Thomas and Friends: The Retold Adventures

by The Blue EM2

Buzz Buzz

One morning, Trevor and Grand Pear were rattling around Wellsworth orchard. The harvest season at Sweet Apple Acres at Arlesburgh was long over, and as a result the pair were working on other parts of the island. Today saw them helping out at an orchard in Wellsworth, where the skies were blue, there was not a single cloud, the sun shone, and the apples hung from the trees. They were by no means ready for picking, but that was besides the point.

Moments later, James pulled up at a red signal just outside the station, and Trevor rumbled over to chat with him.

"Good morning Trevor!" shouted James, with a smile on his face. "You and Grand Pear look as bright and cheerful as my red paint!"

"Oh, we are," Trevor smiled. "It's great to be helping people out on the island, especially with my old driver, Grand Pear."

"How have things been keeping at your end, Rarity?" Grand Pear asked. "I imagine havin' an extra mouth ta feed at Carousel Boutique has kept thin's fun!"

"We do have double the income, with Sweetie Belle and Stepney helping out on the railway," Rarity replied. "But at least she has friends here. She's mentioned your granddaughter quite a few times, and they seem to have fun together."

"Tell me about it," Grand Pear smiled. "All that crusadin' they go on. But at least it gives Apple Bloom someone her age to have fun with."

"What's that buzzing sound?" James asked, hearing a distinct buzz buzz nearby.

"Those are bees," Trevor explained. "They are living in these white boxes called beehives. When they are ready, I'll be taking the boxes to Wellsworth station. The vicar says that these bees make good honey, and he's giving some to his friends on the island."

Just then, BoCo came to a stop at a signal in the opposite direction. "Be careful, you two!" he said. "Do not anger the bees, or else they may sting you. And trust me, being stung is no fun at all."

James looked over to BoCo. He didn't trust diesels at all, and not only that, hated being told what to do- especially by a diesel. He snorted away. At last, BoCo's signal dropped, and he pulled away. "Cheerio!" he called.

"Thanks for the apples!" Filthy Rich called to Grand Pear. "As of now, I'll be stocking Apple family products in my chain of shops across Britain!"

"No problem Rich!" Grand Pear replied, as the diesel and his driver vanished into the distance. He and Trevor then got back to work.

At Vicarstown docks, Bill and Ben scampered when BoCo rolled by. After a short trip, he rolled to a stop next to Duck, who was taking a break alongside Apple Bloom.

"Hello Duck!" BoCo called. "Hello Apple Bloom!"

"Howdy Mr BoCo!" Apple Bloom replied.

"You know Duck," BoCo smiled. "I was just remembering when those two tank engines and their drivers tried to make me give the trucks back. They nearly made my eyes pop out, but Edward and Applejack soon put them in order."

Apple Bloom sighed. "Yeah, Ah know. Bill's driver is mah cousin, and Applejack's one of the few people who can keep her in order apart from her parents."

"She's your big sister, isn't she?" Filthy Rich asked. "Thanks for the apples. My daughter was considering working here as well, so it's a relief to know there are so many drivers her age she can make friends with."

"Edward," said Duck suddenly, "is the only engine who can keep those two twins in order. I sometimes call them the bees."

"They do buzz around," BoCo sighed. "They're complete terrors."

Suddenly, James flew past. "Scared of bees, are we?" he snorted. "They're only insects, after all. Don't let that buzz box diesel tell you any different!"

Duck looked furious. "His name is BoCo," he said sternly. "And you need to apologise to Apple Bloom, as she is anaphylactic."

"Ah'm allergic ta bee stings!" Apple Bloom replied.

"That's what anaphylactic means," Duck explained. "She nearly died when she was a little girl after a bee stung her."

"I don't really care," James said. "Even if hundreds of them crowded around me, I'd just blow steam and they'd buzz off!"

"That didn't work at London Bridge when a beehive broke open," BoCo said dryly.

A few days later, James was picking up passengers at Tidmouth. The passengers were boarding the train, and a number of beehives were being carried across the station on a porter's trolley. The porter, a Mr Edward Mallus, was nervous moving the beehives around, as he was allergic to bees. "Mind your backs!" he shouted.

Then, disaster struck. One of the beehives fell off the trolley and landed on the floor, splintering open in the process. Then a familiar buzzing sound started up. Mallus ran for it. "It's like Summersisle all over again!" he cried loudly. "Not the bees! NOT THE BEES!"

Upon hearing his cries, the station cleared in next to no time, leaving just Rarity and James, who had no idea what was going on. The bees flew around Rarity, and she made sure to keep very still to ensure they didn't land on her. But they landed on James' boiler, which was very warm.

"Buzz off! Buzz off!" James shouted loudly, and let off steam. A bee burnt himself on the boiler, and flew upwards.

"Revenge!" he cried loudly, and flew downwards, in the belief that James had burned him on purpose. It flew in front of his face, buzzed back and forth, and then landed on his nose, stinging it.


"Let's get out of here!" Rarity cried, and pulled open James' regulator. They sped away, not knowing nor caring they had left the coaches behind. First they tried spinning James on a turntable, which had no effect. Then they tried washing them off, which also didn't work. And then, they tried smoking them out in a tunnel. But that didn't work either. No matter what they tried, they couldn't get rid of the bees.

Just then, Stepney pulled up, and Sweetie Belle hopped off the footplate. "Rarity! Are you all right?" she asked.

"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO YOU?" Rarity exploded.

Sweetie Belle shook a little. "Jeez Louise, calm down. All you need to do is get another hive, and the bees will fly into it. Stepney and I had to deal with something similar at Horsted Keynes once."

The Vicar of Wellsworth was waiting anxiously for James. He had been informed of the plan beforehand, and watched the line. Sure enough, James came to a stop, with Stepney coupled behind in case something went wrong. And sure enough, the bees flew off of James' boiler and landed inside the spare hive.

"Thanks for saving the bees," the Vicar said to James. "Except the one who stung you, but that couldn't be helped. It's a shame it isn't Christmas, or else we could call you James the Red Nosed Engine!"

Everybody thought it was very funny, even James, and they agreed to refer to James as the Bees Knees, which means they think he is even more useful than ever.