//------------------------------// // Interlude: Power Revealed // Story: Dragon Ball Super: Fate of the Multiverse // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// Beerus did nothing as he sat on the tree stump near his temple, focusing on the lake and nothing else as he thought about what he had done over the last five years, since the day he, Chronoa, Whis, and Neferi had visited several of the other universes and introduced Neferi to the other Gods of Destruction. He had been happy to see that the other gods had been interested in meeting her and actually liked her, especially since they were quite surprised by the fact that she was his daughter, though the funniest moment was when Heles declared that Neferi was beautiful and then almost broke down when she learned who her parents were. After seeing Neferi beat Goku and Vegeta in their base forms, much to the surprise of everyone else that had been there, they had cancelled the visits to the other universes, but that didn't stop them from visiting Liquiir and the other Gods of Destruction some time after that. Interestingly enough the others were also interested in Neferi, since they weren't used to there being a child of a God of Destruction, and Liquiir actually let them stay near his temple for a longer period of time than the other gods did, showing a level of interest in Neferi that most of the other Destroyers didn't have. It was easy for him to figure out why Liquiir had been acting like that during their visit, as Neferi was something new that the multiverse hadn't seen before, she was a child of a God of Destruction, and there was no telling how strong she actually was or what sort of powers she inherited from him and Chronoa. That, in addition to the power she displayed in beating Goku and Vegeta so easily, was why he and Whis had gotten started on her training, so they could teach her how to harness her inner power, to see just how much potential she actually had, and let her grow so she could develop her own fighting style. Chronoa wasn't against the idea of letting them train Neferi, since she knew that they would have needed to do it at some point in her life, and seeing her raw power take out two of the strongest warriors in their universe, not counting Frieza or Broly, had convinced her to let them do what they needed to, while making sure not to seriously hurt Neferi in the process. Despite her worries, however, they discovered that Neferi could take the training that Whis had in mind, as she was able to replicate what she did to Goku and Vegeta a few times, but even when she failed she got back up and tried again, showing that she did carry the desire to improve her skills and a willingness to learn, something that made them all very happy. Even Shin, who came by to assist them, was surprised by this, but he was also shocked by what he had seen when he had been viewing the Earth during their visit, namely the display of power that happened when Goku and Vegeta tried to test Neferi's power, which only told him that training her was something they definitely needed to focus on. Shin also revealed that about a month after their visit to Earth, to meet Goku and the others, Frieza made his return to the base he had built on the planet and learned of what had transpired, though while he did find it amusing, in the sense that they should have expected something like that since they were challenging one of Beerus' daughters, he did learn that Neferi was being trained, which he knew was needed as well. The only interesting thing that happened after they started training Neferi was when Sunset came to Beerus' planet about two months after the event on Earth, where she asked him and Whis how long it would take for them to get Neferi to the point where she would be in control of her powers, enough to really challenge anyone that fought her. It was Whis who revealed that five years was more than enough for them to do what she was asking about, because there were a number of lessons for them to go through before Neferi could reach that point, and he also revealed that Goku and Vegeta were training as well, as they intended on challenging her to a real fight when she was older. Sunset had been a little surprised by that statement, especially when she considered what had happened the first time around, but then determined that such a thing might actually be possible, that the two Saiyans, at the very least, would be a great way for her, and anyone else that watched the fight, to see just how strong Neferi was and if she could control herself. Because of the fact that a challenge had been thrown down, for a couple of years in the future, Sunset revealed that, in order to prevent any of the planets of Universe 7 from being destroyed during their battle, that the three of them, or more if someone else wanted to join the Saiyans, would take place in the World of the Void, where they could fight with all their strength and not have to worry about wrecking an entire universe. Beerus was a little surprised by that fact, that Sunset was letting them use the World of the Void, but was happy to see that she was willing to let the fight happen, and she even mentioned that each God of Destruction would be allowed to bring two mortal warriors to the fight, if they wished to do so, something that she would have the Grand Priest announce to the other gods when she returned to her palace. Despite the fact that there would be other gods and mortal warriors watching the battle, or maybe just gods if they didn't want to bring along their warriors, Beerus and Whis continued to train Neferi so she could master her power and either create her own attacks or modify existing ones to fit her fighting style. The only reason they thought about that was because both Rainbow and Applejack, as well as Gale, had taken the techniques they had picked up over the years and either added them to their individual styles or modified existing attacks and supporting powers, much like learning the Kamehameha and adding it to their powers. As such Beerus knew that it was only a matter of time until Neferi did the same thing, since she knew that her sisters had done something similar to that, and he was willing to help her figure out what her personal fighting style was, including showing her the various techniques he had encountered over the many years, just to see if she found any that she might want to learn. Whis had the same thoughts that Beerus had, though while Beerus focused on the techniques he had seen over the years, to let Neferi see if anything caught her interest, he focused on helping her master the power that was inside her body, so she didn't go wild in a serious fight, which is what would happen when she engaged Goku and Vegeta in the future. Chronoa also helped them every now and then, demonstrating her own power over time to Neferi once or twice, just so she could see that there were other types of abilities than what Beerus and Whis were showing her, and all three of them were happy to see that Neferi was interested in what they were teaching her. Even Shin, who came by every now and then, had a few things to show her, since he wasn't much of a fighter and had only trained with her father so he could prepare for the battle with Majin Buu, or rather the evil that had been trapped inside Buu, but even if he had failed during that mission his power was still far greater than it used to be. Together the four of them did everything in their power to help her improve and develop her own style and techniques, and whenever