//------------------------------// // Waking up to a little girl // Story: The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective // by Evowizard25 //------------------------------// Twilight couldn't help but hold onto the warm body in front of her. She didn't know exactly who it was, but in her sleepy state, she didn't care. She felt like she needed to hold them to her for comfort. It was an odd feeling but she actually liked it. A smile crept onto her face as the waking world finally started to come to her. Her eyes fluttered open and a small part of her wondered if last night was a dream. She couldn't have summoned a small child, right? A small child that was hers… It was a dream. Oh sure, she had been teased by her mother about having grandchildren. That had died down after Shining had gotten married. Now she could be content to be an aunt but that wasn't the end of it. Twilight would never say it, but at the back of her mind, she always wanted to be a mother. Perhaps it was her own natural instincts. Ponies are very family oriented creatures after all. That she knew of. If it was just instincts, she could keep it to herself like everypony else. It was just a dream. So she opened her eyes and looked down at what she held in her arms. "Hi mommy," a small child smiled up at her. Twilight wanted to scream in fright. Last night was real. It was all real. Normally she would scream, but the smile the child gave her stopped her from going on a tangent…. For about a few seconds. She let out a loud yelp and rolled over. Unfortunately, that meant she fell out of her bed. She let out a small groan from the sensation. "Mommy!" The little girl, Assassin if she remembered, rushed over to her side. "Are you okay?" Twilight blinked in surprise as she looked at the girl. She was real. Last night actually happened. She had summoned a magical being… and that being was now her daughter. Twilight closed her eyes. No. She couldn't panic. This wasn't the time for it. She moved her hand over her chest back and forth away from her as she started to regulate her breathing. It was a trick her former babysitter and now sister in law, Princess Cadance, had taught her. Once she was done, she looked up at Assassin with a smile. "Of course I am. Mommy's just a bit surprised to see you here is all." The girl tilted her head to the side, "Why? We wanted to be with mommy. Is that… bad?" The girl seemed to shrink away slightly. "No, no, no." Twilight shook her head, quickly going up to pat the girl on the head. This instantly put the girl in a better mood as she smiled happily. "I'm just a worrywart. I'm glad you're okay, Assassin." "And we're glad mommy's okay too," Assassin smiled up at her. Twilight noticed that she talked in third person. This wasn't anything new to her. Princess Luna used to do the same thing. She did help her out of it, but now wasn't the time. Besides, she was sure that Luna could help her better once they returned to Equestria. Oh, it would be so exciting to see how Assassin interacted with pony magic. She'd have to make sure it was safe for her of course. Even if she was curious, she wouldn't hurt someone to know the answer. This went especially for her new daughter. … Which she still needed to research about. Being a mother was an unknown and that never sat well with her. "Oh good," Spike spoke up. "You're awake. Was hoping to talk to you a bit before Shirou wakes up." "Why is mommy living with a man?" Assassin asked. "Is he our daddy?" Twilight blushed heavily at the thought. Making a baby with Shirou? That was ludicrous. Absurd. Hot. She smacked her cheeks to clear away that malicious thought, "No he's not." "Then can I eat him?" Assassin asked like she was talking about the weather. Both Spike and Twilight just stared at her for a moment, both equally disturbed by the notion. Twilight stood up and sat down on the bed, "Assassin, sweetie. We do not eat people." "Why not?" "Because that's bad," Twilight wagged her finger at her. "That's harming someone who's done no wrong to you. Even if they have, there is always a chance to turn someone's life around. You should never kill and eat people." "But people are bad," Assassin huffed. "They hurt us. Not like mommy." She hugged Twilight, "Mommy is warm and light. You're different." Twilight smiled and patted her head, "Well, mommy doesn't want you to go around killing anyone okay?" Assassin nodded, "Okay." "Besides," Twilight asked. A small bit of her was curious about this. "Why would you eat anyone?" "Because I'm hungry," Assassin frowned. "We're a servant so we need magic to survive so that means we have to eat souls to make ourselves strong." Twilight paled at the thought of eating another person's soul. Now that was disturbing, "Well do you feel 'hungry' right now?" Assassin paused to think about it before shaking her head, "Mommy has a lot of magic. We're good. Although, we'd still like to eat something." Twilight booped her nose, "No people. I'll go get you some cereal or something." "And how are you going to explain two meals?" Spike quirked an eyebrow. "Well…" Twilight rubbed her head. "I'll just be really sneaky about it. Shirou is a nice guy. I'm sure he won't mind giving a growing girl an extra meal." Spike huffed, "Just because you're cute, doesn't mean he won't be suspicious." "I am not cute." Spike gave her a deadpan stare, "Twilight, even if you're