Our new Friends, Our new Enemies

by The Potato Guy

Chapter 34: Beer and brawling

It had been quite the while since Solar had so desperately wished he was already sat comfortably, pouring a questionably high amount of alcohol down his parched throat.

That was the reality as he ventured towards the Golden Spear Inn. A Pony of immense strength and influence, capable of wrecking every Pony’s life he came across today, if he thought it required, yet now reduced to craving fool as if he was ready to waste all his bits on yet another heavy drinking session. For a stiff drink now seemed the only cure to the stresses of today, and only once he looked upon the bottom of that glass would he know he his worries had subsided, or at least enough to require another order.

Fortunately for this new found addiction, the Inn was peacefully quiet, its patrons instead distracted by wherever the Humans may currently be. This begged the question however, why weren’t they here? Victus had told Solar that many of his people were venturing to this very establishment, most likely, like Solar himself, to gain that very particular courage that came from an empty flagon.

The most logical reason behind this delay was that, because the place was so empty, the Humans were still having the pleasure of practically meeting every Pony in Canterlot. The masses of bodies out there was probably literally holding them up like a forceful wind.

“Hey!” cried out Solar to an unsuspecting passing waitress, who despite clearly not knowing who Solar really was, seemed very much fearful of him as if she knew the full power of the Shadows. “Bread and ale!” Food would not go amiss as he awaited his guests, content in his secluded corner of the place, and comfortable watching the world go by through the window.

It had been many years since he had last visited the Golden Spear Inn. Not since he was in the Guards had he stumbled out the exit, intoxicated to foolish levels. Because of that quite clear pattern each and every time he had come here, the qualities and appearance of the Inn had quite escaped his memory. Unlike the lavish and in your face nature of the majority of Canterlot, bar places Luna could call her own, this inn was modest, its décor more like a common country road inn, with exposed wooden beams, a roaring fire and a very old worldly charm to it. It portrayed a very cozy like quality to Solar, who understood why this calm and relaxing setting made for a popular establishment for Guards off duty.

“Y-yes sir.” Meekly replied the poor mare, who seemed to rush away from Solar as if he had just scared her off. Such a thing, if true, did not concern the Shadow Commander. He was a stranger here, under no current obligation to charm as Luna was required of. In honesty however, it was not some careless attitude towards being recognised that dictated his current mood set. The very fact that, as mysteries mounted and responsibilities regarding the Night increased, it was now clear that Solar could not so liberally, and like his attitude towards the waitress, remain so careless when it came to his new relationship with Luna. Because of Celestia and all the trouble she had caused, and continued to ensue, Solar could not be himself fully around the one he loved, and his right to essential freedom was restricted, causing him a harm he had never before experienced.

Of course, if anything, this muting in his very person at least gave him strength enough to fight the good fight, and ensure Celestia’s destructive meddling was kept to a minimum, and her rule, even less so. As the timid waitress finally returned with his order, Solar did at least manage a polite smile for her, if only one born of a slightest glimmer of hope.

“T-that’ll be four bits, S-sir” the young unicorn barely managed. What about his voice and appearance that frightened her so, Solar could not say.

“Four?!” suddenly replied the Shadow, shock and disbelief nestled within his booming, a factor easily linked to the waitresses small ‘eep’ of fear. Bored of such a weak display however, Solar did not continue in his lamenting at the state of economy, and payed his due.

The transition of funds however did not end the pitiful display of fear that stood before him. Petrified still as if he had just seen a ghost, the waitress simply stared at Solar with a rather disconcerting look, and not one Solar wished to experience in any longer.

“The fuck you think you’re doing?” Spat Solar with, as Luna would probably classify as, unjustified aggression. Still, it served its purpose. The waitress did not remain in a daydreaming state for long, not as her body recoiled in shock, and sprang into the air. “Yeah, welcome back to the real world. I suggest you quit staring. Some might consider it…rude.”

A part of his mind loudly chastised him for instilling the fear of Tartarus in the innocent girl. It told him Luna would have been the moral anchor here, and restrained his more furious tendencies. She would have been the rock he needed, but alas, she was not here, and it was up to him, and him alone to make her proud. In whatever way he thought best to tell her.

“I-I’m so s-sorry Sir!” The mare managed, stuttering like a fool. “I-its…j-just…” her inability to construct simple sentences couldn’t even anger Solar properly. With an eye roll that surely span more than more than it should have, Solar could only grow in disbelief that such a broken soul existed out here, serving the public no less.

“It’s just what?” Solar almost mocked back, being anything but helpful in reality. “Well? Spit it out!”

Another feeble ‘eep’, and another reason for Solar to regret the state of Equestrian society.