Rainbow, Applejack, Gale, Caulifla, and even Kale visited they would help out a little, allowing her to see the destructive power that her family possessed, especially when she took the lightning based powers that Rainbow commanded into consideration. Neferi was still amazed by the sheer power that one of Rainbow's ultimate attacks, the Lightning Lance, possessed and the destructive force that followed it whenever she chose to release it, as it was capable of so much destruction, proving that Rainbow was definitely her sister, which only provided her with the drive to improve and develop her own fighting style. The group intended on training Neferi until they were sure that she was ready to engage in a true battle against Goku and Vegeta, as well as anyone else that decided to join them, unless they were the only ones to fight her, and she was ready to rise to the challenge, regardless of how long it took before her parents believed that she was ready to truly challenge the two Saiyans. Five years passed since the day that Neferi showed Goku and Vegeta her power, a day that her parents would always remember, and now that she was ten years old both her mother and father determined that she was ready for the first great battle of her life. Neferi was happy, as she had been preparing for this event for a long time, even though she had taken a good number of days off over the last five years, since constantly training, without any breaks, was a way to burn herself out, at least according to her mother, and she had to agree, but even then she did enjoy training with her father and Whis, since it allowed her to master her own power. Thanks to all the time and effort that her parents, Shin, and Whis, along with the rest of her family had put into training her, she had completed the majority of the training that she had been given, but even then she knew there were lessons that hadn't been touched yet, which gave her something to look forward to, after the big battle between her and the Saiyans of Earth, along with whoever they brought with them. The only other thing that got in the way of her training were the times where her father had to go be the God of Destruction for their universe, which she was fine with witnessing, since it gave her a good idea of what her father and the others that were like him did while they were on the job. Neferi shook her head for a moment, putting the memories of the last five years back in the past again, as she made sure that her purple gi was on right, the same type that her sisters had worn when their father trained them so many years ago, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was taller than she had been five years ago, as she was roughly the same size that Rainbow and Applejack were when they were ten years old, and her hair, despite being cut multiple times over the years, was the same length that it had been when she first visited Earth. She looked like a warrior, despite the fact that this would be the first major battle of her life, and she was excited about the battle that would be happening today, to which she turned towards the door of her room and walked out into the hallway, so she could track down her parents and wait for them to be called to wherever they were having this battle. Her parents, as she found out, where actually outside the temple that was her home, though as she walked outside both her mother and her father smiled as they turned their heads and spotted her coming their way, where she sat down and stared out at the lake that they liked to look at before something major happened. "Are you excited?" Chronoa asked, because she knew that, as Beerus' daughter, Neferi had to be excited for the battle that she was going to take part in, especially since she would be fighting both Goku and Vegeta, at the very least, who had given Beerus a good fight the last time they challenged him. "Yeah, I'm eager to see what Goku and Vegeta can do in a fight," Neferi replied, as to be fair neither of the Saiyans knew what sort of training she had gone through, just like she had no idea what sort training they had gone through since her first visit to Earth, before another thought came to mind, "as well as anyone that they bring with them." Beerus had a feeling that there would be more than Goku and Vegeta involved in the fight, when he considered what had happened after that fateful visit to Earth, but before he could say anything Whis walked over to where they were sitting and nodded his head, indicating that it was time for them to move. As such the three of them got up and followed him over to where Shin was standing, which was the moment that Neferi noticed four warriors standing by Shin, two of which she recognized as Goku and Vegeta, who seemed ready for their fight, while the other two she recognized from the tales that her parents had told her. One was Frieza, the emperor that ruled over the Frieza Force, which was an army that followed Frieza's orders and took out any minor threats to the universe, allowing her father to spend more time with her and her mother, while the other warrior was a third Saiyan, Broly she recalled, a warrior that had forced Goku and Vegeta to use a tactic they only used against really tough enemies to knock some sense into him, meaning that this battle might have increased in size, which only made her more excited for what was coming her way. None of them really had time to say anything as Whis said something to his scepter, which was followed by a bright light surrounding them for a few seconds, but when it disappeared Neferi opened her eyes again and found that they were in a dimension that was completely different than their universe, and darker than anything she had seen before this moment... despite the large sun-like object that was floating in the air in front of them. They weren't the only ones here either, as the other Gods of Destruction were present as well, standing on what appeared to be a stands of some kind, one that overlooked a massive planet that she was just now noticing, before she spotted the Kaioshin and Angels of the other universes, as well as one other mortal warrior that was standing near Toppo, the Destroyer God of Universe 11. "It looks like Bergamo brought Sidra and Toppo brought Belmod with them," Beerus commented, naming the current beings that were the Gods of Destruction of their respective universes, as well as their predecessors, though she said nothing about Caulifla, who was joined by Kale, as he expected that to happen, before he spotted the warrior that Neferi was staring at, "and Toppo's brought Jiren with him... should have seen that coming." Neferi was surprised, as she knew that Jiren was supposed to be the strongest mortal in the entire multiverse, as it took the greatest warriors of Rainbow and Applejack's universe to take him out, but before she could say anything the Grand Priest appeared on a platform that floated in front of the stands, causing everyone to bow their heads in respect, otherwise there was no telling what would happen. "Gods of the multiverse, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here today," the Grand Priest said, as he knew that Sunset wanted them to work together and not waste time on foolish things, but considering that today's event would only happen once, and never happen again, he agreed that this was one of those times that they could bend the rules and let the gods take a day off, "I will let Lady Sunset explain what's going to happen to all of you, and then we can get the battle started." In the following moment