A Little Girls Love

by darkmage1997

Chapter 19: Nymph Training (Part 3)

"...…. And that's how you collect honey from a fresh bee hive," Dana said, as she and Mavis moved fairly large jars of honey into the kitchen, "You need to make sure to treat the bees right, and they'll be happy to give you their honey," Dana explained.

"I think I see bees in a better light now," Mavis commented, as she gave Dana a honey jar. Something came across Mavis' mind, "But, why do we need so much honey?" Mavis asked.

"Why, part of our beauty regime in the baths requires honey," Dana replied.

"Like a facial mask?" Mavis asked.

"Sort of. You'll find out when we all go in for some baths. And with this, our session is done for now," Dana said, as her eyes glowed red, and Mavis was enveloped in white light again. This time, Mavis was transported into Tabby's room.

"Ah, good. I was wondering when my turn was coming up," Tabby commented gleefully.

"So, what is it that you would like to teach me?" Mavis asked politely.

"Well, as the Medicinal Nymph, it would make the most sense for me to teach you all about healing and medicinal remedies. Now then, let us begin," Tabby said, as she sat in lotus position, across from Mavis.

"Oui," Mavis replied, sitting in the same position.

"Now then, as you may know, nature can be a double edged sword. It can hurt us, like say, a bite from a poisonous bug or walking though poison ivy. This is why natural remedies are implemented in order to counteract nature's dark side," Tabby explained.

"Oui. Many fish species' are poisonous too. Maman always used some sort of remedy made from kelp and algae to treat wounds or illnesses I get if I accidently come in contact with one," Mavis brought up.

"I see. So you know that nature can cure ailments, just as much as it inflicts them," Tabby said. Mavis nodded, "Well, there are various plants that you can use to help with the same affect as your kelp and algae remedy. Are you aware of a plant called aloe?" Tabby asked.

"Oui. Papa always used it whenever he got sunburn," Mavis replied.

"That is because aloe has many medicinal qualities that can soothe burning or itching skin. But there aren't any poisonous plants or animals up here, and the clouds Yuki summons to keep trespassers away helps with the sun, so I pretty much let the aloe I collect build up," Tabby said, pointing towards a large pile of cactus like leaves.

"But the aloe Papa used was a lotion," Mavis stated.

"Well, that is true for those who live in cities, but here, where we live naturally, we use pure aloe," Tabby said. She went on to explain to Mavis a few of her medicinal techniques, showing her what types of plants she should use, when to use them, and what plants to avoid, "I hope I made this easy enough for you to understand," Tabby commented.

"It did help a lot. Merci," Mavis thanked.

"You're very welcome, precious. Now then, on to your next lesson," Tabby said, as her eyes began glowing white, and Mavis was once more, enveloped in white light. She was then transported out into the snow, where Yuki was waiting. Despite only wearing the poncho, Mavis wasn't cold at all.

"Now then, why don't we play a little bit?" Yuki suggested, conjuring up some more snow.

Back in the Gorgon Temple,

"And that is the gist of it, my queen," Lila said, as she reported to the queen of the gorgons. She was a little larger than most of the other gorgons, and her scales and snakes were a brilliant golden yellow.

"Very good, my daughter. We gorgon have lived in the shadows for too long. It's about time we came out into the light, and made friends with the ponies," the queen gorgon said.

"Yes, Mother. The Princess was very kind to me, as was the human," Lila replied.

"If negotiations go well, we may be able to go out and enjoy holidays and festivals like anyone else," the queen stated. Her attention then went to the sunglasses, "By the way, how are those?" she asked. Lila gave a pair to her mother.

Meanwhile, with Twilight,

"... And that is why we should try to help the gorgon's incorporate into society," Twilight said, giving her explanation to the other three alicorn princesses.

"Well, even though gorgon's aren't exactly everyone's favorite species, it would be important to extend formal relations with them," Celestia commented.

"Indeed. Based on what you've told us, this 'Lila' gorgon doesn't sound like a threat. And Raiden's experiments proved a useful tool in this regard," Luna added.

"I think Mavis may also be of some help too," Celestia said.

"Your information about Mavis'.... 'other half' is quite helpful," Luna said to Cadence.

"Yes. I just hope her teachers will be able to help her out with that," Cadence said.

"That reminds me, who did you get to help Mavis?" Celestia asked. Cadence and Twilight began sweating. They knew Celestia had some kind of bone to pick with the Nymphs.

"We.... found a tribe of mountain monks who agreed to help her for the day," Cadence half lied. Luna knew which teachers she got for Mavis immediately, but kept quiet about it.

"Well, in any case, I will send a letter to the queen gorgon to set up a meeting about formal relations," Celestia said.

"Very good. That is all I wished to discuss. Is there anything any of you wish to discuss?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we should probably go over plans for this year's Hearth's Warming Ball," Celestia suggested, as they began discussing the party.

Back with Mavis and the Nymphs,

"And as you can tell, there are many things you can do with snow and ice," Yuki said, as she and Mavis sat inside an igloo.

"It's rather cozy in here," Mavis commented.

"That's good. You can even make a small fire in here. The snowy bricks help to trap heat, so you can stay warm," Yuki explained.

"Oui. But, as a mermaid, I am not affected by the cold," Mavis stated.

"Well, in any case, it would be a great help for shelter," Yuki said, as her eyes began glowing lite blue, and Mavis was enveloped in a white light. When the light dissipated, Mavis found herself in what looked to be an observatory. Looking around, she saw Cosmo, looking though a make-shift telescope.

"Ah, very nice. The stars tell all. Looks like it's my turn," she said, without even breaking her concentration on the telescope.

"What will you be teaching me, Cosmo?" Mavis asked politely. The Star Dream Nymph looked towards her young student.

