1000 Years

by DekaSkittalz

Day 365000

Damn… I know I’ve said things look bad before… but now… I think it’s finally over. The town’s completely devoid of life, there’s a huge circular crater surrounding the actual castle now, black vines are encroaching on the castle, the forest is so dark, even I can’t see through it very far. New forms of wildlife are coming from out of nowhere, and are extremely hostile towards anything; that’s why the town was evacuated. Nothing seems to dare actually try to get on castle grounds though; almost as if it was a dead zone for them. To them, this place just didn’t exist. Like a void in the middle of their little forest.

Right now, Luna is the only one left in the castle. Celestia left along with her subjects a couple weeks ago. And Luna has sat there, on her throne, almost the entire time. Staring at a single spot in the floor while her horn worked away at some magic; presumedly towards freeing me. She moved me into the throne room itself as well, so now I sit squarely against the wall pretty much in the corner, overlooking the entire room, with Luna in the corner of my eye.

Luna refused to leave the castle when Celestia suggested they abandon it. Their debate nearly turned into a fight, but Celestia decided to leave before it could get that far; A mix of not wanting to fight her younger sister, thinking she just needed a bit of time to calm down, and needing to lead her people. Luna looked rearin’ to go for a fight though.

It’s sad, because I know why Luna’s being this way. That Nightmare Moon shadow was really bad news. I knew it from the moment I saw her, but I couldn’t say anything. She convinced Luna to let her reside within her own mind, because hiding in her shadow was difficult to keep up day in and day out while doing magic to try and make progress towards freeing me. Well, almost immediately Luna changed. Her eyes changed from their normal pony looking eyes, to almost cat like slitted ones. Her wings grew a bit bigger, and got darker towards the tips, and her teeth got a bit pointier. All things that were hardly noticeable, to most. Then, she started to laugh. And her voice had a second echo to it; Nightmare Moon’s voice. This was a week or two before Celestia left with her subjects.

It’s been 84680 days since Luna first met Nightmare Moon, and supposedly they are close to freeing me; and with all this newfound freetime, progress seemed to pick up as well. After I’m free, I’m not sure what to do. On one hand, this shadow is influencing Luna. On the other, she opposes Celestia. There’s also the fact that Nightmare Moon is still working towards freeing me. I don’t see why she would though, she’s already got Luna. maybe she knows the legend of my eye, and wants a very powerful ally out of me. Well, don’t mean to disappoint, but I really ain’t that powerful. Maybe my eye has some powers I simply can’t use because I’m stuck in stone, but I can’t be sure. So I’m gonna stick with the idea that I can’t do that kind of stuff with it, until proven otherwise. Not sure I’d side with her anyways; I don’t like being manipulated, and I don’t like others manipulating the only person left that I would call a friend. Maybe I’d sneak off and find Celestia, as much as I hate her guts, and tell her all of what’s going on. But that could also lead Luna to think I’d abandoned her…

Uh oh, looks like there’s no more time to dwell on this. Looks like Celestia’s come to try and collect her sister again. Wonder how things will turn out this time.

“Luna. this little fit of yours has grown old. You need to come with me, everypony needs you. I need you. You can’t just sit here and waste away, toiling at a spell that will never be complete; a spell better left incomplete.” Celestia states as she approaches the throne her sister sits atop.

Luna’s eyes snap up towards her sister from the spot on the ground they were on. “You’re wrong… WE, were wrong… we wrongly imprisoned him, but I’m trying to right that wrong! By this day’s end, Null will be free, and the night will finally be upon us!” Luna boasts.

wait, she’s THAT close?! By tonight… but that might not happen… Celestia might actually stop her… and I could get caught in some kind of crossfire…

Celestia stops her approach, anger on her face for her sister defying her, but a touch of confusion is mixed with her expression as well. “What do you mean by that, Luna?”

Luna gets up and starts walking towards the middle of the throne room. “Did you honestly expect me to sit idly by, while the ponies of Equestria all basked in your precious light? There will be only one Princess of Equestria after tonight… and that Princess, will be ME!” she states as she slams both hooves down on the ground, cracking the ground beneath her, and the window behind her shattering, letting the light of the sun cascade in. aftwards, she flies into the air, and the sun is eclipsed by Luna’s moon, and Luna is encased in dark and red shadows, similar to that of the eclipse itself. After a moment, it shatters like glass, flying out in all directions, and in Luna’s place stands a different pony. Its… disturbing to say the least. She starts laughing, while Celestia watched on.

