//------------------------------// // Day -3/0 // Story: 1000 Years // by DekaSkittalz //------------------------------// I am sick... and tired… of being sick, and tired… I’ve been wandering for four days now… and haven’t found a single person, town, sign, or any indication of life; just fucking nature everywhere. I’m almost out of beef jerky, and it’s pissing me off as much as it worries me, because I’m a goody two shoes who can’t bring himself to litter in such a beautiful place, so I’ve been stuffing them back in my bag; and the constant sound of wrappers shifting is annoying the ever living fuck out of me... Yeah, bite me, I can appreciate nature. At least I can when I can fucking see it! For whatever reason, if I open my left eye, a whole bunch of shit pops up in my view. It’s like a fucking computer filled with viruses I tell ya. I tried rubbing my eyes, hitting myself upside the head, splashing water in my face. Nothing clears it up. Eventually, I took a picture of myself with my phone to see if it was something else…. And forgot to turn off the flash, so I blinded myself for a moment. After my vision cleared, I looked at the picture, and nearly broke my phone when I dropped it. There’s some fucking symbol on my eye where my pupil would be. No idea what it is, as I’ve never seen anything like it before. Nearly had a panic attack, and had to take an entire day just to come to terms with it. Nothing I can do for it, so I opted to keep my left eye closed. Wish I had something to wrap around my head to block it for me, but it seems god fucking hates me apparently. So I bite the proverbial bullet and fight back years of habit of having my left eye open, and keep it shut. I still accidentally open it, but the pain from the surge of bullshit that pops up in my vision makes short work of it. I don’t even know what it is, I can never get a good enough look at it on the off chance I do open my left eye, because I’m never expecting to open my left eye; it’s just habit. That aside, I don’t know where the hell I am. While I’ve never seen much of the world, I’m sure this place isn’t anywhere I’ve heard of. It looks too… untouched. Colors are brighter, the sky is nicer, even the air smells and feels different. Aside from the aesthetic differences, there’s also not been a single bad day of weather since I got here; clear skies far as the eye can see, with the odd cloud here and there. But even those clouds are strange; they don’t move. Now I know clouds don’t move that fast and it could be me not paying attention properly, but I’m telling ya, they don’t move. I’ve watched a couple of the clouds I’ve seen for a couple minutes, to a couple hours, and they didn’t move a single inch. Even tested it by leaving my backpack in the shade of a cloud and waited for a bit to see if it would move. It didn’t. I sigh and pull out my water bottle and shake it, hearing the swishing of water indicating its almost empty. Maybe 20% full… if that. I open it and take a small sip, savoring the smooth liquid as it glides across my tongue. Wish it could last longer, but I don’t have enough water to indulge myself. Makes me miss the days when I could just flip on the sink, take a few gulps, and dump the rest down the drain like the wasteful child I was. Now I realize exactly how much I took for granted. And that’s pretty much everything. Beds. AC. Electricity. Food. And of course, water. There’s more I’m sure, but it would be a waste of energy to systematically list off everything. I miss my home… my parents especially. They’re what made home what it is. I don’t think I’ll ever get home though… I’m pretty sure I’m stuck here. But, like I told myself back in the cave, I’ll be damned if I go down without at least trying. Pulling out my phone, I open it up and look in the various chat rooms I was in. all these people I knew… gone from my life… or rather, I’m gone from theirs. Just… deleted. Of course, no new messages come in either; No blasted signal. I sigh and open up to my gallery, looking through the pictures I’ve taken. There aren’t that many, and most of my picture folders are memes, videos, and… less than savory things. I’m 14! Give me a break! But back on topic, my camera roll. Various pictures of selfies taken with my friends, to vacation photos with my parents… I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and quickly wipe it away and put my phone back in my pocket before I waste more time. Not gonna get anything done by sitting here wishing. It’s been a couple more hours of walking. And the sun is setting. And I see civilization! Fuck yeah! It looks rural as fuck, barely gettin started, but it’s something! I take off running towards the small