//------------------------------// // Bulls Eyes // Story: Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures // by The Blue EM2 //------------------------------// Toby the Tram Engine was built to run through quiet areas of countryside, where the tracks would not neccesarily be fenced off. As a result, he was fitted (and indeed, still is fitted) with cowcatchers and sideplates. These are to ensure that if animals were to stray onto the line, they would not be hurt should he run into them for any reason. This arrangement worked well in East Anglia, and indeed continues to work well now. But Daist wasn't convinced. "You're just afraid of getting hurt yourself," she sneered. "I'm not!" Toby said, very offended. "As a matter of fact, if I were to collide with an animal, it would be the animal that would come off worse, and not me!" "I'm not afraid of stupid animals," Daisy said. "And I don't have silly cowcatchers and sideplates. In fact, if I see an animal, I just sound my horn and they go away." "And then I can magic them away!" Trixie declared cofidently. "For I am the greatest and most powerfullest magician and engine driver on all of Sodor!" Flash facepalmed. "Trixie, that isn't even a word!" he exclaimed. "Which word?" Trixie asked. "Powerfullest!" Flash replied. "Most powerful would make more sense." "But is sounds nowhere near as dramatic," Trixie replied. "Besides," Toby said, "animals don't go away when you whistle at them. If anything, it makes them angrier!" "They do with me," Daisy declared, confidently. "Even bulls?" Toby asked. "Even bulls," Daisy smirked. The fact she had never met a bull was intentionally hidden, and she purred away from the platform and up the branchline without any concern at all. Shortly out of Ellsbridge was a level crossing. As the crossing approached, Daisy sounded her horn, and an approaching horse and cart stopped as she rolled past. "That old tram engine was talking absolute rubbish!" laughed Trixie. "There's nothing to it, really," Daisy smiled. "I just toot at them, and they stand aside like they should, making way for modernisation. That silly little Toby will feel so silly for being frightened." Daisy, of course, had little idea of what she was talking about, but she went on regardless, rolling down the line confidently. At Hackenbeck station, a policeman was waiting to greet the train. He looked most concerned. "Just to warn you," he said, "there's a bull on the line. He has escaped from a nearby field, and we need help in getting him back into the farmer's land. Can you help us?" Daisy was delighted. "Now I'll show Toby how to manage bulls," she thought, as she rolled along. Champion, the bull, wasn't really a violent animal, but he was cross today. He had wandered too far, crashed through a fence, slithered down the embankment into a cutting, and now had no idea where he was, with a pair of strange metal strips running into the distance as far as he could see. But then, he saw some grass, and wandered over. "Time for my breakfast," he thought. Daisy, meanwhile, emerged from the nearby tunnel and stopped just where Champion was. She sounded her horn twice, but the bull simply sat there and continued eating. She tried again, but still Champion went on ignoring her. "This is ridiculous!" she said. "How can I look this bull in the eye if he won't turn around?" "This is proving to be most irritating," Trixie sighed. Suddenly, Champion turned around, and moved toward her. "Moo!" he said loudly. Daisy blasted her horn again, but still Champion wouldn't move. "This is ridiculous!" she said again. "How are we going to get him to move?" Champion was, by this point, invading Daisy's personal space, looking directly into her eyes. Trixie then had an idea. She got out of the cab, and grabbed a strange ball. "And vanish!" she cried, throwing it down, and producing a great cloud of smoke in the process. When the smoke had cleared, the bull was still there... and so was Trixie. "Confound it!" she cried. "My teleportation spell has some bugs!" and she jumped into Daisy's rear cab, reset the gearbox, and the pair took off down the line, back to Hackenbeck. Toby arrived a few minutes later, to find Daisy and Trixie parked on a siding. "Bulls always run away if you toot them and look them in the eye, eh Daisy?" he asked. Daisy said nothing, but Trixie had plenty to say on that note. "This is a travesty! A TRAVESTY!" she cried. "My magnificent and powerful magics, confounded and bemused by a mere bull! My rreputation is rruined!" Flash sighed. He walked over to Daisy and handed Trixie some peanut butter crackers. "I hope you feel better after these," he said. "Toby and I will try to move the bull ourselves." Moments later, Toby and Flash found Champion, still eating (as he had only filled one stomach of four). Toby whistled and sounded his bell, but Champion ignored him. "Let's see how he likes this," Flash smiled. With that, he pushed down on a lever in the cab, and opened Toby's regulator a short distance. Steam shot from Toby's cylinder cocks, which startled Champion. Another short jet of steam, and Champion began to walk down the line towards the next station, where his owner was waiting to greet him and take him home. Daisy finally returned to her depot at the end of the day, having had a very long day indeed. As her last load of passengers got off and headed for the car park, a group of schoolchildren walked across the platform to her. "Hello Daisy!" called one. "I've got some sweets here. They're called 'bulls eyes'! I quite like them. Fancy giving one a try?" Daisy shuddered. "No!" she exclaimed. "I've had quite enough of bulls for one day, and food would simply clog my intakes! You can keep them to yourself!" And with that, she shot forward, and hurried into her shed, quite keen to forget the embarrassment of that day.