//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Chill and Grill // Story: I Woke up Purple Today // by JamieisWaffles //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie seemed absolutely ecstatic that I liked the party keeping a large grin on her face as she bounced around from hoof to hoof in a sporadic order, I let her expend a little energy before turning to her still positively glowing.”Why Is she so… never mind she's Pinkie of course she's this high strung.” I thought observing her scoop up the table cloth with her mane and bouncing them along as she walked, it was as if her hair was a limb itself. Looking over Pinkie grinned again this time it was seemingly more radiant than a couple of seconds ago. “So… I noticed you acted a bit… different at the party” she said with a slight bit of intrigue to her voice. “Different… what I thought I was doing pretty good at… No don't let her see you panic, Who knows what kind of Voodoo magic she can conjure up!” I thought carefully steadying my gaze the table cloths obstructed Pinkie's eyes slightly from time to time so that made it easier though I could have sworn she was staring into my soul behind that grin. Tapping my hoof against the ground I straightened my face milling over an answer Twilight would come up with “I need to harness Twilight if I'm ever gonna get out of here with no questions asked. Well… no more questions.” I spoke up deciding to weave some truth into my constructed lie so it sounded more genuine. “I was just thinking about a spell I could use, so I may have been a little out of it.” I then offered a small smile as reassurance but Pinkie Pie’s gaze grew more scrutinizing as she squinted letting out a thoughtful murmur. I looked away from her eyes they were making me uncomfortable and nervous, I shouldn't have done so not looking her in the eye only increased her disbelief a thick silence hung for a moment before she spoke again. “You must've been really out of it I didn't see you even try any of the food” I relaxed slightly my head filling with a spark of befuddlement “Is she starting this over me not eating? Eating anything at that table was like asking for a cavity.” slowly I mulled over my next words before repeating them outlaid. “I wasn't hungry though I appreciate what you made” I thought I could physically see the gears in Pinkie’s head whirring along quickly digesting my message and spitting it out into her brain, her eyes widened as she began to speak in a worried tone again as of she we're afraid of asking. “Is it about Starlight?” Admittedly it took me a couple of seconds myself to understand what she meant I tried to keep a straight face but I felt myself frown, slowly taking in a breath and letting out a sigh I began to talk suddenly feeling the need to rub my head. “I do feel bad about what happened to her but-” I was cut off mid sentence as Pinkie Pie wrapped a hoof around me and squeezed me into a hug her smile returning within a millisecond. “Don't worry about it Twi, I'm sure you didn't mean for it to go that way.” She looked a bit goofy with her face obstructed but I understood the sentiment hesitantly I raised a hoof and draped it oddly behind her neck in a sort of patting motion. “Man I really wish I had hands again” he thought missing the sensation of wiggling his fingers more than he thought he would. “Thanks Pinkie Pie” I must've smiled without knowing it because Pinkie slipped out from under my hoof and beamed a little brighter. “There's the smile” “Whew I was gonna break out the advanced smile tactics in a bit” She thought before looking towards the indigo skies speckled with white shimmering stars physically her eyes seemed to pop out of her head and she leaped out the entrance and began to run away her voice trailing behind her.and gasping before whipping her head up and “Sorry Twilight, I'm late for my 10 o'clock Cupcakeeee!” Blinking I opened my mouth trying to say something but I decided to shut my mouth again shaking my head coming to the same conclusion I had earlier. “Pinkie will be Pinkie” Slowly looking around I noticed a map hanging off of a low table carefully maneuvering over I leaned in and bit down on the paper feeling the rough texture of it using my front left hoof to grasp it. “Aha!” I pumped my hoof before I hear the crumple of the map and panicked letting it go as it dropped to the ground instantly this infuriated me as I began to scream “ARGH! These stupid hooves ruin everything why can't I just pick up a piece of stupid paper, I hate the laws of this universe dumb horn, stupid purple horse body!!!” My horn sparked and sputtered my anger building as I strained trying to force something to happen it felt like I was about to burst a blood vessel, my body trembling from the utter rage that seethed put from me. My magic flared to life as I lost myself in my emotions as the map lit up into a roaring flame spreading across the paper and searing its thin matter as the ashes scattered into the wind I reeled my hoof back shocked