//------------------------------// // Huh!? // Story: What!? // by Forgetful //------------------------------// Fluttershy skipped out of her bedroom completely refreshed for the lovely day ahead. Her coat soft as silk from a long bubble bath and her mane a vibrant pink from a thorough styling with her favorite butterfly brush. Her turquoise eyes glowing in the bright sunlight much like flawless diamonds. Her tiny hoofsteps echoing in delicate clicks as the mare danced happily into the kitchen, her rump swaying side to side joyously. The slender pegasus spotting her cute little bunny just waking up with a loud yawn on her counter. Fluttershy walking over to give him a gentle massage atop his head with a melodic giggle. “I bet you're hungry little guy.” A squee escaped her lips as she lifted her hooves to her side extra femininely, fluttering high to an out of reach cabinet. Within a few seconds flying back down gently holding a new large bag of fresh carrots. “Aye, I have been Flutbutt. To be quite honest you shouldn't have even been feeding me those out of date carrots, I was having the flaming shites out of me arse all last week!” Angel spoke in a very clear voice that seemed to have an odd accent of some kind, Fluttershy simply letting every carrot fall out onto the counter from the bag in horror. “Ahhh!” Fluttershy gave a shrill scream before zooming out of the front door in a blur of yellow, Angel simply snorting aloud annoyed. “Bah, lasses!” He rolled his eyes before turning his attention to the mountain of carrots. Fluttershy felt her heart racing in utmost panic. Was she still dreaming and this was a very odd nightmare or did Angel really learn to talk? The mare let herself slow down on her fluttering wings gently, her hooves never once touching the ground after that fright. A tiny giggle escaping her muzzle sweetly as she took a deep breath in relief. She merely just imagined the ordeal of course, probably still a bit of sleep in her eyes. Tank was sitting in a nice cozy patch of grass under a mighty oak tree, Fluttershy smiling as she fluttered over to him. Her smile beaming with compassion as she landed right at his side with a sigh. “How are you Tank? I've had quite the morning myself.” The mare leaned down nuzzling the tortoise on his shell playfully with her muzzle. “....” Tank lifted his head slowly to face her with a crooked smile. Fluttershy feeling her heart calming as not a word was spoken. “I imagined Angel talking, isn't that silly!?...he had quite the foul mouth too.” Fluttershy scrunched her nose cutely. “He…..gets….like…..that….some….” Tank began to speak words as clear as day, Fluttershy feeling the color drain from her cheeks. With a loud scream she darted off on hoof towards town like a bolt of lightning. Her eyes slamming shut in absolute terror as a tiny scream escaped her lips into the bright blue sky above. “Times.” Tank replied ever so slowly to nopony around. “The animals are talking!!” Fluttershy yelled out in fear as tears began to cascade down her cheeks wildly, the pegasus dashing under a nearby fruit tree heaving her chest frantically. “The animals are talking!?” A sweet melody of a voice spoke with a delightful chirp from above her. “Mm-hmm! I think something might be…” Fluttershy lifted her head up to a tiny blue jay gazing down to her with a smile. “Ahhhhh!” The pegasus darted into Ponyville her lungs burning with pain yet she had to find somepony to help her. “That poor dear.” The blue jay gave a whistle with pity in her voice. Fluttershy felt her eyes twitching in growing paranoia of this chaotic morning, her hooves turning into jelly as she darted from stall to stall in the market. Hoping to spot a familiar pony she trusted, one who could tell her it was all a dream or take this madness away. Her large turquoise eyes spotting Derpy walking out of the nearby bakery with a smile on her face and hooves holding a massive wicker basket of freshly baked muffins. The lovely scent of melted butter filling the morning air as the frightened pegasus rushed over, her tiny body trembling on the verge of collapse. “Hiya Fluttershy, is everything Okies!?” Derpy flicked her ears playfully flashing a worried glance to the usually calm mare, her hoof lifting a ridiculously soft muffin out of the basket. “Oh thank goodness Derpy, something horrible is happening!” Fluttershy gasped for air her hues darting frantically around as if expecting something to lunge out at her. “What is it?” Derpy gasped cutely. “The animals are talking!” Fluttershy whimpered softly her hooves quivering. “Huh? Neat!” Derpy took a large bite out of the muffin in her hoof. “Not neat Derpy, in fact quite disturbing!” The yellow pegasus gave a feminine squeak of fear. “You know what I always found disturbing? We as ponies being able to talk…” Derpy locked honey colored eyes ever so seriously with mare. Without saying a word, Fluttershy simply walked away. “Somepony! Anypony help me!?” Fluttershy was on empty her energy spent as she collapsed onto the dirt