//------------------------------// // Chapter 35: The storm // Story: Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall // by LucidReverie //------------------------------// Betrayal. Spring Mist sprinted through the streets of Everfree. He was rapidly headed to the Salted Clove to see Garlic Clove, perhaps his oldest friend. In the late of the night, no pony stood in his way, so he moved swiftly through the open cobblestoned pathways. He reached the door to the Salted Clove. There was no light from within; Mist knew that they would be asleep. Heedless, he pounded on the door, loud enough to wake Clove in the home above the shop. The wait was brief, and Mist was greeted by a disgruntled Clove in a window above. “What by Celestia’s might are you doing down there?” called down Clove. “Who is that?” “It’s Spring Mist!” Mist called back. “Mist? What are you doing? D’you have any idea how late i’ is?” “Yes, I apologize. But it is a matter of grave importance.” “I’ll head down.” Mist waited another few moments, then saw Clove emerge from the front door. “Wha’ is it, son? What has happened? I heard about the Princess – I’m sorry.” “Yes, I know, thank you. It is a matter of some import. I need you to head to the castle gate and wait for me.” “Why, son? What is going on?” “Please, I will explain when I arrive there.” “Alright, Mist. But you had best have a remarkable explanation for this.” Mist turned and began to run again, “I will, I promise!” Mist again ran through the streets to his next destination: Rainy Shores’ home. He wove through the streets, checking his surroundings so he did not pass the correct door. Mist found the entranceway and knocked rapidly. The door cracked open and a voice emerged from within, “Who- Mist? Is that you? What are you doing here?” “I am sorry old friend, but I must speak to you.” “It cannot wait until daybreak?” “No. Trust me, Rainy Shores. Meet me at the gates to the castle.” “No, Mist. It’s late, so late it has become early.” “Please, Rainy Shores. I need you there.” Rainy Shores let out a long breath. “Fine. I’ll be there, but don’t keep me waiting.” “Thank you, I shall see you there.” Mist turned to run back down the street and back into the night. The Arc, more specifically the astronomy tower, was Mist’s final stop before his last meeting at the gates. The last time he would run through these streets, see these houses. Mist faltered and stumbled, nearly falling, but he caught himself, keeping back tears. He pushed himself forward, ignoring his burning muscles. He had to finish his mission as quickly as possible. He tore through the streets, finally arriving at the astronomy tower. The great monolith black, silhouetted against the deep blue of the night sky. Mist looked at the double doors, memories of the last weeks fresh in his mind. He stepped forward and into the tower. The smell of books pervaded the air, and Mist had to hold back yet more emotion. He ran to the nearest pony he saw, startling the stallion nearly out of his robes. “Where is Brilliant Bloom?” “In- in- in- his quarters,” the pony stammered, eyes wide as Mist ran up the stairs. Mist twisted around the stairwell, up towards the quarters. He galloped down the hallway and reached Bloom’s door. He did not bother knocking and charged in, a decision he immediately regretted – on the bed in the far corner of the room lay two ponies, the blue of Bloom’s coat, and the bright color of a very pink pony. Bloom tumbled from the bed, crashing on the floor, tangled in blankets, an action that finally revealed the identity of the other pony, who shot familiar daggers at Mist: Honey Sweetroll. Mist gaped, but quickly recovered, “Normally, I would be apologizing to or congratulating you both, but there this is too important so it will have to wait. I need you to meet me at the gates to the castle.” “Mist, now?” Bloom said, trying to right himself. “Get. Out!” seethed Sweetroll. “You both know I would not ask this of you if it were not important.” Bloom sighed, “Fine. We will meet you there.” “Bloom!” protested Sweetroll. “Honey, I’m going. I’d like it if you came,” replied Bloom. “As would I,” added Mist. “Gah! Fine. You are both fools.” “Thank you!” Mist said, “I shall see you there.” Mist turned and ran, hearing the shattering of some unfortunate object behind him. He headed straight up to see Caramel Tart. He reached the door, just as she was exiting. “Caramel Tart! I am glad that I cau- ” Mist began. “Yes, Mist. I know. I am on my way.” Caramel Tart interrupted. “Thank you. But… how?” “Not much happens in my tower without me knowing about it. Even… things… I would prefer