//------------------------------// // Winter Wrap Up // Story: A Broken Warrior // by Stonehearth //------------------------------// Skystrike woke up at his usual time with a yawn. The sun hasn't risen yet, seeing as the curtains in his room weren’t blocking any bright light. He sat up from his bed and stretched a bit before leaving his room. He walked over to Stardust’s room and knocked on the door. “Stardust, wake up. It’s almost 8:00am. I need you to go get Spike. Don't worry. Training will be a little easier due to the cold.” Skystrike said through the door. He got a loud, tired grumble in response. “By the way, I modified your armor a bit. Added some spare wool and cotton I had in your armor and boots. Spike’s was done earlier in winter due to him being cold blooded. By the time you’re back, I’ll have some food ready.” He said as he left her to get ready. As he was walking to the kitchen, he looked out the window to see the snow piled up to about 3 or 4 inches. “Man, that’s gonna suck for Spike…” He sighed as he walked into the living room. Thanks to those bastard bitch ass parasprites, he had to rebuild the major parts of the house, as well as fortify every part to make sure it was harder for the parasprites to eat. He replaced the T.V., couch, and rug, though he added some new things to the room, which was now 3 times its original size. To fill in mist of the empty space, He added in a small statue of Naga, as well as mounted some paintings, pictures, and decorative weapons on the wall. He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took out what he needed. Some eggs, milk, hay bacon, pancake batter, and some blueberries. He put them on the counter before getting a two pans from the cupboard. He put the pans on the stove and turned them on medium. He poured some batter on one of the pans, it spreading out into a circular shape. He waited for the bubbles to start before putting some blueberries on it and flipping the pancake in the air. It landed upright, letting Skystrike see the golden brown top. He waited for the other side to finish before putting it on an oven pan and placing it in the oven on warm, so it stays somewhat hot. He did this until all the batter and blueberries were gone. Now that the pancakes were done, he cracked open the eggs onto the second pan, 6 in total. He fried them sunny side up. He set them to the side and fried some hay bacon. He set the hay bacon on some plates for each of them and laid 2 eggs on top for each of them. He then got the pancakes and set them next to the hay bacon and eggs. Skystrike finished cleaning the dishes as Stardust and Spike came in, the ladder with sleep in his eyes, his armor on, and his suitcase weapon in his claw. “Oh good. I made breakfast. You guys need to eat up. We’re helping out in winter wrap up.” He said as he held one plate in his hand and balanced the other two on each of his wings. He walked over to the table as he placed the plates in front of himself and his disciples. He got a bottle of syrup before passing it to the two, as well as some butter and utensils. Spike took a bite of his pancake. “Twilight was saying something about that earlier. Said how Ponyville doesn't use magic to change the seasons.” “Actually, the only beings I’ve seen change the seasons themselves are the equestrians. Avians don't, dragons don't, changelings don't. Honestly, I just don't see why you let nature take its course. Sooner or later, the snow and ice will melt.” Skystrike said before eating an egg. “Well, I don't see why either, but it is part of Ponyville’s culture.” Stardust. “Oh yeah, Skystrike? What happened to Naga?” Spike asked. “Oh, she’s hibernating in her cave. Try not to wake her, as she’s very cranky when she wakes up.” He told them before taking a bite of his own pancake. “So, it’s been nearly 5 months since you two started. So far, your training has increased your strength quite a bit.” “Really? I don't feel any stronger though?” Spike thought aloud. “That’s because every time I saw you two get comfortable at your level, I’d add a few pounds to your armor. Right now, it’s around 10 for you and 30 pounds for Stardust. I figured I stopped for a while, as you two are at your limit for now. Once spring starts, we’ll start working on increasing your magic capacity.” “Wait, how are we going to do that? Neither of us are unicorns?” Stardust asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Well, there are many ways. The easiest way for Spike would for him to breathe fire until his magic runs out over and over, or eat magic imbued gems. The easiest way for you would be to either use amulets or get a familiar. The most efficient way is to slay magic beasts and take their magic stones.” Skystrike said as he finished his plate and started cleaning the table. “Setting aside magic stones, I