Our new Friends, Our new Enemies

by The Potato Guy

Chapter 33: The Night of Humanity

Solar couldn’t believe it, he and Luna were a thing now.

Well, he was pretty sure the evidence against the contrary was fairly limited now, not when the Princess of the Night so willingly and, honestly, passionately kissed him.

How could such a thing not remain so heavily upon his mind? Usually, in the prevalence of a job or task, such as trying to escort Luna through Canterlot without being assassinated, Solar’s focus would be on that, not his personal feelings. Yet here he was, practically daydreaming about this impossibility come possible.

Millions of thoughts swarmed his imagination. How long could a potential romance remain secret, if at all? What would Celestia’s reaction be? Did this mean Solar would become a Prince?

Shuddering at the responsibility, ironically probably less than he currently had, Solar reluctantly decided dwelling on his empowered love for Luna had to wait for another time. A larger, far denser crowd was approaching, and it was clear why.

The very reason Luna and Solar had come here today, aside from an attempt at winning the Ponies over. The Human’s, previously locked away in their tower, were finally free to show their faces to the world.

And what an event it was turning out to be.

Solar was quite aware of the rumours, if one could even call them such at this stage, that had been circulating. A strange new species, ape like in appearance almost, but with a scent of ominous mystery about them, and completely like any other currently known to the world. That wonder did surely raise the same questions currently in Solar’s mind, that being, obviously, who exactly the Humans were. Their homeland remained clouded in mystery, and for where it actually was, Celestia knows.

Perhaps literally though, Princess Celestia may be the only Pony who did. After all, she knew of their presence before anypony else, and judging by recent events relating to her, it was almost a certainty that wasn’t mere coincidence.

Questions for times less crowded, Solar concluded. Today, it was containment of the worst possibilities, and advancement of the best, especially if they were related to Luna’s Night.

“You would believe the Humans were icons of long lest legend” Luna suggested, looking upon the mass of curious Ponies present. It was a large crowd, at least a couple hundred packed into a square barely large enough to fit half that size.

“Are we sure they aren’t? Not every day that some intelligent species comes out of nowhere. Even if you told me they were a race of murderous maniacs or hell bent of conquering the world, that’d at least be something” Solar practically seemed to complain. “Even if you said they were as ambiguous as that Discord, it’d be better than nothing.”

“Curious you should chose to bring him up” Pondered Luna in response. “I cannot deny I have entertained the idea of…employing him, somewhat”.

Solar could only scoff, taking care for it too not seem as impolite as it most likely did.

“Forgive me Luna, but I don’t think sprinkling more chaos into an already chaotic situation would be clever.” Of course Solar had wondered how exactly the God of Chaos’ seemingly unending powers would sway the balance, but in honesty, he preferred his foresight of predictability to focus on the worries of Celestia’s support, and not much how chocolate or walking clocks could manifest themselves into the world.

“I suppose you are right, Solar, but such magical aptitude would not go amiss today. The population may be distracted by the Human’s, but other rumours persist, chiefly regarding the…. assassins.” Luna clearly struggled to speak of the matter. Understandable, given the subject was relating to the direct attempt on her life. This was further complicated with the ever painful fact that was the assassins continued silence on their actions. Perhaps not surprising, given the fact that it was looking ever likely they were connected to Celestia somehow, and them being in her care meant a very lax attitude to attaining justice.

“And we have our friend Blank Canvas to thank for making matters infinitely worse” lamented Solar, seriously considering the legitimacy of their agreement with the master of Information.

“I will discuss matters with him.” Luna said with quite the annoyed sense of authority. “He must be aware that releasing news of my Sister’s treachery, in regards to these barbaric executioners, is neither wise nor tactful.” This clearly left a sour note in Luna’s tongue. Blank Canvas, under the probable guise of wishing to seem loyal to the Night, had pressed and attempted to inform the populace of the full and tragic extent of Celestia’s fall. To him and many, this seemed the obvious choice. Tell the people just how bad Celestia was, and down she goes. Matters weren’t as simple as many would like to believe however.