"Well.... I thought we could take a walk through the stars. I can teach you about how the position of the stars can foretell the future," Mavis looked interested as her mentor suggested their agenda.

"But, do we not need air to breathe?" Mavis asked.

"You needn't worry about that. My magic will provided us all the oxygen we could ever need," Cosmo explained, as she casted her magic, which sent her and Mavis up into outer space in a magic bubble, "Now then, let's begin. Can you tell me one of the most easy to identify constellations?" Cosmo asked.

"I know of the Big and Little Dippers. And Papa always said something about a belt of 'Or iron', or something to that nature," Mavis replied.

"The correct term is 'Orion', and those are very easy to spot constellations. I will teach you about more constellations that can also be easy to spot," Cosmo said, as she then proceeded to teach Mavis about the surrounding constellations, as well as some that can only be spotted during specific seasons. She also taught Mavis on how to read the stars to tell directions, and to tell fortunes, "And that is why you will always find the North Star," Cosmo finished up her explanation.

"Merci. I never knew there was so much more to the stars than just being.... really, really far away," Mavis commented.

"Well, there is more I want to teach you, but the more advanced stuff will wait until you're a bit older. And with that, your training is complete!" Cosmo said, her eyes glowing purple, as Mavis was once more surrounded by light. This time, she was transported into a room with eight large monoliths, each one glowing a certain color. From these monoliths, each Nymph emerged.

"Mavis, you have completed the first part of your training. Thanks to this, we are now able to make you a Nymph, just like us," Wanda proclaimed.

"As of today, you will join our sisterhood as the ninth Nymph, the Crystal Nymph," Marina added, as each Nymph began glowing their respective colors, chanting some kind of incantation in Latin.

"Known omnes Potestates et in luce, nos tibi dona bonorum nostrorum auctorem. Hodie igitur tecum ex pura cordis tui similis effectus es. Per vires nostras vires largiatur tibi Nympha!" the eight of them chanted, their eyes glowing brighter than ever. Mavis felt their Magic infusing into her own body. From her back, she saw Fairy Wings sprouting out. The glowing on the nymphs each died down, and the fluttered down to their newest member.

"Always remember this Mavis. Anything and everything you fear is just in your head, but it is wise to be cautious," Wanda explained, reaching into her cleavage, pulling out a small crystal pendant, "And keep this with you as a token of our time together. This will allow you to teleport to us from the Crystal Empire anytime you wish," she explained, giving the pendant to her student.

"Merci, Wanda," Mavis thanked.

"You're very welcome, precious. Now, I know we said we would help you with your gorgon powers, but it's getting late, and the Princess wants you back by sundown," Wanda said.

"I can take her back. I can at least ask her permission for Mavis to come back for one additional lesson tomorrow. After we finish that, maybe Mavis would like to partake in some beauty treatments?" Marina offered.

"I would like that, very much," Mavis replied.

"Very good. Alright Marina, Mavis, take care in heading back to the Crystal Empire," Wanda said.

"See you soon, Mavis!" Kat said. The other Nymphs gave their farewells as well. With that, the two left the grotto, jumped into the river, and swam to the Empire.

Cadence waited with anticipation by the river, hoping for Mavis to arrive soon from her session with the Nymphs, "She'll come honey. We need to just have faith in the Nymphs," Shining Armor said to his wife.

"I know, but I can't help it," Cadence said. Just then, they saw two figures swimming towards them at blinding speeds. Out from the river emerged Mavis, alongside Marina, "Mavis! Thank goodness you're home again! Did you enjoy your time with the Nymphs?" Cadence asked.

"Oui Maman. I learned a lot from them," Mavis replied. Cadence then noticed the Nymph Wings on Mavis' back.

"And I see you've earned their blessings," Cadence observed.

"Yes. She was our best student since.... well, forever!" Marina replied.

"Thank you all for what you've done for her. But I must ask, were you able to help her out with her gorgon powers?" Cadence asked.

"No. Which is why I came with her," Marina then went on to explain what she and the other Nymphs wanted to do for Mavis. Cadence thought about it for a moment, before turning her attention back to Mavis.

"Mavis, would you like to go back to the Nymph Grotto to learn to control of your gorgon powers?" the Crystal Princess asked the Crystal Nymph.

"Oui. I would like to learn how to keep my.... other powers in check. Not to mention all the talk they did with beauty regime," Mavis said, rubbing her cheek.

"Well, we'll be dealing with the gorgon part first. After than, we can teach you all our beauty secrets," Marina said.

"Merci, for everything, Marina," Mavis said, hugging her mentor.

"You're very welcome Mavis. I'll see you again tomorrow," Marina said, as she swam back towards the mountains.

"Ok Mavis, let's go get you dressed. It must be freezing for you in that poncho," Cadence suggested.

"Not really. Mermaids are very resistant to the cold. The waters my Maman and I always swam in were much colder than this," Mavis informed.

"Well, either way, we should get you dressed, for the sake of modesty," Cadence said. Mavis blushed as she knew what that meant, as her parents took her back to the Palace.

Back with King Sombra,

The stone that had encased the tyrant unicorn had begun to crack, releasing Sombra from his stony prison, "Ugh, what just happened?" Sombra questioned. Looking outside, he saw it was already nighttime. He then remembered what happened with Mavis, "Hmm, that brat seems to have more to her than meets the eye. I need to plan more strategically," Sombra commented. He then felt a massive amount of malice from another dimension, "Hmm? What could this be?" he wondered, opening a portal. Peering inside, he saw a massive pirate galleon, surrounded by several smaller frigates and various other ships, "Hmm, perhaps I could you this to my advantage," Sombra commented, as he dove into the portal.