thought amulets were used to increase unicorns’ power of spells?” “I thought so too for a while, but then I did some experiments with the unicorn of All. Turns out, it increases your magic capacity, therefore letting you increase the power of the spell, and use spells that take up more magic.” Skystrike explained. “But we cant use magic?” Stardust asked. “That’s what I’m testing with you two.” Skystrike said as the two gave him confused looks. “Alright. What I’m testing is if other beings besides unicorns and the like can use magic. From what I’ve seen, unicorns, alicorns, changelings, and other beings are able to use magic because they have either a horn, or a medium to focus the magic through. If other beings have a large enough magic capacity, as well as spells specifically made by them, they might be able to use magic.” “That… would explain why Naga has earth powers. I never realized how smart you are.” Spike thought aloud. “Thanks, but I probably shouldn't have said that because Stardust has to make a report.” “Don't worry sir.” Stardust waved a hoof. “I don't have to report everything.” “Oh. Sweet. That makes things so much easier.” He said before grabbing his cape and adjusting it around his neck. “Alright, start getting ready. We got a big day today.” The two nodded as they got ready before the three of them walked out the front door. The three of them stood in front of town hall. The rest of Ponyville were waiting aw well to get assigned to their groups. Each group had their own vests. Blue for weather, green for plants, and tan for the animals. Skystrike turned to look through the crowd to see Twilight running excitedly towards their location. “Good morning everypony for being here bright and early!” Mayor Mare stole his attention away as she began speaking. “We need every single ponys help to wrap up winter, and bring in spring!” The crowd cheered in response. “Now all of you have your vest, and have been assigned to your teams! So let’s do better than last year, and have the quickest winter wrap up ever!” The crowd cheered again as he check his vest, only to realize he didn't get one, mostly due to them not having his size. Since they came somewhat late, neither did Spike or Stardust. “Alright everypony, find your team leader, and let’s get galloping!” Mayor Mare said as Skystrike looked over to the team leaders. Applejack was in charge of the plants, Rainbow Dash was incharge of the weather, and a random pink and purple unicorn was in charge of animals. “So which team are you going to join, Skystrike?” Twilight asked walking up to him. “Well, I cant join the weather team, so I figured the three of us would help plow the snow, break apart the ice, and help the animals. You?” Skystrike answered. “I’m not sure. I don't even know what we’re supposed to do.” Suddenly, his vision went black, before a spotlight appeared on Rainbow dash. “Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays…” She sang. “Oh no…” Skystrike thought aloud. Another spotlight focused on Pinkie. “We’ve kept our houses warm at home, time off from work to play…” “Please no…” Skystrike pleaded. A third appeared above Applejack. “But the food we’ve stored is running’ out, and we can’t grow in this cold…” A fourth on Rarity “And even though I love my boots, this fashion is getting old…” Skystrike looked at Spike and Stardust before grabbing them and flying full speed away from Ponyville. “Sir?! What’s wrong?!” Stardust yelled over the sound of the wind. Skystrike landed on top of a large hill a way away of Ponyville. “Nope , nu-uh, no, Nien, nada, nope.” He said as he landed. “What’s wrong?” Spike asked this time. Skystrike sat down and looked toward the town. “I’m guessing you two are either used to it, or it never happens to you.” “What do you mean?” Spike raised a brow. “From what I could tell, once those ponies begin singing, others join in. Not sure it’s by choice or not, but I don't want that to happen to me… again.” “Again?” Skystrike shuddered. “My body wasn't my own. I was moved around and forced to sing against my own will. I can't get that song out of my heart…” “...What was the song?” Stardust asked slowly. Skystrike let out a long sigh. “It’s-” Skystrike was cut of by the distant sound of… singing? “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!” “Nonononononononono… “ The song grew closer and closer “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up! Let’s finish our holiday cheer!” A group of Ponyville’s residents drew closer. He tried to run, before realizing he was only moving towards them. “Winter wrap up, winter wrap up! Cause tomorrow spring is here!” He tried to speak his mind, though the only words that came out of his mouth were the same words from all those years ago, the chorus of Winter wrap up. He, mutch to his protest, sang along with