not to know.” “Truly? That makes me worry.” “Why? You never spent much time here anyway.” “Yes…” Mist blushed, then was suddenly filled with sadness. Upon seeing the rapid change, Caramel Tart hugged Mist in apology. “I am sorry, Mist. Not the time for jokes. Far too soon.” Mist sniffed, “It is nothing.” She released him, “I will be waiting at the gates.” She walked away, leaving Mist on the stairs. He stood motionless for a short time, the full weight of his choices coming down upon him. He trotted back down the stairs and turned to his quarters. He looked over his trappings, his worldly possessions. His books, robes, various trinkets. They seemed so meaningless now, but still they filled his heart with nostalgia and fond memories. He walked over to a dark wooden box, opening as he moved. The soft light in the room glinted off of the black medallion, the first gift given to him by Luna. “Luna…” Mist’s eyes swam, his vision blurred. “I’ll be with you soon.” He donned the medallion and left his quarters behind. The wooden door closed behind him, just as a mental door shut itself on that chapter of Mist’s life. He moved down the stairs and into the main library and entrance, then out into the night. One more door closed. The cool night air wrapped around Mist’s body as he became aware of just how much he had been running, and how tired his legs were. But he still had one last thing to do, so he pressed onward, toward the castle. As the gates came into view, so too the shadows of ponies milling about came into view. The five shapes were spaced out evenly, regarding each other in a circle. Mist could hear light conversation between the ponies, but it was ended when somepony noticed Mist’s approach. The group was silent until Mist was a part of the group. He stood before the others, and they faced him like a congregation. “What is this all about, Mist?” asked Clove. “Friends, I thank you for coming,” Mist began, “I apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I fear this may be- ” Mist faltered, “may be my last opportunity to speak with you all.” “What do you mean, Mist?” asked a concerned Bloom. “I- I will be going away.” “Going away?” asked Clove. “Leaving here. I am leaving Everfree, and in all likelihood we will not meet again. After tonight, I will no longer be with you.” Rainy Shores stepped forward, “Mist, you aren’t thinking of-” “No. I will just be going away from here.” “Does this have something to do with the Princess?” Sweetroll asked unexpectedly. “Yes, yes it does.” “Mist, I know you were hurt, but it’s no reason to simply leave,” challenged Rainy Shores. “You were never one to run away, why start now?” “I will not be running away. I cannot tell you where I am going or what I am doing, merely that it is unavoidable, and it does relate to Luna.” “It sounds like a private assignment from Princess Celestia to me,” chimed in Caramel Tart. “Best not to argue with or question things like that.” Mist looked at Caramel Tart. She had offered a more plausible explanation than we could have. She was helping him, but to exactly what end was unknown. “Mist, you do what you have to,” Bloom stated simply. “Aye, my boy. You go where you are needed.” Clove added, “Do what you must. But… must you never return?” Tears formed in Mist’s eyes as he barely contained the grief within, “Friends, old and new, you have been the most wonderful ponies I could ask for. Clove, you have always been there for me, my entire life; Shores, you guided me, advised me, you were there to help shape me as I am today. Bloom, Caramel Tart, even Sweetroll, you were so welcome when I came to the tower, and you help and supported me and my choices. Without each of you, my friends, I would truly be nothing, which is why it pains me to do what I must, what my duty, my love, commands.” “Mist, we’re ‘ere for you,” Clove said. “I know, and that is why you are all so wonderful. Now, before I go, I have some things to ask each of you, and some private words to be had.” The ponies nodded, and Mist began the final proceedings. He walked to Rainy Shores, and wrapped his hooves around his neck. “Take care of that new guard for me. And treat our tower well.” “Of course, you strange, strange pony.” Mist broke off, and moved to the next pony, Clove. The embraced each other like family. “Clove, write down that recipe! Do not let it be forgotten. And send my love to Celery. Keep safe, and I hope the business stays strong and you both stay healthy and happy.” “Heh, I will Mist. Thank you. You’ll do your parents proud.” Mist next moved to Sweetroll, who was trying desperately to look irritated, but