//------------------------------// // Telling Dash (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Secret No More. Romance Galore. Crossover.) // Story: Overprotective Marefriend // by Jhoira //------------------------------// Pinkie hopped into the party looking about to spy two of her friends, Flitter and Rainbow Dash, staring off into the small crowd of people. With Zecora following her closely Pinkie hopped over to the pair. "Hi girls!" "Oh hey, PINKIE!?" Rainbow Dash couldn't control her voice as she turned to look at the Zecora painted Pinkie Pie. "What in the world are you two doing!?" Flitter looked at the two and giggled a bit as she saw the two uniquely decorated mares. She smiled a bit, she wasn't sure how she felt about what Minuette had just pulled, but before that bit the weirdness was fun, and now this promised to be more fun. Zecora walked up next to the bouncing pony. "Do not fear Rainbow Dash. We have done nothing rash. We are announcing our courting. Our resistance to parting. We have been preparing for months of six. We are not lost in the sticks." Flitter snickered again at a private joke of hers as Rainbow Dash simply garbled some nonsense. Pinkie took the opportunity to explain more fully. "Well, you see I expressed to Zecora that I kinda liked her and wanted to see if she wanted to do something. She said that with her people to do something you secretly dated for six months so that you could form your own opinions of the other person without outside influence. You then if you decide to take the next step start courting and to announce that you paint each other's stripes and such on each other. But since I'm not a zebra it was more involved! I got painted all over and so did Zecora! But don't you worry I'll be pink again because it washes off with water! But I might get Zecora to make some more that'll last longer because this is really cool and I am adorable like this! And Zecora's adorable looking like me too so I like this a lot!" Rainbow Dash blinked slowly, taking in Pinkie's long and quick explanation. "Well... Pinkie... That's... Good." Rainbow Dash shook her head to clear it of the long explanation. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so hesitant! That is good Pinkie." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little. "Seems everyone's putting work into finding themselves a special somepony these days." She backed up and put a wing around Flitter, pulling her a bit closer than usual, causing Flitter to meep slightly as she looked up curiously at Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn't seem to notice and nodded encouragingly. Zecora seemed to notice that there was something off. "Does something trouble you Dash? What would darken your mind during this bash?" Rainbow Dash waved a hoof, clearing her throat a bit nervously. "Oh, nothing for you to worry about there Zecora, just..." She glanced at Flitter who's narrowed eyes said 'don't you dare' more clearly than a sharp stick would have. "Uh... Just Rarity being weird and wanting a dress fitting is all, not like I'm going to need a new dress or anything any time soon!" Pinkie grinned widely. "OH! That'd be a great idea to go anyway Dash! You never know when you could use a new dress!" Pinkie knew that with the upcoming announcement of the engagement they'd all need new dresses, so having such an idea beforehand would make Pinkie look very clever. Rainbow Dash, in turn, smirked at her friend and nodded. "Ya know you're right Pinkie. You never know when you're going to need a new dress. Like sometime next month or something probably." Rainbow Dash grinned a little wider, now Pinke and Rarity would think about how clever their rainbow maned friend was for forseeing the need of a new dress. Flitter squirmed a bit, having been distracted by her own cleverness Rainbow Dash hadn't noticed when it started but smiled at her in apology, releasing her marefriend from the winged prison. Flitter ruffled her own wings in annoyance at Rainbow Dash but still sat next to her marefriend. "So, you two have been secretly dating for six months and are now courting? That's quite the accomplishment to keep secret, especially for Pinkie Pie." Pinkie bounced, nodding vigorously. "I KNOW! I wanted to shout it soooooo many times!" She hopped around a bit. "But then Zecora would be mad and that wouldn't be good to have my marefriend mad at me, but now I can tell everyone and Zecora will be happy!" Zecora chuckled gently and shook her head a bit. "My precious pie pony. You are ever so funny. You can tell whoever you wish. But if they don't listen, do not push." Pinkie giggled. "Oh I know I know, but my friends will want to hear every detail right?" Rainbow Dash paled slightly. "Uh... Actually Pinkie I don't think I need all the details of six months... But you know who is really into romance and is at this party? Applebloom!" Pinkie nearly jumped a foot in the air a the suggestion. "Ooh! You're right! I need to go find her!" SHe waved at the two and sped off. Zecora chuckled and got up leisurely and started after Pinkie. "She certainly always has energy. It brings great joy to me." When they were gone Flitter and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, but Flitter was the first to talk. "Your friends are crazy." "My friends are crazy!? They're your friends too now!" "Oh no, I'm friends with Fluttershy, and she's per... Mostly normal! But your friends are the ones getting engaged after a month, and dating in secret for half a year, and then the ones who are swingers!" Rainbow Dash snorted. "Should I apologize?" "No, but please tell me that Twilight is normal! Next thing I know she's going to be dating my sister!" Rainbow Dash snorted again. "Ok, now that's something I can most certainly guarantee is not happening!" Flitter giggled slightly. "I dunno, maybe you should go get that to happen, being sister in law to the princess has to have some benefits that come along with it." Rainbow Dash let out a bark of laughter and nuzzled into Flitter. "See? You're already feeling better." Flitter grumbled but couldn't deny that being around Rainbow Dash's friends was usually a good experience. "Fine, you win, thanks." Rainbow Dash grinned victoriously as they started to head towards the refreshments tables, the grin growing a little wider when Flitter rewarded Rainbow Dash with a kiss on the cheek.