them. The only thing he could do was admit it was catchy. “Remind me to run farther the next time they start singing…” He said as he walked sluggishly in front of Spike and Stardust, the two seemingly fine. “I mean. It was kinda catchy…” Spike admitted as Stardust nodded. “Though I do get how you felt. I couldn't really control myself either. “Let’s just start out jobs. Who do you two wanna check first?” “Rarity’s.” Spike said without hesitation. “Ok I guess.” Skystrike said as the three walked towards the boutique. Rarity was sitting at a table in front of her store with bundles of hay, sticks, and ribbons nearby. She was currently talking with Twilight sitting next to her. “Oh, Skystrike, Spike, Stardust! Perfect timing, darlings. I was just explaining to Twilight how to make Birds nest!” She said as she showed off her birds nest made of sticks, hay, and robbins. Skystrike raised an eyebrow. “Birds nest? Cant the birds do that themselves?” “Well I suppose they could, but It’s tradition!” Rarity shrugged. “Fair enough, lets try this.” He said as he sat down at the table as Spike and Stardust joined. “Ok Rarity, where do I start?” Twilight asked. Rarity set her attention back on Twilight as she floated over some materials to her with her magic. She then did the same for Skystrike, Stardust, and Spike. “I hope you three don't mind if I show Twilight first?” Rarity asked as the three shook their heads. Rarity focused again on Twilight. “Now, take some of that straw and hay over there… and a little bit of branch…” Twilight had already organized all of her materials. “Now, weave them through there... yes! Take some ribbon… yes! Oh, not there… yes… uh.” Rarity's voice got more and more worried as time went on. “Well, I guess that will do. Oh dear…” She said that last part under her breath. “There!” Twilight exclaimed as she looked at her mess of a birds nest. It was uneven, thicker in some places, thinner in others, and had sticks and ribbond poking out in all directions. “It looks just like…” She was about to compare hers to Raritys, having the exact opposite descriptions of hers. “Yours… Oh my.” “That nest needs to be condemned.” Spike said as he looked at Twilight's finished project. “Oh Spike, it’s not that bad, nor is it as easy as you think.” Rarity said, trying to make Twilight feel better. “Done.” Skystrike said as the four looked at his finished bird nest. It was nearly identical to Raritys. “You know, it’s not that much different then braiding once you do it.” “But… how?” Twilight asked, gawking at his work. “How do you even know how to braid hair?” “You learn to do a lot of things when you live in an orphanage.” He said as he slid his birds nest over next to Raritys. “Don't ask.” “But it took quite a bit of time, even for me. How did you do it so quick?” Rarity asked. Skystrike responded by putting up his forehooves as the metal claws came out from his armor and wiggling them around. “Not magic.” He winked as he pointed at her. “I’d show you two, Spike and Stardust, but let me help Twilight with hers.” She said as she started work on it. She began speaking to herself as she took twigs, straw, ribbons and hay out of Twilights, trying to fix it. “I think we lost her.” Stardust whispered. “Ok, let's check up on Pinkie then.” Skystrike whispered back as he slowly walked away. “Mind if I come?” Twilight asked. “Sure. The more the merrier.” Skystrike said as the four of them began walking. The group walked around to find Pinkie Pie, who was currently ice skating across the frozen surface of a pond. “Hello, everypony!” She called out before jumping in the air and doing a twirl. “Wow, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the skater!” Twilight complimented as she ran down through the shoveled snow. Skystrike walked behind, as well as Spike and Stardust. “You’re the best skater I’ve ever seen!” “Thanks, Twilight!” She said as she skated backwards towards them. “I’ve been doing this since I was an itty-bitty, little-little, twinkie Pinkie! This comes naturally!” She said before skating off and building up speed. She did a jump in the air before landing, now skating backwards on her hind hooves. “Which is probably why they designated me the lake sculpture.” She continued as she kept doing various tricks. “I have to cut lines with my skates, that way when the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie!” “You sure have a lot of work to do then huh?” Skystrike spoke. “Quite a few lakes in Ponyville, aren't there?” “Tell me about it.” She said as she slid over to them. “Hey, you all wanna help me out?” “Would I?” Twilight said with glee. “Yeah! Just put on those spare skates over there! You and Stardust can join too, though I don't have any for dragons.” “Sure.” Stardust agreed. “Hard pass for me. If you haven't noticed, I’m fat as fuck, and I