at what I had just did “I haven't been that mad since… since… I don't even remember ” I thought looking at the remains of the map crumble under my hoof worry racked me as I desperately jabbed at the air feeling the warmth my magic created slip away. “No, no wait… come back!” I took in a depth breath the last object that could guide me was lost, I wanted to cry everything just went terribly “I can't find my way back without that… I needed that map, so I could practice my m-magic now I'm lost!” I began hyperventilating it was suddenly darker the empty space pf the hall devouring me the door seemed miles away as the slim ray of moonlight peeking in was my only salvation, quickly I scrambled for the door body parts flailing as I tripped over myself and tumbled out the door landing face first into the dirt path. For a couple of seconds I layed there unmoving everything was a bit spinny when I opened my eyes so I shut them again trying to gather my senses again “Come on Twilight get yourself tog-” my thoughts froze mid sentence now I was getting slightly worried, backtracking I said the sentence over again or was it thought “Come on Jack get yourself together!” this time was right  shaking my head I slowly opened my eyes again to find the multiple pictures of the road form into one clear image. “I'm gonna chalk that one up to the dizziness” Taking a couple of hesitant steps I swung my head side to side trying to remember the way I came, everything was so… different at night I couldn't make anything out from a first glance at least nothing that struck up recognition. “Jeez, this place is huge I could be lost until Daytime” For a couple moments I wandered the desolate streets of Ponyville everyone seemingly resigned to their sleep, then I heard the faint sound of music turning left I decided to follow it to see if there was anything close by I could use to find my way back. Bobbing in and out of different lanes I kept bumbling about until I heard the music get closer I decided to turn left. Wall. Right. Closed Shop. The peering forwards I found myself staring down a pathway with dark blue wooden door down near the end, naturally I stepped closer keeping my focus straight ahead as the music instenfited and grew from a faint noise to muffled chaos. carefully throwing a hoof I pushed the door open. As soon as I opened the door the music spilled out as if it was clawing at the door for an escape, the bright blue and pink lights dancing around assaulted my eyes upon first glance making me throw up my right hoof to try to block the rays of blinding light for a moment everything was too overwhelming to the senses, the music blaring so prominently my head felt ready to burst slowly making my way in I kicked the door with my hind legs as it slammed I flinched. “Stronger than I expected” I thought turning my head around my eyes slowly adjusting to the surroundings there was a dance floor with light up squares that blinked rapidly in different patterns a drink stand to the right and a Dj Booth on the far left housing a white pony with a two toned blue mane and shades magically spinning records, and a litter of tables and couches around the place. Bobbing my head along to the music I slipped into the small crowd of ponies that formed near the entryway plenty of them too busy to notice me standing there letting my eyes drift off I noticed a tan colored pony shifting and coming closer snapping my attention forwards all I saw was the mass of ponies bumbling around together averting my gaze again I noticed the streak of tan and dusty brown before hearing a close by shriek barely loud enough to overcome the music. “What the-” I said confused craning my neck around trying to find the source but then the tan pony popped up in front of me with a smile. “Oh. My. Celestia is that actually THE Princess Twilight? Here of all places, oh but I never took you for the party type… doesn't matter you're here!” The pony squealed with delight, I recoiled a slight bit to gain my composure but after opening my mouth I had an odd compulsion to blurt out the next words that came into my mind. “H-hey I know how to party!” It came out more defensively than I imagined leading up to the tan pony smirking and replying with a slight consendance in her voice. “No offense Princess, but I'm pretty sure you only know how to hit the books not the dance floor” I felt my cheeks warm as I looked down for a bit trying to find some sort of protest to her words each passing second feeling more and more embarrassing until I looked up again and stuttered out another rebuttal. “I-I can d-dance” The Tan pony raised an eyebrow and gestured to a spot in front of them that had a relatively wide enough gap to fit a pony or two. “By all means show me what you got” Moving towards the empty spot I closed my eyes trying to take in the atmosphere, the loud thumping music slowed and allowed me to savor each note. Everything pulsated through my body the music the vibrations under me I was becoming one with the