//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The calm before the Storm[Unedited] // Story: Protector of Harmony: Rewrite // by Aegis Spirit //------------------------------// “Uh.” I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in the entrance room of the castle and saw that it was morning. I lifted my head, but noticed my face was mostly covered in bandages, which also covered my left eye. I tried getting up, but I felt a stinging sensation coming from my wounds. I looked at my wounds on me, and they have been patched up in bandages, and someone also removed my golf shirt and hoodie. “Girls, he’s awake.” A voice said in a cowboy accent. I looked toward the source of the voice and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting off the ground. “I’m so glad your up Aegis, how are you feeling?” Asked Apple Bloom. I was relieved they were safe. “Aright I guess. Did you all help me?” I asked, gesturing to my bandaged wounds. Scootaloo spoke up. “You can think Apple Bloom for that.” She said looking at her friend. “Yup, ever since ma brother hurt himself in the farm one time, I learned a bit about treating wounds from a Zecora. Anyway, we didn’t properly tell you our names.” Said Apple Bloom. Even if I never watched the show, I picked on their names during their earlier conversations. “I’m Apple Bloom.” Said the anthro Earth pony. “I’m Sweetie Bell.” Said the anthro Unicorn. “And I’m Scootaloo.” Said the anthro pegasus. “And together, we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” They yelled in union. A smile grew on my face, I was glad they were in a good mood, despite last night. Though my ears hurt from the shout “Well it’s nice to meet you girls and thank you all, but I have to ask. what were you doing in the forest last night?” I asked in a serious tone. No one should be in the forest by choice. “We were heading back home from Zecora’s home at dusk after helping her find some herbs, but we ran into timberwolves and were chased deeper into the forest.” Said Apple Bloom. I could only imagine how worried their family must be feeling, just like mine. “Well, I’m glad I was nearby, but are timberwolfs common where you were in the forest.” he asked. Apple Bloom spoke up, “Not really, they normally reside deeper in the Everfree Forest. It’s strange they were this far out?” I got up from the ground, but my the wounds extremely stung. “Huh…let’s go to my car, it’ll be faster getting you girls home.” I offered, know it’s the best way to get through the Everfree Forest. Scootaloo asked, “That go cart looking thing by the bridge?” I just nodded in response, “Trust me, it’s the safest way to get through the forest. By the way, where’s my shirt and jacket?” I asked, seeing as they were missing. Surprisingly, I was also well built with a decent six pack. I only slightly had this much muscle in my old body. Sweetie Bell brought my golf shirt and jacket to me with her magic, though they have seen better days. “Thanks Sweetie Bell.” I said putting on my blood stained shirt and hoodie. I finished putting on what was left of his shirt and jacket and answered. “Now, how about we get you ponies back to your home.” “Yeah! Wait, what were you doing in the forest in the first place?” Scootaloo asked. I thought for a moment. What exactly am I’m going to tell them, maybe I’ll only tell them half of the truth, for now at least. He turned towards the entrance. “That’s a complicated story, how about I tell you on the way back to your home.” I told them. This way, it will give me time to think up a background. I picked up my backpack, making sure the first aid kit and knife were already in there. Luckily, the Crusaders already put them back in. We made their way outside, and I could see that the sun was barely up. I looked around to for the weapons I dropped last night. I spotted them laying down on the castle yard. “Sorry for asking this, but do you all think you can help my get my belongings.” I asked. I normally would have done it myself, but I didn’t want to risk opening the wounds. “Sure thing Aegis.” Replied Scootaloo with a smile. The Crusaders spread out to get my weapons. Apple Bloom got my staff, while Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell got my tonfas. “Thanks girls.” I said, grateful for the Crusaders help. “Of course it’s the least we can do.” Sweetie Bell said as they gave me my weapons. I put my tonfas in my backpack and carried my staff. After that, we headed towards the bridge. After crossing the bridge, I reached in my pocket for the key, and unlocked the car. The