“I’ve had the Shadow’s quell as many leaks as they can, but Blank is conniving. I don’t know if he really believes that opening the floodgates wont edge the population to revolution, but he tries all the same.” That was the true danger of informing Ponies fully. Their anger may just spill over to bloody revolution, and by then, regardless of the number of Night supporters, controlling the masses of Ponies demanding blood would prove to be an impossible task.

“Troubling, but a problem for another time” Concluded Luna, frustration for the problem persisting. “I dare say the excitement of the people means our Human friends approach.”

The Princess spoke true. For whatever reason, perhaps one Pony had caught a glimpse of the armour clad creatures somewhere along the castle walls, the crowd was getting worked up. Chattering rose to concert levels of loudness. Photographers pushed themselves through walls of flesh to get their shot of a lifetime. Solar too was beginning to grow curious, and he had met the Human’s directly on many occasions. Perhaps it was just pure anticipation, or maybe a dark foreshadowing of the power of the mob and their ability to cause a dangerous chain reaction in any Pony, but looking upon the Castle walls, Solar did see glimpse of movement. Truly, it was wise to leave the confides of the castle here, and not through the main entrance like a parade of triumphant returning soldiers. This way, they could trickle into Canterlot proper in a manner not as attention grabbing as it would be through the main gate.

Yet if the size of the crowd was anything to go by, even here, then god forbid any Guards who had to keep order should the exodus occur elsewhere.

“Ah, they have arrived!” Luna exclaimed, adorably joining in on the mood of the crowd as if she was one of them, “Dressed in their finest armour it seems!”

One by one they exited through a gate in one of the Castles towers, each clad, again rather ominously thought Solar, in their dark yet finely crafted suits of metal. Even he, having seen them many times, was almost struck by awe as he looked upon the detail and metal work of the armour, seeing again that they were a sight to be seen, but also a fear in battle.

The crowd however, could not resist their inner feelings of excited frenzy. Like Ponies possessed, a wave of audible gasps emitted through the square and adjoining streets, before just a hint of silence, to prepare the listener to an army sized chorus of restless and thrilled shouting and yelling.

“Well, never it be said Equestria does not know how to greet a friend” advised Luna, both she and Solar almost having to cover their ears to spare from the noise. She at least could at least revel in her pride for her subjects, who, no matter the dangerous looking appearance of the Human’s still showed such enthusiasm and, albeit, deafening kindness.

Welcoming as it may be, Solar cared little for the gossip of the day. Being the Shadow he was, his eyes scanned the scene for any irregularities, and failing that, seeking any knowledge that may prove useful. What he saw were admittedly tense Humans who, despite being safely inside their walls of metal, were clearly neither prepared nor comfortable for the masses of Ponies who now so happily and almost crazily wished to say hello. Perhaps this could be simply because of their roles here, as Guard’s or security. From personal experience, an individual following a path of a more militaristic way who not one too happy in the fluff of civilian life. Yet additionally, remembering the Humans had said they come from a place of hardship and war, maybe it was the case that they had simply never before looked upon a joyous crowd, and had never experienced a life where the population were generally content.

“Where is Victus?” Solar then asked, failing to see naught but towering beasts of steel who curiously still chose to cover their faces with grim masks that made up their armour.

“I am sure he will come” briskly replied Luna. “From the little we know of them, I am truly growing to admire Humanity’s tenacity. Their will to survive”.

Solar raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t thought too much on his more personal opinion on the Human’s, choosing instead to approach them more professionally, and keep Ponykind first and foremost in his mind.

“Tenacity? I don’t see it. They just seem…secretive to me.” An appropriate word, as he watched the Human’s try to deal with a very unfamiliar crowd. “Little to admire in my opinion.”

Luna too was very much aware of how much the Human’s seemed out of their depth, acting shiftily almost in their attempts at avoiding swarming Ponies with their barrages of questions.