party feeling it's flow then I arrived letting myself go all in one moment my hooves had a sentient mind of their own moving about with utter grace and refinement right now there was nothing but this moment this dance. After what felt like hours I started to grow tired and slink back to the tan pony with a satisfied grin. “I think I did pretty good!” The tan pony stifled a giggle with her hoof and stared at ne for a moment her face slightly twitching before she burst out into laughter doubling over and  slamming her hoof against the table every time I thought it was over she glanced at me again and exploded into a new round of laughter, I could feel my whole face start to heat up with a darker lavender. “Oh…Oh, that was hilarious you looked like a limp noodle No a flag waving in the wind! Seriously what was that I think my grandma dances better” “What? It wasn't THAT bad I couldn't have been” I said trying to guard the last of my dignity while I continued to blush “Well technically I don't know how to dance, as a pony at least” I thought it was rational except I hated myself for admitting it. The tan pony straight faced and stared at me intensely giving off a serious vibe. “It was THAT bad, good for entertainment though.” I tried to facepalm or at least do the pony equivalent face...hoof? Regardless of what it's called I practically jabbed myself in the eye with a pencil because It. Hurt. Big time, Screaming in utter agony I threw myself onto the table and started to writhe about feeling the stinging and throbbing  pain in my eyes. “Agh! Dear Lord please help me!!” I said letting out a screech as the whites of my eyes quickly turned into a reddish color as the veins could be visibly seen my mind was a mess being frazzled about by the overwhelming pain that just crashed into my stimuli but one thought came to the forefront of my mind “Never do that again!” and after what seemed like an eternity my eyes stopped stinging allowing me to blink my eyes were wetter than usual and it felt like I was going to cry constantly all while the Tan Pony’s face cringed inwards like she had witnessed something disgusting. “Oooh, I've done that before terrible feeling it's better to focus on the forehead.” She said keeping up her serious tone but feeling more genuine this time as her hoof lifted and planted against her forehead as she tapped around a couple of times like a demonstration of sorts. I cautiously blinked and nodded my head a signal for her to stop, she took it and lowered her hoof. “Duly noted Miss…” The Tan pony cut in rather quickly and gestured towards herself. “Buttered Toast my highness” “Well nice to meet you Buttered Toast but I ought to go” I said slowly moving away from the table, I noticed the increasing density of the crowd and wanted to leave before it became a chore to leave. Buttered began to speak with a slightly disappointed tone. “Oh…I wouldn't want to keep you then Princess.” “I blew it” She thought averting her gaze to the table, I stopped and turned around noticing her expression I glanced towards the entrance and back towards the table “Curse these sad ponies!” I sat back down. “Well…I could stay for a little while longer.” Her ears physically perked up when I said that as she quickly raised her head with a hesitant smile. “Really? I mean, I wouldn't want you to miss something because of me.” “I wouldn't want to disappoint besides maybe I can get directions from her”  I nodded and placed my hooves on the table over each other and smiled. “No no It's fine It doesn't really matter when I go” Buttered's smile grew wider I swear I could've heard it squeak or something before she landed on the floor and began to walk away from the table. “Oh come on this place has some great drinks!” Hopping up I joined her in stride and kept walking until we reached another wooden surface, this time it stretched outwards on a sort of present shape and had a couple of seats spread out from each other , behind the counter where a couple of rows of bottles with labels I couldn't read. I saw Buttered Sit down and a red maned pony orange pony began to speak to her sitting down myself I heard the conversation. “Hey Toasty, what brings you here tonight” “Oh you know the usual, say do you have any of that Dazzleberry Friz?” “Depends how much are you willing to pay cutie?” He said wiggling his eyebrows, Buttered rolled her eyes and spoke more annoyed this time. “Ugh, shut up Blaze do you have it or not” Blaze threw his hooves up into the air like he had been held at gunpoint. “Calm down of course I have it, 4 bits as usual” Blaze then grabbed the bottle of what I can only assume it Dazzleberry Friz and swished it around a little in his hoof then slid it over to Buttered who had her hoof played out on the counter to stop it she then slammed 4 bits onto the table dramatically which Blaze then rolled his eyes too and scooped up the bits. As he turned a way I had my eyebrow raised looking at her quizzically. “What was that?” “What? Oh nothing, I mean he's always