Crusaders were surprise the jeep suddenly beeped. “Grrr.” Everyone stopped after hearing that, but the sound didn’t come from the forest. I turned around and saw the girls holding their stomach. “I’m guessing nopony ate breakfast did they.” I said. The girls laughed a little, while blushing. “Don’t worry, I have some food you girls may like. First though, I have to make some room for you all.” I said, opening the back door of my jeep. I pushed in his backpack to make room for the girls. I began unscrewing my staff so it can fit in my jeep. The girls were surprise my staff can be unscrewed. When I place it in the jeep, I looked toward the creepy forest, to check if anything was moving. Seeing that there were no movement, I closed the back end of my jeep. I made my way to the left side of my car and opened up the second back door. Leaning in, I reached for my box of pop tarts. I came out of the car with four bags of pop tarts, one for me, and the others for the Crusaders. I turned to them, handing them over my favorite snake. “What are those?” Asked Apple Bloom, looking at the wrapped food. “These are Pop Tarts. They are a breakfast food from where I come from.” I answered. I opened the packages and handed them to the Crusaders. The girls weren’t sure about the food though, they’ve never seen it before. Scootaloo was the one who took the first bite, and her eyes lit up, along with her smile. “Oh my gosh, this is so good. It taste like strawberry with sugar.” She said. The other looked at each other and at started eating the Pop Tarts. Like Scootaloo, their faces went up and chowed down. Ismile and began eating mine. We finished their breakfast and I asked for their wrappers. The forest maybe dangerous, but that didn’t mean I was going to let it get littered. “Thank you so much Aegis.” Said Apple Bloom. “Yeah, I can’t believe we don’t have it.” Said Scootaloo. “Well, I’m glad that you girls like it. Now, we better get going.” I said, walking over to the right side of the car. I opened the front passenger door and gestured the girls to get in. “Do you all think you could fit on the seat? Sorry, I don’t have room in the back.” I told them, not sure if they could. “I think so.” Answered Sweetie Bell. The Crusader made their way to the car and Apple Bloom was the first to climb in, then Scootaloo. Sweetie bell was next, she sat on top on Apple Bloom’s and Scootaloo’s lap. “You good?” I asked, making sure the were comfortable. “Yup.” They replied. I gentle closed the door. Looking around one more time, I could hear animals in the distant and walked to the driver’s side and opened the door. I got in and started the engine. The Crusaders were curious about the engine sound they were hearing. “What’s that sound?” Scootaloo asked with surprise. I turned to them. “That’s the sound of the engine turned on. It’s what power’s the car.” I answered putting the car in reverse. After the car was straight in front of the path, I put it in drive. I started driving in probably most dangerous forest in two worlds. “So, any questions.” I asked, figuring this will be a long drive. Applebloom was the first to ask. “What were you doing in the Everfree Forest last night?”I thought how I should answer them. “I’m not sure, one moment I was driving to my apartment last night and lightning hit my car. Next thing I know, I was in the middle of the forest. Not only that it changed me.” I told them, figuring the fact that I used to be human would be found out sooner than later. “What do ya mean?” Applebloom asked. I sighed and reached for my phone. I slowed the jeep down and pulled up an image of me and my family. “This is what I look like before I came here.” I said showing them the picture of me, my sister, and parents. The girls were surprise at what they saw. “Wait, so your saying your an alien?” Scootaloo asked doubtfully. I sighed at her response. “I know it’s strange, but it’s the truth. Why else haven’t you seen or heard of my technology?” I replied, still keeping my eyes on the road. Hopefully I could convince them of the truth so they don't think I'm crazy. I wasn’t surprised, even I would have hard time believing someone is an alien if they look like an inhabitant. The Crusaders pondered for a moment until Apple Bloom looked at me and smiled. “I believe ya. A lot of what you say makes sense. Ya also saved us, so there’s no reason not to trust ya.” She said. The others nodded, accepting I was telling the truth. I could only smile. “Thank you Apple Bloom, that means a lot.” I said while looking down the road until Scootaloo asked me something