The Fifth Holy Grail War: A Pony's Perspective

by Evowizard25

Twilight's First Time at the Library

Twilight was giddy beyond belief. She finally was able to get to a library! Better yet, she was going with Shirou! The human was really helpful and she wouldn't get anywhere without him. No, that was literally true. He had to direct her a few times when she got lost. The human city was impressive but it wasn't too unique. She had been to big 'modern' cities of Equestria. Aside from the cars, it wasn't too different from them. That was good.

A part of her knew that she should be going after Sunset Shimmer right now. She should get the crown and go back home, hopefully with Sunset in toe. It would be stupid to leave her behind in this world, lest she try something like this again. That or try something malicious with the people here with the magic she possessed. Being a student of Celestia meant that Sunset had some impressive skills under her belt.

However, Sunset hadn't tried anything. Nadda. Which meant either Sunset was biding her time or couldn't use the power of the crown. That didn't make her any less dangerous, but it did mean that Sunset wasn't a 'threat' as of yet. As well, Twilight needed to understand more of this world if she was going to act in it. If she pulled something off and got in trouble, it didn't matter if she 'won'. She'd ruin relations with this world and possibly something bad could happen to her and Sunset. That was unacceptable.

So she would study as much as she can. That and the motherhood books. Couldn't forget about those. Thankfully she didn't mention that part to Shirou. She didn't want to spook him. Which reminded her. Shirou Emiya had interacted with Sunset. They even seemed to know about each other well enough.

"So Shirou," Twilight spoke up as they made their way to the library. "Do you know Sunset Shimmer well?"

"Hmmm?" Shirou turned his head to her. "Well, sort of. We don't spend a lot of time together aside from when she asks me to fix some of her stuff."

"And?" Twilight got a bit closer.

"Why are you so curious about her?"

Twilight's eyes widened and she laughed nervously, "She's an old classmate. She probably doesn't remember me but I want to know if she's the same as I remember."

Shirou nodded, "Well a lot of people in the school don't like her. They say she's bossy, mean, and she does everything in her power to have 'control' over the school. I dont' really buy the last part, but she is a bit much. However, I think she has some good in her. When I'm around her, just between us, she seems… a bit more relaxed. A bit more open."

"More open?" Twilight asked. If that was the case, maybe she could really redeem Sunset without blasting her with the Elements of Harmony.

Shirou nodded again, "Yeah. I've been trying to help Sunset open up to others but she's sort of like Shinji in some ways." He sighed, "Sometimes it's hard to know what to do around them."

Twilight nodded, "Right. I'll do my best then, Shirou."

Shirou smiled at her, which made her heart skip a beat. "I know you will. You don't seem the type to do things halfway."

Twilight chuckled, "You've got that right. I like to look for the best in people. It works out most of the time."

"But not all?"

Twilight sighed, "There are just some people you can't save." She balled up her fists as she remembered Sombra. Reading of the horrors he inflicted upon his people was one thing. Seeing the utter despair he had put them through? It made her hate him utterly. She did not regret destroying him. "But that only goes for heartless monsters. Most people have at least some semblence of good in them."

Shirou nodded, 'Yeah, but even then. I don't think I would feel good about just ending their lives. Even if they are a monster, I'd like to think I could save them."

Twilight quirked an eyebrow, "Sounds like someone wants to be a hero."

"A hero of justice," Shirou answered immediately.

Twilight couldn't help but let a smile grow, "Now that's something I'd like to see. Maybe I could help you out with that. One hero to another."

"Oh?" Shirou smirked. "So you're a hero?"

"Guilty," Twilight wagged a finger in his face. "But I'm not telling you how~"

Shirou, "Fine, keep your secrets." He turned his head, "Ah, there it is."

The moment he gestured to the library, Twilight squealed and ran inside. Shirou almost couldn't believe the speed in which she did that. It was almost cartoonish in a way given the slight dust image she left behind.


She ran through the place, twirling in excitement.

"So many new books!"

"Shhh," several people shushed her.

Twilight giggled nervously, "Sorry." She turned to see Shirou behind her and before she knew it, she threw her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you so much!"

Shirou blinked a few times before returning the hug, "Hey, you wanted to go to the library. It's the least I could do."

Twilight again thanked Celestia for meeting this guy. She pulled away, "You are the best. Now, I gotta get a few things. You can look around."

Shirou quirked an eyebrow, "Any reason you don't want me to help you look around?"

Twilight gulped and nervously rubbed her arm, "Well…" She had to think of something, "I like to study on my own and, well, there are certain topics I'd rather just study… alone."

Shirou nodded and started to walk off, "I'll find you in about an hour?"

Twilight nodded. That would be fine for a first visit. Next time would be longer, "Yeah, that sounds good."

It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for. Unfortunately she couldn't find anything on magic. At least nothing scientific and factual. It was all fiction. That was absurd. Did the people of this world really not believe in magic? Of course, perhaps that was the case. She had seen no one use magic here. Maybe they didn't remember it anymore. It wasn't absurd. She had read the old tales of Tirek who had absorbed magic. That was if he was real. She never got around to asking Celestia about him.

Still though, she had enough books to help her other cases on getting to know about this world. That went especially for motherhood as she had a large stack by her person. Hopefully she could speed read before Shirou came over.

"Seems someone's interested in motherhood," an older voice spoke up. Twilight looked up to see an elderly librarian smiling down at her. "Scholarly interest?"

