let her dangle by her tail, ignoring her struggles to escape as it leaned closer. the model-like pokemon sneered, raising her up to face level. Nica narrowed her eyes, sending a large surge of power into her tail. With a precise swipe of the lightning bolt part of her tail, she struck the thin hand of the hostile creature before jumping towards the group. “I take it the negotiations failed?” Starlight deadpanned. Pikachu nodded before taking a fighting stance next to Nica. “Those Ultra Beasts are looking for electricity. They want to catch Nica and bring her to someone they call Bzzzz.” He moved from beside the Raichu to before her, exclaiming, “And I’m- I mean, we’re not going to let that happen!” “Bzzzz…? That’s a terrible name,” Starlight complained. “Whatever, it’s not gonna matter once we take these brutes down.” Her horn sparked, small bits of magic flying out. Both Ultra Beasts took a fighting stance in response. The bulky one bent its four legs simultaneously and flexed its muscles, allowing the sunlight to shine through while the thin one lowered its hands to the street, as if preparing for a race it knew it would win. Twilight’s ears drooped and a disappointed whimper escaped her mouth. “Awww… so much for my opportunity to do some field research.” She spread her wings and lowered her horn, adopting an angered glare. “I don’t like doing things the hard way, but it seems we have no choice. No one messes with my friends!” Nica stared at the Ultra Beasts before her with narrowed eyes, examining the situation. Since the Raichu had no idea what types her opponents were and what they were capable off, there was little strategy to come up with. One of them is extremely strong, while the other is really fast. The quick one will be harder to counter, I can’t lower my guard. She glanced at the Pikachu beside her. My hero may have talent, skills and experience, but the difference in power between these Ultra Beasts and an unevolved pokemon must be big. If we’re going to perform as frontline fighters, I need to keep him safe from harm no matter what. She glanced at the alicorn and unicorn stationed behind her before turning to whisper to Pikachu, Pikachu nodded. With the help of his translating collar, he relayed the pokemon’s message and watched as the ponies nodded their heads in agreement. Twilight grabbed Starlight by her forelegs and flew towards the roof of the nearby tallest building, both standing ready. As Nica was distracted making sure her friends were situated and prepared, the thin-looking creature charged at her. Out of reflex she raised her ‘Iron Tail’ defensively, only for it to shatter like glass from a quick collage of three rapid kicks. Nica yelped in pain and withdrew her tail, taking a few steps backward. Pikachu leaped at the Ultra Beast while swinging his ‘Iron Tail,’ only for the beast to round him and grab him by fur lining his back in mid-air. Bolts of electricity began to sporaticaly spark from the pokemon’s cheeks, though before he could deliver a painful ‘Thunderbolt,’ he was interrupted by a ‘Silver Wind’ unleashed from his opponents mouth. Nica leapt to the side, catching Pikachu with her forepaws before shielding him from the damaging wind with her back. The moment her rear legs pressed into the street, she released Pikachu and took a fighting stance. A moment of distraction and we’re already pushed back. No more. Focus Nica! Twilight and Starlight saw an opening and took it, shooting beams of magic from the higher ground. Somehow, the agile beast zipped in between them with little to no effort, a grin present on its face as it watched the ponies attacks harmlessly fly past. While the others were busy, Buzz took the opportunity, using ‘Bulk Up’ as its muscles shone brightly with power. It flew at its opponents and then dived into the fray while recklessly swinging its fists. Nica and Pikachu leapt backwards in time to evade the attack as Buzz’s fist sank into the street, creating a crater while spreading numerous cracks in a wide range. An aura of power surrounded a beast’s fist before spreading around the rest of the body. W-wait… I recognize this attack. It’s a ‘Power Up Punch.’ Oh no… Nica bit her bottom lip the moment Pikachu charged at the Ultra Beast with ‘Quick Attack’ and ‘Iron tail.’ Nica shouted, stretching her forepaw towards her hero who fearlessly charged into his demise. Pikachu first struck Buzz’s chin with his head, and then followed it up with a firm swing of his ‘Iron Tail’ against this creature’s cheek. His eyes became wide as the Ultra Beast refused to flinch and grabbed his metallic tail with its massive fist, crushing it with its powerful grip. Buzz rubbed the little bruise on its head before raising its massive arm as Pikachu struggled fruitlessly to escape. Nica jumped to her hero’s rescue, only to feel a ‘Triple Kick’ strike her from the side. She raised her ‘Iron Tail’ defensively in time to reflect the ‘Silver Wind,’ only for her ‘Iron Tail’ to be broken by another ‘Triple Kick.’ Pikachu screamed in pain as Buzz slammed him deeply into the street with a ‘Hammer Arm.’ Buzz pressed his arm into the hole, preventing Pikachu’s escape attempts while keeping him pinned. Unable to use her tail for defense, Nica raised her forepaw, summoning ‘Light Screen’ to weaken the ‘Silver Wind’ which was used against her. Ignoring a few bruises on her fur, she charged at the agile beast while repeating ‘Rai, Rai, Rai...’ over and over, surrounding herself with a field of sparking and crackling electricity. The flexible beast evaded her strike with ‘Agility,’ only to do the same against a rain of fireballs and a freezing beam shot from the sky as the surface of the street partially melted into tar and partially became crystallized. Using its boosted speed, it charged towards the ponies on the roof, climbing up the tall building with ease. Each beam was evaded and each levitation field was dispelled with the use of ‘Silver Wind.’ Nica looked between the ponies and the trapped Pikachu, ultimately deciding to charge at Buzz who slowly lowered its metallic proboscis. Pikachu struggled and shouted, unleashing ‘Thunderbolt’ against the bulky creature. Buzz yelped in pain, yet didn’t back down. He squeezed Pikachu in his unrelenting grasp with even greater force as his proboscis was but millimeters away from sucking the life-force from the electric mouse. With a desperate jump, Nica slammed herself into Buzz’s chest, managing to push him away with the full force of her ‘Volt Tackle,’ yet Pikachu was still held tightly in its grip. Seeing as psychical strikes barely scratched the creature, Nica followed up with a quick ‘Thunderbolt’ while charging power into her damaged tail at the same time. Buzz yelped in pain, yet still refused to release Pikachu. Instead, he aimed his proboscis at him, ready to press it into his flesh. Thinking fast, Nica slammed her ‘Iron Tail’ against side of Buzz’s proboscis, causing ‘Leech Life’ to hit the street instead. Nica shouted as she leaped onto Buzz’s arm. She managed to strike its hand with ‘Iron Tail’ in an attempt to free Pikachu, yet its grip still held strong. Pikachu opened his eyes and grit his teeth, ignoring the massive force squeezing his belly. With a loud scream, he attacked with the strongest ‘Thunderbolt’ he could muster, causing a pillar of electricity to shoot into the sky. Nica attacked with her own ‘Thunderbolt,’ aiding her hero as the electric pillar became even wider. Upon seeing the metallic proboscis once again aimed at Pikachu, she wrapped her tail around it before pulling it into one of Buzz’s muscles, causing ‘Leech Life’ to hit the very pokemon who was using it. Thanks to the combined force of their electricity, Buzz’s hand finally opened, freeing Pikachu. Not wasting a moment, Nica wrapped her tail around Pikachu’s belly before running away to safety and increasing the distance from the bulky foe. “O-o-on it-t,” Pikachu responded with a nod, pain clear in his voice. The moment her tail withdrew from his hurting belly, he repeated his name, summing an orb of electricity. With a firm swing, he threw it at the bulky Ultra Beast. Nica ran with all her speed, bypassing the orb of electricity. Using her own tail and magnetic electricity, she took control of the orb while continuously powering it up with her own small shocks. As she expected, Buzz flew to the side in attempt to evade, but it wasn’t enough. With a very quick movement of her paws, she followed the beast, then circled around it. Buzz’s eyes started to roll in confusion as it failed to keep up with Nica. It raised its hand, attacking her with ‘Hammer Arm.’ Nica leaped to the side and grinned as Buzz’s hand ended up stuck in the street. As powerful as ‘Hammer Arm’ was, it was known for temporarily lowering the speed of the pokemon using it. With a quick jump and a firm swing of her tail, she slammed the powered up orb of electricity into Buzz’s face, causing a massive lightning explosion. As the beast flew through the air towards Pikachu, both pokemon jumped, delivering another ‘Thunderbolt’ form both sides. Pikachu smirked before charging another ‘Electro Ball,’ more than happy to have a little revenge for all the agonizing squeezing and crushing he experienced a moment ago. He eagerly threw this inaccurate but powerful attack against the large foe. Nica leaped towards the beast, wrapping her tail around one of its legs. She slammed it into the street, making sure it wouldn’t avoid the incoming sphere. As the smoke of yet another explosion descended, both Pikachu and Nica looked at the bulky beast lying in a crater, unconscious. With a swing of their paws, they paw-bumped each other while smiling at each other cheerfully. Their happiness over their victory proved short-lived as a noise of crashing reached their ears. After turning around, their eyes became wide as the thin-looking Ultra Beast held Starlight and Twilight by their necks. “R-release… us!” Twilight choked out before her horn sparked into life, creating a forcefield which pushed the creature away. With help of her levitation she pulled the injured Straight to her side. Nica and Pikachu jumped in front of the ponies, ready to defend them if needed. Their tails were raised threateningly while bolts of electricity escaped from the dots on their cheeks. “This creature… was… too fast… Nothing could hit it,” Twilight commented between her fast breathing as numerous bruises covered