//------------------------------// // Human Flaws // Story: Time, Space, and Paradoxes // by Christophe //------------------------------// A/N: Since I'm a bastard I decided to do some more fun backstory… but come on, I love backstory if I didn't I wouldn't come up with so much. Anyway just a little setup and filler before Appleloosa. Celestia's sun peaked its head over the horizon and Paradox just looked up from his sitting position on the balcony with an unreadable expression. He had been reading and rereading the pages he had stolen from the Royal Archives. At first Paradox had been giddier than Pinkie Pie but eventually he managed to poke holes in his plan through his deteriorating mental health. He looked back down to the pages he held in his hand and read them again. Journal Entry 42 The Potion of Binding Mortality was created only for the most resolute of users. I myself created it for a reason beyond selfish. Celestia gave me longevity years ago and now I will forsake her gift. I must give most of my life for her though. I must save my Starlight. She is all that is keeping me sane in my pursuit of knowledge and now she will leave me soon. If this potion works as it should then she will be able to stay though and the weight of her burden will be shared between us. When our lives are linked mine will be cut short but hers will be extended dramatically and we will be together until the very last moment. Forgive me Princess. Please forgive me for what I have done. The book he had stolen the pages from was actually Starswirl's private journal. Celestia must have taken it after his death to make sure nopony used the secrets hidden inside. She obviously didn't account for somepony like Paradox but then again most ponies can't shrug off mutilation as if he had only gotten hit with a wiffle ball bat. This journal entry worried him though. If his life was truly endless he would have nothing to worry about and even less if his regeneration was linked to it. If it wasn't though he would be mortal once more and most of the tricks he had hidden up his sleeves were useless. Then again… he was undead which meant under normal undead rules he would live forever until he fell to decay or was slain. The whole mess was giving him a headache. Regardless of what would befell him he had to stay with the ones he cared about just like Starswirl. ----------------------- The travelers all awoke early and prepared for their little vacation to Appleloosa. Char was beyond excited to be going to an actual frontier town even though Paradox had told her not to expect a gun fight. The girls were looking forward to visiting with Braeburn and Little Strongheart. Ditzy and Dinky were happy to be traveling with The Doctor and The Doctor himself was bringing the Tardis just incase. Paradox stood on the train platform waiting for everypony to arrive. He had opted to look the part with a black duster over his normal clothes and a matching stetson hat. The familiar sound of the Tardis was muffled behind Paradox. He assumed The Doctor was parking it on the train. He still didn't know why they couldn't just take the Tardis but everypony else wanted a relaxing train ride. The remainder of the group arrived with Char bouncing like Pinkie. Paradox smiled at her as she jumped onto him in a full body hug. Paradox's smile turned into a wicked toothy grin when nopony was looking. They loaded onto the train that had arrived from Canterlot and headed towards the sleeper car they were in. The girls went in first while The Doctor and Paradox moved the luggage. Both of them heard Rarity shriek with rage and sped into the car. Inside the car stood Prince Blueblood and two of his personal guards. Rarity was frothing with rage and Paradox had a tear in his eye like a proud parent. "What in the name of the Void are you doing here?" Paradox asked. "-sigh- Auntie told me I needed to learn more about the common ponies. So she is sending me to deal with an issue in Appleloosa regarding the buffalo," replied Blueblood. "Fine, just don't cause any trouble or I may just turn you into the worlds most shampooed doormat," Paradox looked at the two guards who visibly shrunk under his gaze. Blueblood coughed and moved to his bunk. Paradox smirked and moved to the one he was sharing with Twilight and the others followed their lead. Rarity made it a point to be next to Paradox and away from the prince while Char was situated above her brother. The Doctor hopped down from his bunk with Dinky and Ditzy to trot over to Paradox. The Doctor leaned in to whisper. "What do you suppose this problem is?" "I have no idea Doctor but with trouble following us like a lost puppy I assume we will find out," The Doctor nodded and returned to his bunk. The train started to move and Paradox prepared for the long ride ahead. He looked around the sleeper car and noticed Dinky staring at him. He locked gazes with her and noticed something misty swirling in her eye. He continued to look until the mist formed into face he couldn't recognize but he knew without a doubt the whoever it was had died. She looked away but Paradox couldn't shake his uneasy feeling. ------------------------ Paradox had sat idle for hours. The girls and The Doctor had been chatting and gossiping since they had entered the desert. Now it was getting dark and Char had a brilliant idea. "Hey, why don't we have Gus or The Doctor tell an exciting story?" she was somehow still on her old west high. The girls nodded and Blueblood's ears perked up. "I'm not much of a story teller as a history maker," said The Doctor with a chuckle. "What about you Gus?" "Well, I don't think-" Paradox started only to be interrupted by Dash. "Yeah come on you haven't told us really anything about your past. I bet you had all kinds of adventures," "Yeah but-" He was interrupted again by AJ. "Come on now Dox, you gotta tell us sometime." "Don't I-" This time Ditzy interrupted. "I wanna hear one of your stories too and don't worry Dinky is already asleep. She can't wait for tomorrow." "-sigh- Fine I'll tell you all the story from before I was turned." "Oh, I haven't heard any of these. You never did tell me what you did while you were in the cleric order," Char spoke up. The Doctor pulled a spit take. "You were in the cleric order!" The Doctor looked at him in disbelief. "I was only a cleric for one campaign. After that I was drafted into the Knights," Paradox said with a sad look on his face. "Wait… Knights as in the Knights Templar! You were a church owned assassin!" The Doctor was in total disbelief and the others looked at Paradox with shocked expressions. "Yeah… I was an assassin all the way up until I met you Doctor." "You need to explain this Paradox before you start your story," The Doctor was staring intently at him. "When