After her laughing, she immediately scowls at her sister, and starts firing a continuous beam of pure magic across the ceiling of the throne room, causing a huge hole in the ceiling, and making the debris fall around Celestia.

To her credit though, Celestia doesn’t move a muscle, and continues to stare down what used to be her sister. “I won’t fight you Luna. You have a duty to Equestria! You have to lower the moon!”

Luna tilts her head, but smirks a wicked smirk. “Luna? No… I’m Nightmare Moon. And you, are dead!”

The now Nightmare Moon fires another beam of magic exactly where Celestia is, but Celestia dodges it to the side, and takes off flying through the hole in the ceiling.

“Where do you think you’re going!? Get back here and die!” Nightmare bellows as she fires another beam of magic to block Celestia’s escape path, causing her to rear back and watch her as Nightmare summons six phantom swords, three on each side of her. Nightmare then rushes at Celestia at a blinding speed, all six swords ready to crash down on her from different angles.

Celestia’s eyes widen, and she summons her golden halberd as well as a big golden and royal red shield; both of which she uses to catch 4 of Nightmare’s six blades, two from above, two from her left. She’s forced to give a hop back however, as the remaining two nearly took her head clean off. Nightmare uses this as an opportunity to fire another beam of magic at Celestia.

Her reaction is to bring her shield right in front of her, with her halberd at the ready by her side. As soon as the spell is done, she moves her shield to the side to catch another one of Nightmare’s attacks, and lunges at her with a mighty thrust of her halberd, rushing in quick to try and put Nightmare on the defensive. Its all for naught however, as her halberd is caught in clash with four of Luna’s blades, locking her halberd in place. Luna then attempts to bring down her remaining two swords on Celestia from behind. Celestia catches them with her shield again, and lets out a powerful blast of magic that sends Nightmare flying and crashing through the wall, her six blades following her out. Celestia raises her shield and halberd in a defensive stance, and approaches the new hole in the wall.

Good thing too, because Nightmare sends a blast of magic through the dust that crashes into Celestia’s shield. Celestia then pushes forward, and they start fighting out of my sight. All around me I can hear the clash of metal on metal, the blasts of spellfire going off. They even crash through the walls shortways and land outside again, out of my view.

Shit… this isn’t good! If Celestia wins, I won’t be free! But if Nightmare wins, that leaves her in control of Luna, and me with nobody to turn to to try and get help freeing Luna! Yeah, I know. I want Celestia dead, but it’s called paying it forward! Plus, it’ll throw off the world’s balance! Even I know that!

Suddenly, I’m shaken from my spot, and sent crashing through the wall in front of me. Landing on a tilt, I can see the reason behind this is Celestia went crashing into me after I would guess being thrown through the wall. I don’t see Nightmare following, so she must think that it was a killing blow. And looking down on Celestia, I would have thought so as well. Blood trails down her forehead, originating from her horn, as well as her sides, and a huge gash across her chest. Should have worn armour…

Surprisingly, Celestia gets up. “You’ve left me no choice sister…” she discards her weapons as her horn lights up, and a square on the ground slides away, letting a big monolith with five gems on branching pedestals.

The Elements of Harmony! She… she’s not gonna turn her to stone too, is she?!

After taking all five gems, a sixth one comes out from the big spherical orb on the top of the monolith, shaped like a six pointed star. She continues to do some sort of magic, and the elements start circling her very quickly, causing her to radiate a brilliant rainbow like glow. She then takes off into the sky, the force of her take off knocking me back, and nearly sending me over the edge of the huge circular crater surrounding the castle; however, I’m barely kept up by a couple of vines.

Celestia confronts Nightmare in the sky, and starts channeling her magic.

...No… No no no no no! Don’t do to her what you did to me!

She then fires a huge rainbow of magic at Nightmare, and she fires back a beam of her own magic. She’s able to challenge the rainbow for a few seconds, but it quickly overtakes her, the rainbow encasing her and then flying towards the moon that’s high in the sky. The rainbow touches down on the moon, then upon its surface, an imprint of a face on the moon.

Suddenly, the vines holding me up over the edge finally snap, sending me plummeting down towards the ground, spinning a little. NO! NO NO NO NO NO! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!

I land face down into the ground, and my vision goes black.


Then it all fades to white...