//------------------------------// // Chapter VI // Story: My Little Pony - Equestria Boy II - Darkness of Sombra // by OliverSparkle //------------------------------// King Sombra grinned evilly at the group below him as the mane eight, Spike, Oliver, Capper, Constantine, the pillars and the Young Six glared at him, but Lightning began to shake in fear as he then got off Silverstream’s back, ran underneath her and hid behind her legs. Sombra’s head went back into the dark cloud as he then walked out of the cloud in his pony form with silver hoof shoes, silver neck wear and red King cape. The mane eight, Spike, Oliver, Constantine and the pillars stayed glaring at him as they stood like they’re ready to attack him. “Now now, is that any way to treat your king?” He asked with an evil grin. “You’re far from being a king in Equestria,” Twilight said angrily as she walked a bit, “And you’re no king here, or a king of the Crystal Empire anymore.” “Oh yeah that’s right,” said Sombra, “I’ve seem to have notice that the Crystal Empire has a new ruler. And, of course, a son who has magic I’ve never seen before.” Oliver let out an angry growl. “You will leave Twilight’s nephew out of this!” Star Swirl said, “He has nothing that you want or to do with you!” “Oh I believe he does have something that I want.” Sombra’s grin grew even bigger, “In fact, he IS what I want.” “You will not lay a hoof on Oliver Sparkle!” Shouted Rockhoof grabbing his shovel, “Not one bit!” “STAY OUT OF THIS!” Sombra’s horn glowed purple darkness grasp as a big circle of fire summoned around him and Oliver leaving the mane eight, Spike, Constantine, the pillars and the Young Seven outside the circle. “Uncle Oliver!” Lightning shouted in fear as he ran towards them but was grabbed by Smolder. Oliver looked around to see if there was a way of the circle, but no luck as he then saw Sombra walking towards him with an evil grin. “Now that they’re out of the way. Let’s get down to business.” Oliver glared at Sombra once more as he prepared to attack. “What do you want from me?” Sombra stopped near Oliver as he placed a hoof under his chin. “From you? Nothing. From me. My offer.” “What offer?” “I know what your life has been like before you got adopted. I know what they did to you. I know they made fun of your appearance. But, I can make that all disappear.” “What?” Sombra placed his face towards Oliver’s face as he moved his hoof away from his chin. “Join me, Oliver Sparkle. And I can give you everything that you could ever want, and you can get revenge on those two ponies that almost ruined your life. And together, we can rule the entire Equestria.” Oliver, however, wasn’t pleased to his offer as he then said, “You think I want revenge on those abusers? I already gotten what I want, a family, friends, and now a nephew. I never wanted revenge, even if I planned to get revenge on those two when I’m older like my father. They’ve gotten what they deserve anyway. So whatever you’re trying to offer me, I don’t want it!” Sombra’s face grew a frown look on it as he moved away from him. “So be it, future captain. If you will not join me....” his horn glowed as he was ready to kill him, “Then you shall die!” “Over my dead body!” Sombra’s horn stopped glowed as he and Oliver turned to see that John has made it into the circle and was running angrily towards Sombra as he then punched him in the face twice making him fly backwards. John then kicked him in the face which made him walk backwards and away from them. Oliver then saw Princess Amore struggling and trying to get out of the dark cloud while the dark chains tried to pull her back in. “Amore!” He shouted as he spread his wings out and flew out of the circle towards the cloud. “Oliver, wait!” Called Twilight. Oliver flew towards Amore as his horn began to glow dark ink grasp, wrapped around Amore’s hooves and began to pull her out of the cloud, until Sombra saw what he was doing. “NO!!” He shouted before flying towards them on his dark cloud. Once he was near them, he wrapped a dark purple darkness grasp around Oliver’s backhooves as he then tried to pull him away while he continues to pull Amore out of his darkness. But the darkness grasp around Oliver’s backhooves were causing pain on them making Oliver moan and groan in pain as tears of pain rolled down his face. Amore was moaning and groaning in pain as well while was trying to free herself with the help of Oliver. Just then, one of the darkness chains snapped freeing Amore’s right hoof as Oliver then gasped and an loud dark echo appeared in Sombra’s ear causing him to let go of Oliver’s backhooves from his grasp and placed his two hooves on his head as he yelled in pain. “No! NO NO!!” The others below saw what was going on. “Look!” Gallus shouted as he pointed towards Oliver and Amore, “One of the chains snapped! Amore is almost free! I hope.” Oliver continued to pull Amore out of the darkness cloud while also trying to break the last chain on her, until Sombra got onto Oliver, wrapped his hooves around