don't know how thick that ice is.” He said as he waved a hoof. “Actually, if we just need to cut the ice…” He said as he pulled out his sword. He stuck his sword in so it went about half way through the ice. He then flew just above his sword and started dragging it along the ice, being careful not to go too deep and crack the ice. “Spike, do the same as me. You're light, so the ice won't crack. Try and make a grid. Spike did so, as the two made parallel and perpendicular lines, trying to muffle their laughs of Twilight and Stardust constantly falling over. Twilight at one point couldn't control herself as she span out of control. Twilight then ran into Pinkie, then the two ran into Spike. A pile of snow at the edge of the lake slowed them down as they crashed into it. As Spike got out of the snow, he couldn't help but laugh. “Haha! You are a natural, Twilight! A natural disaster!” He laughed more. “Twilight, you did great your first time around!” Pinkie said trying to make her feel better. “My first time was probably as wobbly and bobbly and crashy as yours!” “Really?” Twilight asked. “...No” Skystrike let out a loud wheeze as he did his best to stop laughing. “But did I make you feel better?” Pinkie asked. Twilight let out a sigh. “Yeah, I guess.” She gave a fake smile. “Don't worry Twilight. There’s always something somepony doesn't know they're good at. It takes time.” Skystrike reassured her. “Hearing that from you doesn't make me feel that much better. I mean, you’re good at everything, and I don't know how!” Twilight responded. “Not everything. I actually suck at being able to read emotions that well. One time I confused someones uneasiness with curiosity. Don't ask. I also suck at organizing. That's why I’m glad I have this bag.” He said as he patted his saddlebag. “Anyway, this lake is done, so we can move on to the next.” “Oh, thanks! You know, If you aren't busy, Fluttershy could probably use some help with the critters hibernating!” “I’ll stay here.” Stardust skated over. “I’m actually getting the hang of this.” “I’m actually going to go check up on AJ.” Skystrike said as he put away his sword. “Spike, stick with Twilight. She gets lonely.” “Well… I am good with animals.” Twilight nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go help her!” Twilight said as she slowly started sliding. “It’s uh… that way.” Pinkie pointed in the opposite direction. Twilight went that way as she flailed her hooves, trying to stay upright. “Holy shit, Twi, just take off the skates!” Skystrike said before she ran into another patch of snow. Skystrike trudged through the snow to Sweet Apple Acres. Once he entered, he saw all of the stallions in Ponyville, as well as a few mares, plow the snow on the hills, as well as some others knock the snow off some trees. “Wassup.” Skystrike said as he walked up to Applejack. “Why if it ain’t Skystrike. You looking to help out?” Applejack greeted. “Yeah, I already cleared out the snow near my house, so I’m just killing time.” “Well you’re in luck. We needed a strong Stallion like you. We’re short on pony power, and we need more if we want to finish winter wrap up.” “Now that I think about it, why do we start the day of? If we don't use magic, and you ponies work slow, it would make more sense to start like 2 days in advance?” “Ya know, I dunno myself. I guess it's just tradition.” She shrugged. “I suppose so. Anyway, how’ve you an the family been doing? I’ve haven't seen much of anyone due to winter, because fuck the cold.” “Ah, well the whole family got ta relax ‘cause of the season, so not much work to do. Big Mac and I have been takin’ care of the animals, so we’ve got somethin’ to keep us occupied. Applebloom has been going to school still, and she has some science fair coming’ up.” Applejack spoke as they walked towards the barn. “Science fair, huh?  I did pretty good in that when I was up in Canterlot. Never got first because of some noble jackass. But, the rest of the school kids just ignored him. If she ever needs help, tell her i'm open. Same to you, too. If Apple Bucking season happens and your short hoofed again, just come get me.” “I will, thanks. By the way, what did you do for that science fair? I never did any good.” Applejack asked. “The coolest thing I think I did was make a 2 foot golem powered by a magic stone I was given a few years before. It lasted 15 minutes before the circuits got tangled. I fixed it now, though I need a huga magic stone for what I’m trying to make now.” He spoke as he remembered back to his middle school years. “The dumbest thing I made was a magic absorber that exploded. And that's how I learned to… Well I actually didn't learn anything that day.” Applejack chuckled to herself. “You have some funny stories to tell, though we’re almost at the barn, so yer gonna have to tell me later.” She