//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Slumber Party Mayhem // Story: Equestrian 'Hero' // by InsaneMan //------------------------------// As I walked through the streets of Ponyville, some ponies waving at me, I kept thinking of the dream and the realization from the dream. ‘I’m in love with Twilight, I’m in love with Twilight, I’m in love with Twilight, I’m in love with Twilight,’ I repeated in my head. ‘You said that for the millionth time,’ Nightmare said, cutting me out of my thoughts. ‘I know, but still; I can’t imagine why I’m thinking of this now,’ I answered, still lost in that thought. “HIYA, Trystyn!!” a voice yelled, knocking me out of my thoughts. “Oh, hey Pinkie,” I said. “Why are you feeling so bum?” she asked me. I rubbed the back of my head, “Oh, its nothing. Just thinking about the dreams I keep having.” She looked at me closely, blue eyes piercing my hazel eyes. “Oh yeah, Sarah explained those to us,” she said, back to her chipper mood. My eyes suddenly go wide, 'Did she tell them!' I thought. Before I started my walk, I told her about my dream. She promised not to tell Twilight or Spike. But I guess she thought she could tell the others too. I felt Pinkie grab my arm and quickly drag me to SugarCube Corner, ignoring my protest. She pushed me in and I saw the rest of them, save for Spike, Twilight, and Sarah, looking at me with glares. I look at Pinkie, who was also glaring at me (that shit is terrifying as fuck), and shrug my shoulders. “What did I do this time?” “Sit,” AJ said. I took a seat near one of the stalls. “Is this about the dreams I’ve been having? Because if it is, you don’t have to worry about it. Pinkie said Sarah already explained it to you.” They all looked at eachother, and sighed. “We have a question for you, bud,” Rainbow said. Rarity walked up close to me. Feeling uncomfortable from the way she looked at me, I scooted back. “Do you like Twilight?” she asked. I looked at her and smiled, feeling my sarcasm in play. “What do you mean?” I asked back. She chuckled, ‘I’m not going to like this.’ “What I meant to say, darling, is,” she put her hooves on the table, “Do you love Twilight?” I stopped smiling, sitting back in my seat. I tried to speak, but no words came out. I could feel the blush on my face, I put my hood up to hide it. I look up to see everyone looking at me, waiting for me to answer. I sighed, “I-I-I," I tried to say but a loud bang outside cut me off. I look outside and a giant Twilight was outside. I turned to the others to see they were now gone. I turned to see Twilight's eye staring at me. I couldn't move or do anything, except stare in horror at what happened to her. I closed my eyes, waiting for something to happened. What, if you saw a giant version of a creature that you love, you'll be questioning if she's going to hurt you or not. Well, by my standards that is. I then felt the ground beneath me crumble and I fell into the abyss. I shot up from my couch as my breathing quickened. 'Only a dream,' I thought, trying to control my breathing. "-and just when the last pony thought she was safe, there, standing right behind her, just inches away was," I smiled, remembering the story well. I sucked in some breath and when the storm hit, I decided to strike. "THE HEADLESS HORSE!!!!" I yelled, scaring all of the girls siting down in front of me as I laughed. It felt so long since I actually laughed that hard since I was back on Earth. I wiped my eyes and looked at the now glaring ponies. I smiled at them glaring at me. "And that is why you never tell ghost stories around me," I said grinning like the Cheshire cat. They groan at me comment. Twilight scratches something on a piece a parchment. I looked to see Rarity and Applejack in a bundle on the floor as another flash of lightning outside wakes me up more. I forgot that they were staying here because of the storm while Spike was at Canterlot for something special and Sarah was at the bakery with Pinkie hiding from the storm. I remember telling them to keep it down before they started their, 'Slumber Party,' and went back to sleep. I felt a book hit my head and look at Twilight, who gave me a playful smirk. I returned the smirk as I picked up the book named 'The Legendary Hero' and put it on the table. "Didn't I tell you not to wake me up during my sleep," I said calmly. Twilight gives me a smirk, "I also remember telling you to not ruin my slumber party." I shrugged, getting up to get something to eat. I remember how Twilight and I found AJ and Rarity under a tree hugging eachother while the storm was ripping it from its roots. Chuckling at the memory I poured some water and went to grab a book. Twilight probably finished reading all of them so I decided to read one. I moved to the table and picked up the book that Twilight threw at my face and began to read. But then Twilight calls to me. I sighed and put the book down and turned towards her. "What?" I asked. "Would you like to join us"? She asked, giving me a smile. I thought about it for a moment, but decided to go along with this 'Slumber Party.' What's the worst that can happen. "Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate and be sure it's centered--that's critical--and then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. And done. Ta-da!" Rarity exclaimed, showing us the s'more she created. I chuckled as Twilight looked very interested. 'It's s'mores, not heart surgery,' I thought. "Nah, ya just eat 'em," AJ said tossing the s'more into her mouth. She let out a giant burp, which made Rarity look in disgust. "You could at least say excuse me," she groaned. Apple Jack gave her a sarcastic grin, "Aw, I was just about to, but you interrupted me. Pardon." I rolled my eyes, getting ready for the next thing Twilight can think of. "S'mores, check. Now the next item of fun we have to do is Truth or Dare," Twilight said. My mind stopped when I heard her say that. Truth or Dare was a game I played back in my world, before I entered hell. "Hey Trystyn, you okay," Nightmare said, breaking me out of my stupor. "No i am not okay. I don't like this game because it always ends with me being embarrassed," I stated to her. "Well you should see who's embarrassed now," she said, chuckling a bit. I came back to reality only to just stare wide-eyed at AJ and Rarity looked like. Rarity had her hair drenched in water, looking like she went outside. AJ had on a weird dress not looking pleased at all. I couldn't help myself and started laughing my ass off. This caught the attention of all the ponies in the room as AJ and Rarity glared at me, then a smile crept on their faces. "Oh, you think this is funny?" AJ stated, still looking at me with that uncomfortable smile. "Well, we dare you...TO KISS TWILIGHT!!!" They both exclaimed. I stopped laughing and stared at them in horror. "Wait, WHAT?!?!" Me and Twilight exclaimed. Both of them giggle as me and Twilight stare at each other, faces red as cherries. Those bitches will pay, but for now, I have to do this. I slowly moved over to Twilight and quickly kissed her on the head and moved away from her, looking away. There was about half an hour of silence, me looking away from Twilight. "Well, guess it's time to head off to bed," Twilight said breaking the silence. I just stood up and walked towards the couch, hoping tonight would just end. I was dead wrong. Of course rarity and AppleJack still continued to fight. The bad part was that they were in the same room as me. While Twilight is happily upstairs sleeping peacefully, I'm suffering the annoyance of these two fighting. I sighed deeply, "It doesn't matter, I have bigger problems now," I said to myself. I just kissed Twilight because of some stupid dare. I hope she's not mad at me because if she is, I'm fucked. Twilight laid down in bed, ready to fall asleep. But how could she! Trystyn, the human living with her and Spike, kissed her. She knows it was a dare, but she can't shake the feeling that was growing in her chest. "It's not like that," she whispered to herself. But before she finally went to bed, one last thought appeared in her mind. 'He doesn't like me like that...right?'