his neck and tried to pull him away while choking him. “Get! Off! Me!” Oliver shouted while still being choked. “No! Amore is mine!” “I, disagree.” Oliver’s horn began to glow as he slowly and gently began to break the last darkness chain to free Amore. “Don’t! You’ll kill all three of us!” Sombra shouted. “No,” Oliver replied while sweating, “This, will only kill... you.” With a mighty pull, Oliver managed to break the last darkness chain as another echo appeared in Sombra causing him to let go of Oliver and scream in more pain as his body began to crack and the darkness cloud began to go chaotic as it twisted and turned as a bright light appeared from it and in the cracks on Sombra’s body. “Not again!” Shouted Sombra in pain. The bright light from both the darkness cloud and Sombra’s cracks got brighter and brighter as it made Sombra’s body break again as a big explosion appeared from it making everything on the ground blow away as everycreature covered themselves from the wind and trying not to get blown away until it had finally stopped. They all then uncovered themselves as they looked around and saw that Oliver and Amore were no where to be seen. “Oliver? Amore? Where are you?!” Twilight called out to them in a worried tone. “Uncle Oliver!” Lightning called out. But unfortunately, he wasn’t around, or turned up, neither did Amore after she was freed. After a few seconds of silence, Lightning began to sob as his uncle was gone. Fluttershy came up to him and hugged him in comfort as the others began to cry as well, while Constantine looked down to the ground in sadness. “This is all my fault,” Star Swirl said in sadness as he looked at Twilight who was looking down with her eyes closed as tears began to roll down her face. Her crying didn’t last long, as she then heard footsteps slowly walking from the distance. The others heard footsteps too, except for Lightning who was still crying a bit in Fluttershy’s chest, as they stopped sobbing and looked forwards as Twilight did the same. Constantine was the last to notice as he stopped being upset. Coming out of the small smoke distance, was Ink Bendy carrying Oliver in his arms with Amore walking next to him. Twilight walked towards them as they then stopped near each other. Ink Bendy gently placed Oliver on the ground as Twilight placed her hoof on his chest to see if he was passed out but his heart was still beating. After a few seconds, she felt a heart beat in his chest which made her smile as she was relieved that her nephew was still alive. She then looked at Ink Bendy as he looked at her too before saying, “Take, good, care, of, him.” Twilight nodded in understood as Ink Bendy slowly melted onto the ground while the melted ink flowed into Oliver. With all the Ink was gone, Oliver slowly opened his eyes before slowly getting onto his hooves and rubbed his forehead as he then looked at Twilight. “Aunt, Twilight?” He let out a smile to her. Twilight let out a gasp of happiness. “Oliver!” The two formed an aunt and nephew hug before the others went up to them as Lightning Twister stopped crying and saw that his uncle was okay. “Uncle Oliver!” He shouted before jumping out of Fluttershy’s hooves, running up to Oliver and hugged him as he hugged him back. “I thought you were gone with Sombra.” Oliver smiled at his nephew before saying, “It’s alright, Lightning. He’s gone now, and I’m still here.” “And I’m just glad that you’re still alive mate,” Constantine added. They all then turned towards Amore who was smiling at them. “So it looks like you’re back from being gone then after all that,” said Capper. “Yep,” answered Amore, “Now that I’m no longer imprisoned by Sombra and he’s now gone for good, I’m free to live in Equestria again. I have you to thank, Oliver Sparkle. You helped me out of Sombra’s darkness and defeated him no matter how much he tried to stop you. You must be very proud of your nephew, Twilight.” Twilight smiled at Amore before saying, “Yes. Yes I am.” Sandbar suddenly saw something in front of them. He gasped before pointing forward while saying, “Look!” Everyone looked at what Sandbar was pointing and gasped in amaze to what was now in front of them. In front of them was a big crystal made tree type building with a staircase, two balconies and crystal purple and pink leaves on the branches. The broken pieces of the Tree of Harmony transformed into the Treehouse of Harmony. “Wow!” The Young Seven said in unison and amazed. “The broken tree transformed into a new tree, but as a treehouse,” said Gallus. “Looks like our worries about the Tree of Harmony are no longer needed now that we have the treehouse,” said Twilight happily. “Eeyep,” agreed Applejack. Star Swirl walked up to Amore as he then said, “Ahem. So uh, about the whole, ignoring that warning on the chest while back?” Amore looked at Star Swirl before letting out a giggle and said, “I think we should discuss that on the way to the Crystal Empire. I wanna see the new ruler and also see if the place has changed a bit while I was gone.”