a throne appeared behind the Grand Priest and Lady Sunset, in all her glory, appeared before them, causing both the gods and the mortal warriors to kneel before her, as they all knew that she had the power to wipe any of them out in an instant, something that she reserved for those that were a threat to the multiverse. "All of you may stand." Sunset said, where she waited for a few seconds, allowing the gods and mortals to stand once more, while at the same time she knew that most of the gods didn't bring mortals with them, since they were either ashamed of their performance in the Tournament of Power or they didn't want to bring any at all, even though a few gods brought some familiar faces with them, before she focused on what was going to happen soon, "Allow me to cut to the heart of what we're doing here today; Goku and Vegeta have decided that they would like to challenge Beerus' daughter to a fight, her first real fight, and came to the conclusion that it's safer to battle here, in the World of the Void, where all of them can go all out, without having to worry about their universe being wrecked by the battle. In addition to that they have asked both Frieza and Broly, two of the other greatest warriors in their universe, to join them in this battle, and the pair have accepted the offer, so now there are four warriors wishing to test Neferi's strength and power in a real battle. Grand Priest, would you transport the warriors to the planet's surface so they can begin?" The Grand Priest nodded his head and summoned a platform for the group to get on, where Neferi and the others stepped onto it as the gods focused on them, as they all knew who her father was and were curious as to what sort of power she had, especially if Goku and Vegeta invited two more warriors to join them. Once they were all on the platform, however, they descended towards the planet that was below them, where Vegeta informed her that this wasn't here the last time this dimension had been used, meaning that someone had created a planet for them to fight on, which had to be either of the beings that were above the Angels. Neferi had known that Lady Sunset was the Queen of All, who watched over the multiverse and kept a watchful eye on whatever was going on, so she wasn't surprised when the group stated that she must have built the planet once she learned of the battle they planned on having. Interestingly enough the Grand Priest said nothing and focused on what he was doing, as he got them down to the planet's surface, in what appeared to be one of the many forests that the planet had, so he could drop all of them off, though once that was done, and they were no longer on the platform he had summoned, he dismissed the platform and his floated back into the sky, leaving the five of them to do whatever they wanted during their battle. As she expected Goku and Vegeta were the first ones to back away from where she was standing, shifting into their battle stances as both Frieza and Broly did the same thing, showing her that all four of them were ready, to which she shifted her body a little and held her arms out, revealing that she was ready for them to come at her. "Remember, don't take Neferi lightly." Vegeta commented, showing that he and his fellow warriors were going to have a little discussion before they started the battle, something that Neferi was fine with since it gave her the chance to see how they acted a little before the battle started, while the other three glanced at him for a second, "She is Beerus' daughter after all, and there's no telling what sort of training she'd gone through since her first visit to Earth." "Duly noted." Frieza replied, as he had heard of what happened to the Saiyans when they challenged Neferi when she was five years old, when she had no idea just how much power she had inside her, and knew that this would be one of the toughest battles of their lives, hence all the training they went through, before he focused on someone, "Gentlemen, I do believe it's time we got this party started." Broly, seeing that Frieza had focused on him for a moment, nodded his head and summoned his power, ascending to the level of a Super Saiyan, as that was the form he had unlocked after his father had died, and the entire area around them shook under the intensity of his power, before he braced himself and rushed at the area that Neferi was standing in, showing that he was starting the battle between them. Neferi, on the other hand, grinned as Broly rushed at her, where she raised her arms in front of her body and blocked the incoming punch that was coming her way, though while she was thrown backwards, since the power behind the attack was incredible, the entire area that was around where she had been standing had been flattened, revealing that Broly was one tough opponent. This also told her something else, that both Goku and Vegeta knew that fighting in their base forms wouldn't be enough to take her down, hence the reason that Broly went Super Saiyan before doing anything else, before she flipped backwards and touched the side of a tree that she had been heading towards. A second later she burst forward and headed back towards the area that the battle had started in, the force of her movement causing the tree to break in the process, before she spotted her foe coming towards her, which was where she spun around and their fists connected, the collision causing an explosion that rocked the part of the forest that was around them, setting many of the trees on fire as they separated from each other for a moment. As soon as she touched the ground, and had only done so for a second, the smoke to her left was torn apart as Frieza hurled two red energy discs at her, though Neferi simply smiled as she waved her left hand towards the attack, the sheer force of her swing shattering the discs like they were nothing as she also knocked Frieza backwards a little. While that happened she felt the ground rumble for a few seconds as Broly charged at her again, where she jumped backwards and went on the defensive for now, parrying the attacks as her current foe pushed her around the forest, giving her the chance to see how much damage they had done from their fists simply meeting each other. The thing she found interesting was that neither Goku or Vegeta had decided to attack her yet, but from what she could tell they were gathering their power and waiting for an opening, meaning they must have come up with a plan while they were training, which told her that they did consider her to be an opponent that had to be taken seriously, especially after what happened when she visited Earth five years ago. Even Frieza and Broly, who had learned of that event after it happened, knew that she had to be taken seriously and that they were enacting whatever plan the four of them had created, meaning she had to be on her guard in case someone did something that she wasn't expecting them to do. Of course, as soon as she thought about that, the wind rushed by her and the ground quaked, though where one would assume that this was Broly's fault, because of the power he was putting out, the reality was that it was Goku and Vegeta that were behind this, as she could see the two with their Super Saiyan auras off in the distance... though the length of their spiky hair, which was flowing down their backs and made them look menacing, revealed which of their transformations that they were using against her. "Super Saiyan 3, interesting choice." Neferi commented, though she parried the next attack that Broly sent her