annoying but he's not all that bad once you get to know him.” “Okay, that's cool I guess” “Yeah, he's something alright” She said before lifting the bottle to her mouth and taking a big gulp from it, she shivered and relaxed a bit. “Ah, that hits the spot. You know this stuff is made with organic juice blends? It's really amazing” “Right. I should…” Yawning I rested my head against the table and before you knew it I had blacked out in the middle of a bar. Spike’s eyes fluttered open as he yawned the light of the newly raised sun shining into his eyes causing a slight stinging pain as he raised his claws in a failed attempt to shield himself from the sunlight he groaned tossing himself off the bed he resided in as he moved his blanket caught onto his scales, pulling with more force he caused himself to trip over and crash into a nearby bookshelf that then proceeded to pelt him with a shower of books. “Ow, ow, ow!” He let out a couple of shrill screams before falling silent,  in a quick motion he thrusted his closed fist upwards and knocked a couple of books off the top of the stack, climbing out as he rubbed his eyes before looking around and scampering around for a bit. “Don't worry Twilight I got breakfast!” With that he increased his speed, each step with renowned purpose as he found his way into the kitchen and found it… completely empty. “Strange… Maybe she fell asleep in the Library again” Spoke quickly hurried along the crystal floors making his way to the Library in speeds that Jack would have killed for, weaving in and out of multiple Aisles he searched high and low. Nothing but rows and rows of books greated him tapping his claws against the crystal walls his breath accelerated “Twilight never leaves without a note or something, there has to be some sort of explanation!” his eyes fluttered down the hallway as he broke out into a sprint taking a sharp left then a right he ended up in front of Starlight’s door frame relentlessly pounding on it, he was usually more relaxed than this but his motherly figure and best friend suddenly vanishing out of nowhere caused him immense worry. “Starlight, Starlight! Wake up!” Starlight quickly pushed open the wooden door and looked down at Spike confused she held his body with a hoof and slowly exhaled. “Spike? What's the problem?” Spike looked up with a somewhat relieved expression. Though his eyes were still wide as he fidgeted about. “Have you Seen Twilight anywhere?” Starlight looked to the side then placed her hoof under her chin and moved it around for a bit. “Well now that you mention it I haven't.” Hastily opening my eyes I jumped up, feeling a rather dampness on my fur as I was extremely hot my brain struggling to figure out what was going on in my growing panic. Quickly surveying my surroundings I had noticed I was in a spacious room with beige walls and various furniture such as a nightstand a closet, two comfy looking chairs, a small coffee table and a large box in the far left corner of the moon housing various objects. Feeling the soft fabric against my hooves I tossed the covers to the right of me and slowly shimmied my way to the edge of the bed sitting upwards and let myself fall forwards onto my hooves wincing I bit my lip “Not the most painless method” I shook my front hooves as they stung a bit from the impact but their sturdiness helped dull the pain. “So…where am I?” I said trying to draw from my memory how I arrived in this location again my brain had proved fruitless in trying to remember much more than a vague sound of me hitting some wood I presume. Jabbing my hoof carefully into my skull I began to panic massage the sides of my head “It's cool I'll figure out later I always do.” At times like this I really wish I had fingers heck I'd settle for one finger, really helps me with my anxiety when I have something to grasp. Slowly pacing around the room I fidgeted and took very quick breaths. “Need. Alternative. Stress Relief.” My mind was spiraling thoughts collapsing in on each other as a dull pain pulsated outwards scrambling any thoughts that managed to make it out of the collision my brain was practically an active war zone and bottling up my anxiety has never helped in the slightest I felt like I wanted to rip my hooves off and use them to smack myself while retroactively inflating my head like a balloon, that's when the door to the room busted open catching me in mid panic spiral I froze caught like a deer in headlights my no doubt crazed expression held. Buttered seemed to physically recoil upon seeing me before taking a slow methodical step forwards while speaking in a calming voice. “Now, now Don't freak out. I have only brought you here because leaving you at a club blacked out was a terrible idea. I also brought you soup because I was worried.” She said holding up a tray with low and behold a steaming hot bowl of soup and planting it down on the nearby coffee table the spoon clattered along the bowls edge and I locked my sights on it, slipping my hoof around it