Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse

by Blackdrag-rose

Tournament: High Speed Battle

"It seems that we were fortunate to convince Chrysalis to join our team," Celestia commented, as she had noticed what had happened when the former Changeling Queen had gone into battle against Ribrianne, something that Chrysalis had also noticed and was using against her chosen foe, "a universe with the power to use love to fuel their abilities would normally be troublesome, but against someone like Chrysalis the tables have been turned in the blink of an eye. It also appears that neither Heles, her fellow gods, or even her warriors have realized that Chrysalis ate the love energy behind the Light of Love and the Maiden's Charge attacks that Ribrianne has used so far, meaning that it's a secret that only we know about."

"Surely they'll notice what's going on and change tactics." Twilight replied, though while she had faith in Chrysalis' abilities, especially her natural ones, she was still surprised that one of the other universes could harness love energy like Cadence could, maybe to an extent that her old foalsitter couldn't reach, and that Chrysalis was capable to devouring that power without taking any damage from her opponent's attacks, "I mean, some of the other gods seem to be thinking about what they just saw, as Chrysalis just tore Ribrianne's attack apart and absorbed it's power, so shouldn't we be worried about our advantage disappearing?"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Sunset stated, because based on what she knew about how the other pairs of gods acted, back when the tournament was first announced to all of them, Heles likely had no idea what Chrysalis was even doing and was hoping that one of Ribrianne's attacks took her out, meaning that it would be some time before one of them got anywhere near determining what sort of power the former queen commanded, "Many of these gods are stubborn and are stuck in their ways, meaning that it might take them too long to discover what's happening before their eyes, giving us the chance to capitalize on their lack of knowledge of our warriors and maybe even take a few of them out in the process. Sure, they may have seen Chrysalis absorb the power of Ribrianne's Light of Love, but at the same time they have no idea if that was because the maiden wanted to be dramatic and chose Chrysalis as her enemy, or if it was a one time thing, but I have the feeling that none of them will figure out what her powers are, not until it's too late for them to do anything about it."

Celestia and Twilight thought about it for a moment, recalling how stubborn the other gods had been and how angry they were when they found out that Goku had suggested this tournament to the Kings of All, before they nodded their heads in agreement and turned their attention back towards the fighting stage. So far it appeared that all of the other pairs of gods were focused on one thing at a time, be it their universe surviving the tournament, their warriors taking out as many opponents as they could, or even getting back at Beerus for one of his warriors causing this entire sequence of events to happen, so with those thoughts in mind it would be some time before one of them discovered what Chrysalis was capable of. Sunset, on the other hand, glanced back at the antechamber for a second and found that the Grand Priest had turned to the Kings of All while they were talking, not doubt telling them what Chrysalis had gone, as she had heard one of them asking what had happened a few seconds ago, meaning that they now knew what sort of power Chrysalis commanded. At the same time the Grand Priest only spoke to the Kings of All, meaning any information he knew on the warriors was only being given to his superiors, since they knew next to nothing about all the warriors that were currently fighting for their amusement, and that none of the other universes could use that knowledge against them, before he finally turned around and stared down at the fighting stage once more.

Once the Grand Priest did that, however, Sunset decided it was time to turn her attention back to the fighting stage as well, though as she did that she noticed that Sanka Ku, having powered down after being eliminated, was currently crying over being taken out of the tournament, so soon after transforming into her alternate persona Kakunsa. Sunset had to admit that she had no knowledge of the power of love being able to induce that sort of transformation in those that used it, something that the three maidens must have practiced for some time before the tournament was even announced, and it actually seemed like the entirety of Universe 2's team knew each other in some manner, like they were all friends or something. Still, they would have been better served to fight together, as in side by side, instead of heading off in three different directions, but this was the cards the three maidens had dealt and they were already suffering from their decisions, meaning that all they could do was watch and see what happened next. Of course the interesting thing was that Discord, of all people, was being quiet and was only watching the battles that were taking place in front of him, but at least he seemed to understand the seriousness of this entire situation and was putting his faith in the warriors they had chosen to represent them, especially after seeing how Sombra and Chrysalis, former enemies of Equestria, were fighting to protect their universe.

Sunset smiled for a moment as she focused her attention on the battles that were happening before them, where some warriors were in the process of looking for new enemies to fight, some were taking a moment to gather with their teammates and discuss their next course of action, and a few were actually trying to rest a little before they got back into the tournament, before she focused on Chrysalis, as it appeared that the former queen was going to be busy with a certain maiden from Universe 2.

"How are you! How dare you knock off my friend, Kakunsa!" Ribrianne growled, where her aura flickered around her body and fire appeared in her eyes, both being enlarged by the anger she felt at the moment, over losing her friend in such a manner, while all she did was glare at Chrysalis, who was observing her, "You evil, cruel, heartless old lady, who would let your heartless companions harm fragile maidens! You Warrior of Darkness, who seeks to destroy Universe 2 and everything we hold dear! Before I knock you off, I would have you identify yourself!"

