//------------------------------// // Luna's New Tunes // Story: Pleasuring Techniques and Other Weird-Ass Stories // by Regidar //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash was sleeping peacefully when Pinkie Pie smashed her way violently through her wall in her flying machine. "AH! Pinkie, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Pinkie Pie grinned. "Sorry! I just wanted to see if you were up for a bit of pranking!" Rainbow Dash brushed the sleep out of her eyes, and smiled. "What kind of question is that? Of course I'm up for some pranking! But, first, you smashing your way violently through the wall has reminded me of something! So the other day, Twilight was telling me about Luna..." *** "Tia! Come quick! The DJ-Pon3 hath made thee a remix of That Song!" Celestia gave her younger sister a look. "...What song?" "You know, the one that with the human rhyming incoherently!" Celestia blinked, then said "Smells Like Teen Spirit? How did you get into my secret music stash?" "Honestly, Tia, next time don't disguise it as a box of Old Letters from Twilight Sparkle, almost everypony knows that you throw those out once you get them." Celestia frowned. "So, what did you do with the song?" "I had the DJ remix it for thee! Thou dost know how I enjoy the gaming in 8-bits, correct?" Celestia nodded. "Well, listen to thine divine melodies!" Suddenly, wonderful music began to play. Celestia felt her jaw drop. Had the DJ pony really made this? It was... brilliant! It had taken one of her favorite songs, and, well, made it almost better! Nothing beats an original, of course, but this... this was amazing! Celestia had never been one for 8-bit gaming, her sister had enjoyed it more, before she had progressed into more advanced games, but this... this was amazing! "I must show this to thine friends in Ponyville!" Luna took flight with the sound bite. *** "Wait wait wait... is this about the other day?" Pinkie asked, and Rainbow Dash nodded. "I was there! In fact, we all were, except you. What were you doing?" Rainbow Dash's eyes glazed over as she reminised. Ooh, that's good! I'm glad I got to meet you-ahh- up close and personal, Spitfire! Anything my- ee! Faithful fan! Aahh... Mmm! OOh, you taste good! "Hello? Equestria to Rainbow Dash! You there?" Rainbow Dash snappe doubt of her trance to see an agitated Pinkie Pie staring at her. "So what were you doing?" "Um, nothing! Anyway, let me go on with the story!" "Wait, I know what happened! I'll tell you!" "But so do I, it doesn't seem like there's any point in-" *** Princess Luna descended upon the Ponyville Town Square. "HEAR ME, CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE! I COME BEARING EPIC TUNES! LISTEN, AND BE AMAZED!" Pinkie Pie leaped out from behind a bench. "Ooh! What song is it?" "It is an 8-bit remix of Nirvana's Timeless Classic, Smells Like Teen Spirit!" Luna told the pink party pony. Pinkie Pie made a face. "Ew, Nirvana! They're super duper depressing! Always moaning on about something. I don't like their sound at all. Well, bye Luna! Hope you have fun!" Pinkie Pie bounced away. "Did I hear somepony say 'Nirvana?'" Lyra Heartstrings trotted out into the town square. "I love them! They are an essential part of human studies!" Luna began to play the song. Most ponies who gathered around enjoyed the song immensely. Others found it not to their tastes, and left. However, the biggest surprise was at the end, when Rarity came over, and crushed the tape. "Thine tunes!" Luna screamed, and Rarity walked away with her head held high. "That's what you get for butchering one of my favorite songs!" Everypony stared after Rarity. Twilight Sparkle was the first to break the silence. "Well that was unexpected."