I began stirring the spoon and watching the soup swirl around for what felt like hours I found myself becoming much calmer as if the soup were absorbing all the troubles I had stored up for a while taking a deep breath I released the spoon from my grip and took a deep breath and blew out. “Sorry about… all that, It's not usually that bad. So uhm… is this your room?” She looked at me with another moment of worry flashing across her face before she decided to squint intensely at something behind me, before replying. “No It's my guest room. I store stuff here sometimes” She offered gesturing to the box in the corner with her hoof. I simply nodded spotting the box beforehand and looked out the window. “I should probably get going… Buttered Toast was it?” She nodded as I grabbed the book on the counter and slipped out of the room then sheepishly looked back as I realized I had no clue how to leave this place seemingly knowing this she responded blandly. “Take a right then take a left at the end of the hallway” I chuckled nervously then waved my hoof. “Thanks.” And with that I made my way out of the building the sun rays hitting my fur and warming me up on the inside as I felt a renowned vigor “Today’s gonna be the day!” I then puffed out my chest and started walking along book in hoof. 5 Minutes Ago Spike now hearing this began to rack his brain for any possible solutions being seriously confused. “What do you mean you haven't seen her!” Starlight deadpanned and looked around seeing the castle was relatively quiet. “Would you calm down she’s fine I'm sure of it” Spike then looked up at Starlight with his expression growing more worried by the second. “When's the last time she's left for a full night without leaving any sort of note or even checking in since you've been here.” Starlight pondered this for a moment going over her memories of living in the castle and memories of Twilight specifically “She isn't the type to do something… so spontaneously, she usually does have some sort of note or plan but it can't be that bad” guiding her gaze back at Spike she spoke with her calm demeanor again sure of Twilight's safety. “Well, never but that doesn't mean something happened” “Right, Right nothing happened but what if she was foal napped! He said jumping to conclusions once more and his fear and panic built inside of him causing him to bite his claws as he looked around. “Or what if she’s being crushed and we can't hear her!” Starlight then lowered her head slightly as a sparkling teal aura engulfed her horn then another around the shape of Spikes mouth she promptly shut it with her magic to get her point across. “Look, you're being crazy she's fine she'll probably be back any minute now. Now I'm going to release my magic on the count of three and you shouldn't worry anymore okay.” Spike simply nodded very slowly as Starlight grinned before slowly and deliberately drawing out her countdown “One… Two… Three” Once reaching three she released her magic and made a simple nod before going back into her room and closing the door with a slam. This startled Spike enough that he jumped and fell backwards landing on his rump. “Oomph, Jeez that didn't help… maybe I can find somepony else to help!” Spike Leaped to his feet hastily jogging back towards the front entrance with relative ease before he threw out one of his claws pushing open the door with slight force as he kept his speed up looking around he stared at the sky while slowing down a bit. “Maybe I could find Rarity?” absentmindedly looking around he made his way towards the center of town his green scales being illuminated slightly by the sun rays.Multi Colored ponies Walked about in small clusters with occasional loners early morning conversation strewn about turning his head around he tried to spot one of his familiar friends faces. He stopped taking in the similar scenery as he saw a rainbow colored streak zip through the air he jolted his neck upwards quickly screaming to catch what he thought to be Rainbow Dash’s attention. “Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash over here!” He flailed his claws around in the air while jumping up and down the cyan pegasus turned and craned their neck downwards they had a similar rainbow colored mane but it was only coating the tips of a relatively brown mane she shouted. “What?!” Spike face palmed swipping his hand to the left as if telling her to move. “Not you Rainbow Flash!” Rainbow Flash looked disappointed and slowly flew away leaving the cloud empty, then all of a sudden Rainbow Dash loomed over Spike and said from behind. “Boo.” Spike’s heart practically lept out of his chest as he began to run before ducking behind a mailbox shivering, Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at him and laughed for a good moment before composing herself. “Yo just me, what did you want” Spike just stood again quickly stepping forward. “I-I knew that but I was wondering if you could help me find Twilight I haven't seen her around” Rainbow Dash