hamlet as the sun continues setting, casting the world in shadows. However, I’m caught off guard when the sun springs back up instead of continuing its way down. It startled me so much, I jumped back and fell on my ass backwards and scramble away from the direction I was heading. I stop in place, and place a hand on my still beating heart, thumping away in my chest with reckless abandon. “WHAT THE FUCK!?” The sun does NOT do that! It’s been fine the past 4 days, and now its just defying physics!? Why the fuck did it go back!? I look at my watch and confirm that the time still shows that it should be approaching night time. Then, almost as soon as that thought goes through my head, the sun darts back down past the horizon, shrouding the surrounding area in complete darkness. I’m quiet for the next few seconds, my mind drawing a complete blank. Then the sun darts back up, almost as if playing a game of peek-a-boo. At this point, I’m getting more irritated than anything else. “Alright, what the fuck is going on!?” I yell out to the sun. of course, I get no response. I decide to get up and start hoofin it to the small village as the sun and moon keep being bipolar. Maybe they’d know something about this, but I highly doubt that. When I’m halfway to the village from where I was, the ground suddenly changes to a fucking purple checkerboard, tripping me up and making me fall flat on my face. I bring myself to my hands and knees, examining the ground below me. Knocking on it, I find it to be some kinda of hard plastic or something similar. Putting this information in the back of my head, I get back to my feet and keep running. I slow down but keep running as I see a couple strange animals running by, except they seem more like one of those ‘has science gone too far’ animal mix up memes. Fucking long legged rabbits with antlers, bats that are fatter than a grapefruit, some that are actually grapefruit with bat wings. I raise an eyebrow and keep running. Par for the course I guess. I DO stop running however, when something pops in front of me from out of nowhere with a positively chaotic cackle. Once again, I’m on my ass and scrambling away. “WHAT THE FUCK!” I yell out, but immediately throw my hand over my mouth and curse myself and my mouth. The creature before me, some kinda amalgamation of various animal parts congealed together in some sick and twisted looking way, stops his cackling and turns to look at me; and my heart fucking sinks… like, past my stomach and down into my fucking foot. Then out the foot and deep into the earth below me. That’s how fucked I felt. “And, What in the wide wide world of Equus might you be? My my, certainly not something I conjured, that’s for sure. Some sort of monkey perhaps?” I don’t even have time to react or ponder my confusion at the things he apparently said, as he disappears from in front of me with a snap of his clawed limb, and reappears beside me, lifting me up and holding me by my arm and eyeing me somethin’ fierce. “No no no, not enough hair. Unless you’re a hairless monkey... “ he pulls my mouth open, and I panic as I feel it stretch open to lengths it shouldn’t be able to, and he sticks his fucking head inside my mouth! “Not the right kind of tooth formation either…” he states as he lets go of my mouth, and I feel it snap back to the way it’s supposed to be. He spreads my fingers and even pulls one off, examining it. At this point, I’m freaking out, and looking at my missing digit in horror. However, it isn’t bleeding, nor does it hurt. It just… isn’t there. I can still feel it, but I feel it in the grip of this reality breaking creature. Wiggling it around, it wiggles in his grip too. It disappears from his grip and pops back on my hand after he tosses it away carelessly and looks back at me. “Y-you’re the thing causing all this fucking madness!” I stutter and point at him. He seems surprised I can talk, but his surprised expression quickly melts into a smirk. “Ah, what a lovely word you used to describe it. I prefer the term chaos myself, but you’re word works just as well. Do you like it? Oh I hope you do, I did put a lot of hard work into it!” he disappears again and appears coiled around me with his weird elongated body, and whispers into my ear with an elbow nudge, “between you and me, I really didn’t. I can do way more, but I like to let things progressively get more chaotic.” he says, then gives me a wink and chuckles. Now, I have no idea what compelled me to do what I did next, but I was startled and annoyed. I fucking punched him. And, my hand literally phased through his face. His chuckle dies down as he looks at me, my arm literally in his head. And going out the back of it. And he’s fine. “Now that’s a bit rude, don’t you think?” he snaps his fingers and reappears on the path towards the village, leaving me behind him. “I’ll deal with you later. Whenever we next meet...