Playing House

by Krickis

24 – Little White Lies

Chapter Twenty-Four
Little White Lies

Being four thousand miles from her friends was no reason for Rarity to not be a part of their lives. If anything, it meant that she had to try that much harder to be there for them. Anything less than her best was simply not good enough for her friends.

That was why she was up into the early AM hours even though she had to get up in the morning. What was missing out on a little sleep in the face of supporting one of her best and oldest friends?

Even so, as Rarity flipped through TV channels and sipped on yet another tea, she did hope that Fluttershy would call her soon. She could wait all night if she had to, but on tonight of all nights, she so very much hoped she would not have to.

“…un nouvel épisode des Aventures Animalières de Pinceau! Aujourd'hui, nous nous intéresserons au plus maléfique de tous les animaux – le lapin.”

Rarity changed the channel, even if that sounded like a show Fluttershy would like.

“…deux poney princesses et soeurs qui faisaient régner la paix…”

Something about that one gave her déjà vu. She changed the channel quickly.

“…The Last Warmare, bientôt dans les salles –”

The commercial was interrupted by Rarity’s phone ringing. She quickly turned off the TV and checked it to see the call was from a messaging app, just as she’d hoped. She smiled as she answered. “Fluttershy! Allô!”

“Hi, Rarity.”

“So don’t make me wait another moment; how did everything go?”

“It was nice. A little much, but that’s okay.” Fluttershy sounded happy, which was great to hear. She hadn’t sounded like that much during their regular phone calls over the past two months. “It was nice to see everyone again.”

“I trust they went easy on you? Your first day back at work shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Fluttershy laughed. “Yes, it was very easy. They barely gave me anything at all to do, it was almost like I was new all over again.”

“They just want to get you back into things slowly.”

“I know.”

That had been what Rarity really wanted to talk to Fluttershy about – her first day back to work was a huge deal, after all – but now that they were on the phone, there really wasn’t any reason not to check in on how the other aspects of her life were going. “And how are things with Sunset?”

There was a worrying hesitation on the other end, then Fluttershy answered quietly. “Uhm, give me a minute…” Fluttershy must have held the phone away from her mouth, because she sounded further away when she said, “I’m going to sit outside for a bit.”

There were a few moments of silence during which Rarity sipped her tea, then she heard a door open and close. “That bad?”

“It’s… I just don’t want to bring things back up…”

That didn’t do anything to reassure Rarity, but she shoved those concerns down. Fluttershy deserved her best, of course. “Why don’t you tell me what happened? Maybe I can help somehow.”

“Thank you, but… I don’t think you can.”

“Be that as it may, you should still talk about it. You must’ve needed to get something off your chest if you decided to bring the conversation outside. And into the rain, from the sound of it.”

“It’s been raining nonstop lately… I hate the rain ever since…” Fluttershy took a deep breath. “I’m dry here, though.”

“Be that as it may, you could’ve stayed inside. I’m sure you must have a good reason for stepping out, and you know there is no sense in beating around the bush.”

Fluttershy sighed. “You’re right… The thing is we sort of had another argument.”

“I see.” Fluttershy had told Rarity about a few arguments they’d had. One might have hoped that getting tattoos of each other could have reaffirmed their devotion to one another, and that the arguments would cease. One would, however, be as sorely disappointed as Rarity was in finding that to not be the case.

“This time it was about the insurance money.”

“But I thought everything was settled with the insurance company?” It had taken some time, but the insurance company had finally reimbursed Sunset for damages during the car crash. The car itself was beyond repair, or so Rarity had been told, but they’d be able to get a new one in its place.

“It is. The money was deposited into Sunset’s bank account, and should clear within a few days.”

“Well, that’s wonderful! Whatever could be the matter then?”

“Sunset is.”

“Oh. I see.” In truth, Rarity didn’t see at all. Even when they had their little lover’s spats, Fluttershy never so blatantly blamed Sunset before. “What, er, has she done, exactly?”

“She doesn’t want to do anything. That’s the problem.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Fluttershy sighed deeply once more. “I thought we would get a new car. Then I could finally learn to drive and I wouldn’t need to rely on other people to get around. Plus it would help with groceries, and just…”

“I understand. One motorcycle between two people is not nearly enough. Particularly when only one of you can drive it.”

“Exactly! But Sunset doesn’t want to get another car.”

Rarity furrowed her brow. “That doesn’t make any sense. Why ever not?”

“She won’t say so, but I’m sure it’s because then she’ll have to finish teaching me to drive it. I… I don’t think she trusts me to drive.”

It was easy to see where Sunset’s hesitation came from, but that certainly was taking things a bit too far. “Now that’s just silly. Your lessons were going so well, she has no reason at all to doubt you.”

“She just seems so distant lately. I don’t know what she’s thinking most of the time.”

“Darling, you simply must put your foot down on this! If you want, I can give her a piece of my mind as well.”

“I’ll talk to her again. You don’t have to worry yourself about it.”

“Alright, but do remember that I’m happy to help if I can. We’ll change her mind about this, don’t you fret.”

“Thanks, Rarity.” There, at least Fluttershy was sounding a little better.

And with that in mind, it was probably a good place to leave their conversation. “I’m terribly sorry, darling, but I really should be getting to bed.”

“Oh! It’s really late there, isn’t it?”

“No need to apologize, it’s hardly past my usual bedtime.” That was a lie, and one aided by Fluttershy’s poor grasp on time zones. Try as she might, she never could quite remember that Rarity was six hours ahead of her. “Do let me know how things go.”

“Will do. And thanks again.”

“Think nothing of it, darling. Now go in there and don’t take no for an answer!”

Fluttershy giggled. “Alright. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Rarity hung up and found a yawn work its way out right on cue. At least there was no doubt that she would sleep well.

She frowned as she noticed the half-filled teacup. She’d forgotten about it, and now she found herself wholly uninterested in finishing it. She should at least rinse the cup, but she couldn’t even find the energy to dump it.