"I see... so I'm back to being the 'bad guy', am I?" Chrysalis asked, as it was amusing to think that after everything she had been through, and all the horrors she had suffered at the hands of the vile Markers, that she would be labeled with the same words that many used to identify her mother, words that could have been used to identify her as well some time ago, before she changed her life anyway, to which she sighed and faced her opponent, "Very well, I shall tell you what you want to know. My name is Chrysalis, I'm the former queen of the Changeling Hive, and I'm a warrior that's trying to preserve my universe, just like you're trying to do right now... so come, Warrior of Love, and let us see which one of us will be knocked off this stage!"

"So long as my love does not fade, I shall protect the happiness of Universe 2!" Ribrianne declared, though at the same time she shifted her body, entering what Chrysalis assumed was her battle stance as her aura flowed over her body, which meant that she was ready for battle and wasn't going to show her any mercy for what her teammates did.

Chrysalis raised her hand and beckoned for Ribrianne to come at her, where the two of them rushed at each other and started exchanging blows in the middle of the area they had been standing in, though to any observer they noticed that it appeared that Ribrianne had the advantage. That was because Chrysalis was choosing to forgo the art of blocking her foe's attacks, but it wasn't because of the sheer power that Ribrianne commanded when she swung her fists at her, rather it was because her opponent's attacks were covered by her aura, meaning they were laced with love energy and that she could absorb the power behind each attack, effectively doing no damage to her body in the process. She knew Ribrianne had no idea she was absorbing the love energy that danced around her body, which she seemed to have an endless supply of, and she was taking full advantage of that lack of knowledge, allowing her own energy reserves to remain untouched and started packing away all the excess that she was gathering, saving it for later in the tournament. At the same time, however, her own attacks got stronger thanks to the bits of energy that she was already taking, but she made sure to keep her growing power hidden by making it seem like they were equally matched, as she was sure that doing this would force Ribrianne to expand more of her power and give her more to absorb.

In fact not a few moments later the two of them rushed at each other, where their attacks met each other once again, even if Ribrianne's had been using her rear end to try and crush Chrysalis flat, before they appeared on the area that their foe had been standing in moments ago.

"I have to admit, that form's definitely not for show." Chrysalis commented, because despite how ugly Ribrianne's current form looked, as she wasn't attracted to it at all, she knew the power it commanded wasn't to be messed with, even though she was currently eating the power that was being used against her.

"Who needs compliments from one of the Warriors of Darkness?!" Ribrianne replied, showing that she didn't much care for what Chrysalis had to say and that she was entirely focused on the battle she was in, hence the reason that her aura was still resting around her body, before she started to run forward once more.

Chrysalis smiled for a moment as she rushed forward as well, allowing her fist to meet Ribianne's not even a second later, before the two of them continued to exchange blows with each other, though as all that happened she noticed that Goku and the Sirens were in the middle of fighting Rozie. Sure, many would consider it unfair for it to be a four on one battle, though the people that would complain about that clearly didn't noticed that Rozie was firing at all four of them in rapid succession, making sure that none of them even got close to her while she determined which foe she wanted to eliminate first. The annoying thing about her was that her ki blasts were flexible, meaning they could stop before they were hit and strike somewhere else, and she, like Ribrianne, was annoyed with Universes 7 and 13, knowing that their alliance was behind her friends being knocked off the fighting stage, and it was also because she stated that she wouldn't forgive them for what they had done. Heles, watching from the stands, declared that it was a 'maiden's revenge' and that 'it, too, is beautiful', something that her Kaioshin and Sanka Ku agreed with, meaning that there were many things that Universe 2 considered beautiful, even if other universes disagreed with them on their thoughts.

She then turned back to her own fight, where she and Ribrianne continued to throw punches at each other as small bits of rubble were knocked away from where they were fighting, before Rozie tried something else by forcing the four warriors into the area near them and surrounded them with ki blasts, which she proceeded to send flying down in their direction and exploded upon impact.

"Rozie bares her fangs as well, taking out your fellow Warriors of Darkness in her own way." Ribrianne commented, though she was happy with what her friend was able to do all by herself, especially against four opponents, meaning that they could show the other universes that the alliance between Universe 7 and Universe 13 was easily broken, before she focused on her foe once more, "Soon you shall be sharing their fate."

"I wouldn't count your chickens before they hatch." Chrysalis replied, where she grinned for a moment, because when Ribrianne started to question what had happened the wind kicked up and the smoke cleared, showing that Goku and the Sirens were unharmed by Rozie's attack, thanks to the circular wall of wind that had formed around them.