“ He says with an evil smirk as he looks at me over his shoulder. Before I can even respond, he snaps his fingers and the entire world is gone in an instant. I feel like my body is tearing itself apart and putting itself back together, being squashed and stretched, pulled and pushed… all sorts of feelings that shouldn’t be possible to feel at the same time, and with such intensity. It all passes in a second though, and I hear a pop and feel myself falling yet again. “-et away with this, Discord!” I hear a female voice call from below me. I, however, start screaming and hit the ground with a sudden and sharp pain in my back. My eye screws shut in pain, and I wince, trying to roll over and get off my back. At least I apparently wasn’t that high up. Through my pain, I notice the sound of silence. Nothing but the wind. Then, laughing. No… cackling… of the chaotic variety… this same mother fucker is laughing at me! I wince and slowly bring myself to a sitting position, and glare at him. “My my, how nice of you to drop in!” he says between laughs, putting extra emphasis on the word drop. Fucking hate puns. I’m about to say something, but I’m startled when I hear another voice behind me. “What is the meaning of this Discord? An attempt to distract us?” I turn and face the voice, and I’m even more confused when I see two horses standing there, clad in armour and weapons floating beside them, encased in a glow. Actually, getting a better look, I notice they have wings and fucking horns; horns that are encased in the same glow as the floating weapons. Are they doing that? is all I have time to think before this ‘Discord’ finally stops his laughing fit and wipes a tear from his eye, and starts talking again. “Oh please, Celestia. This is as much a surprise to me as it is you, I assure you.” After hearing him say that, I had to call bullshit. He knew what he did with me! “Bullshit! Don’t act like you didn’t just start fucking around with the world not 10 minutes ago!” After that, I stare at him, and he stares back. I can feel the stare of the ponies staring at the back of my head as well. To be honest, it’s a little uncomfortable. Then, for whatever reason, Discord starts giggling. Then chuckling. Then breaks down into full blown laughter. I turn to the ponies behind me to see what they think of this, but they’re looking at me like I’m crazy. The blue one who’s name I didn’t know brings a hoof to her mouth and coughs into it awkwardly, then speaks up. “Creature, Discord has been wreaking havoc across the land for four days now.” she’s about to say something else, but Discord doesn’t give her a chance as he buts in with something to say of his own. “OOooooo, havoc. I like that word. Better than the one this thing used four days ago.” After hearing that, my mind just stopped. ‘Four days? But I was just talking to him 2 fucking minutes ago!’. My eyes, both of them are wide open in shock. The pain from all the clutter clouding my vision is completely numb, and I just stand there in shock. The world seems to continue on as if I wasn’t there. I think Discord and those two horses are fighting. Now that I think about it, the area does look different… that village and the path to it is nowhere in sight. Despite the chaotic look Discord gave it, I can still discern it to be a different location. How else would I have gotten here? Getting to my feet, my jaw clicks shut as I pick it up off the floor, but I continue to stare straight ahead. All I hear around me is the clashing of blades against… something… I didn’t care to look. ‘Four days… did he send me into the future?’ Things go quiet, and all of a sudden, I feel an intense pressure all over my body. I try to move, as this sudden pressure snaps me out of my little stupor, but find that I’m unable to. Panic starts to grip, and I struggle to move, or do anything; breathe, close my eyes, anything. It’s all in vain. I start to lose my sense of feeling. After a moment, I realize I no longer feel the need to breathe. However, I also don’t feel anything else. All I see is my clusterfuck of a vision because my eyes are still open apparently. I can still hear everything going on around me though, so I focus on that. I hear footfalls approaching me, in groups of four. Four seems to be a common number recently, eh? Panic stricken however, I barely register the two horses who I assume are in front of me talking. I catch something about relocation, and that’s all I get before I pass out from the mental overload.