It had been a busy day, and another busy one was waiting for her in the morning. In the end, Rarity barely found the energy to turn her lights off on the way to bed.

Rarity and mornings had never seen eye to eye, and it was not likely they ever would.

A coffee mug took a place beside the tea cup from the previous night. Rarity had never been terribly fond of coffee, but one had to use what they could on days like this.

Rarity idly checked her phone while she drank. She opened the group chat app that she used to keep in touch with her friends back in Everton, and surprisingly, she saw that Sunset was online. Early morning for Rarity was the middle of the night for Sunset, so that was worrying.

Knowing that Sunset would have some excuse or other ready if Rarity messaged her, she instead opted to call her. Hopefully she would catch her unaware and get the real answer about what she was doing up.

“Hey, Rarity.” Although Sunset didn’t sound great, that wasn’t unexpected. Frankly, it was something of a miracle that she even answered at all. She was known to ignore calls at the best of times, which this certainly wasn’t.

“Hello, Sunset. You’re up rather late, I see.”

“No rest for the wicked.”

Rarity allowed a small smile as she drank more coffee. “I do know the feeling. But that doesn’t explain why you are up.”

“I dunno, pretty sure turning into a demon nets you wicked status for life.”

“Now now, do not tell me you’re still losing sleep over that.” Sadly, if anyone was going to beat herself up over something that happened two years ago, it would be Sunset.

“Nah, I’m just joking.” Sunset stifled a yawn, which still found its way to Rarity. “I don’t really have a good reason to be up. No need to worry about me, though.”

“Come now, darling, I worry about you whether I need to or not. You really ought to know these things by now.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to convince you not to. I’m pretty stubborn, I’m told.”

“Nor does that mean you’ll ever succeed.” Rarity found herself grinning in spite of herself. Although there was clearly something going on, Sunset was simply too much fun to talk to. “And since you won’t convince me not to worry, you might as well drop the act. What’s the real reason you’re awake so late on a work night.”

“Damn it. Do you really have my work schedule memorized?”

“Well, it’s not hard to remember the days you work when you work all of them.”

Sunset laughed. “Alright, you got me there.”

Really, it had been a guess. But since Sunset worked five days a week, it was a safe guess that any given day was a workday.

“The truth is… Fluttershy and I had a fight.”

Rarity winced. “Yes, Fluttershy mentioned something about that.”

“No, another one. After you got off the phone with her.”

The conversation was feeling much less fun all of a sudden. “About the car again?”

“So she did talk to you about that.”

Rarity didn’t like the hint of accusation in Sunset’s tone. “Yes, just as you are going to now. I’m your friend, and I want to be there for both of you. She tells me you don’t want to buy a new car.”

“Did she tell you why though?”

As was often the case when discussions like this happened, Sunset’s tone was that of someone sure she was about to make the winning play. Rarity wouldn’t mind the tone if she wasn’t usually right.

“Well, not exactly. But I can hardly think of a good reason to not get another car for the two of you.”

“I want to put the money towards her school tuition.”

“Oh.” As usual, Sunset had managed the winning play. “But I thought she had financial aid to cover the costs?”

“For most of it, yeah. And we can cover the rest for the rate she’s been going, but if she doesn’t start taking more classes, she’s not looking to graduate for years to come. If we invest the money in her future, she’ll be able to start going to school full-time. This is the best chance we’ve got to achieve her dream of becoming a veterinarian.”

‘Really, Fluttershy?’ While Fluttershy’s point was still clear, how could she possibly not see Sunset’s point as well? “And what did Fluttershy have to say about that idea.”

“Not much,” Sunset said irritably. “She was just so focused on getting a new car. And yeah, I get it. It will suck not having a car for a bit, but that’s something we can work out. The money could even go to both, save some for school and some for a car.”

“It’s enough for both? Then what’s the issue, exactly?”

“Because the only way it’s enough for both is to get a cheap used car and hope it doesn’t need too much work. Which isn’t exactly reassuring, but that’s not what I want to do anyway. The smartest thing to do is to start a car fund and a school fund, then just keep paying into both.”

Rarity took another drink of coffee. “That is very forward thinking.” She knew Sunset could be a little pushy sometimes, but she was at a loss for why Fluttershy couldn’t see this was a good idea. “I’ll talk to Fluttershy. Maybe I can get her to come around to the idea. Perhaps I could even help pay –”

“No,” Sunset said quickly and sharply. She sighed. “I’m sorry. I do really appreciate it, but we can do this. You’ve done way more than enough already, and really, it’s not like we don’t know how to make things work without the car in the meantime.”

“Okay, have it your way.” Rarity knew a losing battle when she saw one. Besides, it sounded like she might have to save her strength for another battle. “Nevertheless, I shall still talk with Fluttershy. Perhaps if she sees someone else thinks this is for the best, she’ll come around to the idea.”

“Thanks, Rarity.”

“Now then, I hate to run but I do have a busy day ahead of me. And you need to get to bed.”

Sunset laughed. “Yeah, alright. I’ll get some sleep.”

“Good. And don’t think I’m above asking Fluttershy to make sure you did. I expect to hear that you two were cuddled up together no later than – goodness, is that the time? I really do need to get going, I’m afraid…”

“Go, I’ll be fine.”

“You better be! Au revoir!”


Rarity hung up the phone and downed the remaining coffee, ignoring the fact that it was still too hot for comfort. With no time to waste, she jumped to her feet to begin her day.

“Suri, could you give me a second opinion on this?” Rarity gave her design one last once over for what must have been the hundredth time that day, and for the hundredth time, she could not be certain she liked what she saw.

Suri Polomare gave the dress a cursory glance before returning to her own project. “Mhm, looks good.”

That wasn’t quite the second opinion Rarity had hoped for. “You hardly looked at them! Please, Suri, I need this to be perfect!”

