Kirby Star Allies: Friend Hearts are Magic

by The Kelduo

Chapter 28: The (Almost) Final Battle

I got the message as soon as I finished cleaning up at Rarity's boutique. Shout out to Fluttershy for letting me eat her broom for the Cleaning Ability! I didn't think it would be useful for the battle, though, so I threw it away in the form of an Ability Star. Rarity seemed pretty amazed by it.
"Oh, my! That star looks glorious! Kirby, you wouldn't mind if perhaps I kept it, would you?" I couldn't help but feel bad for Rarity as the star shattered. "...Oh. Never mind."

I didn't let it bother me for long, because there was a monster to clobber! When I made it to the square, my friends were coming as well. "Poyo!" I said, determined to bring down the dangerous duo that was to come.

Shortly after my friends came, the Mane Six and Spike followed, the ponies with their elements. I was kind of surprised to see that Spike had a yo-yo, and that it had his green flames on it. "Hey, what do you think of my Sizzle Yo-Yo, Kirby?"

I nodded. It would be useful against the bug-like Chrysalis. That reminded me to put on my Splash Sword hat. "Poyo!" I raised my sword in the air. "Fire!"

"You think I should add fire to your water sword? Won't that cancel out the elements?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, if you say so." Spike breathed green fire on my Splash Sword, turning it into Sizzle Sword. "Whoa, it worked!"

Roborygon explained, "Three fire users will be most effective against the Bug-type Chrysalis, and I trust Meloetta has learned a useful move or two."

"Me-le!" Meloetta said confidently.

"Don't you think it would be wise to use your more physically offensive form to make Dark-type moves less effective on you?"


That was when Chrysalis and Hyness made their appearance. "I'm impressed, you actually came to fight--wait, why are you singing?"

Sure enough, Meloetta was singing a vigorous, graceful song as a sphere of light covered her. "Melelelele melele, le, le! Mele, mele, melelelele, melele, le, le!" When she ended her song, she looked a lot different. She was brown instead of green, her hair was wrapped around the top of her head, and her skirt was flared out like a ballerina.

Roborygon announced, "Behold, Meloetta's Pirouette Forme! She is now combat ready! Prepare for the beating of a lifetime, Queen Chrysalis and Hyness!"

Hyness replied, "We must kindly ask that you... PLEASE DISAPPEAR FOREVER!"

Twilight started by firing a laser beam at Hyness, but it seemed to not hurt him much. "What?!"

Roborygon said, "Hyness seems to be a Psychic- and Dark-type, so Psychic moves won't do much."

Hyness retaliated with a volley of dark orbs, which Applejack quickly took care of. "Really? Weird orbs that can easily be destroyed? That all ya got?"

"That is far from all I have!" Hyness tossed a big orb in the air, and it began to fall towards us.

Rocky took his position under where the orb was falling, and... POW! He destroyed it with a stone fist that he somehow formed.

Gim said, "Sweet Mighty Uppercut, yo!"

"Get out of the way!" Rainbow Dash shoved Gim away from Chrysalis, who had turned into a bugbear (imagine a panda mixed with a bumblebee, then imagine it really big).

"Whew, that was a close one." Gim hit the bugbear hard with Gazer Spiral, spinning up into the air with his yo-yo and spreading fire everywhere. Chrysalis crashed into the ground, scorched by the fireballs. "Time for the Ring of Fire Trap?"

Roborygon warned, "No! Chrysalis can teleport, so it would be useless to keep her in one area. Rather, we should keep moving and chase her around."

"Or I can do this and save you the hard work!" Chrysalis transformed into a maulwurf (a giant mole/bear hybrid) and prepared to slash with its powerful claws.

"Poyo!" I knew that maulwurfs were very tough to beat, except if they harmed themselves somehow, but I prepared my Sizzle Sword to strike anyway. Chrysalis began to slash. "Spin Slash!" I spun around with my sword out, and claw and sword clashed together, making a buzzing sound like an electric saw. Smoke came from my sword, showing how fast it spun against the claw. "...Poy?!" My sword... it was filed away, leaving just a handle!

"Is that all you have to use against me, little puffball?" Chrysalis menaced.

I looked around at Chrysalis, Hyness, then the ponies, then back at Hyness, then back at the ponies. An idea! I turned to Twilight. "Beam me!"

"Are you serious? You want me to fire a laser beam at you?"

I nodded.

Twilight sighed."Whatever you say." She fired a beam at me, then I actually inhaled it. "Y-you can eat lasers?!"

Yep. I jumped into the air and flipped around, until a meteor came out of nowhere and flew right near me. After I approached it, it glowed brightly and disappeared. When the light went away, I had a blue baseball cap with a red visor on, and energy was coming from my hands. I'd hoped I'd get this ability!

Spike said, "Cool hat, Kirby. What's that ability?"

Time to see what this Ability can really do! I concentrated my mind and thought, "This is the ESP Ability. I now have psychic powers. Can you hear me?"

Spike's eyes opened wide. "Whoa, you can talk with telepathy!"

Twilight said, "That's great, but how will psychic powers help fight a 'Dark-type'?"