“Ah Solar, to be young and ignorant.” She said, before quickly rectifying any possible offence. “Meaning no ill will of course, but time has at least allowed me to see past the hard facades of an apparent warrior race.”

Solar only shrugged and abandoned the point, realising that he was more of a Pony of action and the moment, not a relationship building diplomat, even if it may have seemed that way recently.

“You mistrust them still?” Luna proceeded to inquire, watching Solar take the point in a way for less pressing than it seemed to her.

“Mistrust? Nah, not really.” Solar replied with quite the amount of confidence. “I just feel, rather understandably, their very existence here has been side-lined, while we deal with Celestia.”

Solar instantly knew how his point seemed. That he might have believed the Humans were more pressing than a vengeful Celestia. Of course, this was not his intention whatsoever.

“Remember, dear Solar, as it currently appears, the two matters that currently daunt us may very well be linked. One might not have come to fruition without the other”. A just point from the Princess, but not one forgotten by Solar.

“I get that, Luna, but the lead we uncovered in relation to the element of Harmony remains abandoned. This…Rarity must be acquired before Celestia gets wind.”

In truth, there simply was too much happening at one time. Luna’s Night was not and could not be everywhere, instead having to choose their battles wisely. For now, the most pressing danger was Celestia, and not some murder that had occurred going on weeks ago.

Solar never believed he would curse the act of recklessness.

“Perhaps this could be raised with Victus himself?” Luna shot back. “After all, it was his act of sharing which allowed us in on this knowledge. When we find him, I will allow you to further the investigation with him in tow, should you believe it necessary.”

Even as she had to juggle threats on her life, a country descending into chaos, and a inter species conspiracy, Luna still spared the time to show grace and wisdom, something Solar was very much aware of now.

“Thank you Luna.” He replied graciously, but not at all lacking that newly forged affection that now existed between the two. “No wonder plenty of, clearly one sides, debates happen out here, into who is in fact, best Princess. You’re only proving us all right”.

Giggling with attempted humility, Luna was very much taken by surprise at this news.

“Best Princess? This is something my subjects discuss?” She asked, failing to hide to innocent curiosity now borne from this very quirky piece of information.

“Oh all the time. When I was a Guard, it naturally occurred wherever you went. Started plenty of fights too. Thankfully, however more impassioned the debate is in the civilian world, violence is quite unfamiliar. “

Taken back, Luna tried to comprehend the very reasoning behind the arguments. Solar could only smile as he witnessed knowing such talk was just simply conversation out here, a Princess try to come to terms with basic civilian life.

“Sometimes, I feel my age hinders my ability to understand the finer points of today’s world”.

Luna had not meant this is any defeatist, depressing sort of way. She simply was bewildered at the detail of society nowadays, and that was ok, for Solar was here for her to provide a more modern assistance.

“Not to worry, I’ve got your back when it comes to those sort of things. Plus, since it’s been a while from I was last fully among proper Equestrian society, maybe we can learn a lot of these things together.”

Another point of understanding between the two, and one that would undoubtedly help their relationship to blossom further. Small things like this, more on the fun and innocent side of life, were a much needed reprieve from the grim reality of the rest of the day.

“My own little interpreter.“ laughed Luna purely. “Perhaps such things won’t be the only thing we learn together. I imagine a very unique form of discovery will be unearthed, when we are blessed with a far more…private time…” The coming coughing fit from Solar was to be expected.

“Say what now?!” he tried to exclaim, impeded by his cough crazed shock. Luna, luckily, was not so juvenile in her teasing.

“Oh…nothing” She practically whispered, the wink that wasn’t to be very much on show. “Ah, at long last, Victus shows his face.”

Muttering and cursing under his breath at this convenient timing, Solar was faced with little choice other than to dis-attach his disbelief and childish nervousness from Luna’s unexpected words, and focus back on the task at hoof.