"What in the world happened?" Rozie asked, as she had been sure that she could score a direct hit against her foes, since none of them seemed to understand how her power worked and what she was able to do, but she had no idea how they were able to prevent themselves from taking any sort of damage.

"You like it? It's my Wind Barrier technique." Sonata answered, though at the same time she waved her hand and the circular wall of wind fell apart, where some of it danced around her arms before dispelling and the rest of it simply vanished as quickly as it had appeared, "I figured that you'd try something like that at some point, and when you did I just pulled the wind around us and stopped your attack before it could even reach one of us."

"Wind? You used the wind to stop Rozie's attack?" Ribrianne inquired, as part of that made no sense to her, since she didn't feel anything that resembled the wind at the moment, making her wonder if the enemy warriors were just lying to them so their guards would be lowered, "How in the world is that possible?"

"What, you mean you're fine with the Grand Priest creating a special gravity field, that allows every warrior to feel as if they're fighting on their home planet, for the tournament," Chrysalis commented, recalling what they had learned when their team had first arrived in the World of Void, something that all of them learned from Whis no less, before continuing to the other point, "but you aren't fine with the fact that he created an atmosphere of sorts, with everything we need to breathe and survive, in a dimension that has nothing of the sort?"

Goku paused for a moment, as he guessed that if the Grand Priest could create all those different gravity pressures in such a short period of time, which he and the others had felt upon their arrival, than it seemed likely that there was some atmosphere hanging around the area the tournament was being held in, keeping them all alive while they fought to see which universe survived till the end. Rozie and Ribrianne, on the other hand, decided that they didn't care and went on the offensive once more, causing Chrysalis to defend herself as her foe charged at her again and caused both Goku and the Sirens to move as they dodged the incoming ki blasts from Rozie. This time around they were ready for her and her tactics, as the moment she focused on one of the Sirens, and changed who she was targeting, Goku used his Instant Transmission to get above her, stopping her attacks in the process as she tried to jab at him several times, so she could get started on a new set of attacks. What she wasn't expecting was for the Sirens to rush her as well, to which all four of the warriors raised their hands and created four ki blasts that they placed all around her, effectively trapping Rozie in a pillar of ki that would detonate when one of them wanted to take her out, surprising Heles and Rozie in the process, since both of them were shocked that something like this could even happen.

That was before the Sirens backed away and Goku loosed a burst of energy that slammed into Rozie, knocking her backwards through the air and caused her to land near the edge of the fighting stage, so close to be knocked out entirely, and the group made sure to approach her so they could cross her off their list... only for Ribrianne to drop down in front of her friend and point her hand towards them, like she might blast them, as Chrysalis joined them.

"Rozie, are you hurt?" Ribrianne asked, because based on what she had seen, out of the corner of her eye, she knew that there were a few markings on her friend's attire, from the near point blank range attack that Goku had used against her, but she wanted to be sure if her friend could continue fighting, especially since it had become a five on two battle, one that they might not be able to win at the moment.

"No, Ribrianne, I'm fine." Rozie replied, though at the same time she glared at the warriors in front of them, as Goku and the Sirens were strong in their own right, she knew that for a fact, but what still surprised her was the fact that Chrysalis was able to hold her own against the power that her friend commanded, almost like she was immune to the power of love or something.

"Maidens, let us retreat for now." a voice said, to which Goku watched as the Yardrat he had seen earlier appeared in the area behind the two warriors, who nodded their heads and grabbed onto him, allowing him to use his own Instant Transmission to get the three of them out of the area and prevent them from losing two of their warriors.

"They ran away." Adagio commented, as that was disappointing, because they had been moments away from taking Rozie out of the tournament and she had been saved by one of her companions, and it would have been nice to knock out another enemy warrior, but at the very least they knew they could deal with Rozie if she showed up again.

"Indeed they did, but for now we need to focus on the other warriors," Chrysalis stated, though at the same time she glanced back at the area around them and found a familiar signature that could only come from Ribrianne, where a grin appeared on her face for a moment, as she knew who she was going after, "or, in my case, I'll focus on finding my foe and seeing if I can finish her off."

Adagio and her sisters stared at Chrysalis as she rushed off, heading into the fighting as she seemed to zero in on where Ribrianne was standing, before they sighed and headed back into the battle as well, because there were more foes for them to fight and knock off the fighting stage. While they did that, however, they discovered that Gohan's group had decided to split up, instead of holding the position they had been standing in when the tournament started, and both Goku's son and Piccolo were stopped by Botamo, the yellow bear that had teamed up with the Metalman from his universe, so they could crush Vegeta. The three of them stopped for a moment, so they could observe what was going on for themselves, and found that Gohan wanted to fight Botamo himself, where he rushed forward and started swinging away at the bear's chest, which bounced with every attack and caused the warrior to laugh, as Rainbow and Applejack told them that Botamo's body seemed to be like rubber and didn't take any damage. Botamo seemed pleased that Gohan was wasting his stamina against him, but when he tired to fight back he found that Gohan's continuous punches had lifted him into the air, where he couldn't actually attack him and the beams he fired from his mouth ended up missing entirely, and it wasn't long before Gohan reached the edge of the fighting stage, where he loosed a Kamehameha into Botamo's chest and sent him over the edge... and he also blocked an incoming attack from the bear, making it so that only Botamo fell into the abyss and appeared near Champa.