“I-I don’t quite k-know sir….” Now Solar could only stare. What was the obvious reaction to be made, when a Pony so absurdly wasted his time with a personality, of such thin skin, that was now falling apart as if her mind was a cheap house build on quicksand? Suffice to say, this lost cause of an interaction did not serve to cool Solar’s temper.

“Then quit staring, stop acting like an idiot, and do your job!” To act like the Father of this Pony was not a role he took any pride in. His appearance, with no sense of narcissism, was not peculiar, nor was his look that day any reason to be noteworthy. As he entered the Inn, he entered as just another customer, albeit it obviously one with quite the fiery attitude.

“O-of course! S-sir. I’m sorry!” With that, the waitress did the only wise thing she had done today, and made a hasty retreat from the scene of her foolishness.

Solar was left questioning reality, as he exhaled deeply in part from just having the situation end, but also in some vain attempt to calm him down. Looking away, and taking a glance of the outside scenery didn’t help much either, as he was only reminded of his continued lonely presence, with not a Human in sight.

Solitude however, lasted far shorter than he had expected.

At first, he thought the waitress had returned, either to stutter an unwanted apology, or even just to engage in her irritating behaviour once more. But when the Pony proceeded to sit opposite him, it was clear that this stranger was not one known to Solar, nor one desired.

“Um, can I help you?” Solar asked, in agitated disbelief as the hooded Pony literally joined him in his booth, very clearly intruding on his personal space. “There’s plenty of other places to sit.”

Solar reigned in his tongue, or at least it’s more violent tendencies. Today would not be known as the day he beat up some idiot. Yet no movement came from the Pony, clad in an almost cloak like hoodie like piece of clothing. It covered most of its body, and concealed its face in total darkness.

This was no chance encounter, for nopony ever did such an outrageous thing if they weren’t seeking their shocked counterpart out. If anything, this alone stopped Solar from slapping the audacity out of the stranger, and not because the levels of discomfort were rising from being in a moment that wouldn’t surprise him if a knife suddenly came from beneath this Pony’s concealment.

“Leave. Now. I will not ask again!” Solar’s words were clear, and dripping in threat. With a maintained gaze of intended harm, nopony could now say this stranger went unwarned, even if they were as dumb as the waitress. Yet no change came. The Pony remained still, as if he or she was a long lost friend.

Solar’s anger only grew at this. He didn’t care if Celestia had put a generous price on his head. He wanted this Pony gone asap, and every moment that went by with his booth occupied more than Solar desired it to be, was a moment ever closer to having to pull some strings, and pardon his crimes as if was a dictatorial despot.

“You must seriously have a death wish, friend! I’ll give you to the count of three until I-“

At first, Solar thought his threat to have succeeded. His voice did certainly convey enough aggression to frighten Ponies, the waitress was a testament to that. Unlike her however, Solar legitimately did feel an urge to strike now, so it was extremely fortunate that this Pony had, however late, finally cottoned on to the reality that faced them.

The true reality, however, was not this though.

“Friend?!” The figure cried out. “You called me a friend kekek.”

Pent up rage wasn’t healthy, Solar knew that. He would have liked nothing more than to perform the correct choice of action and allowed his frustrations to vent out, even if it came out with broken bones for his opposite. Unfortunately, this Pony’s voice was more than familiar, and even if it wasn’t, that very distinct form of laughter very much was.

“Damn it Neon! What are you doing here?!” It was truly lucky that the Inn was so deserted today, for Solar’s cries of surprise would have surely raised certain eyebrows, and gain the attention of the less desirables of todays polarised society.

Lowering her hood, the Thestral Neon Edgy revealed a rather unusual set of sunglasses, as well as a very toothy smile, complete with razor sharp fangs perfect for piercing flesh.

“The Princess told me to look out for you.” She replied as if it were all a game. “You’re a good boy for staying inside. The sun hurts, Commander.”

In response, the leader of his opposite couldn’t really care that Neon was up past her bed time. He was meant to be In charge of his Shadow’s and fully aware of their duties and actions. Yet here he was, jumped upon by one as if he was about to get his throat ripped out.

“Why did she tell you to do that? She knew where I was going!” A sudden realisation then hit him however, as if he had indeed been attacked. “Are you saying she didn’t trust me or whatever?” That was a painful, saddening fact if confirmed. Trust was the basis of any healthy relationship, and a bond lacking it was a bond lacking, period.

“We all trust you!” Neon shot back, almost a tear in her eye. “You’re our Commander, Commander. And our Queen loves you for it!” Ignoring the near offence taken by Neon from the comment, which Solar wouldn’t dare admit that he felt pity for, it was curious to hear the word ‘love’ thrown at there. Not willing to discuss it though, Solar was left alone in his musings or whether Neon had meant love in the more supportive use of the word, or the kind that proclaimed him the luckiest stallion in the world.