Leaving the tower gate, an armoured Victus, flanked by Human’s very much on escort and protection duty, emerged to the fascination and adoration of the crowd. Deviating their attention from thankful Human’s in need of rest from constant attention, the finely adorned Victus with his armour clearly meant for a more ceremonial role with its fine details, aesthetically pleasing and elegant design and silver shine, instantly won the freshly created obsession of the crowd. An ensemble of ‘wow’s’ and near audible stares ensured Humanity, if anything, at least won some popular support today, which is more than Solar and Luna could proclaim.

“He’s showing his face, at the very least.” Solar commented, looking upon the ambassadors smiling face and almost truth worthy blue eyes. “Why do you think many of the others aren’t so brave?” His point was partly made in jest, a hint of sarcasm for the Humans who still bore their full, face hiding helmets, as if a crowd of kind and adoring Ponies were a threat.

“Who can truly say but them.” Pointed Luna. “Each has their own reasons. I remember a time, not too long before my…banishment, that I too was nervous to show my face. It is a sad fact that I only now am overcoming.”

Solar did wish to dwell on her sombre comments. This was not a moment to feel deflated. The two would need their wits about them today, but in a sign of loving solidarity, Solar placed a gentle hoof onto Luna. A simple, yet ever reliable action to tell the significant other that they were not alone.

“I…Yes anyway…” managed Luna, who evidently was very touched by Solar’s caring show of support. With a blushed smile, even a Princess proved to find words hard to find, while their better half was so successful in their earnest push of devotion. “…As I was saying, it is probably many of the Human’s we see today feel secure behind their plates of metal. Exposure to this crowd, I must say, is understandably difficult”.

Further discussion was not warranted, nor was it worth it. Despair became rife as Solar, as was the case with Blank Canvas, suddenly felt a deep distrust for Victus, his human partner in all this mess. No doubt borne of jealousy, Solar watched as the Human, despite being new to the job, enthusiastically and expertly interacted with his horde of new fans. Smiling as Celestia would, Victus did not take the same cataclysmic path as the Princess of the Sun. His strategy was a fresh one, and in its tactfulness, was the very reason Solar now felt so at odds.

Victus had said on a few occasions how he often felt the black sheep of the family. Of this, Solar had no trouble believing him. The Human, even by the still quite unfamiliar standards set by his race, was no warrior. His was an attitude very much at home in Canterlot, with its snobbery and pretentiousness. Unlike the degeneracy of the upper classes though, Victus seemed to genuinely believe in the power of his words, and put great faith in his dedication to appear the wonder to Equestria. Today, he did not look to carry the shame of the family of Vane, nor did he feel the oddity in it. Today, he did not model himself to meet unrealistic standards. Doing what many could not, the Human proudly followed his own path, regardless of expectations and pressures. He may not be the perfect specimen and model son his brother was said to be, and that was ok, for the exhibit on show to Equestria today was a kind and charismatic leader, one full of tantalising far off culture, and a mind free of prejudice or nepotism. This, should he prove to be an accurate representation of the unfamiliar Human’s, was an individual who could be trusted, and the envoy of an ally to Equestria.

In short, Victus was playing the game well, and Solar could only hope the Human would still be playing on the side of the Night.

Luna too seemed curious into the actions of Victus and his fellow Human’s. Watching intently, the Princess awaited patiently for greetings and welcomes to be graciously made, as finally the eyes of the ambassador caught wind of Solar and Luna, who perhaps wisely had chosen to stand far back in an adjoining street. Courteously as ever though, Victus chose to use this moment of approaching the two wisely, for it was extra opportunity to meet more Ponies, and listen to how happy they were that Humanity wasn’t trying to take over the place.

“A commander of hearts and minds, if there ever was one.” Suggested Luna, who was in no confusion to the reality of the situation.

Less impressed, at least appearing so, Solar grunted in almost spiteful annoyance. “If you want to call it that.”

“Fear not, dear Solar. I have not yet developed any taste for the form of Humanity”.

This was the second time Solar almost lost the ability to speak, as a choking cough consumed his reactions and compromised his cool.

“Wha-I-I never even said….What?”