else. “Hey Aegis, we’ve been wondering, since you were a alien, did you all get cutie marks like ponies.” I glanced slightly at them, but still kept my eyes on the path. “A cutie mark? Do you mean the symbols on my arms?” I asked, playing ignorant. “hm hm, it shows a pony's special talent when they discover it.” Answered Sweetie Bell. “No girls, my kind don’t have cutie marks. I only got my cutie mark when I was transformed.” I answered them. “So what does your cutie mark look like?” Asked Sweetie Bell. I slid of my hoodie and lifted my sleeve, showing them my cutie mark. “That’s so cool, does that mean your special talent is being a guard?” Asked Scootaloo. I chuckled at her response. “I think so, though I actually designing games for a living.” I told them, neglecting to tell them that I actually designs video games. “Really? Why aren’t you a guard or something?” Scootaloo asked again. “I guess it’s because I didn’t want my family to constantly worry about me.” I told them, even though my family is probably more worried about me than they ever had. I wonder what would have happen if I had joined the military against my parents wishes. “So what’s your family like Aegis?” Asked Applebloom. I thought for a moment about my family. “Well, my Dad is a lawyer for a metal manufacturing company. He works hard and is always there when I needed him. My Mom is a contract manager for another company. Like my dad, she works to make sure my sister and I have a good life. My little sister, is a sweet hear who is currently studying financing in college, and she also practice ballerina dancer. ‘sigh’ I wonder what they’re doing since I left.” I said frowning, just talking about them makes me miss them more. Apple Bloom noticed this and frowned. “Don’t worry Aegis, maybe Twilight can help ya get back home. She’s amazing at magic.” She said. Even though I know Twilight is great at magic, I doubt that she can just open up a portal back to my world. We could see light up ahead of them and were almost out of the forest. When they did, I saw grass plains and hill. At least we were out of the forest. That was when Scootaloo asked one more question. “So what about your friends Aegis?” I paused at her question, I haven’t spoken to my old friends since high school. I also didn’t any attempt to stay in contact with them for a personal reason. “I’m not sure, I haven’t spoken to them for years. We went our separate ways after high school.” I told them. “Why not, don’t you at least write letters to them?” Asked Apple Bloom. I didn’t want to tell why I haven’t contacted my friends and simply mumbled. “Because I don’t think I deserve friends.” I know I shouldn’t have said that, but I can’t help but feel that it’s true. I glanced over and the Crusaders had the look of shock on there faces. Apple Bloom narrowed her eyes and spoke up. “Now that’s a bunch of hogwash. Everypony needs friends. Why would ya say that?” She demanded. I didn’t want to tell them about his problem, that was when I saw something disturbing. “Is that smoke?” I asked. Scootaloo appeared annoyed and said. “Don’t try and change the subject.” She said. I just said and pointed to what I was seeing. “No, look.” The Crusaders followed what he was pointing at and gasp. Large smoke clouds were coming up from only one location. “Ponyville’s in that direction!” Said Sweetie Bell in shock. “Hold on.” I told them and hit the petal and they drove off to the town. I didn’t know why there was that amount of smoke in Ponyville, but I had an idea it meant trouble. We passed by Fluttershy’s cottage and was approaching Sweet Apple Acres. When we reached the gate to the farm. I stopped the jeep and turned to the Crusaders. “You’ll better get off here, it’s going to be bad if you all are caught in danger.” I told them. “No way, some of our friends maybe there.” Apple Bloom argued. I got out of the driver seat and ran to the other side of my jeep. I was not about to bring kids into any danger. “Sorry, but I’m not taking no for an answer.” I told them as I grabbed them and brought them out of the jeep. They tried to get loose, but one of the benefits of being an earth pony is their superior strength. “Let go, we can help.” Said Scootaloo still struggling. “Sorry but I don’t want to know what’ll happen if your families found I put you all in danger.” I told them as I put them down behind the gate and ran back to the jeep. I didn’t want those girls trying to get themselves into trouble, even though according to the show, they go looking for it. I put the car into drive and headed to Ponyville.