“Ok, ok!” Solar conceded, unsure if this very odd Bat Pony was about to tear up. “But ignoring the speed of which she sent you here, why do I need looking after again?” It was a valid point. Times were dangerous for sure, but he wasn’t the helpless Pony that he was sure nopony believed he was. And he was the leader of the Shadow’s, a rank he wouldn’t have received if Luna thought him incapable somehow.

“Silly Solar, the Queen doesn’t think you’re a baby. Babies are cute and although you can be cute sometimes…. actually I don’t like your flat teeth so if you want to be cute grow some fangs like me, you see?” Deviating completely off topic, Neon prided herself with an affirmatory grin that allowed her pointy fangs to be on full display.


The thing was however, that in the space of just a single sentence, Neon had seemed to fall completely of the trail, and forgotten she was even discussing a quite important topic.

“Neon!” Solar commanded, a sense of compelling authority in his voice that managed to win the attention of his Shadow. “You were saying?”

Giggling in that strange Bat Pony way of giggling, Neon didn’t even seem shamed that she had easily been swayed by her own distractions. “Oh yeah, we just thought it would be better that you knew you weren’t alone. You know, that you’ve got other Ponies to help you out now. Teamwork is always better.”

Seriously, bless Luna.

Solar was honestly thankful for where his heart now lay. Clearly, fortune was smiling upon him, as now he had another to not only consider him when they weren’t even together, but to remember their misgiving and faults. True love did not lie, and it did not cause both Ponies to walk down a dark path. Luna, by acknowledging Solar’s darker and lonelier past, knew unity as a group would come unfamiliar to him, but ultimately, it would prove beneficial to him. It took a brave and loving heart to blatantly point out another’s downfalls, and it took an even braver and greater loving heart to try and fix them.

Solar was lucky he had Luna there, even though she wasn’t there currently.

“Mmm” grumbled the Shadow Commander as if felt quite flustered at realising the extent of his care. As much as he was now able to accept the assistance of love, acknowledging it out loud, to anypony else, was an entirely different matter.

Not that it mattered to his present company. Neon Edgy’s mind was surely so warped, that Solar was sure he could have broken down in loving, poetic tears meant for his dear Luna, and she would have just sat there, with that ever slightly, almost unhinged look to her. Yet as was the case upon their first meeting, Neon was a puzzle if there ever was one. As it seemed, not only was she capable of the actions of a disturbed mind.

“We’ve got your back, Commander. You may not be a Thestral, but you’re one of us, because Queen Luna has deemed you to have been consecrated by the stars.”

Surprisingly honest and plain for one such as her. And thinking about it, surprisingly kind. That rare moment, where Solar had felt honoured by the words and trust of another, was really hitting into him lately.

“Um…Thanks Neon.” Solar replied, quite taken back at the support he was receiving, to which the Bat Pony opposite him beamed a look of sincerity, and crucially, loyalty.

Solar had to admit. It was quite nice, and made a welcome change, in being loyal to somepony that wasn’t himself, and revelled in a sense of collective loyalty with those he could call his allies.

“You’re not going to sink those fangs into me at night, are you? Not sure if I’m ready to become Thestral just yet.” Solar finished, unsure himself of whether or not he was joking.

Kekekek” Laughed Neon, her peculiar method of expressing humour ever cutting straight through Solar. “Bad Commander! Thestrals have too many stupid stories about them”.

This was delicate ground. Part of the reason behind Luna’s support, at least in Thestral circles, was that they believed themselves demonised against. Such false rumours did not serve to paint them in any favourable light. Luckily, Neon regarded Solar highly, and took no offence.

“But you drink on blood. Right?”

Questions purely born from a curious mind, meant to pass time if nothing else.

“Yes, if we want.” Bluntly replied Neon, not offended but just proving another side to her erratic nature. “The Human’s eat meat. Do you think they feed on blood too?” With this, Neon offered a helping hoof, and aimed towards outside movement, showing to Solar the ones he was truly awaiting.

“Ah!” chirped up Solar, relieved his purpose here was finally being realised. About to enter the Inn were a group of about five armoured Human’s, surely glad they had escaped the obsessiveness of the crowd. “At last, we can get down to bus- “yet as her turned to face his companion, Solar was suddenly faced with an empty seat, as if he had always been alone.

Second guessing one’s mind was never a healthy thing, and considering just who Neon was proving herself to be, Solar did not feel the fool. Although she could literally not at all be spotted anywhere else in the Inn, which was quite remarkable, Solar dismissed this with a shrug, and awaited the actions and moves of Humanity.

In they came. A group of metallic giants, a whiff of threat suddenly began to appear. This was a reminder that their people weren’t as simple as the weary fear a Griffon or Dragon would instil in Ponies. The Humans seemed unpredictable, and crucially, this made them puzzling in their day to day actions. Was this a race who should be treated cautiously? Their antics may be much more destructive outside of diplomatic circles.