way and kicked him backwards, where she paused for a moment as she glanced at the pair of Saiyans, as she knew about their transformations because her father and mother had told her about the various battles her father had been in and the battles he had seen, so she knew about the five forms these two Saiyans had access to. As Broly touched the ground both Goku and Vegeta burst into the air and rushed at her, where Neferi raised her arms as she rushed at her other foes, though the moment they came into contact with each other she went on the offensive and lashed out with her fists. As she expected both of her current opponents worked well as a team and moved to the side before her attacks could hit them, but while they were expecting to hit her while her guard was lowered, since she was in the middle of an attack, she ducked and touched the ground, allowing the punches to move through the area she had been in seconds ago and force the two Saiyans to hit each other. Neferi knew that if she allowed both of the Saiyans to remain near either other their incredible teamwork would be hard to beat, more so now that they had two allies that were helping them out, so instead of wasting time she lashed out with her foot and kicked Goku in the chest, sending him flying through several trees and putting him a good distance away from where she and Vegeta were standing. Vegeta glanced away from her for a moment, which made sense when she considered the fact that he was concerned for his friend and teammate, but even though he left himself open for a few seconds she was going to attack now, where her ki flared into existence around her individual fingers, before she swung her right hand at Vegeta. What happened was that five lines of light purple colored energy rushed forward to meet her foe, who jumped backwards to avoid being hit by her sudden attack, but that was good for her, as it allowed her to put some distance between her and her foes so she could focus on who she wanted to take down first. In the end it was rather easy for Neferi to pick a target, as Frieza was in the middle of firing several small beams of energy at her, no doubt to make her weave her way through them and get hit by some of the oddly placed ones, to which she surprised Frieza by moving into the air above those attacks and then brought her fist down on the area her foe was standing in... but as Frieza dodged the attack, and moved away, her fist came into contact with the ground, blasting a crater into the ground in the process. "They were right, you are incredibly powerful." Frieza commented, though at the same time, as Neferi picked herself up and shifted back into her battle stance, he did the same thing as he focused on his foe, because he knew the others would get ready for what he had planned for his next attack, "Haven't you heard of holding back at the start of a fight, instead of using your full power all at once?" "My father and Whis taught me many things, including what you are talking about," Neferi replied, though as she said that she vanished from where she had been standing seconds ago, only to reappear right in front of Frieza, who barely had time to move as she punched him in the chest with a slight smile on her face, "besides, I AM holding back." As soon as she said that she completed her swing and Frieza went flying through the air, slamming into several trees in the process before finally clearing the forest, but for now Neferi stretched a little as she turned around, so she could face the other three opponents that were waiting for her to make a move against them. It gave her the chance to see what her foes were up to before she made any rash decisions, though it appeared that Broly was staring at her, no doubt waiting to see what she did next, while at the same time both Goku and Vegeta appeared to be regrouping, leaving Frieza laying in the ground from her attack, reducing the number to three opponents for a few moments, since there was no telling how long it would be before Frieza got up and rejoined the fight. As such she burst into the air and raced towards her next target, where Broly raised his arms as Neferi spun around and kicked at him, the force of her attack knocking him backwards a little bit, but he grinned as she chased after him, putting some distance between them and Goku and Vegeta, making her wonder what the large Saiyan had planned. The reason she considered him that way was because his body was bulking up over the course of their battle, even if he wasn't the one that fought her since he seemed to be gathering his energy when she targeted someone else, though her thoughts were interrupted as Broly loosed a beam of green energy at her, something that she had to dodge... which carved a gash into the forest they had been fighting in, allowing her to spin around and kick him in the side, sending him flying towards the nearby mountain area. "Galick Gun," Vegeta called out, causing Neferi to turn her head for a moment, where she found that both Goku and Vegeta were standing near each other and hand their hands in specific locations near their bodies, which meant that they were going to be firing a powerful attack at her. "Kamehame," Goku said at the same time, where a blue sphere of energy formed between his hands, which was located on the right side of his body while Vegeta's attack was up on the left side of his body, and was purple colored, but this just confirmed the thoughts that were going through Neferi's mind. "HAAA!" the pair shouted, where they focused on where their target was located and leveled their arms with where Neferi was floating, which was the moment that their attacks combined into a single mass as it raced towards her position, but she remained where she was floated as she held her hand out and her aura flared to life. An explosion tore apart the area that Neferi was floating in, ripping up pieces of earth, stone, and whatever trees that happened to be in the area, scattering them all over the area as the smoke started to part, though that was when Goku and Vegeta noticed what appeared to be a barrier, baring the color of Neferi's energy, hidden in the smoke, only to discover that Neferi had used her power to form a protective barrier around her, one that quickly disappeared as she lowered her hand. "You know, you guys would have more luck if you didn't reveal that your attacks are ready." Neferi pointed out, as that was something that she had learned over the years of training with her parents and Whis, none of them had shouted the names of their attacks during her training, to focus on her reaction times, and it appeared that her training was paying off already, where she shifted into her battle stance once again. Goku and Vegeta charged at her and started throwing a series of punches and kicks at her, where Neferi blocked some of the attacks that were coming her way and even parried some of them as they moved around the mountain range that Broly had been thrown into. She ducked under a few of their attacks, making them miss in the process, before kicking Goku in the chest and knocked him away from where they were fighting in, though before Vegeta could do anything she spun around and slammed the side of her leg into his chest, sending him flying into the side of a mountain, which caused a large crater to form around where he landed. Goku, seeing that she was distracted, burst back up into the air and rushed her once more, where Neferi parried the punches that were coming her way, surprising him with her reaction speed, before she ducked under his next