Luna smiled, knowing full well of the havoc she had sown. Little wonder the Shadow’s were the way they were. Her smile too was shared liberally, as after greeting after greeting, Victus finally made his way through the crowd, and joined his partners of secrecy.

“Ambassador Victus!” Luna proclaimed happily, taking the initiative from a still shaken and abused Solar. “It is so good to see you here today, sharing in the friendship and camaraderie of my subjects!”

Victus couldn’t have been more pleased of today’s progress, and now even more so revealed in his joy as he met an appreciative Princess.

“The honour is all mine!” The Human beamed. “Call it pure contrast and nothing more, but it is just so nice to be able to walk around and see happy faces!”

Recovered, Solar could return to his suppositious ways. Victus certainly did seem to have gotten up on the right side of the bed today, but until the world had killed him with boredom and a lack of malevolence, Solar would remain the way he was.

“Yes well that’s all well and good, but this isn’t ‘make a friend day’, we are very much in hope that you can help us get the population on board.” Intervened Solar, slicing through the relatively pleasant atmosphere. “May I remind you that we have a civil war to avoid?”

If today was a competition, than Solar would have surely taken last place in forming relationships.

Well, in the professional sense of the word at least.

Both Victus and Luna nearly rolled their eyes at Solar’s sulking like mood. Their intentions were far friendlier, and less focused on the severity of the day.

“Oh dear, Princess” Began the Human with raised eyebrows. “Seems someone missed out on their breakfast. I, on the other hand, very much enjoyed today’s meat free meal!”

Trying desperately to ignore the slight with a focus on Human customs and their very life, Solar kept his gritted teeth hidden behind his pursed lips. Luna however, now infinitely more connected to Solar’s inner feelings, tamed her partner with a gentle hoof rest of her own, and laughed politely.

“Dear Victus, we are fortunate to have you here today.” Luna, ironically for the Pony not invested heavily into supposition of the day, now seemed more on point in containing the mood. “I hope your…men, I believe is the term, enjoy the freedom granted to them today. Provided they behave appropriately; I dare say we have entered a new chapter in Pony-Human relations!”

Now Solar really did roll his eyes. He knew the importance of strengthening relations, but this all seemed so forced, especially for an individual already well invested in the secrecy and dirty political underworld. Victus was in no need of flattering.

“Oh they will behave!” He made of point of emphasising. “I believe all their intentions extend only to exploring their new surroundings, and grabbing a bite to eat. No trouble will come today, I can assure you!”

Luna seemed almost naively convinced of Victus’ assurance. With another jealousy instilling smile, Solar watched the Pony he loved interact with the Human perhaps too graciously.

“Excellent! I will make a point of informing our mutual friends of your progress. For now, however, I must confess, the height of the sun has me quite tired.” It was true. It was approaching noon at this point, and being the Pony to raise and lower the moon, this meant Luna had been up all night and morning. Quite the feat if she desired to appear so royally and beautiful to the world, which, if Solar was the judge, she had done well indeed.

“My apologies, Princess Luna!” said Victus. “Please, rest!”

Hey! I wanted to say that first!

“My thanks. I will indeed retire for the day, but in the meantime, I will leave you in the capable hooves of Solar, here. Together, I will be happy to expect great things!”

Solar had so greatly wanted to be the one to say farewell to Luna. It was a strange, but very endearing joy to him now that he could say goodnight, or rather good day to her, just as any Pony said to their loved one. But of course, Victus had to just ruin the moment.

Still, just prior to leaving, Luna was neither so heartless nor forgetful of the mornings so romantic and powerful developments. Without saying it in front of Victus and any eavesdropping members of the crowd, Luna spared the most loving and caring look for Solar, even as it only lasted for a second. She truly meant Victus was in capable hooves, and without saying a single word, told Solar he was loved, he was cared for, and he would be missed. Nothing could be compared to the silent exchange, and nothing could ever come close to the bond the two Ponies then felt.