Once they had seen the end of the fight, and knew that Gohan really didn't need their help, Adagio and her sisters headed out once more, seeking some of the other warriors that might cause trouble for their alliance, leaving Gohan and Piccolo alone for the moment.

"An impressive fight, warrior of Universe 7." a voice said, to which Gohan, who had returned to Piccolo and started to walk away, which had been the time the speaker had decided to make himself known, turned in the direction of the voice and found a humanoid being with green skin and long white hair, who happened to be wearing a blue vest, a medallion with a red stone, and brown pants, "I am a warrior from Universe 10, Obuni."

"And I am Rubalt." a second voice said, where Gohan and Piccolo found a red skinned humanoid being standing near Obuni, who was wearing a sleeveless blue shirt, brown pants, purple shoes, golden armbands, and had a red belt that had a golden buckle on it.

"I see that you are a warrior worthy of fighting me." Obuni stated, keeping his eyes on Gohan the entire time, silently telling the pair that they had come here with the intention of facing the two of them and knocking them off the fighting stage, even though it appeared that it would be two one on one matches happening at the same time.

Interestingly enough that was when the Grand Priest announced that Universe 10's Jilcol had been knocked out of the tournament, dropping the number of warriors in Universe 10 down to two left on the actual stage, where Obuni and Rubalt were a little surprised that they had already lost most of their team, before declaring that they would do everything in their power to protect their universe. Not even a few seconds later Obuni went on the offensive and started attacking Gohan, who parried the incoming punches and kicks with his own attacks, while at the same time Rubalt knocked Piccolo backwards to give themselves some room, so they didn't interfere with the fight that his teammate was in. As they moved around the area they were in Obuni revealed his hand, apparently using his ki to a point where it seemed like he was creating multiple versions of himself that attacked at the same time, causing Gohan to punch right through them without actually hurting any of them, before his foe attacked him from behind and then punched him backwards. While that happened Trixie came to a stop at the top of one of the nearby rock pillars, where none would think to find her just yet, and observed what was going on for herself, where Gohan got back to his feet and faced Obuni, who went into the same sequence he had used a moment ago.

Trixie, despite looking like a dragon that had merged with an ascended pony, was still an Archmage, one of the most powerful and smartest mages of Azeroth, where her position as the new Spell-Weaver made her higher than the others by a large margin, and she could tell, from just a glance, that Obuni was shifting his internal energy, his ki, thus confusing Gohan, who relied on that very information to help him fight his enemies, making her wonder what he was going to do against such a foe. While that happened Piccolo regained himself and started firing ki blasts at Rubalt, who didn't even bother to dodge when he discovered that the attacks were missing him, before Piccolo grinned and brought his hands close to his chest for a moment, drawing in all the ki blasts for an attack that he called his 'Hellzone Grenade'. When the smoke cleared he discovered that Rubalt was unconscious and simply lifted him into the air, where he blasted the warrior off the fighting stage, reducing the number of warriors that Universe 10 had to just Obuni, who was shocked by this turn of events as Piccolo stood beside the pillar that Trixie had chosen to observe Gohan's fight from.

Despite losing Rubalt, and being the last member of his team, Obuni continued to use his feints against Gohan, as that was what Trixie was going to call them until someone came up with a better name for them, and it became clear that Gohan was unable to do anything against his opponent. When Gohan attacked he kept missing his mark, and when he felt an attack coming he ended up getting hit in return, allowing his foe to continue in such a way that told everyone who was in control of the fight, something that annoyed him a little, since he wasn't used to this happening. It wasn't long before Gohan released his true power, causing a vivid white aura of sorts to form around him, the 'Ultimate' or 'Mystic' form that he had obtained as Rainbow and Applejack called it, causing Obuni to pause for a few seconds, as he was curious about the aura and wanted to be sure that it wasn't going to derail what he was doing. What happened next was very interesting, as when Obuni attacked Gohan again the Saiyan remained standing after being punched in the stomach, as it would have been a bad idea to try and avoid the feint, allowing Gohan to find his opponent this time and punch Obuni backwards, which came as a surprise to both him and the gods of Universe 10.

Obuni continued to use his feints against Gohan, who purposely allowed himself to get hit so he could counter his foe's attacks, locking them in a stalemate of sorts as they continued to battle in the area that Obuni had picked for them to fight in, leaving Trixie and Piccolo to watch from their pillar.