Suri rolled her eyes. “Everything you do is perfect, okay? You’re Hoity Toity’s favorite after all.”

It was disappointing that even after all these months, Suri still hadn’t improved her attitude. They should have been the best of friends. They had arrived in France together to study under Hoity Toity, both of them coming from Everton, and were even the same age. They had been on opposite sides during the Friendship Games, but if anything, that ought to have been a lesson in putting such petty differences aside.

But no matter how nice Rarity was to her, Suri always met her with warm indifference. She had a knack for always saying things that sounded nice with a smile on her face, but also making it perfectly clear that she didn’t actually care.

Fortunately, someone much more helpful walked in. Coco Pommel had been nothing short of wonderful to Rarity since they’d met, and even if she wasn’t a designer herself, she had a keen eye and more than enough knowledge of the field.

Unfortunately, she didn’t walk in alone. Coco entered the room beside her boss, Hoity Toity. And although he was also Rarity’s mentor, asking his opinion of the outfits was simply not an option; he had much to teach his protégés, but he believed in giving lessons at his whim and then letting them sink or swim on their own merits. Even asking Coco’s opinion near him would be too risky.

Well then there was nothing else to it. Rarity would just have to fall back on her own self-confidence! “Bonjour, Monsieur Toity! And Mademoiselle Pommel, so lovely to see you!”

“Hi, Miss Rarity,” Coco said while Hoity Toity looked over her designs. “How are the final adjustments going.”

“Quite well, I think,” Rarity said, hoping one of them would offer some insight into whether or not that was the case.

These are the designs you’re submitting?” Hoity Toity said with a frown.

Every impulse told her to deny it, to say that she was still working on it or that she would have something different completely. But every impulse was resisted, and Rarity answered with her head high. “Yes. I’m quite satisfied with them.”

Hoity Toity looked them over once more, then showed a rare smile. “That’s the confidence I want to hear. These outfits are sure to stand out during the show.”

Considering Hoity Toity had outfits of his own in the show, that was immensely high praise from the seasoned designer. “Thank you, Monsieur Toity.”

“I have high expectations for you,” Hoity Toity said as he left the outfits. “Coco, make sure Rarity has everything she needs for Friday’s showcase to be perfect.”

“Yes, sir.”

Perfect. With Coco’s help, Rarity was sure to make the most of her remaining time. And since Hoity Toity was leaving them in peace, she wouldn’t even need to worry about him thinking she relied on her friend too much.

“Coco, give me a hand with this.”

Or Suri could make pleasant sounding demands to try and monopolize Coco’s time. Honestly, Rarity wasn’t sure why she was even surprised.

Coco looked uncertainly at Rarity. “But Monsieur Toity asked me to help Rarity.”

Suri laughed dismissively. “Oh, come on! You heard him, her designs are already perfect, okay? But I need to get the staff ensembles sewn together and we’re running out of time.”

‘You wouldn’t be running out of time if you hadn’t protested the job so much,’ Rarity thought bitterly. Every staff member’s outfit at the fashion show had been designed and assembled by apprentice designers. Suri hadn’t been happy about being left out of the show and had wasted design time to try and convince Hoity Toity to change his mind.

But Rarity forced the bitter lump back down her throat and offered a sweet smile instead. “Never fret, I’ll manage for a time. Go on and help Suri with her outfits. While the staff outfits may not be part of the show itself, that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the best we can give them! Although I would like your assistance once you two are done.”

“Of course,” Suri said with a smile that Rarity couldn’t possibly trust. “And just wait until Hoity Toity sees my work now that I can really show him what I can do.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and returned to adjusting small details on her dresses. Since both Rarity and Suri were apprentice designers to Hoity Toity, they had worked together on the staff outfits in the past. Meaning, of course, that they bickered over the best approach. But now that Rarity was in the show, it had fallen to Suri to work on the outfits solo.

Or rather, it seemed that Rarity would be the one working solo. ‘Now now, this is no reason to go getting myself down and out about things. I’ve done plenty of projects all on my own! I just need to perfect six stunning designs by tomorrow that will set the tone for my entire career! So… no pressure.”

The clock ticked through the minutes at a rate that was normally reserved for hours, each one stretching into eternity. The designs had been crystal clear in her head for ages, but as she worked them into reality, things shifted. For the better, she assured herself, but each small change rippled into the next small change until they created the waves that she was drowning under.

But while she had never been the strongest swimmer, if there was one thing Rarity had going for her, it was her tenacity. It didn’t matter if she was stranded, and it didn’t matter if she was sinking – nothing was going to keep Rarity from rising above on albatross wings and soaring.

“Idea!” she said suddenly. She wheeled around and marched to the other side of the studio where Coco was still assisting Suri. “Suri, I simply must steal Coco away from you for a moment!”

Suri put on her trademark plastic smile, but Rarity wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Before she could no doubt make an argument that she needed Coco more, Rarity shut it down. “I need to completely rework several of my designs, and I feel Coco’s input and assistance will be simply invaluable.”

“Maybe, but –”

“Coco, if you’d please.”

“Of course, Miss Rarity.”

The way Coco smiled as they left Suri floundering in their wake didn’t escape Rarity’s attention. She hid it well, but she did have a bit of a mischievous side.

“Are you really going to rework the designs?”

“I already have,” Rarity said, tapping her head. “It may not be on paper, but I’ve got everything down in here. That’s why I simply must have you working with me to get it out here.” Rarity gestured to the mannequins with their now-defunct outfits on them. “No one else could possibly be in sync with me enough to pull this off.”

Coco nodded and smiled. “I’ll do my best!”

“I hadn’t a thought to the contrary.”

“You’re really changing the designs after Hoity Toity already gave his approval?” Suri said with a grin. “You should just take the win when you can get it.”