Mystery bred questions, and Solar was determined to have them answered. For now though, he sat quietly and idly, content as his role as a Shadow. Ever vigilant. Ever watching.

That and the ale was good. Better than he remembered.

“Oh my!” Cried out the voice of the meek waitress from before. This time, Solar conceded any cruel judgment. For many, if not most, Humanity had never had the eyes of the public upon them. For the majority of Equestria, they simply had never a Human before in their entire lives.

Humanity in return, had barely reacted with Equestria. Bar the more highly ranked figures among them, any interactions with Ponykind most likely happened in their first week in the country, before they had been relegated to stand in isolation in and by their tower. As such, the level of discomfort, even among a large group of Human’s, armoured to unnatural extents, was extraordinary high. Worryingly, for Solar was well aware that a cornered animal was a dangerous animal. He could only hope, for now at least, that the Human’s would remain calm, and the waitress competent.

“Do you do alcohol?” Said one Human, plainly and demandingly, as he removed his portentous looking helmet. His face was severe, and very much one of irritated anger. Solar was no expert of Human features, but his pale skin, harsh skull structure and jet black hair and beard ensured the waitress must have greatly felt scared, if she wasn’t already after her encounter with Solar.

“U-Um…Y-yes S-sir. We do. We serve alcohol.” Stuttering was not a good look, and if Solar had felt like he was watching a disaster unfolding before his very eyes, what must the opinion of Humanity be? What with their unsociable attitudes, and stories of regular hardship back home.

“Just say yes next time.” Replied the gruff looking Human, his armour the only thing complimenting in pure contrast to his savage persona. “So tell us where to sit! You think we’ve been here before?!”

That poor mare. First she had been subjected to torturous frustration from Solar, and now she was being scolded by strange tall beasts from another land. A species she knew nothing of, and one whom could be the very end of her. Quite regularly, Solar found empathy a far off friend. Through all his far off adventures and uncompromising approach, remaining calm was an important thing to him. For a city native, unused to the diversity of the world, sudden brutality of far off lands had little difficulty negating that Pony to nothing but a frightened child.

“Celestia save me!” practically cried out the terrified Waitress, almost unaware her expressions were so loudly shared with the room. “A-anywhere. To sit…” All sense of composure of proper procedure had abandoned her. She could be forgiven for thinking today would not be a good day, what with Solar there and rowdy crowds outside. A group of seemingly conquering giants, bent of causing her distress, was not surely on her list of predictions.

Her reaction was understandable, to all but the Humans themselves. Literally looking down upon the shaking mess that was meant to be serving them, the lead speaker among them could only watch her with complete distain. He may have not interacted with Ponykind for long, but this surely wasn’t the best of starts.

“Pathetic. Cowardly weakling!”

Solar couldn’t necessarily disagree with his assessment, but unlike his dismissal of the girl, he had not meant it in such an aggressive manner. This Human looked upon the waitress with pure hatred, having only conversed with her once.

The truth was, evidently, that the Human had judged this Pony the moment he saw her, and he saw only weakness.

This was the mind of Solar not but a few months ago. As he ripped apart his bread, and watered it down with ale as dark as the void, eyes loyal to Luna studied the group of Human’s carefully as they sat around a large bench, already laughing and conversing loudly as if they purposely wished to disrupt the peace. Clearly, these Humans were a perfect representation of everything he had heard about their world. Tough, uncompromising and utterly without mercy. They respected strength, and nothing less.

A relatively uncivilised trait, and not one as unique as they most likely hoped it to be. Stray away from cities and populations, and one could find all manner of creatures and lost individuals who, above all, cared only about strength, and the tenacity of all its familiars.

Nevertheless, for a race as unfamiliar and warlike as theirs, such a currency of life would not be found if they seeked out any opportunity to intimidate. Bullies, ironically, lacked the strength required for respect.

Clawing at their eventual delivered ales with greedy, disrespectful hands, Solar saw in this group a massive lack of professionality. Increasingly this show seemed the markings of disloyal mercenaries, just as Solar had shown to the world not too long ago. Loyalty to nothing. Respect for naught. Care for little. Such an aimless creature didn’t consider the repercussions of their actions, and fostered none but themselves.

“Tastes like shit!” complained one Human, angrily throwing his barely tasted ale across the room, caring little of the mess he made.

“Fucking primitives!” Cried another, cruelly laughing at the concerned members of staff, having to quietly stand there, as their establishment became ever more chaotic and ruined with the undisciplined actions of the Humans.

Still, Solar was learning. If he had to guess, it would have been their world, their society to be the primitive thing here, all to the point that the only thing mattered, was survival. Wars were bred from such disorder like flies to dead flesh.