said as she tapped on the barn door. She opened it to see Applebloom sitting inside, bored out of her mind. Her face lit up. “Applejack! Nebula!” “Howdy.” Skystrike waved. “What are you doing in here?” “Oh, nothin’. Just letting all the grown ups to the work. Applejack says im to small ta help.” Applebloom complained. “You’ll enjoy it now while you’re young. Though, no one has gotten the snow off the trees if you’re looking for something to do.” “Ah already told Applejack but she told me it’ll just melt off.” “Besidess, what if ya get caught under all that snow?” Applejack added. Applebloom let out a sigh. “You can come with me if Applejack lets you.” Skystrike said as he walked over to one of the plows and started to fasten himself in. Applebloom, meanwhile, was giving her older sister puppy dog eyes. Applejack caved in, deciding to let her go with the wave of a hoof. “Alright, so what part of the orchard do I go to?” Skystrike asked as he started to exit the barn, Applebloom hopping behind him. “Just plow any snow ya see.” Applejack answered. Skystrike nodded as he began going to the nearest patch of snow. He and Applebloom made small talk as he pushed through the layer of snow on the ground. The armor around his hooves began to get cold as he trudged through the mud under the snow. “Hey, Applebloom, you’re in school, right?” Skystrike tilted his head to see her next to him. “Yeah, why?” Applebloom looked back. “Trying to get Spike into school. He’s about your age. Who’s your teacher?” “Ohh, well, Ms. Cheerilee is in charge. We don't get off of winter break until next week, so you have time.” “Ah, sweet. Thanks for telling me. Ya know, I wanna give you a nickname, but AB doesn't sound right.” Applebloom giggled. “Where did this come from?” “Well, Rainbow Dash is Rainbow or RD, Applejack is AJ, Rarity is Rares, Pinkie Pie is Pinkie, Fluttershy is Flutters and Twilight is Twi. They got nicknames, so I figured you need one?” “Hmmmm.” Applebloom thought for a moment. She ran in front of the plow before walking backwards, keeping the same pace. “Flower sounds silly… Bloom is kinda off… “ She thought aloud. She walked in thought for a few minutes before a small rumble could be heard. Then it was a medium sized rumbling. Then it was a loud rumbling with arguing heard with it. Skystrike looked to his right to see a large snowball the size of a small building rolling towards him and Applebloom, Applejack and Spike stuck in it. He and Applebloom shared a look that simply said “We’re fucked.” Skystrike quickly looked to his left and realized that they were right next to the edge of a hill, an overly large of snow on top of it. When that snowball hits, the snow will come crashing down, burying them in at least 6 feet of snow. “Ok, I’ll see you later, Applebloom.” Skystrike said plainly “Wha-” Her words turned into a scream of surprise as she was hurled upwards into the sky. The large snowball hit Skystrike, and the snow pile rushed down and covered both him, and a large section of the orchard with it. Applebloom fell down and safely landed on the top of the snow, while Twilight, Applejack, and Spike stuck their heads out. A woman wearing a black robe walked into a large testing chamber. A child with black hair was sitting behind a glass screen with a face lacking any emotion. The child looked up to see the woman. “Ah, 34, nice to see you.” She greeted. “Hello, Ms. 4th.” He responded. “I see you’re doing good on your testing.” She said as she sat down on a chair in front of the glass. “Thank you, Ms. 4th.” She smiled at him before continuing to speak. “I just came to tell you what we’re working for again. You will be rewarded after everything is finished.” She assured him. “We fight for the freedom of all humans. We won't sit by as those aliens do as they please to our world.” She spoke with a grin. “We will bring freedom even if it kills us, or better yet, them.” She said briefly. “So, our mission is to spread freedom?” He asked. “If so, why am I never given a choice?” He said robotic like. “Why? Well that's…” She thought of an answer as she bit her fingernails. “You’re showing more and more promise each day…” She smirked before getting up to leave the room as she giggled. Skystrike woke up. He sat up straight to fast, and a sudden headache kicked him in the head. Skystrike groaned in pain as he layed back down and looked at his surroundings. “Mother fucker.” He was back in Ponyville’s hospital. He looked at the time. It was almost 6 pm. He looked out the window. No snow anywhere. He looked himself over. No bandages. He looked at his crotch. His dick was still there. A nurse came in after a few minutes. Skystrike rolled his head over to see who it was. “Suuuup Nurse Redheart.” He groaned. “Oh good, you're awake.” She said as she walked to the bedside. “You got trapped