“This is about more than Hoity Toity. I need these designs to impress everyone at the show on Friday. Approval simply isn’t good enough. Now if you don’t mind, we’re going to be very busy getting things ready.”

Suri huffed and went back to her own outfits, allowing Rarity and Coco to get started. “So what’s the plan.”

“Close your eyes,” Rarity instructed, and Coco obliged. “Imagine endless ocean as far as you can see, nothing but waves upon waves. But you’re above it all! An albatross, soaring above the water, unrivalled queen of the ocean skies!”

Suri laughed. “That’s your idea!?”

Coco ignored her and opened her eyes. “I think it’s great inspiration. So were you thinking feathers for accents?”

“Yes, and waves of blue for the trim.”

“I’ll get us some supplies.”

Rarity couldn’t resist throwing her arms around Coco. “Thank you so much, I’d be truly lost without you!”

Coco patted her on the back as they hugged. “It’s my pleasure, Miss Rarity. I’ll also print up some pictures for inspiration.”

“Brilliant idea.” Rarity pulled away, but kept her arms on Coco’s shoulders. “Only… do you think it’s wise? Perhaps I shouldn’t change things so late in the game…”

“Now now, you’re Miss Rarity! You can do anything! I’m positive that you can pull this off.”

Rarity shook her head. “No, darling. We can, together!”

“Right!” Coco nodded, then excitedly ran off to get everything together.

“Touching,” Suri said.

“Miss Polomane, I do believe you were just telling me how much work you’ve left for the last minute. Perhaps it would be wise to get back to it?”

“Just finished, actually.”

‘Good, then we’ll have the studio to ourselves.’ Rarity wore a wry smile as she turned around. “So soon? One might wonder if you ever really needed Coco’s help to begin with.”

“Sometimes I forget how good I am.”

“Don’t we all, darling. Well, enjoy your time off.”

“Oh, I will. Have fun staying up until midnight to try and get this done in time.”


Mercifully, Suri left. While she waited for Coco to come back, Rarity spent her time doing what work she could on her own.

The time flew as effortlessly as her albatross would, and Coco returned long before Rarity had expected her to. “I hope I chose the right colors.”

Rarity examined the materials coco brought and beamed. “Darling, these are exquisite.”

Coco handed her the inspiration printouts. Rarity flipped through various pictures of the ocean and albatrosses, noting one detail in particular. “We simply must work this eye design into the makeup. Will you model for me?”

Coco’s mouth fell open and she blinked. “Me? But I’m not a model.”

Rarity chuckled. “Well I can’t very well put makeup on the mannequin, and I would so like to see how the whole thing turns out. Besides, you’d make a positively lovely model, Miss Pommel. Especially with that delightful blush you’re now sporting!”

“M-Miss Rarity…” Coco giggled. “Okay. If you think I’m good enough, then of course I will.”

If time flew by when Rarity had begun her redesign, then it escaped her completely while she worked with Coco. As Rarity had suspected, Coco made for a wonderful model, and her seafoam green hair even gave Rarity some more ideas for how to tie everything together.

She only hoped that Coco felt the same. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, but as daylight faded, Rarity did have to wonder if there wasn’t somewhere else she’d rather be.

Although if there was, she did a poor job of showing it. Even when she announced she was going to go get them dinner, Coco showed no hints of growing weary assisting Rarity.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather turn in for the night? I would understand completely if you did. And it really is just a few more minor alterations I’d need to make.”

Coco shook her head. “You can’t fool me, I know this is more than a few minor alterations. I couldn’t leave you now.”

Part of Rarity wanted to argue so that her friend wouldn’t be so clearly putting herself out. But she really did need the help… “Okay, but you simply must let me make this up for you when I have the chance!”

“If you insist. I’ll be back in a little bit.”

Rarity only felt the exhaustion when Coco left. They’d been at it for hours, and would be at it for at least a few more. It looked like Rarity was heading for another night in the studio suite – one of two small cots that they kept in a corner to accommodate their need for occasional naps during the long hours they worked.

But first, a small break was in order. Rarity picked up her phone to check the time, which reminded her that she had something she needed to do. And with the studio to herself, there would be no better time to do it.

She opened the chat app she used to talk to her friends across the ocean and found Fluttershy on it. She wasn’t online, but Rarity tried calling her anyway.

After a few rings, Fluttershy answered. “Hello, Rarity.”

Rarity sucked up all the exhaustion and put on a positive voice. “Fluttershy, darling! You simply must see these designs I’m working on!”

“I’d love to. You’ll have to send me some pictures when they’re done. Are they for Friday’s show?”

“Yes! Coco and I have been working on them all day.”

“Really? You aren’t overworking yourself again, are you?”

Rarity looked at the still incomplete dresses and frowned. “No, I dare say I’ve learned my lesson. I’m already relaxing at home.”


“So how was work today?” Rarity asked, eager to change the subject before she caught herself in a web of little white lies.

“Good. I’m actually at work now, but you caught me on lunch.”

“Oh, I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“It’s fine, I haven’t been very hungry anyway.”


“I’m still eating. Just… a little less.” Fluttershy hesitated, then added, “Although I was late because Sunset got held up at the store, so she wasn’t home on time to bring me. I had to have Rainbow Dash come all the way over to get me.”

“Oh dear, I hope they weren’t terribly cross with you.”

“No, not this time. I think everyone just thought I was still getting used to being back.”

“That is good to hear. And before you go worrying about it, I’m certain that Rainbow doesn’t mind.”

“She says she doesn’t, but she also can’t understand why Sunset won’t agree to get us another car. It would make things so much simpler.”

Well, this was as good a time as any to get into it. Better than any, actually, since Coco hadn’t returned yet, and who knew when Rarity would have time to talk to her friends again with the showcase only two days away.

“About the car. I talked to Sunset.”


Rarity chose her words carefully as she proceeded. “From what I came to understand, she does see where you’re coming from. But, well… I do wonder why you aren’t giving her idea more consideration. She says you’ll be able to put it towards a car and school.”