“Hey!” then shouted the bearded Human, clearly the leader of the group. At first, Solar had cringed at what further torment the staff would now have to endure, but from the lack of any banging, further shouting or complaining, it became clear that this cry wasn’t meant for them. “I know you!”

Solar’s mind sprang into action as he looked up, and saw the Human in question staring intently at him. Solar wasn’t looking for trouble, but he wouldn’t let Luna’s noble Night to go undefended. “You’re that Night Warden, aint ya?!”

False alarm. For now.

As Solar glimpsed over to the surprised inn owners and in particular, the shocked waitress, who had no idea she was serving confidants of Luna herself, he allowed his body to momentarily relax. Still, the Human and two others now began to approach him, sitting at the closest table to him.

“More ale for our friend here. Now!” demanded the leader of the group, close enough now for his varied scars to be on show. “What ya doing here with us?”

Something about this Human just put Solar off. Maybe it was his cocky, demanding attitude. He had little patience for the exploiter of those who mattered little, and this Human seemed to love nothing more than to terrorise the inconsequential.

“Same as you. Drinking” Solar snapped back, careful to do sound too rude.

“My man!” replied the Human gleefully. “Tired of the shitty pretentiousness too huh? The lads here have been stuck listening to Victus’ long list of rules and useless shit. Something about treating the city how we would like to be treated. Well, let me tell you what, if its fairness he’s looking for, maybe these Ponies need their bones broken, flesh ripped and past messed up as much as much as us lot have been!”

If anyone was pretentious here, it would only be this Human. Selfishness was the ultimate form of self-importance, and this Human was reeking of it, treating the world as if it was his play thing to break.

“You know…” Continued the Human, speaking to Victus as if he was born to be idealised and listened too like he had done a great deed. “Being on guard here aint so bad. The armour scares the shit of the Ponies here. Its good, but the as much as it makes me smile seeing one of those four legged freaks run off, does eventually make you think you’re uglier than you think.” Only now did he seemed to realise he was, in fact, talking to a Pony. “Oh! No offence!”

“None taken.” Solar replied, receiving his fresh ale from the same waitress as before. This time however, he was sure to allow her a nod of respect. It wasn’t much, but it was something to compensate for her suffering from today.

“What’s life without a bit of fun though, right? You Luna guys seem to understand. You may be overly obsessed with the colour black, but at least you aren’t as pompous as Celestia’s lot. Honestly, back home, am attitude like that would have you killed within the day!”

Then how come you’ve made it this far?

It was curious to witness this total contempt the Human had for the chain of command. Even Victus wasn’t safe from it. Solar had heard many of the Humans present weren’t exactly fans of the higher ups, and the point about Celestia, Solar could only agree with him. Still, such a deficit of self-control was not attractive.

“Hey! Come sit with us! We’re the guests to this country, and if you’re with us, we’ll get you out of paying for…whatever the crap is that they sell here! I’ve tasted some shit but holy hell! These people, these…Ponies, don’t deserve anything.” There was that attitude Victus had taken to using, before he had smartened up. Now Solar could understand why he was subject to it. Such a distain for Ponykind, such racism for their hosts was obviously a common trait, and Victus had most likely wished to seem like one of them. A vain attempt at hiding his nobility.

Fitting for the family of ‘Vane’, I suppose.

To the request itself however, Solar had no intent in dishonouring himself, and ruining what Luna held dear. Her country.

“This spot is pretty comfy to be honest.” Solar took the easy route. Appearing to neither be with nor against the Humans.

“Well ok, but you should tag along with us after anyway.” Then, tapping his armour, The Human was ready to make his next, contemptuous point. “See this armour? This is the mark of Lord Vanq, and of Humanity. We are strong, and can do anything we like!”

Nothing was worse than an arrogant, smug individual or thought rules didn’t apply to them. Solar was learning a hard lesson about Humanity today.

It was time he showed just how much he didn’t care for such qualities.

“Fuck. That. And fuck this Lord Vanq. He’s there, and we’re here. Time to realise this is Equestria.”

In truth, Solar considered if he would regret this. Not challenging the group. That was beautiful. In insulting this Lord however, a Human said to not be very much unlike a dangerous king maker, would this come to bite him in the ass?

The Humans present right now had their opinions made already. The place went eerily quiet, Solar’s words well heard by all. A nerve had been struck, and as they looked upon its creator with angry shock, it was becoming obvious how exactly they now viewed Solar.

“And here we are.” Replied the lead brute, suddenly in the more confrontational mood.

“And here we are” Reiterated Solar within a split second, readying himself. “Since you got me another ale, how about you get me some more bread too?”

The Human really did not appreciate Solar’s condescending tone. Straitening his back, the room now suddenly felt far more tense.

