//------------------------------// // Broken // Story: Broken Mirror // by KatonRyu //------------------------------// Slowly, the magic faded out for the last time. Sunset sat slumped on her knees, staring through blurry eyes as the glow dissipated in the darkness. It was over. The portal was gone. Equestria and the human world were safe…and forever separated from one another. When Sunset woke up the next morning, she didn’t really remember how she’d even gotten home. She supposed she’d just walked, after spending at least an hour staring morosely at the statue that had once hidden the portal to Equestria, but which was now back to being a regular statue. Her stomach felt like it was lined with lead, as did her arms and legs. It had all been for the best. Everyone was safe. The universe wouldn’t end. And…and she’d never see Twilight again. Never be able to write her again. She felt her vision going blurry again and resolutely blinked away the tears. No, dammit, she wasn’t going to spend the whole day as a weeping wreck, she just wasn’t. She quickly threw off the covers and stood up, as if acting decisively would somehow allow her to outrun her emotions. At first, it actually seemed to work a bit. She managed to get through her shower just fine, and she even succeeded in making breakfast for herself. But for some reason, her orange juice and sandwiches became blurrier with every bite she took, and then she was sitting there, sobbing her eyes out. It took her about ten minutes to calm down, and then ten more to finish her breakfast, by which time she was running late for school. She’d just thrown on her backpack when she suddenly just stopped. A lot had happened in a very short period of time. Was going to school really going to help her today? She’d see her friends, obviously, but that included this world’s Twilight. She grimaced. Given her current situation, human Twilight was the last person Sunset wanted to see right then. She very much doubted she’d be able to get through the day without crying so much she’d die of dehydration. She put her backpack down again. This was going to be a sick day. Her friends would get by without her for a day, she was sure. She flopped herself down on the couch and turned the TV on. But instead of watching, her thoughts simply returned to everything that had happened over the past few days. Once more she felt her eyes burn. She didn’t bother fighting the tears this time. It was raining. Not just raining, but a wild, vicious thunderstorm. A thunderstorm whipped up by the best weather ponies in Equestria, who had been ordered to do this by Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship herself. Twilight stood on her crystal balcony, welcoming the feeling of being buffeted by the storm while lightning flashed around her and the thunder rolled across the sky. The wild weather certainly matched her anger and sadness, and she knew her horn was sparking as she stood motionless in the raging storm. She wryly thought that the Storm King, if he’d still been alive, would probably have enjoyed it. But all the rain and natural violence in Equestria wasn’t enough to make Twilight feel any better. The mirror, so long displayed in her throne room, was shattered now, beyond even magical repair. Shattered by her own doing, her last-ditch effort to save both Equestria and the human world. The biggest Pyrrhic victory of her life. A three-pronged bolt of lightning flashed in the sky, followed almost immediately by an earsplitting rumble. Twilight didn’t react. She’d loved thunderstorms ever since she was a small filly, and watching them had usually made her feel better whenever she felt a bit down. It was because of that she’d given the order that this storm be whipped up, and to Tartarus with the schedule. Everypony present had been so shocked to hear Twilight ‘let-me-make-a-schedule-for-the-scheduling’ Sparkle say to ignore the schedule that nopony had dared to argue. Twilight had then retreated to the balcony to wallow in the storm. It had been hours since it began, but still she wasn’t satisfied. The weather Pegasi had instructions only to calm the storm when she gave the signal, and not a moment before. Another flash, another echoing boom that rolled across the sky. Twilight could even feel the force of it in her body. She looked up at the sky and let her tears mix with the rain.