Harmonic Gift From The Stars

by DTavs exe

Chapter 2: Yeah it does hurt some times.

It's been a week since Twilight invited the whole gang to check on the 'Music box' as she has decided to call it, nothing much happened during the week and everypony was going on their business until it was time to got to the castle. On the only boutique in town, Rarity was preparing her latest design, a beige and gold gown, made with soft satin-like fabric, pearls and sapphires adorned it. Rarity removed her working glasses and let out a breath she didn't know was holding.

"Spikey-wikey what do you think?" asked Rarity to her companion without turning around for the answer.

"Beautiful" was the only word Spike could say, funny enough he wasn't actually looking at the dress but the dressmaker that stole the young drake's heart.

"Yes, it is one of my finest works, an exquisite piece with great details but simplistic enough to wear for even semi-formal events, totally fabulous if I say so myself." Rarity put away all her sewing supplies and made her way to the bathroom "Spikey-wikey would you kindly sweep the floor and throw all the fabric leftovers on the thrash? I need to freshen up myself before we go to Twilight's castle for her project" Spike was daydreaming but quickly snapped back to reality when Rarity spoke his name.

"At once M'Lady" he bowed and grabbed a broom and swept the floor collecting all the trash left by Rarity.

"Oh such a gentledrake, I can always count on you Spikey-wikey" Rarity said rubbing her hoof Spike's head.

Meanwhile Spike appreciated the gesture, it only reminded him the fact that even after many years of knowing each other, Rarity will always look at him as a baby dragon, even after molting, even after saving the Crystal Empire twice, that feel of powerlessness was like being tied to a chair mere inches to the buffet table while starving. But that changes today he decided to confess his undeniable love to the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

After cleaning Rarity's mess he went through the hall just outside the bathroom and knocked the door, "Rarity? are you done" he asked and waited for an answer, he was decided this is it, it's now or never.

"I'm just out of the shower darling, but I need to-" if only Spike had waited for Rarity to end her sentence instead of barging in.

"Rarity I need you to pl-pl-pl-p-p-" Spike was frozen at the mere sight of Rarity's with her entire body wet, dripping water from her hair.

"SPIKE HEAVENS WHAT ARE YOU DOING! OUT OUT NOW!" Rarity screamed covering her body with the towel and throwing all her bath supplies to the drake.

"p-p-p-paradise" was the last thing Spike said before having his lights knocked out by a bottle of shampoo.


"Did I mention how sorry I am Spikey-wikey?" Rarity said while Spike, who had a bandage around his head, was riding on her back "it's been a while since you actually rode on my back Spike, has it not? I believe since you got your wings."

"Yeah and don't worry Rarity, it was my fault for barging in before you let me know you were ready," his head didn't even hurt, but Rarity insisted on bandaging it just in case, they finally arrived at the castle and everypony was already there, including Starlight.

"What took you so long? I told everypony to arrive half an hour... ohmygosh what happened Spike?" Twilight asked worried about the bandage on Spike's head.

"Nothing big really, I fell and I'm ok but Rarity insisted on bandaging my head." Spike lied, she didn't want to Twilight to be angry at Rarity but mostly he didn't want Twilight to know he barged in on Rarity's shower.

"Well if you say so, everypony is here already and I believe the Music Box is ready to play." Twilight directed them to her study, she had removed many parts of the shells and some of the tools she found inside, there were only those that she had no idea what were they for and the Music Box "Ok, if everypony is ready, I just have some words. As you probably know, a little more than a week ago this strange sphere fell from the skies, after studying I was able to open it and inside it contained several tools, seeds, medical supplies, what appears to be food of some sort and a machine that we now call it the Music Box. After studying the tools and supplies, I believe this is a care package meant to be used to survive in case of being stranded, how or why it reached planet Equum is something I still don't know, luckily this Music Box can help us discover it, first we managed to make it work thanks in part to Pinkie's curiosity"

"That's me, That's me!" Pinkie jumped and grabbed another cupcake from the table.

"We know Pinkie, we all know you silly filly," Starlight said while sipping form her cup of tea "please go on Twilight."

"Thank you Starlight, well as I was saying we managed to make it work and after that I cast a spell to be able to translate their language," many ooohs and wows could be heard from her friends "after using it once the music box entered a dormant status, recharging itself, but I believe the green light on the top right corner indicates that is ready to use, I don't know if we will hear the same thing we heard before, but hopefully we will hear something that will help us understand these aliens and their culture."

