//------------------------------// // Luna's mind // Story: Reaching the dark side of the moon // by The Psychopath //------------------------------// The Moon princess was sitting on her bed, thinking deeply. It had only been a few minutes, but she felt something slithering through her body as if there was a parasite within her. She felt like a plant had reached within her body and was rooting itself. Why? The last time she felt this, it was welcome. However, now, there was nothing. It wasn't in her body, but it felt like it was. A familiar sentiment of a serpent crawling through her veins, gnawing at her mind. Was it happening again? No. There was something blocking the roots from reaching her mind. Something kind. Naive. Something strnge and new. It was pleasant and strange as well. But what was it. As Luna started to reach deeper in her mind to find the source of this feeling, she was met with two turquoise eyes that she recognized all too well. The body looked like the stars and the space they sat within, but as soon as the moon princess began to panic, something else appeared. It was as tall as the familiar being, but her hair was a radiant orange that flowed in the air somehow. It grabbed the being with the turquoise eyes and smiled as it led its arm hang on the other side of its face. Luna's fear gave place for confusion as the being she was sure she knew rolled its eyes in annoyance. "Princess Luna? PRINCESS LUNA!" "WHAT?!" The princess fell onto the floor. It was still day. Why was she awakened by one of her own guards? "Ow. Why do you awaken me, Cereberos?" "You seem to be uncomfortable. I can feel it. Do not forget that you appointed me as your personal guard amongst the other retinue of the night." Cereberos was slightly thinner than the other night guards. He also wasn't anymore special in many physical domains, but he did have were dark orange crests and tattoes that were painted all over his body, as per an ancient tradition of his family. That, and his affinity with submission magic. He was sent along with other unicorns into the Everfree forest to capture the best creatures they could in order to become Luna's personal amongst the personal guards. A few came with manticores, one with an alpha timberwolf, but the most impressive was the one who came with a Scorpio, one of the astral monsters. However, after waiting when everypony was there, Cereberos hadn't arrived yet. They assumed he had died and laughed him off, much to the fury of the captain. That is, until the small stallion came through the forest with a dragon under his influence. He was standing proudly as his horn glew with black and green, making it look murky and toxic. That was when he became Luna's personal personal. A type of chief amongst bodyguards. Although, he cannot command the others, so his position has been questioned amongst many others. "Yes. However, why is it that you are awake?" "Your grievances trouble me. I could not sleep." "You are very loyal. It is quite admirable, but I must object. You require your sleep, as do the other night guards." "Perhaps, but it has been several nights that I have not seen the day. The same could be said for you. You may be the misstress of the night, but you still need sunlight just as your sister requires moonlight." "True." Luna said as she scratched the bottom of her chin. "Then I shall pass a black day. Let us meet our sister. Where is she? I have matters to speak to her about." "Your sister is in the throne room, attending the audiences." "Hm. I will interrupt them, then." "I will accompany you." The two left the room of Luna, which would take much too much time to describe the starry beauty it witheld. The two walked along the corridors, passing Celestia's own guards. Everytime Luna passed, they would bow. While the princess appreciated the politeness, she felt that it seemed out of place. Climbing down the stairs, Luna could see that the audiences were already almost over, as it was lunch time for most during the day. Just for that, she waited patiently. The last pony finally left, leaving the moon princess to be able to talk to her sister while Cereberos waited outside the throne room, allowing the giant doors to close on their own. Celestia was sighing. This was a tiring audience. So many ponies having problems since the changelings attacked and since there was a sighting of a Vesuvius Vulcan in the area near Canterlot, Ponyville, and Tilly. "Atleast it's not a Gigantis Vesuvius Vulcan." Celestia thought to herself as she rubbed her forehead. "Troubling matters, sister?" "Luna? What are you doing up so...early? I'm still not used to that." "Quite. In other matters, I've needed to talk to you about something." "What is it?" "I've been having...dreams. Very disturbing ones." "Oh? It's okay. They're just dreams, Luna. Nothing will hurt you again. I'll make sure of it." "Yes, well, that 'thing' is returning. I can feel it. And she wants to take possession of your body." "What?!" Celestia nearly slammed her head against the ceiling by pure shock, and seeing how high it was, that was a feat. "But...there's something else. Lately, I've been dreaming of a bipedal with orange hair as bright as fire and who always blocks her. They seem to be...friends." "Please. Luna. If I am to understand the circumstances, you must tell me more about your dreams." "Okay. Well, here I go." *An hour later* "This is quite troubling. You've been having these dreams for two weeks, yet is has only been two days since you've been seeing this 'orange haired bipedal'?" "Yes." "We should investigate this matter. Perhaps I have received news from Twilight relegating to anything that could be linked to your dreams." Celestia teleported into her room for a short moment, leaving Luna to wait for a brief time, before her sister returned. "Nope. She hasn't sent me anything." "Strange. I suppose we should start looking for some information regarding the biped?" "Yup." "Of course you aren't getting anything from her, you dumb foal. I'm intercepting them." "What did you say?" Layda asked out loud. "I told you to keep flapping your wings! You too Fluttershy!" Rainbow yelled at the top of her lungs. Both were utterly exhausted, but due to her delicate constitution, Fluttershy tired out faster than she should have. "Just continue listening to her." "Right." The true Cosmos turned around within the internal world of Layda, and started to speak to herself: "Dadada. When I have completely parasited this body, that's when I'll let the messages pass through. Until then, I just hope that this creature knows what she's doing." Layda attempted to fly at high speeds, but ended up crashing into the floor and moaning in pain. "This is going to take awhile, but it will all be worth it."