failed wonderfully. “Honey, I’m happy for you. Treat Bloom well. Despite our arguments, I did – do – respect you, and I looked forward to working under your leadership. Oh, and I had hoped that I could use this as leverage at some point, but that won’t happen, so: I know about your room. I love the decorations.” “I hate you so much,” Sweetroll said tersely, though a smile appeared as she nudged him, and added, “Keep safe, guardboy.” Mist chuckled slightly as he moved down to Bloom. “Brilliant, my dearest new friend. I need a favor. I need you to make certain that my belongings are kept somewhere safe, such as below the tower. Other than that, just… thank you for encouraging me, welcoming me. And good luck with Sweetroll.” The two shared a laugh, and Bloom finally spoke. “It has been an honor, Spring Mist. I’ll keep your things safe. Be well and good fortune be with you.” They shared a brief hug before Mist moved to the last pony in the group. Caramel Tart smiled gently at Mist, her face unwavering. Mist squeezed her tightly, speaking in muffled words. “Thank you so very much, Caramel Tart. For everything. I seriously doubt that any of this could have been possible without you. Keep an eye on Star for me, okay?” She whispered her reply, “I do not know what your plan is, but just promise me that you will do what you believe in. Find Luna. You always were destined for great things. And I fear that I should miss you, Spring Mist.” Mist cried fully into Caramel Tart’s coat for a few moments before finally breaking away. He moved back and regarded all of his friends, each in their own state of emotional turmoil. “I love you all. You are the reason I am the stallion you see before you. I truly wish you all health and happiness, and I wish I could stay. But I must do this. I must save her. I promised to be there for her. Time to be her shield.” Mist turned away to face the castle, the large structure looming above him. He walked forward to his last destination, his last goal completed, and the only door open leading to an uncertain fate. He chanced one last look at his friends, who all stood and waved. Then came a cheer, his name: “Spring Mist!” Mist continued forward into castle, moving past the guards as a welcome guest. Once within, he stood in front of the doorway to the Elements’ room. The first whispers entered him mind and he stood. How sentimental. Are you finally ready? Yes. What do I need to do? First, go to Luna’s quarters. We need your star. Mist trotted quickly through the hallways in the direction of Luna’s tower. Few guards had been posted, it seemed, and Mist was able to move quickly and quietly, reaching the tower in a scant few minutes. No guards to watch over the study, Mist walked straight into Luna’s quarters. He stood for a moment as he remembered the first moments of their love together in this very room. The nights they spent reading ancient books and studying the cosmos. Mist walked out to the balcony, remembering everything from his nights with Luna. He had one last view of Everfree, his city, before he was pulled away. Time is of the essence. You cannot tarry. Be silent, Nightmare. Mist trotted up the steps in the back of the study and turned to the door that led to Luna’s creation room, her Void. He stepped inside, and into the night sky. It took him a short while to locate his star – Luna had never placed it in the sky. The little orb flickered as Mist reached out with his magic, only partially in control. The Nightmare was terrifyingly adept at controlling actions. The star was wrapped in a dark glow, and was plucked from the enchantment. The detached orb buzzed wildly as if protesting its removal. Fascinating. Now, you are already bound to this star, which makes everything that much easier. Now, let me put this little star in the sky and we can move on to the last part. Mist was losing control of his body, the Nightmare slowly taking over as it worked. Mist felt his horn glow, emitting a charge far more powerful than he could ever hope to conjure on his own. A sickly green magic, a twisted and corrupted form of itself, flashed brightly and the star was re-anchored in the sky, burning brightly. It is so wonderful possessing Luna’s collective knowledge at my disposal. I’m glad you think so. Are you done? Yes. Not we must go to the central room and somehow attract Celestia’s attention. Celestia? Why must she be involved? Do you think it fair to leave her out? It is her sister we are dealing with. Besides, we need her to use the Elements again – we need to get you banished. Banished? How exactly would we make her do that? She already refused