“If I still have a job by the time we can afford a car… They won’t be okay with me being late forever.”

“There are options for this sort of thing. You could take the bus, or even a taxi in an emergency.”

“I… don’t like the bus…”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh, I hardly think anyone likes taking the bus, but it isn’t so bad.”

“I, uhm…”

Fluttershy paused, leaving Rarity perplexed. “Fluttershy?”

“It’s easy for Sunset. She has a vehicle. She’s nervous about me driving a car, but she’s the one going around on a motorcycle.”

“You know, she didn’t even mention being nervous about you driving. It seemed –”

“Of course she didn’t. She knows how to make herself look good.”

Rarity could hardly believe her ears. That didn’t sound like Fluttershy. “Darling, you know I agree with you completely that you would be just fine in a car. And if that was all there was to it, then I’d be off giving Sunset a piece of my mind right this instant. But she did raise a good point about your schooling.”

“She didn’t even ask.”

“Er, come again?”

“About school. She never even asked me what I wanted to do.”

“Fluttershy, you’ve wanted to be a veterinarian since the day we met. This is your dream, what do you mean ‘what you want to do’?”

“I… I do still want to be a veterinarian. But… I don’t think I can do it. Not right now. Going to both school and work part-time was hard, making school full-time on top of it? And not to mention that, uhm… being around people can be… overwhelming.”

“Oh.” Rarity frowned, mostly at herself. How had she not seen how much stress that would put on Fluttershy? “Right, of course. Have you explained these feelings to Sunset?”

“Yes. Or at least I tried to… She can be so hard to talk to sometimes…”

Ah, there it was. “Fluttershy, darling, you simply must talk to her about this. You can’t very well blame her for not knowing how you feel when you won’t tell her.”

“I just… wish she would ask.”

“Of course, and she should have.” Rarity held a finger to her lips as Coco walked into the studio. Coco nodded her understanding. “Perhaps that is another thing you can talk to her about?”


Fluttershy didn’t sound so sure, but Rarity didn’t want to talk about something so private with Coco around. “Good. With that settled, I had best let you get back to your lunch.”

“Alright. Guess you’ll be heading to bed soon.”

Not by a long shot. “Yes, after dinner. But please, don’t hesitate to call if there’s anything I can do. I’m always happy to help.”

“I know. Thank you, Rarity.”

“My pleasure. Bye for now, and good luck on that talk.”


Rarity hung up and sighed.

“Problems with friends back home again?”

Rarity turned to find Coco was holding out a bag of takeout for her. “I’m afraid so. Relationships can be so taxing.”

Coco laughed. “I guess they must be.”

“You guess? Why, Miss Coco, have you never been in a relationship before?”

Coco blushed. “Nothing serious… I never really had time to settle down.”

“Ah yes, of course.” Rarity and Coco sat at Suri’s work table to eat since it was empty. “How anyone in our industry could balance work and romance is beyond me.”

“It doesn’t get any easier, you know. At least, if Monsieur Toity is anything to go by.”

“Easier? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Rarity opened her takeout bag to find Chinese food and began eating an egg roll.

“It’s exciting though.” Coco pulled out her own meal. “If everything goes well on Friday, you could be moving on from your apprenticeship in no time.”

“I scarcely know what I’d do with myself.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Miss Rarity can do anything.”

Rarity giggled. “Coco, why didn’t you go into design? You’re really quite good at it, seems almost a shame that you’re still just Hoity Toity’s assistant.”

“Well, I did want to be a designer, but… I’m not really tough enough for the fashion world. It takes people like you and Monsieur Toity.”

“I see.” Rarity popped a wonton into her mouth and thought carefully as she chewed. It was something she’d thought about a lot lately, and even more so since it was becoming clear that she was soon going to be making her own name rather than just being Hoity Toity’s protégé.

Her eyes caught the dresses she and Coco had been working on, and she knew the question was obvious. Where they’d go from there was yet to be seen, but she would definitely have to ask the question. “It’s just that I was thinking… Would you consider entering a partnership with me?”

Coco looked up from her food, eyes full of surprise. “A partnership?”

“The two of us are a match made in heaven. You could leave the cutthroat business side to me, and we could both work on design. Of course I understand if you’d rather stay with Monsieur Toity, and here I am not even out of my apprenticeship yet.

“I’d be honored, but… I think I’d only bring you down.”

“Oh, nonsense! Tell you what, after the showcase how about we work on an outfit of your own design together? Then when it turns out stunning you’ll see what we can do together.”

Coco couldn’t seem to make eye contact, but she was smiling broadly. “I’d really like that.”

“Good! And there’s no need to rush into an answer about a partnership. I am getting a little ahead of myself, after all. I just wanted you to have some time to think it over.”

Coco nodded. “I will.”

Rarity finished her food and threw the trash back into the bag it came in. “Well then, if we’re to have any hope of getting you to your own home today, then we should get back to it.”

“I don’t mind staying in the studio suite.”

“I appreciate the lie, but everyone minds staying in the studio suite. It’s not designed for comfort, darling.”

“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be so bad staying here together.”

Rarity smiled. “It is better with a friend. Still, work awaits!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Desperate times called for desperate measures, and at times like this, desperate measures called for coffee. No matter how much Rarity wasn’t fond of drinking it and how she hated relying on it, there was simply nothing else to be done with only four hours of sleep in the studio suite.

But no matter how tired she was, she didn’t dare show it. She wanted to look professional in front of the models trying on her clothes, whom she would hopefully be working with more in the future. And then there was the fact that Hoity Toity was overseeing her day’s activities, and not to mention that she didn’t want to give Suri the satisfaction of seeing her exhausted from her last-minute changes – never mind that she was still in yesterday’s outfit, a telltale sign that she hadn’t made it home the night before.