her wings and body. She helped Starlight stand on her trembling legs. “Even our levitation couldn’t hold it in place.” Starlight raised her injured foreleg before sending bits of healing magic into it, wincing as the injury stung. Nica glanced at the princess and her student. While Starlight’s raw power could rival the one of Articuno, and Twilight wasn’t far behind the ruler of time Dialga, the gap in combat skills between ponies and pokemon was massive. Even her training sessions to improve Twilight’s skills were nothing when compared to the years of fighting each pokemon endured daily. With her attention on the remaining Ultra Beast, Nica narrowed her eyes. Her senses sharp and muscles tense. If only… if only I could deal with that speed. I can give the princess and her student an opening to attack… Nica’s eyes shined at realisation. She bent her legs and charged at the agile opponent while using ‘Volt Tackle,’ repeating ‘Rai, Rai, Rai...’ over and over. “Go Nica, show this beast what you’re capable off!” Pikachu cheered before looking back at his opponent and maintaining his defensive stance. As Nica expected, the Ultra Beast used ‘Agility,’ rounding her at extreme speed while hitting her back with ‘Stomp.’ She felt her belly and chin demolish the asphalt below her. With a quick movement of her tail, she wrapped half of it a few times around beasts’ thin leg, like a snake wrapping around its prey. The feminine-looking beast tried to pull its leg away, yet Nica refused to release it. Pikachu attacked with a ‘Thunderbolt,’ missing. The Ultra Beast leaped to the side in time to evade his attack. But then, Nica pulled her tail, causing the beast to trip over. With growing aggravation, the beast delivered ‘Triple Kick’ against Nica’s belly, only for the pokemon to unleash paralyzing electricity upon direct contact with the help of her ‘Static’ ability. Now, with Nica holding it down and the slowing properties of ‘Static,’ the pokemon was at the mercy of the group. Taking this opportunity, Nica wrapped the other half of her tail around the beast’s second leg before sinking her ‘Iron Tail’ deeply into the street. Pikachu nodded before looking at the ponies. “Attack with everything you have!” The Ultra Beast struggled against the strong grip, yet failed to free itself in time to dodge the incoming barrage. Pikachu’s ‘Thunderbolt’ alongside two powerful beams of magic struck it with great force, causing its body to bounce several times through the street, reaching a hundred meter distance away from the group. With her tail no longer wrapped around the beast’s legs, Nica regrouped with Pikachu, who looked back at her with respect. In a flash of teleportation, Twilight and Starlight appeared in front of the Ultra Beast and aimed their horns. “Please, surrender! We don’t want to fight you,” Twilight said, trying to negotiate with the creature. Starlight glanced at the injury on her foreleg and frowned. “Speak for yourself. I’m up for another round.” The Ultra Beast leaped backward and then ran away, leaping from one roof to another with a great display of speed and agility despite the numerous burns and bruises present on its body. Nica ran towards the ponies with Pikachu by their side, yet the Ultra Beast was nowhere to be seen. She sat and wiped sweat from her forehead, sighing in relief. She yelped in surprise before realising that Pikachu wrapped his forepaws around her neck while nuzzling her cheeks. “Thank you!” Nica asked and blushed, finding herself in an unexpected, yet very pleasant predicament. Hugs were nice after all, and a hug from a hero she respected was even more precious and special. In fact, she wouldn’t mind if it lasted a bit longer. “For being a great partner and friend!” Pikachu released her and looked at her with his sparkling eyes. “No matter what kind of challenge we face, you always keep me safe and step up with great teamwork and strategy.” He raised a forepaw up to his mouth and chuckled. “I’m even starting to wonder if you may have what it takes to be a pokemon trainer. When you tell me what to do, I feel as if I was with Ash.” He winked. “You’re certainly someone I trust and would listen to.” Nica smiled sheepishly, her cheeks becoming red and her ears flattened against her head. She closed her eyes and covered her head with her forepaws. Suddenly, she sensed a warm aura growing in strength. They weren’t alone, and whoever was nearby was getting closer. Pikachu and Nica started looking around in confusion, searching for the owner of the mysterious voice. “I think I heard something,” Starlight said before unleashing a scanning spell over the nearby building. A ruin of a shop. A tapestry with pink pokemon like Clefairy and Jigglypuff inscribed to it was barely recognizable. “Someone’s coming.” The ponies and Pikachu took aggressive stance, but Nica didn’t feel threatened in the least. As the totem-like pokemon emerged from behind the ruined shop, Pikachu shouted, “Tapu Koko!” “Tapu what now?” Starlight asked before aiming her horn at the intruder. Pikachu turned towards the ponies and shook his forepaws. “Calm down everyone. He’s a friend and guardian of this island. He can help us.” Nica’s ears drooped upon noticing