punch and blasted him in the chest, sending him flying into the ground, which was when another part of the mountain range exploding and scattering the stone fragments. The green pillar that came with that action revealed that Broly was getting back into the battle, though as Neferi noticed that he appeared to be in his Legendary form, with green hair and a really bulked up body, there was a golden shine off in the distance as well, where she spotted a golden Frieza coming back to the fight. They weren't the only ones that did something like that, as both Goku and Vegeta picked themselves up of the areas she had knocked them into and dismissed their Super Saiyan 3 forms, only for their spiked hair to turn blue, revealing that this was their Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, or Super Saiyan Blue, form. Neferi grinned as Broly charged at her, where she found that his attacks were heavier than they had been when the battle started, though at the same time she found that Frieza had joined him, as the pair was attacking her while the pair of Saiyans were looking for another opening to use. She had to admit that they had come prepared, as it seemed like, when the four of them were together, their plans were coming out and she was smashing through them, but the fact that they were acting this way meant that they understood that she was a threat. Whenever Broly or Frieza knocked her backwards, which was more often than she was expecting, either Goku or Vegeta would attack her while she moved through the air, which stopped her and caused her to change who she was fighting, though she did find that all four of her foes had much stronger attacks this time around. This was what she was expecting when she decided to accept the challenge that Goku and Vegeta had issued years ago, regardless of the fact that they had brought allies with them, and she kept her smile as she parried the incoming punch that was coming from Vegeta, before grabbing onto his fist and spun around, forcing him to collide with Goku, knocking them away from where she was standing. Broly rushed at her and demanded her attention once more, something that he seemed to be charged with doing for his allies, and she parried his attacks before he could hit his true target, but even with that happening she noticed that there were some strands of energy being gathered in the air, meaning that someone was preparing an attack that would be fired at her. "Eat this!" Frieza shouted, where Neferi noticed that he was in the air above them and was in the process of firing a massive sphere of energy down at where she was standing, a Supernova as he called it, and Broly, upon hearing that the attack was ready, backed away before he got caught in the attack. Neferi was impressed that Frieza had managed to charge the attack without revealing his location to her, though it was likely because of the fact that she had been focused on Broly and no one else, but instead of fleeing and letting the sphere hit the ground, which would ruin the area around her, she let her energy flare to life and swung her arm at the attack that was coming her way. The same attack that she had used against Vegeta was used now, where the two attacks collided in the space between her and Frieza, though that was where Frieza discovered just how powerful she was, as her attack caused the Supernova to detonate in the air, instead of where he was trying to send it, before Neferi flew through the smoke and appeared behind her target. Frieza barely had time to do anything as she raised her fist, but before she could actually hit him, and send him flying towards the ground once more, Goku appeared next to Frieza, grabbed onto his shoulder, and the two of them disappeared, though she did notice that two of his fingers had been near his forehead, revealing that he had used the Instant Transmission technique to keep his ally safe for the next stage of their plan. Broly, of course, charged at her again, just confirming her thoughts that he seemed to be the warrior that was serving as a distraction for the others, so they could attack while she was focused on him, but this time around, since she knew the trick, thanks to the last few times she had engaged him in battle, she went on the offensive and punched Broly in the chest a few times, causing him to stagger as she kept her eyes open for the next attack from her other foes. This time around Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza rushed at her from behind, an interesting tactic to be sure, but at the same time she dodged the incoming attacks and grabbed onto Frieza's tail, surprising him in the process, before she spun around and slammed him into his allies, sending all three of them down into the ground. Broly, seeing that she might have her guard lowered, attacked her while her back was turned, where she shifted her body and avoided the attack, before wrapping her arms around his outstretched fist, allowing her to hurl him down towards the area that his allies were resting in, though what was odd was the fact that all four of them had missed hitting each other. Once Broly was with his allies again, and the four of them were in the process of getting up again, Neferi raised her arms in front of her face and then swung her hands down towards the ground, where she loosed a hail of ki blasts down at the area that was below her, where they detonated upon impacting the area that she was targeting. Of course the interesting thing about all of this was that the mountain area that they were currently fighting in shattered as her blasts hit the ground, causing everything to collapse into a massive crater, though when she stopped firing ki blasts she noticed that all of her targets had moved from the area she had been targeting, showing her that Goku had moved them to avoid taking damage. She spotted the group standing off in the distance, though instead of all four of them coming at her at the same time, like she would have expected, Goku and Vegeta backed off and seemed to be focusing their energies, allowing Frieza and Broly to rush her first, where she parried their attacks and considered what her foes were planning... though that was when a burst of energy erupted from where the two Saiyans had been standing, where a new warrior, who looked like a fusion between them, replaced them. "So, they used the Fusion Dance." Neferi commented, as she recognized the vest that the warrior was wearing, as her parents had told them about this technique when they went over everything they had seen, which meant that this warrior was going to be even stronger than anything she had seen so far. "I am Gogeta." the warrior replied, though his tone revealed that, after everything he and the others had seen since the start of this battle, they knew they couldn't hold back against her, not when she was overcoming them, which was why he shifted into his battle stance as Frieza and Broly moved away from them, no doubt to prepare themselves for the next stage of their whatever they were planning, I hope you're ready, Neferi, because the true battle is just starting." Neferi smiled for a few seconds before she rushed at Gogeta, though instead of fighting back immediately the warrior turned around and flew through the air, as if he was fleeing, which caused her to follow after him, but while she did that she gathered her ki and loosed several bursts of ki blasts at her new foe, where they rushed at where he was loacted and exploded when they connected with the ground, showing her that her new opponent was faster