me once. Yes, but that was before she knew about our little arrangement. I’m certain she will be glad to remove the last morsel of me from this world. The foal. Mist exhaled, preparing himself. He found however, that he was under very little control, so the choice to back away was not his. He could feel the ebbing of his mind from his body. Still aware, rational but losing control. He cantered down the tower and back toward the entrance hall. Rounding a corner, he collided with the mass of a Royal Guardspony. The white stallion, donned in his golden armor regarded Mist for a moment, before speaking. “Who are you?” “Spring Mist, ser,” Mist answered, heart beating in his throat, fear consuming him. “Ah yes, the Princess has extended her hospitality to you. Very well, carry on. Just be wary, these corners can be treacherous. Best to round them slowly.” The guard continued his patrol, leaving Mist to continue unscathed. Well? Keep walking. It was just jarring. I am realizing the gravity of what we are doing. And the punishment for my actions. Remember, we want that punishment, so long as Celestia carries it out herself. Mist shook himself and continued forward. He finally reached the entrance hall, and the great doors that were the last barrier between him and the Elements of Harmony. He halted just before the door. With a last breath, he steeled himself and turned to the first object he saw – one of the large vases in the corner of the room. With a single movement, Mist bucked the vase, toppling it. The sound of shattering permeated the empty halls. The wait was brief, but a servant pony promptly appeared to investigate. He looked once at the broken vase and frowned. He then looked to Mist, who stood still, staring at him. Mist had lost control of his body, the Nightmare taking all actions. Mist felt shadows grow out around him as the servant pony watched, a look of horror spreading on his face. Mist felt himself speak, an unearthly voice emanating from his throat. Inform Princess Celestia that Spring Mist wishes to meet with her here. GO! The servant pony nodded and ran deep into the castle. Now we wait. Was it necessary to scare the poor pony? No, but it was good to feel his fear. You are sick. No. I just enjoy seeing pain. Are you certain you are not Discord? You seem too interested in… fun. According to what I’ve read, Discord, while undoubtedly evil, wished first and foremost to have fun. It was a warped sense of fun, but it was fun. You seem an awful lot like that. Yes, I can understand the confusion. We both enjoy the suffering of ponies,certainly. But Discord thrives on chaos and disharmony alone. I thrive on the failure of harmony – it must first exist, then be extinguished. Only through the loss of something wonderful can the pain be so great. There are many creatures such as I. Not nearly the rarity you think it may be. Before Mist could respond, he felt himself pulled through the doorway and into the darkened room that housed the Elements. Celestia is coming. Mist ran to the pedestal that held the Elements. Mist could feel their energy swimming around him. The gems offered the slightest glow – they did not shed light on the surrounding area, yet still seemed to burn like the torches on a wall. Mist took a stance in front of the pedestal, facing the open door. Hooves could be heard approaching the doorway, the larger gait of Celestia clear to Mist. He readied himself for the grave event that was coming. Celestia stepped into the room. “Mist?” she called into the dark, “Spring Mist, are you here?” Her horn glowed, and light spread out to the walls, briefly illuminating the room before Mist’s magic snuffed it out. “Celestia. I… am sorry.” Mist said regretfully. “Mist? What you doing?” “What I must.” The shadows were released and room filled with light. Mist stood before the Elements of Harmony, facing Celestia. Shadows wrapped around him, and he let out an unearthly scream as the Nightmare finally took hold. A dark vortex of magic ebbed and flowed, finally subsiding. Mist emerged from the magical field and looked at Celestia. She wore a horrified look, and a steady stream of tears trailed her face. “Mist? What have you done? Why?” Because I loved her! And I am Mist no longer. That pony you once knew is gone. I remain, far greater and more powerful than that foal ever was. “Nightmare! I banished you!” Indeed you did. Now here you stand again before me. And this time you will fall. “No! You stole my sister from me; you will not take my friend, and you will not threaten my ponies!” Celestia’s horn flashed, and the Elements behind Mist flared with power. A