“You better find some mone-“ Solar had quite enough of this though. No longer could he allow these Human’s to treat this place, this country, as if they owned the place.

“You’re not paying for it, apparently!” The Shadow Commander cut in rapidly and harshly. “And since bread is off, I’ll have some more ale.” Then, casually and calmly, Solar got off his seat, walked to the Human’s table, and promptly took his drink.

Hey, its wasted on someone who doesn’t even appreciate the stuff.

The Human though, did not flinch. He made no attempt in defending his, what was proving to be, stolen goods. That wasn’t the point of course, and even he knew it.

“Annoying little shits like you really make me want to indulge anyway.” Solar made a point of saying.

“And there we were, thinking it was only Celestia who acted like the fucking block head she is. Seems Luna as well knows and thing or two about being a weak, pathetic little bitch too!”

If the place was silent before, then right now was a momentous moment of science. Both Solar and this Human knew what was coming, yet the only difference now was that one of them would not stand ideally by, not as their love was treated with such distain, and compared to a Pony of failure.

Solar, under no circumstances, even under clear provoking, would allow Luna to be insulted like this. He would defend her honour, no matter the cost.

“Seems to be the case too that I’m going to have to indulge myself to the death then…”

The Human wasn’t so stupid to ignore the direct insult meant for him too. Tightening his hands into a fist, Solar was at least happy to know that it was easy to tell when a Human would strike.

And so he did.

Breaking the silence in an impetuous and fiery moment of violence, the Human wasted no time in swinging an armoured fist Solar’s way. The intended target was quicker however, safety dodging it and kicking the table over as it collided with the Humans chest, knocking him back.

The staff sprang into action. One ran outside, probably desperate for a Guard to keep the peace. Others almost seemed to make room for the fight, possibly knowing just how much damage could be done to anything that got close to them.

That assessment wasn’t too far from the truth.

Exploiting the moment of reprieve. Solar ran up to the Human, and wishing to test the craftsmanship of the armour, and the durability of Humanity themselves, smoothly span around, and delivered a powerful buck to the chest.

Predictably, the Human fell to the ground, albeit the ground a couple feet away from the strike. Solar could hear the air exhaled from the Human, who, while not split in two from the kick, was obviously on the receiving end of quite the beating. His armour was dented, his pride cracked and his flesh, easily bruised. But he was alive, and very much willing to get revenge.

Rage fuelling him, the Human charged Solar head on, ready to side dodge the next buck Solar had waiting for him. In a moment of opportunity himself now, the Human delivered a harsh downwards kick of his own, his boot founding its target in one of Solar’s two floor planted hooves. Mid buck, there was little he could do but collapse himself.

This was when Solar was finally able to attest to the physical strength of Humanity. Again and again he found a fist meeting his face and torso, and again and again he realised his lanky species did in fact, fare quite well in combat.

Yet luckily, Solar was no novice. Speedy reactions allowed a hoof to swipe away the oncoming fist and countered with a swift uppercut. The Human staggering back, Solar wasted no time in getting to his feet, before charging and tackling the much taller threat.

His thinking was, that if he got the tall enemy on the ground, he could use his more powerful leg muscles to pummel the Human, who would obviously take longer to get back up.

Alas, the Human was as statue like as they seemed. He budged, if only a little. Solar then felt the full force of two descending fists upon his back, as the Human attempted to remove a tackling Solar from his chest. Solar couldn’t remain still or risking collapsing once again, so retreating from his tackle, Solar put as much force into his two front hooves, and flung them upwards.

Yet they did not hit anything.

Amazed, Solar was now witnessed himself on his haunches, with his two front hooves safety cupped in the palms of the Human. He had to admit, it was a strange and very unnerving feeling to feel fingers clasp around his hooves, holding him in place with vice like grip. It was now clear just how useful these freaky little things were.

So was the Humans reach a great advantage over the smaller Pony’s. Widening his arms, the Human too widened Solar’s own legs, now separated into a distance that could have looked like he was offering a large hug. A hug however, wasn’t meant to be so painful.

The Human, being the form with far longer appendages, wasn’t even grimacing as Solar felt his body reach the zenith of how far it could extend horizontally. Even for larger Ponies, because of their legs were not on sideways, there was little distance to be made until they simply broke free of their socket. Humanity again, was proving that being bipedal had its advantages.

Advantages that were increasingly winning him the fight. In this short time, Solar was possibly been the first Pony to have tested the physical prowess of Humanity, and his pioneer status wasn’t exactly causing him any pride yet.

He was in pain, and in danger of losing and bringing shame to himself. More importantly however, he was at risk at bringing shame to the entirety of Luna’s Night. What would they say, as the Shadow Commander, the Night Warden, and in this moment, a representative to the combat ability of all Ponykind, was beaten up by some entitled and imperious savage?

