//------------------------------// // Applejack and family // Story: Dragon Chronicles // by Aether Spark //------------------------------// In the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack and Red Gala were bucking the trees, watching the apples fall into the baskets below. “Well Ah have to say, Red Gala, this will probably be the first we have ever gotten done on time,” Applejack said with a smile on his face and got a simple “eeyup” from his big sis. “I wonder how Applebuck is doing with his crusading; I hope he isn’t getting into trouble,” Applejack said in a knowing tone. Red shrugged her shoulders and put the baskets of apples into the cart, ready to take them back to the barn, when she and Applejack heard their little brothers voice. “Red Gala! Applejack, I’m back!” the voice said excitedly. Not looking towards their brother, Applejack picked up some of the apples that fell out of the cart and threw them back in. “Howdy Applebuck, how did the crusading go?” Applejack asked “Oh, we decided to stop being the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Applebuck responded casually. “Well that’s nice- Wait what!?” Applejack stammered his eyes wide in surprise at the news. “Yeah, me, Opal, and Quartz decided to stop since we can no longer get our Cutie Marks,” Applebuck said ignoring his brothers surprise as he approached them from behind. “What are you talking about? Who's Opal and Quartz? And what...” Applejack was saying, until he turned around and saw a yellow baby dragon with red spines, and wearing Applebuck's hoofball cap. Red Gala and Applejacks expressions were one of fright and concern. “Applebuck? Is that you?” Applejack said “Sorry Applejack, but its Garnet now, and Ah’m okay,” Garnet said with a smile on his face. “Wh-who did this to you haystack?” Applejack asked, getting more frightened by the second. “It was Zircon,” Garnet replied “Who’s Zircon?” Applejack said confused “That would be me,” came a louder but familiar voice Out from behind the apple trees, came a giant cyan drake with magenta eyes, he looked down at the apple family, who was wide-eyed at the sight of the big dragon. He just smiled and turned his eyes to Applejack. “Hey Applejack, I see you’re as busy as ever,” Zircon said with a grin. “Th-that voice, it can’t be, Rainbow Blitz?” Applejack stuttered “I use to be Rainbow Blitz, but now it’s Zircon,” Zircon said with a dismissive wave. Applejack and Red Gala stared at their once Pegasus friend, eyes wide and mouths open in disbelief. “What happened to you Rainbow?” Red Gala uncharacteristically spoke up “Well, I Made a potion to make me faster and stronger to help improve my flying, and in the end, it did so much more than that. As you can see clearly it turned me into a dragon,” Zircon replied nonchalantly. “And did you do this to my brother?” Applejack asked, pointing his hoof at the yellow baby dragon. “Yes I did, I promised him and his friends that if they became dragons, they wouldn’t have to worry about not having Cutie Marks anymore, sure the experience was painful. Believe me, I was actually worried for a moment they wouldn’t pull through, but they managed to, and now they're better than ever.” Zircon said proudly “Eeeyup! Ah, feel better than ah ever had as a weak ole pony!” Garnet said with a grin of his own “so you see, I did them a favor by turning them into dragons.” Zircon said “Well, you had better change him back then!” Applejack said loudly enough to make them jump “because Ah refuse to have a dragon as a brother! It’ll scare off the customers!” Applejack shouted… then he heard some sniffles and stared at the source, and what he saw broke his heart, his little brother was crying. “You (sniff) you don’t want me to be your brother?” Garnet asked, tears staining his scaly face. It was right then and there. Applejack realized what he had just said. “N-no… ah… ah’m sorry! ah didn’t mean…” Applejack said trembling as he walked to his brother and brought a hoof out to hug and comfort him, but the baby dragon just slapped the hoof away and ran to Zircon, burying his face into the cyan drake’s tail while sobbing. Zircon had jerked back in surprise. The blue drake couldn’t believe that he heard one of his best friends say that he wouldn’t accept his brother because he was a dragon now, and to add insult to injury, he called Garnet an “it.” He was so shocked by the event that he didn’t notice that Garnet ran to him and began crying in his tail until he recovered from his shock. Zircon looked at the weeping baby dragon and then glared at the trembling orange apple farmer. “What the heck was that Applejack!? that was, by far the worst thing you could have ever said!” Zircon growled, wrapping his tail around the baby dragon comfortingly. Applejack stared at Zircon with pain in his eyes and looked at his sister, who was giving him an angry disapproving glare as well. He felt so terrible about what he said, that to avoid the stares, he