//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Tempting Shadow // by Element of Power //------------------------------// Tempest Residence POV Second person Your eyes strained to open from their sleep, desperate to stay closed. You open them anyway, and get a blast of sunshine directly into your eyeball. "AAH! FUCK!". Rubbing your eyes, you slowly rise into a sitting position, muscles aching from you slumber. As soon as your eyes adjusted to the sunshine of the morning, you looked down. You were sitting on a small couch, covered by a thin blanket. 'That doesn't make any sense, where am I?'. Then it all came crashing back to your mind, memories stabbing at your brain like needles. The running. The man. The gun. The pain. That smile... your death. You felt woozy, your brain aching, the space behind your eyes shooting with pain. 'That didn't happen... It couldn't have happened... I'm alive, right?' You slowly sink lower and lower to the couch, curling up in a fetal position. The memories, still rushing through your head, suddenly progressed forward. You saw darkness, light, and everything in between. You saw a blurry green, an assortment of unfocused flora? Then, a different colored blur came into view. A dark purple splotch, with dark red at the top. This made you catch your breath.'When did this happen?' You tried remembering what it was you saw, but ended up unsuccessful. Slowly, the memories came to a stop, relieving your throbbing head of its pain, but not your aching heart of its sorrow. For the first time since you awoke, you started shedding tears. Curled up, you cried, not caring who would see you. Tempest Residence POV Tempest Tempest, awakening from her slumber as well, also got the burning sun treatment. Blinking the burn and sleep from her eyes, she gathered herself together before leaving her bed. She trotted over to her mirror, looking at her reflection. So much had happened the other day, things she didn't think were possible. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't sure whether or not it was a good idea to bring the creature to her home. Then, a thought occurred. 'It might also be waking up soon.' Tempest wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but she made up her mind. "If it wakes up, I should be there for it, to make sure it's okay. Nopony should be alone when they don't know where they are." Heading out of her room, she slowly made her way down the hall, trying her best to avoid making any noise. Reaching the steps, she started down the stairs, stopping just as the ceiling went past her head. Tempest looked into the living room, and was shocked by what she saw. She had been expecting it to be asleep, or walking around, or just gone completely, but instead, it was curled up on the couch, crying. Although she knew nothing about the creature, it broke her heart to hear such sad sounds coming from it. Her own eyes started to tear and blur her vision. Making her way down the stairs again, Tempest then quietly went over to the crying form of the creature. Unsure of what to do, she decided to sit in front of the couch, and rest her head on top of its hoof... or whatever it was. As she did this, she noticed the creature lessen the crying, slowly opening its eyes to look at her. Tempest looked back, before nuzzling her head against its appendage a bit more. She couldn't stand to see it like this. A minute passed, then something happened. The creature raised its other appendage, before bringing it down to slowly rub her head. Tempest's eyes widened, before slowly closing in unexpected bliss. 'That feels sooo good...' Tempest Residence POV Second Person You keep crying, shuddering breaths being taken. You hear a creak in front of you, but you don't open your eyes. Whatever it was, it was lost to your ears, only focusing on your sorrow. Suddenly, you feel something warm and fuzzy on your hand, softly rubbing it. Your crying falters, while you open your eyes slightly. Through the tears, you notice something bizarre. It was the same purple blob you saw in your memories. This time, your eyes start to clear up. Slowly coming into focus, the blob takes form. First, its head became more defined, becoming what looked like the head of a dog, but more rounded, and with a tall mohawk-like mane. Then, you realize. 'Wait, it has a mane? That would make it a horse, but no horse is this small... a PONY! That's what this is.' Eyeing the pony closer, something stands out. On top of its head, in the forehead area, a small stump was protruding. It looked to be what remains of a broken horn. A unicorn.Though you didn't show it, this fact confused and scared you beyond anything. 'That doesn't make any sense... am I dead or not?' Studying its head further, you can see a scar that crossed over its eye, covered in a lighter purple than its coat. Looking over the rest of it, you saw a dark purple body, covered partially by a black jumpsuit, with a mark near the end. It looked like two lightning bolts next to each other, like an insignia. Unsure of how to react to this insane turn of events, your brain is fighting over what to do. Still suffering with grief, the need for comfort overtook the logical ideas. Slowly, you lift your hand, aiming to put it on its head. When you made contact, you noticed how short, yet fluffy the fur was, like a plushie stuffed animal. You slowly rubbed it's head, relaxing yourself, and in turn, the pony as well. It made you forget your troubles for a time, the repetitive motion of your hand, the softness of the pony's fur, the warmth shared between the two beings. You felt calm, collected, at peace. ... *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "It's ME! Are you there! BecauseIcan'twaittoaskyoutoattendthepartyIamthrowingandIwantedtoknowwhatflavorsyoulikeandwhatflavorsthecreatureonyourcouchlikesandifitlikes..." You are startled so badly, both you and the pony come crashing to the floor in a heaping mess. You couldn't see anything through the mass of fur. Rapidly situating yourself, you see the pony has a red tinge to its face, under it's large and surprisingly expressive eyes. Suddenly, the door flings open, and standing in the doorway... was another pony. It had a large, floofy dark pink mane, with bright pink fur. It was bouncing up and down, then spoke. "Did I come at a bad time?" You proceeded to, once again, lose consciousness.