than her current speed, which made things interesting. As the two of them moved around the area that they were fighting in, and avoided both Broly and Frieza for now, Neferi noticed that Gogeta was swinging his arms at her last couple of ki blasts, knocking them off course and causing them to detonate when they came into contact with the area around him, before his energy flared and he pushed himself into his Super Saiyan form. At the same time, however, that left him open for the briefest of seconds, which was when she rushed in and punched the side of his face, knocking him through the air with ease, but what interested her was that Gogeta stopped himself before he could go too far and rushed back into the battle, where she rushed at him as well. As their fists came into contact with each other the area around them ignited, displaying just how powerful the two of them were, before Gogeta surprised Neferi by getting the upper hand and punched her in the face, knocking her backwards, only for her to stop moving as she rubbed the area that had been hit. She had to admit that she was impressed, that the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, two warriors that she had bested quite easily in their base forms five years ago, was able to put up quite the fight against her, which had to be due to the training that they had gone through, before she readied herself and charged back into the battle. It was in that moment that Gogeta gained the upper hand, as he shifted his arms in front of his body and made sure that the palm of his hands shifted her incoming attack away from his chest, the area she had been targeting, though as her attack missed it's mark, and she realized what had happened, Gogeta spun around and kicked her down into the ground, blasting a new crater into the stone she struck. Neferi was a little surprised, that her foe had been able to do this so quickly, and before she even had a chance to move Gogeta loosed a storm of blue ki blasts down at where she was laying, which struck all of the stones around her and kept her pinned down, though that changed when she forced herself to stand and extended her hand, summoning her barrier to stop the blasts from hitting her for a few seconds. Once she was able to stand, which didn't take much effort since she wasn't hurt at all, she swung her arm and the energy of the barrier burst out in every direction, cancelling Gogeta's attack and allowing her to burst through the space between them so she could continue the battle. The moment she was up in the air she started flashing around the area around Gogeta, who started doing the same thing, making sure that the two of them were never at the same spot for more than a second, though that was before Neferi broke out of the pattern and rushed at her target, only for Gogeta to dodge her attack and loose a powerful uppercut that knocked her up into the air. As Neferi regained herself, and focused on where her foe was floating, a kick struck her in the back and sent her flying down towards the ground, where she flew by Gogeta and crashed into the only mountain that was left in the range that they were currently fighting in, though as she pushed some rubble off of her she found Frieza floating above where she had been a few seconds ago, indicating that he was the one that hit her. Before she could rush at him, and resume fighting him, Gogeta descended to the area that she was in and rushed at her, forcing Neferi to go on the defensive as she was pushed through the mountain, would started to collapse all around them as she blocked one of Gogeta's attacks. After that attack happened, however, she gathered her ki and blasted her foe backwards, where she followed after Gogeta and rushed outside so she could figure out who she was going to target next, only to stop when her target punched the side of her face and knocked her into the ground once more, meaning that Gogeta was stronger than she originally thought, and that was also because of the fact that he had switched to Super Saiyan Blue rather quickly. It was a good tactic, since she hadn't seen it coming and should have known that he would have switched forms when he realized that the base Super Saiyan form wasn't getting him anywhere, though as she rubbed the side of her face she had to smile, as this was the sort of fight she had been envisioning when she thought about this event. Of course, as she thought about that, she focused on her foe again and found that all three of her foes had gathered in the same area once more, and this time it appeared that Broly was in the middle of charging a incredibly powerful green colored Kamehameha, Gogeta appeared to be combining the Galick Gun with a Kamehameha, and Frieza was in the process of finishing his Death Cannon technique. Three beam attacks, that was what she was counting at the moment, but before she could even move out of the way the trio leveled their hands with her and loosed their attacks, where she watched as the three beams wrapped around each other and merged into a single multicolored beam, one that was drawing closer and closer to where she was standing. Since it appeared that her foes were pulling out all the stops to try and take her out, or at least made her admit defeat, Neferi figured that she might as well stop holding back and show them her true power, which was why her aura flared to life and wrapped around her body, so when the beam hit it's mark the area around her would be blown apart and a crater would be left behind, but she would be unharmed. Not even a few seconds after her aura flared to life the beam slammed into it and exploded instantly, the blast tearing apart the area around her and leaving a massive crater in the ground, one that would have filled up with water if there was any near where it was located, but the trio paused as they noticed Neferi's aura flickering in the smoke, though when the smoke finally cleared they found that she had protected herself from their attack, without taking any damage. "You guys are impressive, I'll give you that," Neferi commented, where she stretched her arms and legs for a few seconds, as her foes were taking this fight seriously and it appeared that she had to do the same thing, since it appeared that they had been trying to take her out before she revealed her true power, before she stopped what she was doing and focused on the trio, "Now then, since you seem to be using your full power against me, I think it's only fair that I do the same thing to all three of you." Gogeta, knowing what was coming since both of the warriors that went into making him had experienced Neferi's full power once in the past, got ready to move so they could do something to take her down, but before he, Broly, or even Frieza could move Neferi flashed up to where the three of them were standing and got between them. In that moment she thrust her hands out to the side and the sheer force of her aura knocked all three of them away from her, though Broly was the first one to recover and loosed a powerful beam of energy, one that he didn't have to charge, at his target, where Neferi loosed a small blast at the attack and blew it apart before it could even reach her. The instant that happened, and all three of them were stunned by what she had done, Neferi flashed behind Broly and swung her leg into his side, sending him flying through the air as he put some distance between him and his allies, before appearing above him, where she delivered a powerful punch that knocked him into the ground. Frieza, seeing that her focus was on