He couldn’t let it come to be,

He couldn’t dishonour Luna.

He wouldn’t disappoint her.

With unholy strength, with a will gifted from the Gods, Solar closed the gap that made up his legs. Fearing naught, and caring nothing but Luna, a dark void consumed him, and in his possession, only rage filled the remains.

Releasing his grip from the Humans with a forceful retraction, Solar almost didn’t even register that he unleashed all the power his muscles could muster, and delivered it directly into the armoured kneecap of the Human. Metal bent inwards, and bone cracked, as nothing could protect the Human from this physical onslaught. Grasping the broken bone in pain, the Human was not even ready to receive a barrage of hoof hits, sending the target’s torso flying backwards, his fall only stopped by the immediate wall behind.

This was the final mistake the Human made in this trailblazing day of combat. A free exposed target, Solar seized the moment, turned around once more, and this time, made the buck count. Again, no amount of armour could spare the Human. Even the thicker breastplate, in comparison to the Poleyn, could absorb the incoming damage. Air was exhaled unnaturally and ribs were cracked, and even cries of pain were literally knocked out of him.

Solar then was determined to finish the fight. Facing the Human for the final time, a swift uppercut met the side of the Humans skull, the unfortunate receiving party probably unaware that Solar had delivered the knockout blow up with a vertical jump.

Nevertheless, it did its job. Down came the Human, tumbling down with a metallic thud as his body fell to the floor, fully defeated.

Only an unknown amount of moments later did sense return to Solar. His face was bruised and bloodied, with his eyelid cut, preventing sight from that eye. A deep cut was felt on his forehead, the armoured fist doing its job well. Blood from that wound trickled down his face, mixing with any cut it met on its descent. Across his body too were plenty of bruised bones and split skin.

This is going to sting in the morning.

Then realisation struck him. There were more Humans present.

Who’s next then?!

But no blow came. No Human attempted to finish the job. And not because they were in fear.

Turning around, Solar faced the group. Stoic they were, and easily peeved that their friend had been beaten up. They looked aggressive, and more than willing to fight further.

But they didn’t. Instead, there was only respect.

A fit of blood filled coughs was heard from the ground, and not but a fair few pained groans trailing them. The defeated Human was injured, and pissed about it, but through his loss was, admittedly through gritted teeth, that same respect.

“You….” He attempted, remarkably standing back up after a slow and staggered ascent. “…You fucking shit!” He cried out, his face a red mess of beat down. Were his armour removed, Solar was sure he would be looking at a surgical patient, essentially. “….You….just….fucked me up!”

No creature, Human or otherwise, took well to being attacked, and falling down, broken and beaten, in front of their friends no less, was a humiliating, weak show of force.

It was a long time coming for the Human.

“Maybe…Ponies aren’t as…weak as I thought!”

A beaming smile, showing red crooked teeth, then followed. This was not the smile of some conniving, cheating opponent. Amazingly, the Human accepted defeat, and unlike Solar’s enemies of current times, did not resort to cheap and personal attacks.

“W-what?” questioned Solar, until now fully expecting the fight to continue.

“I…have to admit…” The Human said, grasping his broken kneecap, before falling with little grace onto a bench.”….I thought you were all talk, like many of the Ponies here, but ….but at least you can fight”. The Human started his sentence with embarrassed difficulty. Having to compliment an opponent, especially after losing to them, was hard. It was, however, brave of them. “Maybe you Night lot aren’t so bad…”

Humanity respected strength. A race shaped by war, fighting was one thing they knew, and fighting a skilled combatant was, most likely, a small light of joy for them. Solar had proved himself. He had passed the Humans test.

A laugh emitted from his lips, adrenaline now emptying from his body. This left a very much aware Solar, feeling every cut and bruise on his body, but also the reality of it all.

He had won respect today, and he had done it in a way that few other Ponies could.

Nearly all other Ponies…

Solar had completely forgotten that, somewhere, Neon Edgy had been present. Ignoring the fact that she, for whatever reason, did not intervene to save her superior officer, Solar could do little as a blur sped past his face, and before he knew it, the defeated Human had his back laying on the bench, and a frighteningly crazy Bat Pony above him.


However tough the Human thought himself to be, no amount of preparation could have weathered this unholy storm. Fangs sharp as daggers threatened to pierce arteries, just barely an inch away. From barely attempting to recover from the fight, now the Human was forced to content with a livid and very nearly deranged Thestral, more than capable of ripping his throat out. Such was the severity of the scene, even Solar had to admit, he feared for the Human.

“Argh!” cried out the Human, now too realising how close a very bloody death was. “What the actual fuck?! Get it off me!”

This was a delicate situation, and one that did seem to be on the up, until Neon pounced upon her prey with blood thirsty eyes. Solar had no choice but to intervene.

