//------------------------------// // Interlude: Smarty Pants 2.0 // Story: Three to Five // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// I awoke to a clattering and shuffling looking at the clock I could see it was a little past eight, later then I usually got up, but it was Saturday and my brain usually let me sleep in on the weekend daughters notwithstanding. But Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were both up at the Apples farm having a weekend sleepover with Applebloom and I knew Twi took Star to a playdate at the Cakes earlier this morning, Pound and Pumpkin were both a little older than her about the same age as her cousins but the three of them got along well. Some more clattering and a muffled curse and I was pretty sure I wasn't getting back to sleep, no worries. I stretched and pulled myself up slipping on a shirt and shorts before I sought out the source of the noises, I was pretty sure who I would find and wasn't disappointed to find Twilight rummaging through one of our storage chests, the closet downstairs was quite large and we had three in there but the other two looked to have been rummaged through already. "What’s up?" She jumped slightly with an adorable squeak, “Ahh! Rick! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I was about to apologize but she already had a smirk on pulling me down for a kiss. "Well I suppose I might have been concentration a bit too hard on the problem at hand." "I see." I knelt beside her looking into the many odds and ends we kept. "So, what are you looking for?" "Well, you know when I was young, and I didn't really have any friends right?" "I remember..." I pulled her close as we turned to lean against the trunk as she explained. "Well I did have one friend... Someone I could always rely on, do my homework with, play, anything! Smarty Pants... A doll my mother gave me, not as fancy or pretty as some but I loved her... I just can't remember where I put her! I thought maybe Star might... Oh..." "What?" "I... I think I remember..." She was blushing which certainly made me curious. "Tell me." She snuggled a bit closer and began telling me about a few years ago, before we met awhile after they had freed Luna, she'd gotten a bit... Well maybe a lot overstressed about the reports she'd been sending Princess Celestia, she'd forgotten one and try as she might she couldn't find anyone to help with a problem and write a report about! Her friends thought she was just getting upset over nothing and she admitted she had been but at the time it seemed so important! Finally, in desperation since she couldn't find a problem to solve, she chose to make one! She took her Smarty Pants doll to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hoping they'd all love her so much they'd fight over her, and she could intervene teaching them a valuable lesson about sharing... "But...?" I interrupted kissing her soft ear. "Didn't work out like I planned..." Seems the girls weren't too interested in an old doll, in desperation she cast the Want It-Need it spell on it which as the spell advertised forced anyone looking at it to want it, badly. If it had just been the girls, if she had been able to reason with them... But the very nature of the spell made that impossible, she deeply regretted using it and unable to convince the girls she turned to Big Mac who had been passing by to help her retrieve the doll from the girls never thinking he too would be affected! He galloped off with it and another pony got dragged in, another, another and another until it was a wild melee and she couldn't get a clear shot to dismiss the spell! Even her friends were at risk but when all seemed lost Princess Celestia swooped down negating the spell and returning things to normal. Spike it seemed had known just how much Twilight could overreact and had wisely sent word to the Princess. I made a mental note to thank him for that the next time I saw him. Twilight had been sure the Princess would punish her severely taking her away from Ponyville and her friends... She of course did no such thing understanding that one pony can take something that seems so insignificant to another but means so much to you and magnify your own worries and fears a hundredfold... "And the doll?" "I was so worried and then relieved it completely slipped my mind... Long gone I suppose, torn up for nests or buried or..." She was tearing up, so I interrupted her with a squeeze and soft kiss. "Or, found and has a good home with a filly who loves her as much as you do..." She smiled letting me wipe her tears away. "I hope... If only I'd been more careful, then Star could have..." "Well that Smarty Pants is gone but you could buy a new one...?" "No..." She shook her head sadly. "They don't make her anymore, too old fashion..." "Well then... Maybe you could make another? Who knows her better then you?" Her face lit up as she pressed forward to kiss me. "I could! I will! Oh, thank you!" "Do you need any help?" "No, I want to do it myself please..." Can you keep her busy until tonight?" "Can and will." We kissed once more and she rushed out to buy what she'd need, I picked Star up after her playdate and took her out to the farm to gallop and play with the girls staying for a bite of supper before returning home. The light was on, so I hoped Twi was ready... I opened the door she was waiting in the living room quickly hiding something behind her as Star galloped up. "Mommy, mommy! I had so much fun with Pound an Punkin then, then me an daddy went out to auntie Abblejacks an played with Ootaloo an Weetie Belle an Abblebloom!" "That’s great sweetie, did you eat too?" "Yup! It was yummy! Did you miss me?" "I did, I missed you a lot, I have a present for you..." "For me? Yay!" "Okay, sit down and close your eyes." "Kay!" She sat down and so did I on the couch watching as Twilight levitated a doll out from behind her a small piece of parchment and tiny quill with it. It was a simple pony doll, grey with a 'cornrow' type of mane and tail. She had a red eye and a blue eye which I thought was a bit odd and wouldn't you know it a pair of pants on. "Okay you can look now..." She hopped to her hooves her eyes flying open excitedly focusing on the doll before her she looked confused cocking her head to the side regarding it. "She's called Smarty Pants, I... I had a doll just like her when I was young..." Twi explained levitating the doll over to her. "She even has her own scroll and pen so you can pretend she's doing her homework..." Come on baby I mentally pleaded, your mom worked really hard on her. Star took it sitting back on her haunches examining it then nuzzling it gently a smile breaking out on her face. "She smells just like you mommy!" She squealed hugging the doll tightly then putting her down galloping back to Twi for a hug and kiss. "Thank you mommy!" Twilight hugged her tightly a few tears falling. "I'm so glad you like her baby." It was getting late, so we tucked her and Smarty Pants in bed giving her kisses and leaving her door open seeing Scootaloo wasn't home. We got ready for bed and just as we were about to lay down a tiny horn and pair of beautiful brown eyes peeked up over the top stair Smarty Pants peeking up right beside her. "Um... Martypants doesn't want me to leep alone..." "Is that so? But you’re not alone you have Smarty Pants with you." I teased already moving over to her. "Dat doesn't count daddy!" She giggled as I scooped the two of them up putting them between us. "Sleep sweet baby..." I rubbed her chest gently lulling her to sleep. "Sweet dreams..." Twi smiled pulling the covers over us. "Night mommy, daddy..." She passed out her little forehooves wrapped around my wrist. Goodnight love... Love you... What are we going to do when these two grow up and leave? I'll be lost... Oh you, we still have time. Plenty of time... I guess... We began drifting off cozy and comfortable together. ... .. . Besides, we could always have another... !