Although perhaps most of all, there was the fact that Coco wasn’t showing any signs of tiredness. She had been up just as late as Rarity the night before, she had slept on an identical uncomfortable cot, and she had woken up just as early. And yet here she was, able to face the day with her usual level of cheer.

There was nothing to do but try to keep up. It was made easier by Hoity Toity’s reaction to the pieces.

“When I said you were going to stand out, I didn’t mean for you to steal the show from me!” he said as he watched the models strut through the workshop, a mock-up of what they’d be doing tomorrow on the showcase stage. “And you did the makeup yourself as well? It’s simply divine!”

“Thank you, Monsieur! I’m simply dying to see how everything goes tomorrow!”

“I’m sure everything will go off without a hitch for you,” Suri said bitterly. “Like always.”

Whether because he was genuinely unaware of her sarcasm or because he truly didn’t care, Hoity Toity didn’t acknowledge Suri’s attitude either way. “Oh, I’m sure it will. With designs this outstanding, the only way they would go unnoticed is if the critics were blinded by their beauty!”

“I could’ve done something flashy like that if I wanted to,” Suri muttered.

Hoity Toity laughed. “I think you’re still quite a ways from this level of quality, Miss Polomare.”

“Oh, I think Suri’s designs are lovely,” Rarity said, hoping to assuage some of the hard feelings between the two of them. It didn’t seem to work.

Rarity’s message tone dampened some of her concern about that, however. She pulled her phone out of her purse and checked it to find she had a new message from Sunset. That was enough cause for concern given the past few days, but she winced at seeing the length of it. There was no way a message like that was going to be good.

“Rarity, how do you want the bangles to go?” one of the models asked.

Unfortunately, Sunset was going to have to wait a moment. Rarity stored both her phone and her guilt in her purse and fought through tiredness to give a professional smile. “Here, I’ll show you.”

The day passed without any clear sense of time. Between her exhaustion from all the restless nights leading up to this and the surreality of her big break into the fashion world only being a day away, everything felt too hazy to say how much time was passing.

Hours must have passed before she got to break for lunch. As usual, she took it with Coco. “I simply don’t know how you do it… I feel like I’m about to pass out at any moment.”

Coco giggled. “Do you want me to run out and get you an energy drink?”

“No, thank you.” Rarity took another sip out of her… actually, she couldn’t seem to remember what number she was up to in cups of coffee. “I think I’ll be fine with this. Well, this and longing thoughts of being able to make it to my bed tonight.”

“I’m surprised you’re getting any sleep at all. I’d be a nervous wreck if it was me.”

Rarity allowed a weary smile to creep in as she prepared her little white lie. “It has been a little tiring. But that also means I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.”

“I guess that is one good thing about the workload. I know I was asleep pretty quickly last night.”

Rarity lost her smile. There was no white lie that could help her guilt here. “Thank you once again for your help last night. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Coco laughed. “It’s fine, Rarity. I was happy to help.”

“And of course, do let me know if there’s anything I can do to make up the favor.”

“I will. You’re a great friend, Rarity. I know if I ever need your help, you’ll be there no matter what.”

Realization struck Rarity as if she had just called it tacky. She’d never replied to Sunset.

“Yes, of course. You know I always put my friends first. But er, speaking of which, I really ought to check on my friends back home now…”

“Oh, of course. Wish them the best from me.”

Rarity smiled and nodded. “Will do.”

She quickly dug her phone out of her purse and opened the text message. Her frown only grew as she read.

I don’t know what the fuck to do with this car thing anymore. Part of me wants to just cave in and let her ruin her future because fuck it that’s what she wants right? She started another fight today and I’m just so done with the bullshit. Who cares about achieving their dream if they have to deal with maybe riding on a bus or asking a friend for a lift once in a while. At this point I’m wondering if I should just take the money and go to school myself, at least then one of us would be trying to make something of our life. Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent to someone I guess.

This one sounded bad… Why hadn’t Rarity checked her messages sooner? She didn’t bother wasting time with a reply, instead going straight to calling her.

“It’s not just me, right?” Sunset asked as soon as she answered, cutting out all the usual pleasantries. “This is bullshit.”

“Sunset…” Rarity looked up and saw everyone was busy. That by no means meant she truly had privacy, but it didn’t really matter. They needed to talk about this, regardless of who might be listening in. “What did you and Fluttershy talk about exactly?”

“Just the same old shit. She wants a car because she doesn’t like the bus, and she threw it in my face that I have a motorcycle to get around with. Because yeah, that’s my fault. How dare I have the cheapest possible vehicle that still took me ages to save up for? I should’ve known in a few years I’d have a girlfriend who also needed to get around.”

It wasn’t like Sunset to still be so fired up. The text message was from hours ago, so unless they’d had another fight since she sent it, Sunset should really have cooled down by now.

Rarity took another glance around her and spoke directly. “I don’t know how much time I’ll have, but I do have two important things I want to say. First off, did Fluttershy tell you she doesn’t know if she even wants to pick up more classes at school?”

Sunset’s hesitation spoke volumes. “No. No, she didn’t tell me that.”

“Think about it from her perspective. She’s been practically on bedrest for two months now, and she’s still getting used to being out of the house again. Not to mention that both of you are still recovering from a terrible ordeal. This is a lot to throw at her all at once.”

“Okay, but how the fuck was I supposed to know all that?”

“I’m not blaming you, Sunset. I’m just telling you what she told me.”

Sunset’s voice was quiet when she responded. “It would be nice if she could tell me stuff like that…”

“I understand what you mean. It sounds like there’s been a good deal of miscommunication going on with this whole ordeal. Which brings me to the other thing I wanted to say.”

“Yeah, I know. Talk about it.”

“Just the opposite, in fact.”

Even with the conversation being as tense as it was, Sunset chuckled. “This is a first. Don’t talk through our problems. Can honestly say I never thought I’d hear that advice.”