Twilight laughed nervously, "Yeah, that's it. All scholarly and all that."

"So have you found anything interesting?"

"Oh it's just a few things," Twilight tapped her finger on a growing pile of notes. "I'm noting a small pattern about a few things. The playtime segments are garnering a lot of attention for me."

The librarian chuckled and shook her head, "I've never really understood why people think books will help them understand how to raise children. In my experience, no one child is the same."

"You have experience?"

"Three children and five grandchildren," the librarian smiled motherly.

Twilight stood up and stared at her with rapt attention, "Tell me everything you know!"

The librarian's eyes widened, "Ah… I see. You're really interested?"

Twilight nodded excitingly and held up a notepad and pen, "I need to know."

"You really need to know?"

"Yes, I do."

"So can you answer a question?"

"Yes, anything."

"How many children do you have?"

"One…" Twilight paused before snapping at herself inwardly. It had slipped out. "How could you tell?"

"It's the frantic look in your eyes," the librarian said. "I've seen that look in first time mothers all the time."

Twilight sat down in her chair, "How did they cope?"

"It depended on the person," the librarian said. "But there is no greater joy than watching your child grow up with your own eyes. I'm sure you've taken to your child?"

Twilight nodded and a small smile came to her face, "Yes. It happened so fast. I didn't know how it all started." She huffed and buried her face in her hands, "No, I know how it started. I was just so… eager to know and experience something new. I should have thought about the consequences."

The librarian nodded, "Young people sometimes tend to forget about the morrow and only focus on today. It happens and I'm sorry, but I'm sure your child is a blessing in of itself. Is it-"

"A girl," Twilight cut in with a proud smile. "She'll take after her mother no doubt."

The librarian laughed, "A modest mother, eh? So about the husband."

"There…" Twilight paused, trying to think up an excuse. This had already gone on longer then it should have.

The librarian frowned, "Ah I see. Well I'm sure you can find someone more suited for the job in no time. You are young and rather pretty, if I do say so myself."

Twilight blushed lightly in embarrassment, "I'm not that pretty."

"Don't think less of yourself," the librarian turned to leave. "I better get back to my duties. Feel free to come back any time and bring that daughter of yours with you."

Twilight huffed and got back to reading. She was a nice woman. Perhaps she would bring Assassin here. It was a great place of learning and the best people she had ever met were librarians. Yes, that was a stupendous idea!

"Motherhood?" A suave and beautifully rich male voice spoke up beside her. "An interesting subject."

Twilight let out a little yelp as she stood up and turned. She saw a charmingly dressed, handsome male figure. He grinned at her in a way that made her skin crawl. Yet it wasn't like Shinji's way. It was… different.

"It suits you though," the man said. "Such a pristine beauty like you giving onto this little world another charming little girl."

"And you are?"

"You can call me Gil for now," the man bowed his head but his smirk never left his face. "Are you having trouble fitting in here?"

Twilight nodded, "Yeah, it's not like my hometown that's for sure." He didn't seem dangerous so Twilight allowed herself to relax.

"I felt the same way," he crossed his arms. "Waking up to this world. To Japan, day in and out. I honestly find it droll."

"I find it exciting," Twilight grinned. "It's a whole new world to me. Everything's just so new and different and the people are so nice and understanding. I wish I could come here sooner."

The man rolled his eyes, "I see." He paused, "But you might not always think that. Humans tend to be disappointing after a while."

"That's a bit pessimistic, don't you think?"

Gil chuckled, "Perhaps. I like to be realistic. You however," he took a step closer and Twilight found herself staring at the man. Her heart beat a bit quicker. "You are different. You're new. I find that exciting, don't you think?"

Twilight gulped, "Well, I'm just me. Twilight Sparkle. I'm no one special."

"With a name like that, I doubt it." Gil peered down a bit closer, "You are not a normal girl, Twilight Sparkle."

"A-And you know that, why?" Twilight gulped, feeling even more nervous and light headed then before.

"I'm a very good judge of character," Gil answered. "Perhaps I could become a better judge over, say, dinner?"

Twilight's mind went into overdrive. Dinner? With this guy? She just met him? Oh this was bad. She couldn't let this handsome guy distract her from… her missions. She needed someone to get her out of this because she wasn't sure if she could just say no. There was just something about this guy that wouldn't take such an answer lightly.

"Twilight," Shirou came around a bookcase and stopped. Twilight never knew she could be so relieved to see her knight in shining armor before. "Are you in the middle of something?"

Gil narrowed his eyes, "Yes, but I think it can wait." He took one of Twilight's hands and kissed the back of it, causing her to blush profusely. "I'll see you later, Twilight Sparkle." With that said, he walked off.

"Who was that guy?" Shirou asked once he was out of earshot.

"Gil, I think" Twilight gulped. Ugh, this body. She shouldn't be so hormonal about boys so close to her. She should focus on Shirou- no, she meant the crown. Yes, that was it. She shook her head, "Never mind. I think I'm done for today."

Shirou peered over her shoulder, "Motherhood?"

"Curiosity!" Twilight shouted.

"SHHHHH!" Harsh mutters could be heard.

"Sorry," Twilight sheepishly said, hoping she'd fall through the floors right then and there. She had to change the topic quick. Thankfully, she had the perfect one in mind. "So... could you by any chance tell me where Sunset lives? I might want to check up on her soon enough."