For the first time in his life, Solar just wished he had Luna’s hoof in his own, even if he had to let it go as she headed for the world of sleep.

But alas, a Pony, even an immortal Princess, must rest. Solar wasn’t so clingy to not understand that point. Letting her go with a heavy heart, Solar decided to bury his feelings with professionality as he had so often done. His love for Luna, and longing for her presence, would fuel his desire to do good by her, and work with Victus, so he could make his love proud.

“So…Solar?” Victus’ sudden interference into a mind, for once, in such a state of peace, was far from appreciated. Solar could only hope the Human’s words were limited. “I feel the need to say, call it a fresh start, that you needn’t worry about my peoples…advancement. We may not have had a splendid start, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the journey should be unpleasant.”

As far as interruptions go, that surely wasn’t the worst.

“Fine by me” Solar spoke dryly, genuinely hoping for a deficit in reasons to annoy him. “Just don’t go about messing things up for us, ok? The situation is delicate enough without Celestia stirring things up to make us seem like we are inviting some invaders.”

The point wasn’t lost on the Human. It seemed to really be the case now that the once arrogant, seemingly spoilt little brat that made himself so infamous upon his arrival, now had turned a new leaf, and was actually acting the responsible leader.

“Trust me, Commander. With how Princess Celestia acted in that meeting, I’m not sure Lord Vanq will be very approving. He hates weakness.”

Solar made a note to enquire more about this Lord Vanquisher, the brains behind the Human diplomatic mission. From the sounds of it, he didn’t seem like one to be messed with.

“Be sure to remember that day, Victus. Celestia has probably ordered the Guards here today to be extra twitchy. They’ll most likely take you in at the slightest hint of disruption.” Solar warned carefully, a little twitchy himself at the fragility of the stability of Equestria.

“Oh I’m remembering it” In fact, behind that thankful and kind exterior that had been on show for the crowd, lay a deeply cautious attitude, one Solar was glad to see. “I noticed a fair few odds looks at me from the Guards while I was shaking hooves. In fact, pretty sure there was an officer or something giving me the evils”.

Unwelcome news if a more perverse form of spying was currently being conducted. Looking around himself however, Solar could only spot lowly Day Guards, performing their legitimate duty.

“Where? Show me this Pony immediately!” Solar meant no ill will towards Victus, but his failure to show nearly enough professional panic here caused nothing short of anger within the Pony.

“Um, let me find him again…Ah! Just there!” Victus pointed, indicating towards an area of the square very much alike the position Solar currently was, an adjoining street perfect for watching in, but having the crowd to hide them somewhat. “You see? Guy who looks like he needs to shit.”

Solar did finally spot the Pegasus in question, and truthful as it was, he very nearly cracked as he found actual humour in Victus’ comment. Painting a perfect picture of him, the Human correctly acknowledged the grim, almost unhinged looked to the Pony in question. His coat was a brilliant white, it’s bright ferocity catching the sun light fully. His golden armour was limited, but very much there, and unlike the rest of his comrades, his protection was clearly of a higher quality.

No doubt that this was an experienced, higher ranked member of Celestia’s cohort. He seemed neither young nor old, but just old enough to have seen it all, explaining his gaze rather well. Solar couldn’t see his cutie mark but didn’t need to. Observing the muscular and very stoic form of the Pony, something was becoming very clear.

Any Day Guard, regardless of rank or role, had a set of armour easily distinguishable to any Pony in the know, designed in a way to give an indication to who they were, and how much they could be trusted by the populace. The latter point was clearly a thing of the past now for all Guards, given the fact their commander in chief was as unchained as a boat lost at sea, but the former may have been true. Or it may not have, for the Pegasi’s armour and accompanying uniform was unlike any Solar had ever come across, in his own time in the Guard or any of the years since.

Something just didn’t seem right at the scheme of this Pony. He was unquestionably one of Celestia’s, but his seclusion out here, combined with this unfamiliar look, constructed quite the conundrum for the Shadow Commander. Who exactly was this very suspicious Pony, and what harm was he here to ensure to Luna’s Night?