looked somewhat uninterested for a moment “You sure she didn't just fall asleep in the Library again?” Spike groaned. “No I checked there she seriously never came back and I'm worried.” Rainbow Dash looked at him then back up to the sky quickly flaring her wings practically oozing self confidence. “No problem, I can sweep over Ponyville in like 30 seconds tops” Spike grinned not the pony he was looking for but this might have turned out better than he expected. “Just tell me if you find her Rainbow” “You know I will, when have I ever left a friend hanging” Spike raised one of his claws and opened his mouth to speak, Rainbow Dash interrupted him with a loud flap of her wings to get her off the ground. “Don't answer that gotta fly!” Rainbow Dash Reeled back then zipped off into the sky doing a loop de loop then leveling out above the city as she yelled in excitement. She always loved the sensations of flying the speed, the wind rippling around her as she broke the sound barrier the adrenaline coursing through her iit was totally awesome in every sense of the word.  But right now she needed to find Twilight she wasn't too worried not many princess’ around these parts she zipped past a row of buildings heading for the castle as she kept an eye out for Twilight looking left than right she made a rightwards turn “Not many ponies out this morning should be easy to spot her” as she finished rounding the castle she increased her speed flying past Spike and checking the other 3/4ths of Ponyville seeing the rows of familiar housing she zoomed past the Town Hall with nothing more than a couple of quick glances. Her wings began to beat more constantly as she did a barrel roll over Rarity's Boutique and noticed a familiar  lavander pony exiting a house on the far edge of the town quickly descending she slowed her pace before landing in front of Twilight Sparkle. “Hey Twilight, Spike’s all worried about you and junk so can you like go tell him what you're doing so he can stop freaking out.” She said flatly like this happened pretty often I for one had barely taken a couple of steps outside and had already been found by one of my “friends”. “Oh man I wanted to at least practice a tiny bit of magic before I went back, but it just seems like Spike wants to know where I am… CURSE YOU SPIKE!” I scowled before dragging my hoof down my face it oddly stopping and my muzzle as I dragged it off my face and dropped it to the ground faking a smile. “Oh, Hi Rainbow! I could've sworn I had left Spike a note” I chirped trying to keep the Intense hatred of Spike out of my tone “I can't believe he's getting in the way of magic training… MAGIC. TRAINING.” Rainbow Dash lifted her hoof with a shrug looking over to the side. “I don't know, all I know is he called on me to find you come on we can talk and fly” She said jabbing her head towards the sky as of telling me to get moving. I frowned and froze in Place “Oh… flying, how could I forget about that? Uh… no it's fine I'll just say I'd rather walk seems… legit” blinking I craned my neck behind me wishing I could just hang out all day with someone I didn't have to pretend to be different around. “Uhm, I'd rather walk… if that's okay” Rainbow Dash just did another shrug and flapped her wings hovering above me as I began walking. “Your Loss, so what you doing out here?” I put my hoof up to my chin and stroked it a bit book still in my grip I looked down to my left hoof I quickly pushed the book upwards nearly dropping it onto the ground. “I went to borrow a book, I'll uhm return it later.” Using a hoof to press the book against my body I slowly slid my hoof down until it was wedged into my side a tad bit painful? Yes but worth it to keep cover. Rainbow Dash flew lazily above me barely flapping her wings to stay afloat as she peered towards the book It took me a moment to catch her gaze but once I did I shifted by body to try to block it tensing up a bit. “Oh yikes… please don't say anything, I worked so hard for this cover!” “Oh, laaame it's not even one of the good books like Daring Do. If you're gonna read at least read awesome I say.” I rolled my eyes hard at that continuing the trek towards the Town Hall it was daytime so navigating wasn't nearly as hard as it was before but I still took a look around every once in a while to make sure I wasn't walking the wrong way. Falling into a rhythm I looked up at Rainbow Dash again as she was now flying flipped over backside facing the ground as she craned her neck her eyes popping open. “Oh shoot, just remembered I'm gonna meet Fluttershy at her cottage later this afternoon. Me and her were gonna work on our flying speed… well mostly her because I'm awesome but you know what I mean. She could use a bit of practice and I figured you have wings and all so why not join us.” I blinked and looked somewhere behind her and shrugged. “Uhm…. sure?” “Cool, I’ll tell her now” She nodded before flapping her wings and zipping off before I could stop her. “Why the Hell did I just agree too that.”