Repair Attempts

by milesprower06


"We are go for launch! 10... 9... 8... 7..."

Apogee listened to the countdown on the loudspeaker, grabbing hooffuls of popcorn as her eyes were glued to the rocket a few miles away on the launchpad.

"3... 2... 1..."

Fire erupted from all corners of the launchpad as the rocket slowly rose off the ground. Plumes of smoke and flame continued outward as it cleared the tower.

"We have liftoff!" The loudspeaker announced over the volume of cheering spectators as the rocket became smaller and smaller among the endless sea of blue sky.

Apogee felt a wing around her shoulders, and she looked to her left, where her mom sat beside her.

"Pretty soon, kiddo, that's gonna be you going up there." Delta said, her gaze falling from rocket down onto her daughter.

"You said it." Jet said, who was sitting on her other side.

Apogee smiled at them both, then looked back up at the rocket trail vanishing into the sky.

"Just you wait..." She began, swallowing what popcorn she had in her mouth.

"I'll go farther than anypony has before."