someone else, raised his right hand and summoned some ki around it, forming a blade of red ki, before charging at Neferi, who raised her right hand and blocked the attack before it could hurt her, shattering the form of his attack, before she punched him in the chest and caused him to cough in pain, which she followed by grabbing onto his tail and sent him into the ground as well, just not in the area that Broly was in. Gogeta, on the other hand, kept his distance and prepared a Final Kamehameha, as both he and Vegito had access to that incredibly powerful technique, before firing it at his target, where Neferi turned around and punched the side of the beam, knocking it off into the distance like it was nothing, before charging a ball of energy that she hurled at him, blowing him out of the air as well. He was surprised and shocked by the vast differences in their strength, as when Neferi was holding her power back he had turned the tables on her and was on the way to leading his fellow warriors to victory, but now that she was no longer holding back, and was using her full power, it felt like he was trying to fight someone that was on Jiren's level, and he had the feeling that this battle was over. "It appears that Neferi has won." Liquiir commented, as he and the other gods had been watching the battle happen since the moment it started, and while he had to admit that Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and Broly had done the best they could possibly do he knew the truth of the matter, Neferi was strong and not even the strongest warriors of her universe had the power to stop her, and there was the fact that her performance had freaked out a few of the gods, "It seems that we might have found a new candidate for the position as the strongest mortal in the multiverse." "Nonsense." Belmod replied, because despite the fact that he had retired, and Toppo had taken his place, he was still a powerful warrior in his own right and that was why he had been brought here, as well as the fact that he was Toppo's adviser for another year or two, before he gestured towards the other warrior that had come with them, "Despite what happened in the Tournament of Power, where he was ganged up on by a large number of warriors, Jiren is still the strongest mortal warrior in the entire multiverse, and there's no way that a girl, one that's only ten years old, would have the power to defeat him, regardless of the fact that she's Beerus' daughter." Beerus was used to the other gods insulting him or saying things about his strength, which he tried to ignore to the best of his power, but he didn't like it when his daughter was the target of those comments, but what kept him from saying anything was the fact that Jiren actually stepped forward and kept his gaze on the battle that was ending. "Lady Sunset, may I join the fight?" Jiren asked, as this battle had caught his attention right away, when he felt the power that all four of Neferi's challengers had brought to bare against her, and right now, after seeing that she was still standing and that she had bested Gogeta, the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, he had to admit that he was curious to see what her true power felt like. Sunset said nothing for a moment, as she was a little surprised that one of the other mortal warriors would want to get involved with this fight, before she nodded her head and let Jiren jump over the edge of the stands, as she knew that he was an incredibly powerful warrior and that it would be the best way to test Neferi's full power. "It would appear that we have a few arrival." Neferi commented, where she turned her head towards the atmosphere of the planet and watched as Jiren descended towards the area that she was in, before he came to a stop and floated in the air near her, "Well I'll be, I never thought that you would be interested in fighting me, Jiren." "Neferi, daughter of Beerus and Chronoa, I have determined that you would be a worthy foe for me to fight against in single combat," Jiren replied, though his tone revealed something to Frieza and the others, and that was, without even exchanging a single blow with her, he already considered Neferi to be one of the warriors that he could respect, though as he did that he raised his left hand and opened the upper part of his suit, like it was a jacket, showing the watchers that he had modified his Pride Trooper attire after the Tournament of Power, before dropping the chest part, which landed in Frieza's hands, "and, after seeing how well you fought against these foes, I have decided that I will use my full power as well, to see just how strong you are for myself." As soon as Jiren said that he focused on his inner power, the power that was awakened during the Tournament of Power, and a fiery red aura formed around him as his muscles bulked up, revealing the form that he had gained during the final battle of the tournament, before he shifted his body and assumed his stance. Neferi raised her arms as well, to show her final foe that she was ready, despite the fact that she had gone through quite the battle with her previous opponents, and the two of them stared at each other for a few seconds, daring the other to move while keeping everyone else waiting to see what happened next. Not a moment later the pair vanished from where they had been standing, which surprised Gogeta and the others, because not a few seconds later both Neferi and Jiren were up in the air above the ruined mountain range, where the two warriors started throwing punches at each other, resulting in blue lightning branching out every time their fists came into contact with each other. At the same time they appeared to be moving away from the mountain range, which was a good idea since it had been completely wrecked by the fighting earlier, though as the pair moved away from that area Frieza and the others followed at a safe distance, just so they could keep watching the fight and see if Jiren could best Neferi. Of course that was provided that they could keep track of them, as the two warriors were flashing all over the place, as the lightning flashes were the only way for them to understand where the pair were located, though at the same time they had the feeling that the gods, especially Sunset, were having no trouble keeping track of what Jiren and Neferi were doing as they exchanged blows. A few moments later the pair crashed into the side of a lone mountain that was in their way, the force of their attacks shattering the area around them and scattering the fragments, where Jiren turned around and touched down on the ground that they had been above, causing Neferi to follow after him. As she did that, however, Jiren threw a punch at her and she had to defend herself with her aura, though it did push her backwards a little, where she spun around in the air and rushed at where her target was standing, only for Jiren to move out of the way and let her crash into the stone fragment that was behind him. The stone shattered under the intensity of her attack, which is what she expected, and as she turned around she found that Jiren was coming at her, where her fist collided with the next attack and the area around them broke apart, but neither of them paid much attention to that as they sped up the number of punches and kicks that they were sending their foe's way. Instead of letting Jiren take control of this battle, like he appeared to be doing, Neferi flashed around him a few times and looked for the perfect opening, before charging right into Jiren's chest