crown appeared on her head as she took a battle stance. “End this madness. Nightmare, Mist does not understand the gravity of what you are doing.” Oh, I knew just what I was doing, Princess. The Nightmare is merely a means to an end. “Why, Mist?” For Luna. I just want her ba- ENOUGH! He is no longer in control. And soon, neither will you be. Face me and fight! “Mist, no! Fight it! You must. What would Luna think of you, of your actions?” You have no right! What I do, I do for her, as I have always done! Now, we will seize power, and you will fall! A dark green bolt of magic was thrown at Celestia. Dodging out of the way, the magic scorched the wall behind her. The Princess charged a beam, firing it at Mist. A dark shield materialized, blocking the bolt. “Mist. I’m sorry,” Celestia said, voice soaked in pain and sorrow. She clenched her eyes shut, her horn glowing. The magical energy of the Elements hummed. Mist’s shield dissolved. Yes, Mist. Prepare for this. She is using the Elements. This is it. Enjoy the pain. That familiar white glow spread out into the room, and a rainbow of magic sped toward Mist and the Nightmare. An echoing, magically-charge voice emerged, “I’m so sorry.” The rainbow twisted around Mist, burning, searing into him. He felt himself pulled by some unknown force in an unknown direction. The world was blurred and wavering. He could see the Elements, the gems turning grey and lifeless, and he could see the glowing form of Celestia, her eyes opened wide, white, tears falling free. I’m coming, Luna, Mist thought to himself as he watched the world tumble and spin, tearing apart at the seams, I’m coming. With a final pulse of multicolored magic, the world wretched violently, and turned black. The pain was gone, as was everything Mist knew. All light, all dark, all sensation. It was only him. And the Nightmare in the dark of nothingness. Well done, Mist. Enjoy your torment. Author's Note: So this is it... I hope you enjoyed. I really do. You all have been wonderful, and I am eternally grateful to you for your support. All of you. Now, as for part two. I'm in the process of getting it done, but classes are starting up for me soon, campus jobs will be a possibility, and I'm on the writing team for the Fallout: Equestria project for Fallout 3, so I'll be pressed for time. Thankfully, the chapters are still pretty short, so I can get them done quickly. If the interest is still there, keep an eye out in the coming week, and I'll try to get some of the chapters out. Again, thank you all so much, and I'm still open for comments and general chatter! So, as it is goodbye for now, I leave you with a parting gift: Princess Luna looked out over Equestria from her balcony. Immediately below lay the capital city of Canterlot. High-living ponies moved about below, snouts upturned, visible even from Luna’s great height. Luna disliked those ponies, the fine snobbery, selfish behavior, single-minded acquisition of status and wealth. She yearned for a time when the members of the nobility were few, when ponies led pleasant, simpler lives. Luna looked out into the distance. The tiny village of Ponyville could be seen in all of its glory, its simple glory. The ponies there were exactly the kind that Luna so loved. They cherished those precious moments in life, enjoyed what they had, toiled endlessly if they wanted more. It was a town where everypony knew everypony, and though they may not all be friends, they coexisted together. And there were the six – the first friends Luna had made since her return – Twilight Sparkle, who coached her; Fluttershy, who taught her speech; Applejack, who showed her the meaning of fun; the troublemaker Pinkie Pie, who became instrumental in endearment to the town; and though they met later, Rainbow Dash and Rarity who taught style, grace, and appeal. Luna so enjoyed her friends, and enjoyed reading the friendship reports that Twilight Sparkle sent to the castle. They had been perhaps the most important part of Luna’s reintroduction into modern Equestria. Without the aid of her friends, she surely would have regressed into her darker state, perhaps even allowing the Nightmare to take over her again. Luna shivered at the memory of her time as Nightmare Moon. She found herself looking up towards the sky. Her sky. The stars were bright against the black. Luna followed down a line of stars until she reached a lone star. Far from any other. The lightest green tint to the light it emitted. “Mist…” A single tear fell to the floor. Be sure to catch Part 2 here! May the stars bless you with their beauty, and the moon light your way in the dark.