Rarity laughed as well. “Well surely you’ll need to talk about things at some point, of course. But I daresay it sounds like you two have talked about this too much for the time being. I think it would be best to set it aside, just for now. Does Fluttershy work over the weekend?”

“No, today’s her last day until Tuesday.”

“Good. Then use this time wisely. Plan a quiet weekend at home for the two of you, or maybe just invite a friend or two over. Give Fluttershy the chance to recoup after the ordeal of the workweek, and give both of you the chance to calm down about this whole thing. Then towards the end of the weekend, maybe the two of you can talk about it again with calmer heads.”

Sunset took a deep breath. “Okay. I think that sounds like a good idea. I’ll see if I can make that happen. That is, if Fluttershy doesn’t force the conversation on me again…”

Rarity winced, knowing that she’d been the one encouraging Fluttershy to talk more. “I think with her not being at work, Fluttershy will be a little less likely to bring it up again.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

“I suppose if she does you can – oh, hold on one moment.” Rarity looked up to see Suri tapping her foot in annoyance. “Yes, Suri?”

“Monsieur Toity wants you to get back to work.”

“Oh, right.” She returned to the phone. “Sunset, I’m dreadfully sorry, but I really do have to go…”

“Oh! I forgot, you’re busy with the fashion thing.”

“Showcase, yes.”

“Go kick some ass for me!”

Rarity laughed. “Okay, but just for you. And do let me know how things go with Fluttershy.”

“Will do. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Sunset.”

Rarity hung up the phone and found Suri was still waiting. “No need to fret about me, I’m on my way back now.”

Suri laughed mirthlessly. “I’m not fretting about you. I just don’t have anything else to do.”

Rarity knew she shouldn’t keep Hoity Toity waiting longer than she already had, but she hung back. “You know, Suri, things really would go so much better for the both of us if you would drop this constant attitude towards me.”

“What’s wrong? Little miss perfect can’t handle the fact that not everyone wants to kiss her ass?”

“There’s no need to be crude. I simply think the two of us have more in common than we have different, and if you –”

“No, we don’t,” Suri shot back testily. “Do you even know what it took for me to get here? I was taking college design classes at Crystal Prep. Do you have any idea how hard it is to balance high school at a place like Crystal Prep at the same time as working towards a college degree? No, of course you don’t! You’re just a public school kid who spent most of her time goofing off with her friends.”

“Are we still on the CHS-Crystal Prep rivalry? Suri, that was over a year ago! So what if I couldn’t afford to go to a fancy private school.”

“I don’t give a damn about the rivalry! And I’m not some rich kid who had everything handed to me. I got into Crystal Prep through my scholarships, I earned my place there. I applied for this position years ago and worked every single day to get here. Meanwhile you get found on a coincidence and show up not even speaking French!”

“Mon Français est impeccable maintenant.”

“I know you speak French now! Because you learned it practically instantly, because you’re just naturally good at everything you do!

“But I’m not!” Rarity shook her head. “I don’t have time for this right now. Believe it or not, it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice for me to get this far, and I’m not going to squander it by arguing with you. I have a showcase to dazzle.”

Suri threw out her hand to gesture towards the others, who were all staring by now. “Don’t let me stop you.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.”

Although she knew everyone had been listening in, Rarity maintained perfect poise as she walked back to the others. They would say what they’d like in private when they left, but to her face, Rarity would not be treated as anything less than a lady.

Everything conspired to put Rarity on edge. The fight with Suri still left a bitter taste in her mouth, and she had once again failed to sleep well the night before.

But both of those were increasingly distant concerns as they drew ever closer to the moment when the models in her outfits would go on stage. Rarity was busying herself with triple checking that everything was picture perfect since nothing short of perfect pictures would do for her fashion show debut.

It was slightly harder to put the worry of her friends out of her mind. Neither Sunset nor Fluttershy had called her back the night before, and Fluttershy hadn’t responded to Rarity’s call. In between each check of the models, she would check her phone. She had the volume all the way up, but there was music and an announcer to hear over, and she was terrified she’d miss a call.

“If you have time to check your phone, then you really must have nothing to worry about.”

Rarity jumped and wheeled around. “Monsieur Toity! I’m sorry, I realize it’s terribly unprofessional of me… It’s just that I have some friends that are going through a truly awful ordeal, and I’m waiting to hear from them.”

“Well prepare to wait a little longer, darling, because you’re up next.”

“I’m what?” Rarity spun around to see the models had been getting into place while she was too distracted by her phone.

“I’m going to go to my seat for a better view. I expect you to join me, and to leave your phone here when you do.”

“Yes, of course.” Rarity frowned at the thought, but she couldn’t say no to Hoity Toity. “I’ll be right there.”

“See that you are.”

Hoity Toity left her in peace, and Rarity took the chance to run and grab a bottle of water. She felt like she might faint at any moment. She was about to make her debut in the world of high fashion. She was expected to join Hoity Toity in his box seats. She…

She had a call coming in. Fishing her phone out of her purse confirmed what she feared most – it was Sunset.

A quick look back showed that the first of the models was walking out on stage. She could hear the announcer saying her name! Everything she dreamed of was waiting for her.

And Rarity walked away from it. She answered the phone and made for somewhere quieter so she could talk. “Is everything okay, Sunset?”

“I… I don’t know.”

Rarity bit her tongue to avoid letting an unladylike word slip past it. She’d hoped this was good news and she could get back to the showcase, but it was clear that this fashion debut was over for her. “What’s going on?”

“Fluttershy… didn’t come home.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks. “What do you mean? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine. She just… didn’t want to come home after work tonight.”

“Oh, I see. But you did talk to her and you know where she is?”

“She’s at Rainbow’s. I was supposed to pick her up, but I was running a little late. Then she texted me to say she had Rainbow pick her up instead, and I thought she just didn’t want to be on the bike in the rain. But then she… didn’t come home.”