His presence was not one of security. His lonely and hidden position was anything but reassuring to others, and his riled look, complete with shifty eyes which looked searching for a target to crush almost, bode quite ill for a happy revelation.

“I don’t know who he is…” Solar said slowly, disappointed but otherwise too focused to feel any greater shame. “But he seems to be very interested in your Human’s.” Victus nodded, agreeing solemnly with Solar. “Obviously one of Celestia’s, and not a Guard of hers who will remain passive. Have your wits about you, Victus.”

“I’ll keep a hawk like eye for him, and the boys won’t let anything happen to me. Will you?” Only then did Solar fully realise the armed Humans who had escorted Victus from the wall were standing silently still, just off the street. Like many of their kin, Solar could see nothing but foreboding armour, but unlike the rest, these two steel statues carried huge pole axe like weaponry, sharpened to an unnerving point.

“Say hello to Impasse and Trench. Two very stalwart protectors of mine!”

Solar remembered the naming conventions used by many Human’s. In a way not too unlike Ponies, who often had names that could describe their personality well, so did many Humans have names derived from any of their great deeds, or even just simple actions. As such, many Human’s in their youths apparently went without a name at all, waiting until they made a literal name for themselves, and ceased being just another mere life form.

“Very…guard like names, I guess?” concluded Solar, who looked upon these two figures with unsettled eyes, seeing not Guards, but wardens of fear and death.

“Yeah, that’s why they are here today. Impasse got his name from holding a raiding party off, back home.”


Then pointing to the remaining Human, acting as if these totally identical towers of immobility could be differentiated between, Victus introduced his other escort.

“And that’s Trench, I think. Unless I got them mixed up, he got his name from, well, being in a trench for a long time.”

With an unimpressed frown, Solar had to ask more. It almost seemed sad that many Humans were cursed with such inconsequential labels.

“A trench? Is that…it?” For a moment, Solar feared he had offended this Trench, but alas, as stoic and devoid of emotion as they had been thus far, so did they remain that way.

“A trench of mud, rot and disease that he spent in for weeks on end, holding the enemy off…and killing twenty-nine foolish attackers as they fell into what became their shallow graves.”

Ok, then I suppose the name is more fitting.

The Human world, each passing day, ever more seemed one not fit for civilisation. If Humanity had come here to seek refugee status, then Solar wouldn’t even blame them. Death and misery was as familiar as the air they breathed, it seemed.

“I would honestly love to find out more.” Solar eventually said, his professional desire to learn for Luna complemented nicely by his natural curiosity to find out just how bad things could get in the Human world. “The more we learn of each other, the stronger bond we can establish.”

Victus did not complain at the request. On the contrary, his eyes brightened at the prospect of seeming the informed one on the matters, which, of course, Solar could not argue against. If acquiring information useful to the Night meant Victus got to act the intelligent one for the day, then it was a price Solar was willing to pay.

“I’d be more than willing to help you with that! But I’m afraid I have scheduled appointments. My mind is needed elsewhere”.

Instantly Solar began to resent the Human, out of purely petty reasons. Maybe it was just the way his life had been spent, always looking over his shoulder and always mistrusting all, but sudden suspicion over anything that now wasn’t eager to support the Night was showing itself to be forming quite a routine.

“Your ‘mind’…” Solar mocked, albeit not too cruelly. “Make sure whatever intellect you have is put to good use, or we will bleed you dry in your sleep!”

Sweet Luna, I’m turning more Shadow by the day. Have I grown my vampire fangs yet?

“Spoken just like the late Commander Starvation, Solar! He was always an excellent judge of situation and character, but he never stated I was dumb.” It was curious that Victus suddenly brought the Commander up, for if given the chance, Solar would be sure to enquire about his death to the other Human’s. “But anyway, many of the guys are going down to a place they call ‘The Golden Spear Inn’. You know it?”

