//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Savior Princess // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// Five years later, Flurry Heart, now a grown mare returns to the Crystal Empire to answer to her destiny. "Soon, soon he returns. I feel the smoke in the wind. Feel a shudder as I approach. Eery. I'm chilled to the bone." As her parents see her approach, they run out the castle to greet her. "Flurry! You're back!" they squeal. "But you're a year early. He's not yet returned again." "I...I know, but I couldn't wait any longer. I miss you two way too much." She hugs them and the three go inside and have a chat in the throne room. Like a snap, the year flies by and Sombra soon returns to the Crystal Empire. There, he reveals himself outside the walls to the young Savior princess and her parents. "Savior...Your highnesses..." he hisses. "I'm back." "I'm going to end you for good, Sombra!" Flurry Heart hollers back to the tyrant king. "I have no plans on going anywhere anytime soon," responds Sombra with a hiss and a chuckle. "After all, Savior, we have a war ahead of us. We better get prepared." "Yes, we better," responds Flurry as she raises an eyebrow before returning back inside with her mother and father. A few days later, the tyrant king returns once again and Flurry goes and meets him outside the walls of the palace. Alas, the two are not alone, but instead with four crystal gremlins in tow, the two she had met when she was young: Wrath and Pestilence along with two others: Fury and Terror. "Daughters," hisses Sombra to the gremlins, "make sure she doesn't go anywhere. She and I still have to talk." He then wisps away on the wind to go talk with Shining and Cadance. "Don't you know you're setting your daughter up to die?" says Sombra as he appears to the royals. "She's going to die. Just like Amore and Cora did, Cadance." "No, my daughter will defeat you once and for all, I guarantee it," responds Cadance as she gnashes her teeth at the tyrant king. "Don't get your hopes up," responds Sombra before disappearing and returning back outside the wall to talk with Flurry Heart. "You went to taunt mother, didn't you?" inquires the young princess. "No, to tell her the truth, that you're not coming out of this battle alive, Savior," responds Sombra. "That's where you're wrong and you know it," responds Flurry Heart with a bit of a chuckle. "I can and I will defeat you and your children, Sombra." "That's not likely, you naive little filly," responds Sombra with a hiss before disappearing back into the storm that was coming into the kingdom. After all, it is late winter and snow storms aren't unusual. Flurry Heart then returned back into the castle and went to warm up by the fire in the throne room before returning to her own room for the night and going to sleep. "Mom and dad never changed this room from when I left, I don't know if that's sweet or sad," she says before turning on her side in her bed and falling fast asleep. Alas, she can't stop thinking about the conversation she had had just prior with Sombra. This war with Sombra isn't going to be the end of her, she knows that much for certain at least. Nevertheless, the old tyrant king Sombra did put a seed of doubt in her head about the entire thing. Yet, as the princess and the Savior, she still had a gut feeling at the same time that she would be fine and that she had all this under control. The next morning, Flurry wakes up to the smell of pancakes and the voices of her mother, father, and auntie Twily. "Aunty Twily?" says Flurry as she runs out and embraces the purple mare in a hug. "Hey Flurry, you've gotten big," says Twilight with a smile. "But you know you're not safe here. Right princess?" "I know, but I had to come back, auntie. I'm the savior." "And that's why I'm scared," responds Twilight. "Sombra wants to destroy you. Kill you." "I know," responds Flurry Heart. "But I've got this under control. I promise." "Well, I hope you're right that you won't end up dead after all this blows over," responds Twilight with a sigh. She then sits down to breakfast with her sister, brother, and niece. At least, the four can still enjoy pancakes together before Flurry heads off to sword fighting lessons with her father. At least, they can still have a little bit of time as a family before her Savior duties put learning to protect herself both magically and physically as first priority.