"Watch this. Miracle Eye!" My eyes glowed white, releasing a flash of light. "Now Dark-types can be harmed by Psychic attacks. Twilight, try your laser beam on Hyness again!"

"Okay." Twilight fired another laser at Hyness, and he was pushed back a short distance. "It worked!"

I said to Meloetta, "Use Dazzling Gleam on both Hyness and Chrysalis!"

Meloetta cloaked herself in a bright light before dashing towards Chrysalis. However, Hyness cast a lightning spell that stopped Meloetta in her tracks. "Mele..."

Hyness prepared to follow up with an ice spell, but I told Gim and Spike, "Cancel out the ice with fire!"

"Got it, yo!"

"On it!"

We all attacked the icy emblems with our fire, making them disappear. "Now, Rainbow Dash, unleash your awesomeness on Chrysalis!"

"You got it, Kirby!" Rainbow flew away to pick up speed.

"Your speedy assault will be futile." Chrysalis transformed into a cragadile (rock crocodile) and stayed low, knowing what was going to happen.

BOOOOOOOOOM! Rainbow charged into Chrysalis at sonic speeds, making a rainbow sonic boom as she did. "...OW! Why again did you have me attack Chrysalis with my Sonic Rainboom?"

I grinned. "It wasn't just for Chrysalis. Check out the freak she's working with."

The Rainboom had knocked off Hyness' cloak, and he was covering his face with his arms. "Juh? Juh... JUH!" Roborygon promptly covered poor Fluttershy's eyes as Hyness revealed his true, crazy form: a blue head with cat-like ears, creepy chameleon eyes, and a giant nose. "JUHYAMBAVITRIGOKOPOKOJAAAH!!"

The only ones who weren't freaked out by Hyness' face were Roborygon and... Button Mash? "Okayyyy, that is definitely not Roiall. I'm sure Roiall not only had a huge nose, but also nostrils. Big ones, too. Just who is this guy?"

Roborygon explained, "This is Hyness. We have different video games on planet Earth than those in Equestria, but they are similar in concept. Hey, maybe you can help the Mane 6 and Spike deal with Hyness!"

"Good idea, whoever you are."

"Actually, I'm not from a video game. I'm an OC, or original character."

Hyness summoned his generals and stole their energy to heal himself before using their bodies to attack.

Queen Chrysalis returned to her original form and grinned. "You're quite the devious one, aren't you?"

I replied, "Eh, more like crazy."

Hyness proceeded to unleash mayhem on the ponies. Rainbow said, "Man, this dude's way tougher than I expected!"

I said, "Warned you."

"So... any ideas?"

Roborygon began to analyze the situation, but Button beat him to it. "The blue one's icy. Cancel attacks involving her with fire. Red's fiery, water and stone will stop her. And yellow's lightning. Water takes care of her. When Hyness uses all 3 as a shield, hit him enough when he shows himself and he'll be stunned. When he makes a circle with them, get out of the way fast."

Queen Chrysalis put on an even bigger grin. "Thank you, little foal. Now I can use that knowledge of Hyness to my advantage."


Chrysalis began talking to Hyness about their teamwork. Big mistake, not paying attention to the fight at hoof.

I turned to the Mane 6 and Spike. "It's all come down to this. Get ready to be my friends!" I threw several Friend Hearts that landed on said ponies and dragon. Being fully converted to friends, they were right by my side.

"Considering the fact that we were already kind of your friends," Twilight said, "this isn't very bad of you after all."

"Yeah, but that isn't why I threw Friend Hearts at you. Now you can throw Friend Hearts as well to harm Chrysalis. Spike, you're staying with me and the Star Allies to beat Chrysalis with her weaknesses. The rest of you, Roborygon and Button will provide information for dealing with Hyness. Good luck!"

My team started with me using PK Shift to push Chrysalis into the path of Dog Walkers, giving me and Rocky the chance to use Geokinesis to crush Chrysalis. However, the giant Kirby statue began to move, and Chrysalis transformed into an Ursa Minor (giant constellation bear). Uh oh.

"Get away, yo--" But it was too late. Not for Rocky. For Gim. Chrysalis grabbed him by the arm before ripping his yo-yo away. "Not my sweet weapon! All I can do without it is Breakspin and Jumpspin!"

"Then let's make sure you can't Breakspin or Jumpspin either!" Chrysalis took Rocky and smashed him against Gim, turning my robot friend into scrap metal.

Gim's eye flickered. "I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry, b-b-bro... yo..." Then he was gone. Smashed. Done for. Dead. Why, Chrysalis? WHYYYYYY?!

"I'm not done just yet." Chrysalis threw Rocky into the ground, stunning Rocky, before she brought down her mighty paw. CRUMBLE (or whatever sound effect goes with smashing rock)!

We all watched with utter horror at what had happened to my two friends. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Rocky... Gim... I'm sorry..." I looked at the now-normal-form Chrysalis and Hyness. "No wonder bad guys have so much fun. They're so strong." I wiped away the tears. "You know what? Maybe I'd have it better off if I joined you guys."