"BOOOOooooooooring, just turn the thing on, I wanna hear a song like last time, it was awesome." Rainbow was getting restless, she had been waiting a week to hear another song from this machine, and she hoped it was as awesome as the last time, even if it only said 'around the world'.

"Fine fine, just let me check if the spell is correctly set aaaaaand, ok we are ready" Twilight pressed the button and the music box showed signs of life, you could hear an electric guitar and then some vocals.

"What? what do they mean Twilight? love doesn't hurts, that's like the opposite of what loves do" Pinkie asked confused at what the song was saying.

"I don't really know Pinkie, and he goes as far as to say that it wounds and scars," Twilight was just as confused but kept listening "Oh I believe he just mentions that love can hurt if you are not prepared, Cadence once explained something similar."

"I reckon this poor fella might be unlucky with his special somepony or... somealien?" Applejack said hiding on under her hat, embarrassed since she wasn't sure how to categorize the alien's mate.

"Well Applejack, I believe we can use a neutral term like special someone or special somecreature, I prefer the former. Hopefully the aliens will answer that to us, if not on this one probably on another song" Twilight explained her friend.

At all this, Spike was fascinated by the song, but for a very different reason that his friends, the song was exactly what he was feeling about Rarity, an immense fire that burned inside of him, it hurt and it wounded, is like the music box was talking directly to him, like it knew how he felt and wanted to help. The song will probably help him find a way to deal with his love or at least to understand it, sadly for Spike the song had other intentions when it reached the last verse.

"Oh boy now that is a bummer, I was hopping it ended happy but that about love being a lie is pretty dark." Rainbow said while floated over the rest of them when suddenly, she looked at her friend Pinkie Pie "Pinkie are you ok?" and everypony else understood why the sudden question and directed their eyes to Pinkie.

"What me? yes why?" Pinkie asking still eating pastry from the table.

"Oh.. my... is just that usually when you listen to sad stories you tend to um... Starlight can you help me?" Flutershy asked unable to find words that won't hurt Pinkie's feelings.

"*sigh* remember when I told you about my mom and you cried for 30 minutes straight? you got all depressed and your hair got all straight and you even lose some of your color like the yovidaphone fiasco-" Applejack quickly hit Starlight on the ribs to stop her from opening a different can of worms "- ouch... what I mean is that you have low defenses for sad stories."

"OOoooooh I get it now, don't worry I'm superduper, what Starlight told me actually happened so I got all gloomy-loomy 'cus I couldn't help, but this is just a song by an alien bobabillions years form here and we don't even know if he meant what he sang... besides if I get all sad and dark this would look too similar to another story and the author might get in trouble" Pinkie looked back at an empty wall and winked then grabbed another muffing and ate it on one bite leaving the girls all with weird expressions on their faces.

All but a certain dragon that was still looking directly to the music box 'so it's all a lie, I should have known, there is no way in Tartarus that I would be able to find love with a mare so beautiful as Rarity, but I'm not a fool, not anymore I give up, happiness, blissfulness, togetherness that is just foolish thinking and I refuse to be a fool anymore' Spike was decided to stop his pursuit of love for a life of bitterness while he felt his heart sink.

"Going back at the song," everypony including Spike turned their heads to Rarity who looked quite angry "I don't think I liked that song, that alien thinks that by claiming that love isn't real he won't be hurt, well I think he IS the fool and a coward, meanwhile it's true that love some times hurts and can even scar us in emotional or even physical way, it is certainly real and is worth fighting for, a real fool would just give up cry over their bed pusillanimously, it takes great courage to keep fighting for what's worth for you, am I right Spikey-wikey?" Spike only nodded but his eyes and mouth were wide open and inside of him a small flame that was about to extinguish, reignited and turned into a huge infernal flame capable of scorching Equestria as a whole "please excuse my unladylike outburst, I just can't stand such weakness when it comes to love, well it seem that music box turned itself off, so if we are done here I have other things to do, but it was lovely sharing this time with you, same time next week?"

"Sure, I think we are just touching the top of the iceberg here, I'm sure we will find more information next week, and remember everypony, no word to anypony else until we know this is completely safe to share" Twilight said checking the music box and confirming that it went into charging mode again.

Everypony agreed and left for their houses or rooms, Spike was contemplating the moon and stars through his window "and to think that I almost gave up on you, I think I learned something today and I promise that I'm not a pus-si-la-moose? well I'm not a fool and one day you will see me more than a baby dragon/assistant" he went to bed with a wide smile, dreaming of his lady.

To be continued