road with a thud. Large pale blue tears flowing out of her eyes as she curled into a tiny yellow ball on the ground, shivering out of the fact she lost her mind. Scared that she might never know what normal would be ever again. Sobbing softly into her hooves she could hear tiny footsteps coming closer from her right, lifting up her head she came muzzle to snout with Gummy delicately. The small alligator licking his own eyeball in silence, Fluttershy sniffing aloud as her ears stayed pinned back. “Are you able to talk too, Gummy?” Fluttershy whimpered. The alligator nodding in a yes fashion politely. “Then why...not speak?” Fluttershy spoke her voice trembling. Gummy gently leaned inward as he placed a soft lick on the mare's cheek tenderly, Fluttershy giggling before wiping the tears from her eyes softly. “You're being polite, because you know I'm frightened?” Fluttershy replied as Gummy licked his eyeball again in agreement. The mare wrapping her hooves around the tiny gator giving him a large warm hug, part of her soul calming back to normal. With a sudden explosion of purple smoke Discord flashed into existence in front of his favorite pony of all time. Fluttershy gazing up to him with oversized wet blue eyes, hugging Gummy in a loving embrace. “So tell me Fluttershy, have you been enjoying your birthday gift!?” Discord floated excitedly in the air, staring to his special somepony while chuckling in delight. “Birthday gift?” Fluttershy scrunched her muzzle. “Indeed, the lord of all chaotic energies in this universe and beyond shifted the quantum axis of the multiverse finding a realm where animals had higher thought, injecting said magical properties from that world into our own.” Gummy spoke in a professional tone. “Simply put, I made all animals able to talk!” Discord burst out into a joyous uproar of laughter. “But…” Fluttershy batted lashes innocently. “I got the idea while universe hopping last week, apparently an alternate comic book version of myself gave you this gift and you adored it!” Discord shook his claws in excitement as Fluttershy still looked quite frightened. “...” “You don't like it?” Discord gave a large sigh his face turning into a disappointed frown. “I love it Discord, it's just a bit weird.” Fluttershy forced a weak smile to slowly form on her muzzle. “Hmm, I should've probably warned you about this huh?” Discord slumped over in place. “Maybe just a smidge.” Fluttershy giggled. “Well is there anything I can do, you perhaps don't find odd?” Discord gave a light-hearted grin to his dream mare. “Hmm.” Fluttershy tapped her chin delicately in deep thought. “This is awesome! Kamehameha!” Rainbow Dash pointed her hooves out in front of her, towards a old pile of hay bales in Applejack's backyard. A surge of powerful blue energy shooting out from within as it exploded the bales in a flurry of fire and loud blasts. “Stop blowing mah stuff up!” Applejack sighed in growing annoyance, holding a hoofful of playing cards in her grasp. “I summon The Dark Horse Magician, in attack mode!” Pinkie squealed excitedly on the opposite side of Applejack, slamming a card down on a odd silver contraption connected to her hoof. In a explosion of light a humongous pony unicorn sprung to life, dressed in ancient dark violet robes his glowing green magic holding a sharp magical staff at his side proudly. “Why does cold water turn me into a girl!?” A tiny feminine purple dragoness pouted cutely as she stomped across the party in search of an explanation. “No idea Spike, all I got was a blank book?” Twilight sat at a nearby picnic table in deep thought, looking over an odd tome called “Death Note”. “Darling's don't be alarmed, but I think I might be seeing the dead!”  Rarity spoke in terror as she wore a tiny black robe, taking each step carefully gazing deep into the spirit realm. Fluttershy giggled watching each of her friends enjoy a taste of her special interest on her birthday, wearing a white karate gi with a red ribbon tied across her forehead cutely. “Hadouken!” She squealed in delight delicately, holding her own hooves out as a small puff of pink smoke barely wafted out, floating forward. Discord watched with a smile enjoying the view of his friends being happy. If his mischievous brand of magic could bring forth just a few smiles, then his heart would brim with warmth of a job well done. “So dear Fluttershy, is this a fine birthday?” Discord asked with a sly grin, the tiny pegasus fluttering on her delicate wings to his face level. “It's absolutely perfect, because you're here!” Fluttershy blushed a light pink before leaning inward, her lips locking with her most favorite of friends. Both enjoying a passionate warm kiss the sound of good times and laughter filling the perfect summer sky. Even Angel came hopping up to the festivities, twitching his whiskers in slight interest. “Aye, those carrots are going right through me!” Angel groaned in loud voice full of regret, this morning’s carrots fighting back. Everypony could just simply stare in surprise.