Laughing, Solar remembered on days gone by. Of course he knew the place! It was infamous for drunken Guards letting off steam. It was the almost holy land for the Guards that Solar had brought up, upon meeting the Princess of Friendship back in Ponyville, and her escort required proof he could be trusted. Considering them among days long gone, considering the contrast in fortunes between then and now, Solar could be confident he would find the place.

“Yeah, I remember it well.”

Victus turned to look upon a diminishing crowd, watching Ponies flock out the square as if they were stalking the Human’s.

“Go talk to them if you like. I might meet you later if you are still there. I might need a drink after hanging around the high and mighty of your country.”

Solar understood now. Victus was to meet the wealth generators. The stiff upper lips. Nobility ever did remain a class of Ponies to be in the good graces of.

“Ah, mingling even further in the corridors of power, huh Victus? Should we be worried?”

This fear was not unfounded. Utmost loyalty, unless it was derived from love, was seldom found. With an ongoing conspiracy, pure logic dictated the possibility that Victus may in fact, be up to no good. Of course, Solar was not actively worrying over the Human, but it was yet another question mark to add to the already gargantuan pile.

“Reconsidering the pact, Solar?” Victus was quick to retaliate, striking straight at Solar’s point. For an individual once seen to be weak and cowardly, it seemed today spirit was in abundance, and challenging Solar’s resolve to see if he too was suspicious to the point of not trusting even his partners, was the quality of a sharp and confident mind.

“Not at all. Just curious”. Solar had been spared from the shame of defeat, but for now, Victus was free to go where he wished.

“That’s good, because here’s hoping the Princess Luna, and indeed you, shall benefit from my…mingling.”

The scepticism was dropped, if only for today. Victus was growing into his role.

“Besides…” the Human continued, deviating his mind from confrontation. “When you get an invitation from someone called ‘Fancy Pants’, how can you even say no? I mean, can you even imagine naming your child something like that?”

Solar was not overly defensive over Equestria and the Ponies that lie within it, but being on the receiving end of an insult, however in jest it might have been, suddenly formed quite the patriotic feeling within him, as if it was up to him to defend the honour of his country.

“Can you imagine being named ‘Starvation’ or ‘Trench’?” Solar spat back. “Let’s revaluate which species is the weird one, shall we?”

Preparing to leave with an almost excited haste, Victus didn’t lower himself to petty retaliations. In his mind, this was the fun bickering between two state of the art, and very strange friendships.

How progressive of me. Princess Twilight would be proud of the walls I’m apparently braking.

“Touché!” Victus granted, proving that this may very well be a one sides relationship. “And a mighty Victory for Equestria that I will not challenge, for I am requested by those cultured to levels we could never achieve! So, farewell for now?”

Being dumped into an alignment that Victus gave Solar no say in being part of, Solar cursed his association with this Human above all, considering it to be constraining should alliances shift, but nonetheless put on a very unpractised smile, as he too said good bye to the Human.

Leaving promptly with his silent guardians, Victus once more entered the fray of freshly formed fame, and found himself socialising to unheard of levels. Solar however, giving one more investigatory eye to the mistrustful Pegasus of Celestia’s wish of omnipotence, eventually left the other way, destined for the Golden Spear Inn.

His walk was uneventful, and quite quiet, most likely because the Humans were sucking attention from all over Canterlot to wherever they currently were. His mind however, was anything but at peace. After speaking to an energetic, seemingly reinvigorated Victus, an individual practically destined for politics, Solar was left considering his own traits. Who was he now that he had it all? Circumstances did not allow him to be a loyal and ever caring partner to Luna, not while she was so unsafe. So did this mean he was just another soldier on the frontlines, however influential he may be?

Solar knew now he was capable of love, but he was not the political maneuverer that Victus was. He loved Luna dearly, but as this lonely Shadow ventured towards his destination, realisation that he was indeed, not a diplomat as Victus was proving to be, became clear. He was a weapon, wielded by Luna now, and a weapon’s uses were best used against one’s enemies, be they Human, Pony or anything else that stood in his way.