The ponies and Spike gasped, "WHAT?!"

Chrysalis laughed. "Now you have the correct mindset, stubby little pink thing! Let's take down these pesky ponies, and their little dragon too!"

I glared at my new enemies. "Prepare to be destroyed, my little ponies..." I floated into the air and raised my hands up to the sky. "PK... StarST--Ha ha ha! Gotcha! You should've seen the look on your faces!" I shoved a Friend Heart right into the evil queen's gut, effectively punching her with friendship. "Get her!"

My newly befriended friends and I pummeled Chrysalis with Friend Hearts. After the onslaught, I tossed my ESP Ability away and began to inhale.

Twilight panicked, "Wait, what are you doing?!"

Before long, the Elements of Harmony were stolen from their bearers and in my belly. I was about to do something big, and you wouldn't even have to watch Pinkie shudder to know that it would be a doozy! I flipped into the air and this time, I was surrounded by rainbow energy. As it surrounded me, I couldn't help but think of the awesome song lyrics that go, "Let the rainbow remind you," but my thoughts were interrupted when the energy went away. I was now crystallized, and I wore the Crash Ability hat from my anime (except it was golden instead of dark blue). Instead of a green gem, there was a pink horn coming from the purple, 8-pointed star on the front of the hat. You could see the elements all around my body: Magic was the purple star; honesty was on my belly; loyalty was right above honesty; generosity was on the back of my hat; kindness was literally in my hands; and laughter was found in the several reflective faces on my crystal body, not unlike the Mirror Pool.

Everyone gasped, even Roborygon. "A completely new Ability?! What an incredible discovery! Kirby is bound to do some damage with it! To the bad guys, I mean."

And that I did. But first... "Heal Pulse!" My horn gave off energy that surrounded Meloetta, curing her of her electric shock.

Chrysalis growled, "You still resist, even after I destroyed your friends?"

"They weren't his real friends," Twilight said. "He used Friend Hearts to make them his temporary friends. We, on the other hoof, were by his side from the beginning, from when he came here all the way to now. As for his resisting, he's a hero who is determined to defeat you and claim victory. That's why he stands tall. Meloetta, you got a song for that?"

Roborygon interjected, "I propose a better song than Stand Tall: a theme song! The climax of a story always has the theme song to go with it."

Meloetta never seemed more determined up to this point. She formed a baton and motioned to various ponies, who apparently had some musical talent, for musical instruments magically appeared in their hooves, such as trumpets, violins, and drums. She waved her baton, causing said ponies to play a heroic song.

I proclaimed, "Enter the Harmony Ability!"

Chrysalis glared at me. "Oh, now you choose to talk normally, without all that 'poyo' nonsense."

I shook my head. "Nah, that isn't it. With friendship and harmony, anything is possible! Like this!" I materialized a hitting weapon in my hands and held it behind my head. Time to squash this bug... with a bat! "Batter up!" KREEEEENG!!!

Chrysalis wailed as she was launched away, "NOOOOOOooooooo..." Ting!

I turned towards Twilight. "Have you gotten the chance to study up on Pop Star? If so, then where in the sky do you think it is?"

Twilight pointed to a certain part of the sky. "I'd say Pop Star's right about there. As for the Divine Terminus..." Twilight pointed elsewhere. "...right over there."

"Good. Now I know where to aim my final attack. ...That came out wrong. I already knew who to aim at, and you showed me where to blast him."

By now, Spike had finished countering the Francisca bash attack with his fire yo-yo, stunning Hyness. "If you're gonna attack him, do it now!"

I was waiting to do one of those attack-versus-attack things, but what the hay. I ran behind Hyness, so that he was between me and where Twilight suggested the Divine Terminus was, and charged a big attack.

Hyness turned around. "...Jamblasted."

"FRIENDSHIP. IS. POWERFUL!" My horn unleashed a huge rainbow laser beam that launched Hyness all the way into the atmosphere.


Rainbow Dash said, "Well, that was anticlimactic."

I shrugged. "I don't think we reached the climax yet. Remember how he was trying to revive the Dark Lord? I think I'd better get over to the Divine Terminus to stop Hyness." I spat out the Elements and lost my all-new Harmony Ability.

Twilight asked, "Don't you think you'll need the Harmony Ability to defeat the Dark Lord?"

Roborygon replied, "It's better that the Elements be put under your authority, because you are the Bearers of Harmony. Kirby was just doing his job as a hero: defeating villains who threatened the safety of the galaxy. Besides, he shouldn't need the Elements to defeat the Dark Lord; he has more friends than you could imagine, and friendship is magic. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got a monster to clobber with that there Kirby!"

"I think you've made that joke enough times in this story." Pinkie made a good point.

Without further ado, I called my Warp Star to take me, Roborygon, and Meloetta to our next stop. The last thing I heard from Twilight as we began to leave Equestria: "There's just one thing I ask of you, our hero of the stars: come back having saved your home planet and the planets surrounding it, and come back alive, please."

I nodded with determination as we flew off. There was no telling what would await us at the Divine Terminus, no telling what obstacle there would be to conquer...