//------------------------------// // Thunder's Associates, Rainbow's Idols // Story: Bronze, Thunder, and Rain // by epicdonus1123 BOT //------------------------------// Chapter 9 "Wh't!?" Rain Dancer asked. "They're comin'!" Thunder repeated. "Wh'n did ya invite 'em?" I asked. "Ah invited 'em while ya'll were asleep." "M'kay, wh'n w'll they come?" "Eight." "S' they're comin' down 'ere t' visit us?" Rain pondered. "Eeyup." "Ooo, Rainbow Dash's goin' t' b' s' jealous!" I stated quickly. "Yup." "She's goin' t' act all pretentious!" "Yup." "And, she might come over 'ere." That last one made me quite depressed. "Yup." Oh boy, Rainbow Dash will be coming over. "Wh't time 's i'?" I questioned wearily. "Seven-o-seven." "Ya mean th't they'll b' 'ere 'n less th'n an hour?" "Yup." Great, I have less than an hour to prepare for my arch nemesis. Gosh, why did Thunder have to start working with the Wonderbolts; what position of the Wonderbolts does he work at? Whatever he does, it's enough to bait ponies here; the last thing we need is the paparazzi or a flashmob on our front yard. "Well, a' least ya..." Rain never finished that sentence. "Um, this is weird." I declared. "Yup." Thunder said. "Well, Ah gotta g' t' school." Rain said. "Ah'll take ya there." I said back. "Th't's not th' best idea." "Why?" "Ah don'...want ya t' come." "Ya 're embarrassed 'f us?" "No!" "Th'n what 's i'? "Nothin' really!" "Ya sure?" "Yes, bye!" She ran to us, hugged us, and ran out the door. She seemed in a rush, I wonder why. Either my judgment is totally whack, or I'm right, but I think that she has a crush! I wonder who it could be? I thought to myself; I stood there in total silence. I gotta go after her, so I ran through the door. "Rain, come back here!" "Wh't d' ya want!?" "School isn' fer another hour." "Yeah, s' wh't's yer point?" "Ah want ya t' stay until the Wonderbolts get there!" "Ah don' wanna stay!" "Well, missy, yer goin' t' stay, even 'f ya don' like i'!" In this guardian stage over Rain, you could say that I've grown into the mother state, and Thunder is more of the father. Being as this is, I tugged on Rain's ear, with my magic, and dragged her home. "Bronze! Th's isn' fair!" "Yeah i' 's. Ya didn' listen t' m' command, 'nd now ya 're goin' t' come with me." After that little speech, I gave her the evil eye. She gulped as she kept walking with me; I could see the fear in her eyes, for she did not want to go home. At the house, we entered to not only find Thunder, but Rainbow Dash there too. Thundershock was in his Wonderbolt costume, and he was signing something. They didn't notice us until I sighed. Dash turned around and peered at me. "Hey Rain Dancer," she said while her eyes were focused in me. "hi...Bronzeee." "Hi there, Rainbow Dash!" "Yeah, hi." She cocked her head back at Thunder. "So as I was saying, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" "Thunder, wh't 're ya up t'?" "Wh't d' ya mean?" He started to stare at me, and he cocked his head in a "what the heck do you mean" pose. "Ah mean, ya know, th's!" "Th's isn' very specific." "Just look right 'n front 'f ya!" Thunder looked at Rainbow; he shrugged. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, immediately turned her head. "Now what is that supposed to mean!?" "I' means th't Ah don' like ya!" "Oh I ought a-" Thunder tugged on her mane, causing her to quickly turn her head, again. How does she do it so quickly, because when I do it, my neck pops, or something like that, and it starts aching. "Hold up, Rainbow Dash, th' others 'ren't even 'ere yet." "Th..the others!" "Yeah. Soarin'," She grew a shocked expression. "Fleetfoot," Her expression grew larger. "and Rapidfire will come." She, basically, died of overly expressing her feelings. "Wow Thunder, ya got 'em t' come?" "Yup, all three 'f 'em. Fleetfoot and Rapidfire agreed right away, but Soarin' gave s'me time t' think 'bout i'. Wh'n Ah told him th't his number one fan was comin', he th'n agreed." "S' he came 'cause 'f Rainbow?" "Ah guess." That's very interesting; Soarin' came because of Rainbow Dash. "Anyways, i's good th't they'll b' 'ere 'n forty-five minutes.' I stated. "Nope, w' have a t' g' somewhere 'n forty-five minutes. They'll actually b' 'ere in fifteen minutes." "Wh't!? Why didn' ya mention th's t' me earlier." "B'cause they didn' tell me earlier.' "S', they'll come thirty minutes earlier th'n Rainbow Dash expects?" "Yes." "Ooo, she's goin' t' faint again!" "Wh'n did ya start carin' 'bout her?" "Wh'n she passed o't 'n our ground." "Mmhmm." I looked over to the clock on the wall. It read seven-tweny, ten minutes. "Wow, time goes f'st." "Sure does." We sat there in silence; we were watching the time count down. Five minutes. Four minutes. Three minutes. Two minutes. One minute. Forty-five seconds. Thirty seconds. Fifteen seconds. Ten seconds. Nine seconds. Eight seconds. Seven seconds. Six seconds. Five seconds. Four seconds. Three seconds. Two seconds. One second. The next instant, the Wonderbolts ran through the door. Like Thunder said, Fleetfoot, Rapidfire, and Soarin' came through the door. Rapidfire had his goggles on, and Soarin and Fleetfoot didn't. I looked at Thunder to see him immediately salute, so I did the same. I could hear Rain wake up Rainbow in the background. "Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!!" "Whaddya want?" "They're here!" Rainbow Dash sprung right up at the sound of that; she ran past me. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" she hollered. "Hey, Rainbow Dash." Soarin' calmly said. "Hi there!" greeted Fleetfoot. "What's going on?" Rapidfire pondered. "Hi Soarin'! Hi Fleetfoot! Hi Rapidfire!" "Hi, so your name is Rainbow Dash?" Rapidfire asked. "Yes!" "Well, it is very nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash." he gave a welcoming smile. Rainbow nearly passed out on the spot. "Ahem, these 're m' siblings, Rain Dancer 'nd Bronze." Thunder addressed. "Nice to meet you two." Soarin' said. "Hi there!" Fleetfoot approached us. She nodded her head, acknowledging us. "Very cool to meet the sister and brother of the newest recruit." Rapidfire said. "Hi Fleetfoot, Rapidfire, and Soarin'." I coolly said. "Hi, hi, hi!!" Rain Dancer ran up to them; she violently shook their hooves, which made me facehoof. "So Thundershock, we need to go to Canterlot for a special meeting." Soarin' stated. "Yessir." "We need you to come with us, capisce?" "Yessir." "Okay, we'll see you later. Goodbye Rainbow Dash, Bronze, and Rain Dancer." He waved to us as he told Fleetfoot and Rapidfire to come with him. "Yes sir, goodbye you three." Rapidfire bid. "Bye Rain Dancer, Rainbow Dash, and Bronze! We'll see you later, Thunder." Fleetfoot was always so jumpy, boom...instant favorite.