Life of a Dragon: Die for Metal

by MoshKing


To anybody who has bothered to stick around while this story has hovered in limbo, I owe you an explanation:

For the longest time, I've been trying to get back to this story, but I couldn't come up with any ideas I liked to continue from where I left off. Looking back at what I've previously published, I realized that I'm capable of writing much better material than the garbage that's already been posted. When I started this fic, I was a dumb high school student with shitty emo tendencies, and it shows in my writing. Every time I re-read this story, it screams: "DUMB FUCKING EDGELORD" to me. Now that I've left my teenage years behind and I've grown out of that particular set of bad habits, I'm going to start from scratch. Hell, I think I'll change the title, too. Once I get the first chapter finished and posted, I'm trashing all my previous work. Hopefully, I'll be done soon, so if you've been hanging in there, it'll only be a little while longer.

May the Rock be with you.