"You fight well against me." Obuni commented, though at the same time both he and Gohan separated from each other and stood their ground, where it was clear the two of them were huffing, though whether it was from the damage they were taking or something else was unknown to the observers, "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Son Gohan, and I am Son Goku's son." Gohan replied, because he felt that if his foe was going to give him his name, before they even fought, than it was only proper that he do the same thing, as Obuni felt that he was a worthy opponent and it seemed that he was only verifying that thought with every passing moment.

"I'm grateful that I met you, Son Gohan, but I carry the fate of Universe 10. I have something to protect." Obuni said, where Gohan and the others noticed that he was smiling, because despite the situation that he was in they could tell that he was having a good time, especially against someone that was countering his feints.

Once that was said the two warriors charged at each other, only this time Trixie and Piccolo watched as Gohan's attacks actually started to hit their marks, allowing him to strike Obuni, who eventually lost the power needed to summon his feints, turning the tide back in Gohan's favor... who distracted his foe with a small ki blast, which did nothing except keep his foe in one spot, before he flashed up into the air and charged a Kamehameha. Not even a few seconds later he fired the beam and struck Obuni where he stood, sending him flying off the fighting stage completely, causing him to appear on the stands with the rest of his teammates, though it appeared that his vest had been destroyed in the beam, as he had nothing over his chest. It was then that the Grand Priest announced that all of the warriors from Universe 10 had been eliminated from the tournament, just like what happened when Universe 9 lost all of their warriors to Goku, Vegeta, Rainbow, Applejack, and Frieza, before the Kings of All raised their hands and cheered as they started to erase the second universe before their eyes. Gohan looked down at the area that Obuni had been standing in and found that his medallion was actually a locket, with a picture of his family, and turned his head towards the stands, where the defeated warriors and gods of Universe 10 closed their eyes and accepted their fate as they, and their Universe, were erased, leaving a saddened Cus, the Angel that helped Rumshi, behind to mourn the lose of her friends.

"It's sad that another universe had to disappear, but this will fuel our desire to be the ones to survive until the end of the tournament." Trixie commented, though at the same time she turned away from where Gohan and Piccolo were standing at the moment, as she was focusing her attention on the other warriors that were currently fighting right now, silently determining who she should go after, before noticing something interesting, "It appears that someone is going to go after Rainbow, to try and knock her off the fighting stage... I feel sorry for the poor fool that tries to do that."

While Trixie headed off to find her next opponent, and knock them from the fighting stage, Rainbow was standing in an open area of sorts, composed of a fair number of rubble from when Kale went on her rampage and from the fights that were happening, and standing near her was Hit, the assassin from Champa's universe. Hiding behind some of the rubble were Caulifla and Kale, trying to recover from their own fights, and Rainbow had stumbled upon them while she was looking for her own opponent, before coming upon the area that she was now waiting in. Standing across from them was one of the Pride Troopers, a purple skinned warrior with elongated ears, where Rainbow considered him to be more like a rabbit than a cat, and had a slim build that seemed to be close to her father's build, but the one thing that ticked her off was the arrogant smirk the warrior had on his face.

"So, you must be Hit from Universe 6." the Pride Trooper said, where he stared at Hit for a few seconds, almost as if he was the bigger fish he wanted to deal with at the moment, before turning his attention towards Rainbow, "And you must be Rainbow Dash of Universe 13, one of Beerus' 'daughters'. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dyspo of the Pride Troopers, of Universe 11, though I am also known as the Sonic Warrior. I've come here to beat your Time-Skip, Hit, as well as crush the speed that you command, Rainbow, before I throw you both off the fighting stage, as I fight for the sake of my universe, and I'm the only one that can vanquish the two of you."

"The nerve of this guy," Rainbow said, though she had to admit that she was interested in what Dyspo was saying, as not many outside her, Applejack, their team, and both Universe 6 and Universe 7 knew that Hit's specialty was the Time-Skip, something that her mother could do on a level that would put Hit to shame, making her wonder what sort of trick or power their foe had for them, "but you know, when you say that your going to 'vanquish' us, you might want to be prepared for the same thing happening to you instead."

Rainbow and Hit raised their hands, each taking their battle stance as Dyspo did the same thing, though not a few seconds later the Pride Trooper charged at them and Hit activated the Time-Skip, intending to finish the fight before it even got started, but what interested Rainbow was the fact that their foe managed to slam his fist into the side of Hit's face, knocking him backwards in the process. In the exact moment that happened Rainbow rushed forward, so she could punch Dyspo for somehow bypassing Hit's Time-Skip, before he dodged her incoming attack and kicked her in the chest, sending her backwards with a surprised look on her face, as she had been sure that he was too distracted to defend himself against her strike. Hit and Rainbow stopped themselves from going too far, where Hit actually looked at his hand for a few seconds, as he wasn't used to something like this happening, while at the same time Rainbow wasn't used to foes being able to hit her when she was using half of her base power, especially a foe that had been distracted when she made her move to attack him, meaning that something was going on here. She also wasn't sure what annoyed her more, the fact that Dyspo had hit both her and Hit, who were incredibly fast in their own right, or the fact that the Pride Trooper had the largest grin on his face, showing that he was terribly arrogant and believed that he could best them already, as if any secret powers they had were worthless against his power and speed.