“Woah! Neon, stop! Its ok!” Solar was truly worried that Neon may reignite the inter-racial conflict. It did, after all, seem the case that her head wasn’t honestly on straight. “We’re cool! See?” As a show of good faith, and a more physical show of the respect that had begun to develop between the two, Solar offered a hoof to the Human. Neon fortunately, looking upon the more merciful nature of her Commander, did seem to calm somewhat as the Human, very gingerly in fact, accepted the hoof. Still, this enraged ambush, one that no one could say wouldn’t have ended in a gory mess had Solar not intervened, wasn’t the best way to establish friendly relations. Understandably, a wary eye or two was more than required for Neon, as the Human was finally allowed to sit back up, without fangs sinking deep into his flesh.

“A friend of yours?” asked the Human, nearly traumatised by the event. Solar obviously wasn’t going to reveal her true rank, but for the sake of Human-Pony relations, he could only say yes. “You keep some freaky company, man!”

Denial would be foolish. Neon Edgy could not be said to be normal in any way. Things resembling severe mood swings seemed the norm for her, and any Pony with a shred of normality or common decency about them didn’t so readily cite a murderous state of affairs at the first moment they could. Still, Solar had to admit, it made for quite the refreshing change in terms of Ponies he knew. If tensions weren’t so high, then he was sure he would have just love to trail Neon, to see just how messed up she could be.

“Yeah….” Defended Solar. “Sorry about that…”

“Hah!” unexpectedly bellowed the Human in response, probably laughing a little too hard, given the wincing and clutching of his injured chest. “Don’t be. Those teeth may give me the creeps, but you’ve got yourself quite the protector. We could all use a little crazy from time to time.”

What if that’s my entire life right now?

Neon then proceeded to back off, standing protectively and loyally to Solar’s side, not once removing her vigilant and slightly unhinged look from the Human. Even with eyes protected from the sunlight via the shades, there was something incredibly unnerving about having Neon as an enemy, and that was coming from Solar who, apparently, was who Neon was protecting.

An unforeseen development for sure, but water under the bridge it seemed. A hand was then offered, from the Human to Solar.

“Name’s Resist. Kind of established myself back home, refusing to accept orders from the pretentious shit in charge of my village.” Solar accepted the roof, honestly respecting the Human, now known as Resist, committing to letting bygones be bygones and marching into the future, stronger and better for it. That and that he, despite getting his ass handed to him, still had some scarps of strength in his muscles.

“Solar Virtue.” The Pony replied, taking the hand and shaking it, establishing the beginnings of mutual respect.

“Say…” Resist then said, looking upon Solar and even Neon with a nod. “You Luna lot aren’t so bad after all! You’re both as crazy as tank without a turret, but you’re alright. Good to know this place has some within it that aren’t so different to us!”

Solar had no idea what a tank was in this situation, least of all one with a turret. Even as Resist seemed to almost regret his choice of words, the image of some water tank with a castle turret upon it, made even less sense.

“Best way to test the mettle of another is in the ring.” Smiled back Solar, realising he honestly preferred this way of getting to know another as opposed to some long and tedious talk. Nevertheless, Solar was no brute. He did regret the mess he made, if only out of fear of being barred from the Inn and the ale he had today learned to love. Looking around, and seeing no staff present, his mind suddenly remembered one thing.

“Hey, didn’t one of the Ponies who work here go running for the Guards or something? Looks like I need to talk to Luna about their response times.” In truth, there was little he could do now. Both Guard Orders were now most likely under the firm and autocratic control of the resident despot. Celestia may have truly reached the point now that she didn’t even care for the performance of her own.

Resist didn’t seem to mind, but in his brown eyes were a hint of gratitude. He may have disliked Victus, but so did he dislike disciplinary action, which he was sure he would receive upon venturing back to the Sovereign tower.

“I guess, but I nev-“

Cutting into the sentence, with unprovoked ferocity, came a massive and loud boom. This was not some mere accident outside, not as the entire building rumbled upon receiving what seemed like a shock wave.

The sound was deafening, even in here, and filled to the brim in violence.

Looking to Neon with concerned haste, even she could not hide the fact that she too was ignorant into what had just happened. Even this experienced and detached Pony now seemed shocked from the intense vibration that felt to have travelled through the earth.

This left Solar with only one realisation, its stunned validity confirmed as he looked outside, and saw masses of Ponies screaming in pure panic.

“Oh no…”

Sprinting outside, leaving the group of confused Human’s behind, Solar and Neon ventured into a world of chaos and confusion. Upon the near skyline, barely a few streets away, dust flung into the air, and Ponies ran desperately away from the ascending cloud of debris.

“Neon, get the NG right now! We’re under attack…”