a bookworm and I'm a dragon, I can tell. That and the number of suitors you had even before becoming an alicorn were more than I can count." Twilight blinked in surprise, "I had suitors." "You never noticed them," Spike tapped his nose. "Too busy burying your face into a book." Twilight huffed and rolled her eyes, "Well sorry a girl wants to further her education." She gasped and looked at Assassin, "Oh no. I almost forgot about Assassin." She had a daughter and she hadn't given her a single book yet. She was the worst mother ever! Twilight immediately went into her bookbag and looked through it. She gave a sigh of relief before she pulled out the history book. "There we go. Knowledge." She gave it to Assassin, "Remember, Assassin. Books are our friends." Assassin nodded, "Yes mommy." "Please don't turn her into an egghead," Spike groaned. "I already can barely survive keeping up with one." Twilight narrowed her eyes, "Just for that, no ice cream for a week." Spike's groaning grew louder, "Oh stop being a big baby. If you're a good boy, I'll forget about it." Their little banter was cut short when someone knocked on the door. "Hey Sparkle?" Shirou called out to her. "Are you alright? I heard you cry out." "Oh I just fell out of bed," Twilight called out to him before turning to Assassin and whispering. "I need you to be good for mommy and don't show yourself to anyone. They can't know about magic." Assassin nodded, "We've got it, mommy." Then she turned invisible. Twilight smiled. That would surely come in handy when she went to school. She couldn't just drop off Assassin anywhere. So she turned to Spike, "Watch over Assassin." Spike saluted her, "You can count on me." "Can we come with you, mommy?" Assassin popped back into existence. Twilight shook her head and leaned down. She kissed Assassin's forehead. While she wasn't familiar with how one should be a mother, she remembered what her own mother did for her. Yes, while this situation was strange, Equestrians were known for going with the flow if something wasn't going to hurt them. "You stay here with your Uncle Spike. I'll be back in no time." "You promise?" Twilight smiled and nuzzled her, causing the girl to giggle. "I promise." Within a church in the city of Fuyuki, a priest stood before a statue of Christ hanging from the cross. There weren't any people present aside from him which was understandable. Japan had few christians, as the nation was mostly Shinto or Buddhists. The absence of the faithful did not bother the priest. Neither did seeing the tortured visage of Christ. The sinful nature inside relished the image, for reasons that were most certainly unholy. He would never speak of it of course. No doubt God put those thoughts within him. Why else would he be as he is now? His hands that clasped themselves over the bible opened it, reading the holy scripture for guidance and to pass the time. That's when the doors were thrust open, "Kirei, what are you doing? I thought we were going to replenish my energy and yet I find you absent from our little dungeon." The priest closed his book and turned to look at the arrogant man before him. He was wearing a lackadaisy outfit and a gold necklace. His blonde hair framed itself over the smug look on the handsome man, "I was just thinking about a few things and needed some time with the Lord." The man sneered, "That God of yours. I fail to see why you need worship such a foolish creature when you have someone of my magnificence around." "I do not know how to respond to that," Kirei sighed, knowing full well his guest's views on the gods. "Assassin has been summoned." The golden man smiled, "The servant of shadows? Excellent. Hopefully this one will prove to be more entertaining than the last miserable one you summoned. Now that was a disgrace to servants everywhere." "They performed their job well," Kirei countered even if he felt no connection with his previous servant in the fourth war. In fact, he couldn't recall much of any deep connection with anyone in his life. Such was his fate. "To die, of course." The man clapped. "Perhaps I'll seek out this Assassin and get a good look myself." "Gilgamesh," Kirei spoke up. "You aren't supposed to reveal yourself." "I will do what I want," Gilgamesh snapped. "I am not just some mongrel you can order around, Kirei. You must remember that. I favor you but that can only get you so far with me. Besides, I am no fool. I will watch from afar. However, if they do interest me, I shall take them as my own." He gave a wistful sigh, "If only my beloved Saber could have joined us." "Only a miracle could allow for you to meet her again." "A miracle," Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow. "Then why don't you ask your corpse god for one. Maybe he'll grant me my wish." "The Lord does not-" "The Lord will answer to the King," Gilgamesh scoffed. "My new world order shall be ruled by none other than myself. I tire of this conversation, Kirei. Come. Let us finish with those mongrels you keep downstairs. I grow weary." Kirei sighed and went to follow. The servant of the shadows was one not to be taken lightly. He only hoped that the servant would be in the hands of someone unlike his rival and didn't know how to use an assassin efficiently. Knowing most magus, that was probably the case. If it wasn't the case, well, Kirei would look forward to putting them down himself.