"I can see that you weren't bluffing earlier." Hit commented, as he knew that Dyspo had been planning on engaging him in a one on one battle from the very beginning, to make sure his universe remained safe by taking out one of the strongest warriors of an opposing universe, but the fact that Rainbow, the daughter of a god, was here changed how their foe had to fight, and he suspected that soon Rainbow would turn the tables on the Pride Trooper.

"I should have known that one attack wouldn't be enough to take you two out." Dyspo replied, showing that he had been attempting to knock the two of them off the fighting stage in an instant, but for him to do that Rainbow knew that he needed a lot more power than what he was currently using against them, "But your attitudes at the moment are pissing me off, as there's no reason for either of you to be confident right now."

Hit glanced at Rainbow for a moment, where they both determined that it would be best to tackle Dyspo as a team, despite them not working together before this point, before Hit rushed forward as their foe did the same thing, leaving Rainbow to follow behind and attack when the Pride Trooper revealed his hand. What happened was that Hit activated the Time-Skip once more, to see if it was a lucky hit that allowed Dyspo to counter his technique, and the past repeated itself, as Dyspo was able to knock him sideways, showing that he was more than able to sense what was going on and attack accordingly. At the same time Rainbow rushed at him while his defenses were down, trying her luck to see if she could get him to repeat what he had done to her earlier, and she noticed that he ducked to avoid an attack that he shouldn't have been able to sense at all, before she pulled herself backwards to avoid the incoming kick that would have hit her chest, making her wonder what in the world was going on. She was trying to save her power for later, especially since she had the feeling that there was a certain Pride Trooper that would face her full power later on, but at the rate things were going she figured that she would have to boost her speed to the maximum of her base state, and maybe call upon the Thunder God's War Cry if things really got out of hand.

What interested her was that Champa was clearly flustered over the fact that Hit was being beaten in such a way and Belmod, plus his Kaioshin and Angel, were pleased to see that Dyspo was able to keep the two of them from hitting him, even if that might not be true in the next few minutes... and, as she suspected, both Kings of All couldn't follow the battle at all, causing the Grand Priest to do something to their GodPads so they could follow the match.

"I couldn't see his initial attack." Hit stated, speaking to Rainbow for a second, as she had flashed over to his side after dodging the attack that could have hit her, before he glanced at their foe, who was proving to be quite capable of keeping them on their toes, "It's almost like he's using the Time-Skip on me, and then instinctively reacting to you whenever you get close to attack him."

"Is there anything he's doing that could help him find out when your activating the Time-Skip?" Rainbow asked, as she knew that it was an incredibly powerful technique, especially in the hands of her mother, even though it was unfair since Chronoa was a Supreme Kai of Time, but she had no idea if there were any weaknesses a foe could exploit, since it seemed that Dyspo was doing just that.

Hit remained silent for a moment, clearly thinking about the first time he had used his Time-Skip against Dyspo and the second time he had used the technique, while at the same time Rainbow kept an eye on their foe, seeing that the other three Pride Troopers were watching them from afar.

"I see what he's doing." Hit said, to which he stood up and brushed off the dust that had gotten on his trench coat, while at the same time Rainbow turned around and stared at the Pride Trooper that was giving them trouble, "Right before I use the Time-Skip, in the blink of an eye, he moves at superhuman speeds to counter our movements and stop me from using my powers."

"Good job figuring out my tactic so quickly." Dyspo replied, showing that he could hear them, even though Hit wasn't trying to keep the information between the two of them, while at the same time he kept the same grin on his face, which only told Rainbow that he was incredibly confident in his abilities, "I can increase my movement speed thousands of times in an instant. Let me guess, your next thoughts will be 'How can he match his attacks when I use the Time-Skip'?"

Hit remained silent for a moment, as he was curious as to what their foe would gain from explaining his ability to them, before he lowered his arms and stared at Dyspo, as he was sure that he could figure out what was going on if he carefully studied their foe, while Rainbow stood off to the side and made sure that her eyes were focused solely on the Pride Trooper that was fighting them. Hit then flexed his hands for a moment as he activated the Time-Skip, where Rainbow noticed that Dyspo's ears flickered ever so slightly and he rushed forward, knocking Hit into one of the rubble walls around them, and this time around she backed off, instead of trying to fight him. The thing about her was that many assumed that she cared only for battle, and she was almost like Goku in that regard, but the years of growing up with Applejack as her sister, who was much smarter than her, and with Chronoa as their mother had given her the chance to develop her skills at studying her enemies, and while she wasn't as great as Sombra or Applejack were, since they were incredible at that sort of thing, she was still good at figuring things out.