and flew towards the ground, where they slammed into the stone below them and burst into a massive cavern that happened to be below the mountain they had been fighting above. From there the pair separated again and charged at each other, where the force of their energies colliding caused the cavern's walls to crack and even break at times, before Jiren delivered a powerful uppercut that knocked Neferi through the roof and back up into the sky, which gave her the perfect chance to charge up an attack that she had been waiting to use for a long time. As Jiren burst out of the cavern, however, Neferi was ready for him, as she had pulled her power together and formed a large sphere of energy above her head, one that she hurled down at her foe the moment he revealed himself, and Jiren, not having much else he could do, raised his hands and tried to stop the attack... which pushed him back down into the ground and forced him into the cavern, before the energy poured out in all directions and caused the entire area to be transformed into a land of fire, ash, and magma, all while showing off her destructive power. "I... I don't believe it..." Frieza commented, as he had known that Neferi was strong and that her power would be quite destructive, since she was the daughter of Beerus, but even that didn't prepare him for what he saw, "It's almost like watching someone fight Broly all over again, though while you're attack was confined to the ice continent it appears that the damage from Neferi's attack is spreading all over the place..." Before Frieza could finish his comment the blackened rock shattered and Jiren rose out of the rubble, though instead of being annoyed with Neferi, for doing something like that to him, he actually seemed like he was enjoying himself, as he burst into the air and rushed at her once more, and this time Neferi went on the offensive, as she was a little tired of being on the defensive. As such she lashed out with her fists and found that Jiren knew what she was trying to do, hence the reason that he was prepared to defend himself and avoid her attacks until he returned to being on the offensive, but that was when she surprised him by kicking upwards with her foot, breaking the guard that he had been using against her, and then got above him, so she could swing both of her hands into his chest as a combined attack. The result knocked Jiren out of the air and sent him crashing into the ground, where he coughed for a moment as a look of surprise appeared on his face, as if he wasn't expecting her to be this strong, and he had to refocus on the battle as she rushed down to where he was laying, though she didn't punch the ground and spun around so she could kick him in the side, sending him towards the edge of the ruined zone they had been fighting in. As Jiren regained himself, and faced where he had come from, he found Neferi chasing after him, her attacks breaking his attempts to defend himself, before she slipped a punch through his defenses and struck his chest, knocking the wind out of him, before she spun around again and kicked him towards the ground, blasting a new crater into the ground. In that moment Jiren paused, as he was beginning to understand the power that he was up against, and looked into the sky above him, where he found that Neferi was coming down towards him, though at the same time her right fist was at the ready and it had a large aura wrapped around it, meaning that she wasn't playing around... though when she got close to him he pushed himself out of the way and avoided the attack, allowing Neferi's fist to hint the center of the crater, which caused the area around them to shake for a moment. "Ugh, guys?" Gogeta commented, where he pointed at the ground for a few seconds, which was when Frieza and Broly noticed that half of the ground was moving to their right and the other half was moving to their left, causing all three of them to look at what they were seeing with shock on their faces, "She broke the world." Jiren, despite the fact that he was in the middle of a fight, noticing the change as well, that Neferi's attack had channeled the destructive power she was capable of wielding into the ground itself, allowing her to split the planet they were fighting on in half with little to no effort, and, as she turned towards him again, he knew what to do next. "Stop." Jiren said, surprising Neferi for a moment, though at the same time she sensed no trickery, especially since Jiren sighed and allowed his body to return to normal, which was when Frieza returned the section of his uniform to him so he could put it on later, "I can tell, from the blows we exchanged and the power that you have demonstrated, that you are strong and that you are a worthy foe to fight against, and, after being bested a few times in the Tournament of Power, I know when it's time to stop fighting and bow my head. Neferi, you are stronger than I thought you would be, and I am not ashamed to admit that I would have been bested by you if the battle had dragged on for a few more minutes." "What about your title as the strongest mortal in the multiverse?" Gogeta asked, because while he knew that was a title that the Gods of Destruction and Angels had gifted to Jiren, because of the fact that he was so powerful, he knew that losing it to a ten year old had to be quite the blow to his ego, or at the very least his pride. "Despite what you might think, I never cared for the title, nor did I want it." Jiren replied, to which he took a few steps forward and rested a hand on Neferi's shoulder, where she looked up at him with a look of confusion in her eyes, as she wasn't sure what was going on at the moment, "Besides, after this battle I know that there is a mortal that is far stronger than I will ever be out there in the multiverse, and that is you, Neferi. You are the strongest mortal in the multiverse." Beerus smiled for a moment as he glanced at the other gods, as many of them that knew of Jiren's power were caught off guard by the fact that Universe 11's strongest mortal had revealed that he never cared for the title he had been given, as he only cared about finding the being that ended his mentor's life, and that he was more than happy to acknowledge Neferi as the one who should hold the title. Belmod, who had been used to proclaiming that Jiren was the strongest mortal and that no one could challenge him, was the most shocked out of the entire group, though he eventually sighed and hung his head in defeat, no doubt silently blaming all of this on Rainbow and Applejack, figuring that it was their fault that Jiren had been forced into this position. Chronoa, Whis, and Shin were also happy, as it showed the other universes just how strong their warriors are and proved that Neferi was incredibly powerful, though as Beerus thought about that he watched as Neferi and the others returned to their part of the stands, where he and Chronoa embraced their daughter, as they were both proud of her and what she was able to do. At the same time Sunset seemed pleased with the results, as it was a fine demonstration of Neferi's power and the other gods now knew how powerful the first child of a God of Destruction was, and she was only ten years old, so there was no telling what she would do next in her life. He honestly had no idea what else the future might hold for them and Neferi, but after today Beerus was very happy for her and was proud of what she was able to accomplish, and something told him that he, Chronoa, and the others would feel the same way for many years to come.