under the snow for about an hour. Your armor seemed to stop most of the cold, so you only came out with a minor head injury.” “Alright.” He sighed. “Whatever happened to Winter Wrap Up? It looked like we finished.” “Oh, that unicorn Twilight was put in charge of organizing everything. Mayor Mare decided to put her in charge despite her using magic apparently.” Skystrike chuckled. “All we actually needed was lighters and some spray cans to get rid of all the snow.” Some more ponies entered the room, as well as a dragon. “Hey, all.” He said to his friends, Twilight having a look of regret on her face. “Howdy Nebula!” Applebloom said as she put her hooves up on the bedside. “Ya feelin’ better?” “Yeah, i'll be fine. Not the worst thing I’ve been through. And it’s not gonna be the worst thing I’m going to go through today.” He chuckled. “Thanks for saving my sister, Nebula.” Applejack said as she took off her hat. “Eyup.” Her brother Big Mac said as he stood next to her. “Eh, dont worry about it. I just do what I gotta do.” He chuckled. “Fuck, It hurts to laugh.” “I’m sorry.” Twilight finally said. “I know I wasn't supposed to use magic, but I just wanted to help out.” Skystrike looked at her, his face asking if she was serious. “I felt like I couldn't do anything right the whole day, and watching the others doing everything so well made me feel-” “Useless?” Skystrike finished her sentence for her. She had a look of surprise on her face before nodding. “Alright, Twilight, ponies weren’t disappointed in you nor will ever be just because you can't do it, especially on your first try. Everypony understands that some ponies can do things better than others. That’s what cutie marks are for. At the same time, ponies also expect things of each other, and they expected you, as well as other unicorns, to not use magic.” Twilight looked down at her hooves. “Now let me finish before you start sulking. Ponies are always going to be disappointed about something, and the only one you disappointed today was yourself. Fuck what others think about you. It matters what you, and those you hold close, think about you, though mostly you.” He pointed to her as she looked at him. “Was Pinkie disappointed when you couldn't ice skate on your first try?” “No…” She answered “Was Rarity disappointed when you couldn't make a birds nest on your first try?” “No…” “Was Applejack disappointed when you couldn't push a plow?” “No.” “So who were you trying to prove something to by using magic? Was it them, or was it you?” He asked rhetorically. “You aren't good at everything. No one is. There’s no cutie mark for that. Do you know how long it took me to learn how to fly, or how long it took me to make my own armor after many, many failed attempts? A long ass time. What i’m saying is, do what you're able to do. If you want to take a go at something, don't get all huffy that you can't do it on your first try. Don't take the easy way out of things you want to get better at.” Twilight stood in silence for a moment. “Alright.” She said, feeling a bit better. “Thank you.” “No problem.” He said as he waved it off. He sat in silence for a moment before realizing something. “Twilight, did Fluttershy ever go near my house to wake up any animals.” “No?” She answered. “FUCK!” He shouted. “What?” “I have to wake up Naga.” “Alright, let's do this.” He sighed as he walked into Naga’s cave. It was dark, damp, mossy, and smelly. He turned on the flash light in his hoof to get a view of his surroundings. There were a few roaches scurrying away from the light, as well as some spiders. He ignored them and walked deeper into the cave. Once deep enough, he looked upon a large wooden door, its door frame carved from the stone of the cave. Pushing the door open, he found Naga Sleeping, wrapped up in a large orange blanket. She let out soft snores as she slept peacefully. He walked up to her head and nudged her jaw, trying to wake her up, only to get shoved away by her pushing her head against him. He then tried pulling her out from under the covers, only to be smacked away by her tail. “Ok, you asked for it.” He sighed before pulling the blanket off of her in one fell swoop. Her eyes instantly shot open and glared at Skystrike. She let out a screech as she tried to swipe at Skystrike with her tail, only for Skystrike to jump over it. She tried to bite him out of the air, but he narrowly dodged it. He landed on her head and held on. She tried to shake him off, but it was futile. If his memory was right, she had a spot that if you pet, she’d instantly calm down. He rubbed the side of her head just above her ear hole. She slowly calmed down from her rage. After calming down, she let him down from her head and gave him a an apologetic nudge. “It’s all good. Just won't be looking forward to it next year.” He chuckled to himself.