"I think I've figured it out as well." Rainbow commented, though at the same time she appeared next to Hit and helped him out of the rubble, all while keeping her eyes on the Pride Trooper, because considering how the others acted she wanted to be sure he didn't attack them while their guards were down, "When you move to activate the Time-Skip your body tenses up, for a moment anyway, and the sound of your muscles vibrating when you do that are exactly what he's trying to pick up, allowing him to plan his attacks."

"You've been studying me." Hit stated, though he wasn't accusing her of such a thing, as he was merely stating a fact since he assumed that someone had told her about the Time-Skip and she had picked up the pieces for herself, and he was impressed that she had determined the same thing that he had come to a conclusion on.

"Just because you understand what I'm doing doesn't mean you can beat me." Dyspo said, once more showing that he was capable of listening to what they were saying at any given moment, but what interested him was that his superiors told him that Rainbow seemed more like a brute warrior and not someone that studied an opponent, though since she was Beerus' daughter he now knew that the information he had been given was partly wrong, since the Supreme Kai of Time that was with him must have helped raise Rainbow into the warrior that she was.

"You say that, but you have no idea what sort of power I possess." Rainbow replied, to which the air around her flickered as her aura came to life for a few seconds, where she decided that it was time to stop holding back and use the full power of her base state, which she didn't need against the Trio of Danger and their allies, before she decided to take things a step further, "In fact, let me show you the power of the Thunder God, starting with the War Cry."

Dyspo stood there for a moment, wondering what Rainbow was talking about, since this was the first time he had heard anyone mention a 'Thunder God' and the 'War Cry', before he noticed that Rainbow's aura flashed and took on the appearance of lightning, which really didn't seem to do anything for her power. That was, however, until Rainbow vanished from where she was standing, causing him to sense the sounds in the area around him, before determining where she was hiding and moved to strike her, only for a fist to make contact with the side of his face and send him flying into one of the rubble walls. It was quite the surprise, as he was sure that he had found where his foe was hiding, but at the same time he was shocked that he could have missed his mark, if the punch was anything to go by, making him wonder what his opponent had done and how he was going to counter the power she was using. Hit, upon seeing what Rainbow was capable of, was somewhat happy that he didn't fight this ability when the Tournament of Destroyers was happening, but at the same time he got up and charged back into the battle, as he was determined to prove that he was a warrior that didn't need to rely on the Time-Skip all the time. Dyspo, of course, could see his movements and attack him accordingly, allowing Hit to adapt to the speed of his foe's attacks, just like he had done against Goku during their fight, but the only thing that the Pride Trooper had to be cautious about was where Rainbow was, because she could knock him around like it was nothing and that clearly irritated their foe as they started to wreck the walls of rubble around them.

In fact the best thing about this situation was that Dyspo focused on him and no one else, foolishly ignoring Rainbow's presence, and Hit used that to their advantage, as he angled himself so one good hit would send him close to the edge of the fighting stage, and from what he could tell Rainbow understood what he was doing. Dyspo, on the other hand, had no idea what they were planning and rushed at Hit the moment he was pushed close to the edge of the stage, which was when Hit used the intangible aspect of his powers, allowing the Pride Trooper to phase through his body and start to tumble over the edge, with a look of shock on his face. However, that was when golden threads of energy raced out from somewhere else and wrapped around Dyspo's arms, legs, and chest, stopping him before he reached the point where he'd be sent to the stands, causing Rainbow and Hit to glance over at a pillar and found the short blue ogre-like Pride Trooper standing there, with the threads attached to him.

"I am Kunshi of the Pride Troopers." the warrior declared, showing that he had been observing the fight, just like Rainbow thought he was, and was only now intervening, since it saved one of his teammates and kept them from losing another warrior, especially after losing five so quickly earlier, "I won't let someone like the two of you take down my precious friend!"

In the following seconds he pulled his arms back and Dyspo was brought back onto the fighting stage, where he already figured out what Rainbow and Hit had been planning the entire time, by bringing him close to the edge and then forcing him to throw himself over the edge, meaning that knocking him out would have to be what they did next, after eliminating their newest foe. As it turned out the pair of Pride Troopers still didn't care for Rainbow's presence, which was fine with her since she could maintain the Thunder God's War Cry for a long period of time without losing any stamina, as she had gotten rid of that annoying problem after years of training and mastering her abilities, thus allowing her to flash around the area that Hit moved to and block Kunshi's threads from reaching their mark, those being Hit's legs. She knew what they were doing, as the pair were trying to stun Hit and then take him out of the tournament, a wise decision since he could be a problem for anyone that fought him, but at the same time, since they couldn't pinpoint where she was at any given moment, it was hard for them to catch her and block her attacks, especially since she was targeting Kunshi's threads whenever they were used. Of course he eventually got one by her, as she couldn't stop all of them when he loosed a large stream of them, and Dyspo used that opportunity to beat up Hit with a rapid series of punches, but before he could finished the deed, and before Rainbow could strike him down, a burst of fiery red energy raced down between him and Hit, energy that Rainbow recognized almost immediately.