cowered on the ground and used his hat to cover his eyes. “Ah’m sorry Applebuck! Ah really am, please! I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” Applejack begged. Zircon knew that what Applejack said was genuine; he sighed and looked at the two older siblings. “So you truly want to be with Garnet?” Zircon asked “Yes, Ah do!” Applejack pleaded “Well I can turn you and your sister into dragons so that you can stay as a family” Zircon offered “Please, do it!” Applejack shouted Zircon looked over to Red Gala who showed hesitance at the thought of being a dragon, but one glance at the tearful baby dragon looking to her and she knew she couldn’t make the same mistake her brother made in judging Applebuck for who he is now. She turned to Zircon and gave him a nod. “Alright,” Zircon picked up the two and licked them both, the lick causing both of them to stare in a mix of surprise and disgust as he set them down and they tried to wipe the saliva off themselves. He didn’t expect this to happen, admittedly what he had planned to do was to come in with Garnet, trick them by telling them that he would burn down the farm if they didn’t become dragons with their brother, and go off from there. However, this works too. Applejack was attempting to wipe the saliva off his face and body. “ah told him to turn me into a dragon, not lick me…” he thought. Then as if an anvil fell on him, he collapsed in pain; his body was spazzing out as he was being covered in orange scales. His snout grew out, and his teeth morphed into razor-sharp canines. His pupils became slits, and his mane and tail fell off. Meanwhile, similar changes were happening to Red Gala who fell on her haunches as scales appeared on her body and her mane and tail fell off. Her strong muscles began to bulge out even more as her pupils became slits. “You never said it would be painful!” Applejack yelled, he felt his neck grow longer and his spine grew out until he had a scaly dragon tail. His hind hooves morphed into clawed feet, and his front legs and hooves turned into arms and clawed hands. His muscles expanded and yellow spines grew from his head to his tail. He soon realized that despite the pain, he felt good, this felt much better than his old pony body. The transformation continued as his body began to grow larger until he was even in height to Zircon. Once the transformation seemed to stop, he looked over his body and smiled. “Woo-wee, this is mighty nice,” Applejack said with a grin. “It’s not done yet,” Zircon said Applejack looked at Zircon confused, but then he felt pain in his shoulder blades; he looked at his back and saw wings growing out of it. His jaw was wide open in awe as he gave them a test flap, and sure enough, they worked. He grinned and lightly punched Zircons shoulder. “Thank ya kindly Zircon, ah feel stronger and better than ever before.” Applejack said gratefully “Glad I could help, and I think Red Gala agrees,” Zircon said gesturing behind Applejack. Applejack turned around and saw a huge red dragoness, even bigger than he was, and with muscles and wings bigger than his too. Zircon looked at the Apple Dragons, he noticed that Applejack had bigger muscles than he did, but his wings were considerably smaller. Red Gala was even bigger than either of them were, and she had a hulking yet still feminine muscle build, and her wings were massive. He guessed the size of the wings helped her because of the added weight of her height. “Well Applejack, Red Gala-” Zircon began. “Actually Zircon, call me Russet,” Russet said “Okay and what about you Red?” Zircon asked turning to the big red dragoness. Red Gala rubbed her chin in thought for a moment and then gave her answer. “Scarlet,” Scarlet said with a smile on her scaly lips. “Okay, Russet, Scarlet, take Garnet into the Everfree Forest, find Lapis, and wait for me there, I’m going to get the rest of our friends and perhaps anypony else I happen to come across.” Zircon ordered “Who?” Russet asked “Yellow drake with pink spikes, Blue eyes, one of our friends, formerly the pony named Butterscotch before I turned him,” Zircon explained, and Russet nodded understandingly before his expression turned questioning. “Wait, what about Grampy Smith? Shouldn’t we turn him too, so the family’s all together?” Russet asked Zircon sadly shook his head no “Sorry Russet, but I think the pain of the transformation would be too much for his weak and old body, but I know the citizens of Ponyville will help him out on the farm in your absence” Zircon assured “Ah sure hope your right,” Russet said glumly, missing grandpa already Zircon flew off, leaving the three siblings. “Well you heard him, let’s get goin into the Everfree Forest,” Russet, went to pick up Garnet, but the baby dragon back away angrily and went to Scarlet. This left him heartbroken, and it was made worse when Scarlet picked Garnet up, put him on her back, and walked on. His head hung low as they walked into the forest.