I was little all I wanted to do was protect my family and what better way to do that than become a soldier. When I turned eighteen I joined the clerics and went off to fight the undead. I never liked following my commander's orders because the best tactic the clerics had for fighting the dead was throw bodies at them. So whenever I had a chance I would do my best to take out the undead leaders and such as best I could. After a while the Knights noticed my lack of respect for authority and prevented me from being dishonorably discharged while offering me a place as their youngest member ever," Paradox explained as the others looked at him. "Why did you never tell me this Paradox?" The Doctor asked. "Because when I met you I knew how you felt about killing and I had to get away from the church so I didn't tell you so you would take me with you," Paradox looked down in shame. "-sigh- At least you've changed since then. We all make mistakes… especially me," The Doctor smiled at Paradox, "anyway go ahead with your story." "Right… well it was my first assignment. On your first they give you something simple that you can accomplish a number of ways and they use it to judge your flexibility and style. It also determines your the equipment they issue you." ------------------------ Gus stood in an alley by one of the largest hotels on earth. He looked up at the penthouse balcony to see a large retractable cover over the top. The canopy kept the pouring rain off the balcony while it's occupants enjoyed the weather. Like his target Gus enjoyed the rain more than sunshine. The rain was always calming and made everything smell clean as if it was washing all the sins of the world away. Gus leaned against the wall and pulled his info pad from his backpack pocket to study his target one more time. Target: Chaurie Vorkesh and Female accomplices. Appearance: Black hair, 6', with long black beard. Crime: Using the guise of diplomatic immunity to undermine the church, along with embezzle, and numerous others. Location: Las Vegas, Nevada. The New Bellagio, Penthouse suite. Requirements: None but preferred to look like an accident. Gus stowed the pad and looked back up at the balcony. He pulled his hood up and pressed his palm to the wall. The palm began to surge with energy and he felt them stick to the side just hard enough to keep him up. Gus pulled himself up until his shoes were touching swell. He raced up the side wall as if he were spiderman until he reached the side of the balcony. He looked around and saw Vorkesh standing near the edge with his arm around one of his accomplices. Gus couldn't make out any features on the woman from this distance but he could see the long black beard clearly. Gus pulled himself up onto the balcony and prepared to rush the man to knock him over the edge. He stopped when he remembered there was at least another woman here though. He hid behind a large plant on the balcony when the woman made her appearance. She said something to Vorkesh that Gus couldn't understand but he could clearly hear Vorkesh's reply. "Bring me a Bloody Mary and make it quick," he barked at the blonde. She quickly retreated back inside with a frown on her face. Gus smirked and snuck behind the distracted Vorkesh as he whispered sweet words into the brunette's ear. He moved into the suite and quickly found the blond in the kitchen mixing the drink Vorkesh had ordered. He moved silently behind her and charged energy through his glove again. He touched the glove to her neck and she tensed up before slumping back into his arms unconscious. Gus took her hand in his and used her to pull a large knife from the set. He pulled her towards the light switches and flipped them all down. The suite was engulfed in total darkness aside from the minimal natural light from outside. Vorkesh turned back when the lights went out and called out into the blackness. "What's going on in there!" Gus knew he couldn't wait now. He hefted up the body and rushed forward with his hand wrapped around the blonde woman's. Vorkesh reeled back at as they burst from the darkness and didn't have time to defend himself. Gus drove the knife into his heart before pushing him over the edge. Vorkesh had a death grip on the brunette as he went over the edge and the blonde plummeted with him still unconscious. Gus watched them fall before hitting the ground with an audible crunch and splash of water. Gus walked towards the wall and climbed to the rooftop. He sprinted at the back edge and jumped. He pulled a cord and a parachute extended from the pack letting him glide out over the smaller buildings behind the hotel. He landed on his expected drop zone, repacked his chute, and hauled ass out of there. ------------------------- "Why parachute out though? You could have teleported with the info pad." The Doctor asked. "Yeah but teleportation leaves a residual energy that can be traced. After all was said and done the authorities blamed it on blondie being jealous and I got stealth and subterfuge gear," Paradox leaned back in the bunk. Twilight laid her head on his chest. "Why didn't them or Mom, Dad, and I ever tell me you were a knight Gus?" Char asked no longer in shock but concerned. "Mom and Dad did know." "-gasp- But… why not tell me or them," Char gestured to the ponies. "Because they had to know and I didn't want to tell you back then because I didn't want you to see me as a monster. I'm telling you all now for a reason though." "Whats that?" said Twilight and Fluttershy asked in unison. "Always remember I did what I did to make life better for my loved ones and the world and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life." The group smiled even The Doctor. It didn't matter what he had done in the past. All those things made him into a protector who would do anything for even someone he had never met or didn't like. The Doctor sat back and contemplated what Paradox had told them. He had caused his fair share of death in his lifetime. He couldn't judge what Paradox did in the name of good because that is exactly what he had done in the Time War. He looked at Paradox just before the candles were snuffed and caught a glimpse of a guilty look on his face. Paradox smiled after the lights went out. His plan was going well. Now even if they discovered his plot they would forgive him thinking he was doing it for their good. No matter what they thought he knew deep in his hearts that he was doing it for himself so he wouldn't be alone. A/N: More diabolical scheming from Paradox's twist mind, oh yeah. By the by, I know the whole Knights Templar thing is kinda cliche but thats the best thing I could think of for him being an ex-military assassin ya know. Also Chaurie is another name from my collection of WoW characters, for the record.