“I see… Perhaps she’s just catching up with Rainbow? They were already together, it wouldn’t be strange for them to decide to spend some one on one time together, would it?”

“That’s what I thought, but it’s been hours and she’s not answering her phone. She eventually texted to say they were alright, but that she didn’t want to be home right now.”

“That she didn’t want to?” There was no misreading that. It was one thing to want to spend time with her life-long friend, but to specifically not want to be home…

Had things really changed so much since Rarity had been gone? She could hardly imagine Fluttershy acting that way. Or Sunset, for that matter. Both of her friends seemed to be changing while Rarity was stuck half a world away, unable to be there to help them.

“Well, I am glad she’s okay at least,” Rarity said, determined to put a positive spin on things. If nothing else, she could at least do that.

“No denying why though. She didn’t even text me about Rainbow until after I was supposed to have picked her up. This is about the car again.”

Rarity sighed. “I’m afraid you’re probably right. Maybe not talking about it wasn’t my best idea…”

“Hey, no need to blame yourself. It was a really solid idea, you know. And maybe it would’ve worked if only… I hadn’t fucked things up again. All I had to do was show up on time.”

“Now now, there’s no need to beat yourself up either. Fluttershy just needs a little time is all. She’ll come home later, and then you two can talk about it.”

“If she wants to come home tonight at all.”

“Sunset! I’m surprised you’d say something like that!”

“I can’t help it! All I keep thinking about is what if she doesn’t come home? What if she decides to stay at Rainbow’s tonight, what if she doesn’t even want to stay with me anymore?”

“Really now, Sunset, I hardly think one fight is –”

“There have been more. A lot more.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity knew things had been tense for the couple for some time, but she didn’t think it had gotten that bad.

“We fight like every day lately… And not just about the car, but about so many stupid things, I don’t even remember them all.”

Rarity frowned. This just got a lot more complicated. “How long has this been going on?”

“Practically since the accident. It’s like in that one moment, everything shattered. And maybe… what was holding the two of us together shattered with it.”

“I’m certain that your bond is stronger than you give it credit for. The two of you can overcome this, you will overcome this!”

“I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“You start by being honest. No more pretending everything is going well when it isn’t. Then you let your friends be there for you! Sunset, we all want to help, but we can’t do that if you don’t let us in!”

“I… I know, but…”

Rarity ran a hand through her hair as she tried to think of what to tell Sunset to get her to see she was making her problems worse again. Before she could figure it out, however, Coco approached her excitedly.

“There you are! Everyone loves your designs!”

“…Are you at the fashion showcase thing now?” Sunset asked.

Drat, why did Sunset have to hear that? “That’s wonderful, Coco, I’m so delighted to hear it! And yes I am, Sunset.”

“That’s just the start though!” Coco said, oblivious to the situation she was forcing Rarity into. “Someone from Féminine Magazine wants to interview you!”

Rarity’s mouth fell open. “Féminine Magazine wants to interview me?

“He asked for you specifically! You should have been there to see Monsieur Toity’s face when he realized it was you they wanted.”

“Oh, I do hope he wasn’t upset… I really didn’t mean to upstage him…”

“Upset?” Coco shook her head. “He was ecstatic! A little upset that you weren’t there, I think, but he’s so proud of you! Uhm, we both are.”

Rarity could hardly believe it. It was really happening.

“Make that three of us,” Sunset said. Rarity had forgotten all about the phone call. “I may not know anything about this magazine, but it sounds like this is really huge for you!”

“It is. Féminine Magazine is only the fashion magazine, with readers worldwide! If they’re spotlighting my designs then… well, to tell the truth I don’t even know what this could mean! I never dared dream something like this would happen.”

“That’s incredible. I’m so happy for you, Rarity.”

“Thank you, Sunset. But this doesn’t change that we still need to talk.” She held the phone away from her mouth to address Coco. “Could you tell them that I’ll be there as soon as I can. Tell them it’s… a family emergency.”

“Oh no, is everything okay?” Coco asked.

“No way,” Sunset said. “Don’t even think about it. You’re going to go out there and live your dream, and you’re not going to worry about me while you do it.”

“Sunset, that’s sweet of you, but I –”

“Rarity, I’m serious. This is big. Huge! You need to get out there and talk to them now. From the sound of it, you probably should’ve already been out there.”

Sunset did have a point. “Are you quite sure you’ll be okay?”

“Positive. And when you call me later to tell me how things went, I’ll give you the update on Fluttershy.”

Rarity took a deep breath. “Okay. Thank you, Sunset.”

“For what? I didn’t do anything.” Even through the phone, Rarity could picture Sunset’s excitement. It warmed her heart, but it also hurt it. She wished dearly that she could be there to see it firsthand. “Seriously, I can’t believe you’re really doing it. You’re living your dream, and everything’s going so well for you.”

‘Not everything,’ Rarity reflected, thinking of the tumultuous state she was forced to leave her friends in. “Yes, things are fitting into place rather well these days. But don’t think I’m forgetting about you on my way to the top.”

“Pfft, forget me? Not possible. Now get out there and give them hell!”

Rarity laughed. “You got it, Sunset!”

She sighed as she hung up the phone, the sting on another little white lie cutting into her just a bit more than usual.

“We should get back before Féminine Magazine leaves,” Coco said.

“Too right you are. Lead the way, Mademoiselle Pommel!”

Coco did just that, but she turned to Rarity as they walked. “There is one more thing, though.”

“What’s that?”

“Monsieur Toity asked me to take your phone from you…”

Rarity looked down at her phone and frowned. Of course he wouldn’t understand. His whole life was fashion, and Rarity didn’t think he was close to anyone outside of the industry.

Then again, Rarity sometimes wondered if she wasn’t any better. She sighed as she handed over her phone. “Here you go. I don’t believe I’ll need it again tonight anyway.”