Standing between Hit and Dyspo was none other than Goku, but this time around he wasn't using one of the three yellow Super Saiyan forms or even Super Saiyan Blue, rather he had found a way to tap into the power of Super Saiyan God, the red haired form that he and Vegeta had used to battle her father years ago, meaning that Vegeta could also call upon this power at will as well... and, while Dyspo was stunned by his attack being blocked, Goku raised his leg and kicked the Pride Trooper into the hands of his friend, who stared at him with disbelief on their faces.

"You must be strong if you're forcing Rainbow to use the Thunder God's War Cry." Goku commented, as he had only seen Rainbow use that technique against foes that she deemed worthy, meaning foes that were strong and needed the speed boost that the form offered her.

"I wouldn't say they 'forced' me to use it, rather it fits in with what Sombra asked us to do." Rainbow replied, where she flashed down to where Goku was standing, though instead of being worried about Dyspo and Kunshi she was more interested in Super Saiyan God, which was faster than Super Saiyan and consumed less stamina than Blue.

"He's quite the tactician, isn't he?" Goku asked, because from what little he had seen so far Sombra, the leader of Universe 13's warriors, was incredibly strong and only moved out when he wanted to, and yet it almost seemed like everything the rest of his team did had been planned out ahead of time, making the warrior that had knocked out Kale, in her berserker form, incredibly dangerous and was someone he couldn't underestimate at all.

Rainbow nodded her head for a moment, but before she could say anything Dyspo charged at her, allowing both her and Goku to charge forward as they engaged the Pride Trooper's speed, leaving Hit to deal with Kunshi and the golden threads that he commanded, which Hit actually seemed fine with, since he was sure that Dyspo's time in the tournament was numbered now that Goku was here. Interesting enough Rainbow noticed that when their foe went after Goku, a wise decision since he couldn't follow her movements all that well, Goku would switch from Super Saiyan God and take on Super Saiyan Blue, switching speed for power in an instant, and regardless of what happened he either switched back to using Super Saiyan God or stayed using Super Saiyan Blue. In was an interesting combination, one that Goku could have came up with, or maybe Vegeta did, and together the two of them pushed Dyspo backwards, enough so that they brought him right to where Hit was fighting, which caused the assassin to ditch Kunshi and continue his fight with Dyspo, allowing Goku and Rainbow to use their auras and push through the minefield of the golden threads that their new foe was laying on the ground, sending him flying into a rock wall seconds later.

Once that happened, and Goku went on the offensive once more, Rainbow flexed her energy and turned off the War Cry, determining that she didn't need it anymore, and watched as Hit used the sound of his muscles and the intangibility part of his abilities against Dyspo, confusing him in the process and making him question which attack his foe was going to use at any given moment. In fact the next few seconds were fun to watch, as Hit managed to bypass Dyspo's defenses and bring him to the point where he could be thrown off the fighting stage, though when it came time to do that Kunshi saved his friend once more and let him run off, not that Goku or Rainbow were going to chase after him, and Hit simply used the intangibility aspect of his powers to send Kunshi over the edge of the fighting stage, eliminating another warrior from Universe 11, leaving them with a weakened Dyspo, Toppo, and Jiren. Hit took a moment to stare at Goku and Rainbow, his gaze telling them that he did not need their help and wasn't about to fight them, not after what they had been through, before he walked off and sought out someone else to fight, leaving the pair alone for a moment.

"So, what's next?" Goku asked, because he was sure that there was something that Sombra had asked Rainbow and the rest of her team to do, like how many warriors they needed to take out or when was a good time to show off a bit of their power, and he wanted to know what their allies had planned.

"We'll have to wait and see what the other universes do next." Rainbow replied, though at the same time she turned her head and glanced in the direction of Toppo, who seemed a little annoyed about losing another member of his team, before a thought brought a smile to her face, "Personally, I'm waiting for Toppo to show his hand, but until then we had better focus on taking the other warriors out and seeing what the other universes have hidden up their sleeves."

Goku nodded his head, as he was also interested in seeing what sort of powers the other universes had, before the two of them headed back towards some of the other warriors that were currently fighting, so they could rejoin their allies and figure out who needed to be taken out next, all while waiting to see what happened next.