the numerous injuries covering the proud guardian. His large, yellow hand-shields were bent in multiple spots, far from their former glory. Even large orange feathers on the upper and lower part of Tapu’s body were creased. When compared to bruises covering Pikachu after the recent beating, guardian’s injuries were a lot more severe. Without hesitation she ran towards the injured guardian and looked up at him with pity in her eyes. Tapu answered while shaking its black head. Nica lowered her head and whimpered sadly. Pikachu, Twilight and Starlight approached the guardian, their faces filled with questions. Tapu examined each of the pokemon with a growing curiosity. The friendly faces greeting him, ones recognized from the now abandoned islands, filled him with hope as he neared the Pikachu. Observing the battle from a distance, he recognized the pokemon as the loyal partner of a trainer named Ash Ketchum, the same one in which he generously gifted with his blessing. Tapu questioned, quirking his head to the side in confusion. Pikachu rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly at the island’s protector. “Hehe, it’s a long story. Let’s just say that I somehow ended up in another world because of… unexpected circumstances.” He pointed at the Raichu. “But I was in very nice company.” He looked away from the blushing Nica and pointed at the creature with both wings and a horn. “But thankfully, princess Twilight here discovered the means to bring me back, and here we are now.” The Tapu immediately lowered its head and performed a polite bow. It may be known as prankster among the population of island he swore to protect, but showing respect to royalty was something he took somewhat seriously. Twilight shook her forehoof dismissively. “There’s no need for bowing. My name’s Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you… ummm…” “Tapu Koko. He’s the deity guardian of this island,” Pikachu quickly explained. “Guardian Deity? The honor’s all mine then,” Twilight said, performing a polite bow of her own. Starlight looked around at the ruined buildings. “Being a guardian at a time like this. You really had it rough.” She looked at Pikachu and asked, “I take it you are both great pals or something, am I right?” Pikachu chuckled nervously. “Well… great pals is a strong word, but we’re getting there. Tapu helped Ash and I learn how to use our Z-moves and he challenged me to a duel a few times.” Tapu observed the exchange between Pikachu and the pokemon with a horn. Their way of speech seemed to be the one of a human, which only added fuel to his flames of curiosity. Nica asked. Pikachu nodded. “I lost every time, even when using Z-moves to my advantage. Tapu’s are very strong and tough.” Tapu said before gently patting Pikachu’s head with its injured limb, careful not to poke the tiny pokemon with its damaged shield. Pikachu walked closer to Nica and pointed at her. “I may not be a match for you...yet, but I bet Nica would defeat you. She’s that amazing.” Nica glanced at Pikachu with a sheepish smile before shaking her forepaws in panic. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. It narrowed its eyes, giving the Raichu a challenging glare. Nica smiled back. “Wait a moment…When I challenged you, you didn’t want to fight me because our fight wouldn’t be fair, yet you don’t seem hesitant to fight Tapu Koko.” Pikachu crossed his arms and frowned. “Nica… I would lie if I said I didn’t feel a bit cheated here.” Starlight gave the Raichu a questioned glance. Nica simply rubbed the back of her neck. Pikachu shrugged. “You got a point there.” Tapu lowered its head, taking a closer look. Nica confirmed with a nod. Nica stood on the tips of her rear paws and gestured at their surroundings. Tapu looked at the ponies once again. If they indeed came from a different world, one that Pikachu was allegadly trapped in for the past week, would this mean they are no different than Ultra Beasts? Tapu shook its head. Now wasn’t the time for doubts, especially ones about his only allies. “Who’re you talking too?” The group looked towards two newcomers. One being a pony with wings, sporting a spectrum of colors on her mane while another surfed in on his tail, throwing a cheeky smile to everyone in the area. Tapu chuckled as the memories of Emily and her enthusiastic Raichu surfaced in its mind. It was one thing to challenge a Pikachu to a fight as the electric field he summoned boosted both of their electric attacks equally. It was a completely different story when a surfing Raichu used its field for a massive boost in speed while also using ‘Psychic’ to go around guardian’s resistances. The enthusiastic and playful personality of Ace and his advantages in battle were inscribed deeply in its memories. Ace pointed at each pony individually before adding, Turning, he flew closer to Tapu and exclaimed it. Tapu felt his hope for salvation growing. If Emily’s pokemon are here, as well as the Pokemon Master, there might just be a chance of victory after all. Tapu levitated into the restaurant through a hole, perching its damaged body on the closest, undamaged dining table while waiting for the group to go inside. A story-telling was certainly in order.