A Little Adventure in Alola

by CommanderX5

Ch.4 - Search Party - Pt.4

A Little Adventure in Alola


Chapter 4
Search Party - Pt.4

Pikachu jumped towards the sky, avoiding the oncoming ‘Sludge Wave’ unleashed by Nidoqueen. As much as he wanted to counterattack with a shock of electricity, it would do little against a ground type opponent. Sadly, targeting the horn didn't seem to work either.

Landing on top of a tree, he steadied himself and quickly scanned the area, trying to make sense of the raging chaos surrounding him. His body was littered in bruises and sweat from the ongoing battle.

The dragon type pokemon, Haxorus, stood guard in front of the injured and unconscious Ninetales, enduring two explosions caused by the beasts’ heads. As powerful as those attacks were, the attackers seemed to get weaker after using them. 

“Arcanine, attack with ‘Flare Blitz!’” Emily commanded.

The large, dog pokemon charged, coated in a cluster of orange flames before they sparked to a light blue, becoming dangerously hot. The beast threw another exploding head, leaving numerous bruises on Arcanine, but he didn’t slow down. The beast ended up being slammed into a few trees and getting badly burned in the process. The surrounding trees caught on fire pretty quickly, adding a ring of heat to the arena.

The Ultra Beasts crafted from stone summoned a rain of big boulders, most likely ‘Rock Slide.’ Some boulders were intercepted by Exadrill’s strikes while others were cut down by Astra’s sword.

Taking one breath after another as he gave his tired muscles a moment to rest, Pikachu observed the Pokemon Master with full attention. The moment the battle began, Astra had stopped giving firm commands and instead jumped into action, bravely summoning shields to protect her allies while striking harshly against her enemies. From Nica’s description, I thought Astra was more of an intellectual type. I didn’t expect to see her fighting so fiercely. I don’t think even Ash would fight by our side like that.

“Excadrill, attack with ‘Drill Rush,’” Emily called before running towards Arcanine and summoning ‘Light Screen’ for support. The beast unleashed a concentration of flames, causing Emily to shift the properties of her sword, using a water element for support. As if an Oshawott had attacked with shell strike, she intercepted the weakened ‘Fire Blast,’ her armor receiving a few small burns in the process.

Excadrill merged the claws on his arms together, turning into a living drill before charging at the large foe. Astra joined in, activating a water element for her sword. While it was hard to tell if opponent was a rock or a steel type, ground and water moves seemed to be the most efficient against it. 

The living building dropped down lower as it trembled, struggling to stay upright under the onslaught of attacks.

“Muk, assist Arcanine with ‘Gunk Shot,’” Emily commanded before she wiped some sweat from her forehead, no doubt feeling the heat from the nearby flames. 

Done waiting and observing, Giovanni stepped forth, calmly calling, “Nidoking, protect the headless Ultra Beast and attack with ‘Earthquake.’”

The poison and ground type pokemon jumped in front of the attack and the barrage of toxins smashed against it, though it did little. The pokemon resisted before slamming his leg into the ground and caused a massive tremor to rip through the ground.

Pikachu bit his bottom lip. The fact that he, Arcanine, Excadrill, and Muk were all weak to ground attacks didn’t bode well when facing Giovanni's pokemon, while the beasts made it impossible to focus attacks on them.

Emily summoned ‘Reflect’ with her shield before charging at the beast with her watery sword, only to lose her balance and trip over. Being surrounded while fighting against an opponent using ‘Earthquake’ put Astra’s team and her allies at a big disadvantage. 

If only Emily had her Primarina and Astra had her Starmie, they would have disposed of the attackers already. I have to help somehow, Pikachu thought as his attention focused on Astra, who seemed too busy fighting the living buildings and too disorientated to give him any commands.

Rainbow Dash pushed a black cloud with her hooves, stopping above Nidoking with a smug grin. “Take this!” she shouted before kicking the cloud, causing a bolt of lightning to strike the pokemon. She gulped as her attack didn’t even leave a scratch and the Nidoking looked up in annoyance. He growled angrily, only to cover his head the moment rain started to pound down on him from the cloud. 

“So… lighting doesn’t leave a scratch, but rain hurts you? Okaaay…” Dash said as she rubbed her head in confusion, only for a familiar ball to land on the cloud. “Ponyfeathers!” Before the ball could fall through the cloud, it exploded, sending Rainbow Dash crashing into the ground as numerous burns scorched her fur and wings.

Pikachu bent his legs and jumped from the tree, now running towards the injured pegasus.

“That… that was… too close,” Dash complained before yelping in pain. She looked at her burnt wing. “Oh no…” she said in a squeaky voice.

Pikachu sped up with the help of ‘Quick Attack’, charging power into his tail, remembering what he learned during his spar against Nica. He could see Nidoqueen approach the pegasus with firm steps, now towering over her with a menacing smirk.

“Work, work, work!” Dash shouted as she stumbled backward, trying to get her wing to flap but to no avail. She jumped to the right, only for Nidoqueen to jump higher and further, effectively blocking her way and nearly crushing the pegasus under her weight. With a swing of her arm, she slapped Rainbow Dash, then pinned her against the ground.

With a combination of ‘Quick Attack’ and ‘Iron Tail,’ Pikachu jumped towards his opponent, slashing Nidoqueen across the back with great force. His opponent didn’t lose balance though, rather turning around and giving Pikachu an enraged glare.

“Nidoqueen, attack with ‘Body Slam!’” Giovanni commanded. “Crush them without mercy.”

The pupils in Dash’s eyes shrank as the massive pokemon jumped up into the sky, only to start falling down at her. She started wriggling, struggling to free herself from the ground she was stuck in. 

Pikachu resumed his ‘Quick Attack’ while charging his tail in haste. He jumped up and intercepted the enemy, trying to overpower the ‘Body Slam’ in mid-air. Despite his best efforts, he ended up pushed down, slamming into the ground with a loud crash. Though bested, he was able to stop the Nidoqueen’s attack, allowing Rainbow to lurch to her hooves beside him.

Nidoqueen bounced back from Pikachu’s attack, landing in front of the little pokemon with a big bruise on her belly.

Giovanni moved his hand under his chin, as if cutting his own neck, while looking down at the pokemon cowering beneath him. “Attack with ‘Superpower’ and ‘Earth Power.’ Deliver a killing blow.”

Pikachu pushed his paws against the ground, forcing himself to stand. Bruises littered his body while drops of sweat slid down his forehead. Fighting for the past few minutes already had hurt him and exhausted most of his stamina, and he wasn’t even strong enough to overpower ‘Body Slam.’ He was in no shape to endure two powerful attacks in a row, and there was also no telling if Nidoqueen would just finish him with a third strike, taking away his life.

Pikachu felt Dash’s forehoof snatch him up as the pegasus tried to get him away, but Nidoqueen was hot on their tails, chasing after them like a cat playing with their cornered mouse.

“Wait! If you kill Rainbow Dash, I won’t be able to add her to my…” Butch stuttered aloud to his boss, only to quickly stop and look away the moment Giovanni glared at him. 

With a loud roar, Nidoqueen jumped and swung her fist, not caring if it struck Rainbow Dash or the pokemon in her hold.

Pikachu charged power into his tail, trying to summon a weak ‘Iron Tail’ for defense, yet he was too tired to do it fast enough as his tail half-heartedly gave a dim, grey shine. He grit his teeth, awaiting for the impact, only to watch in shock as a trainer jumped in between him and the attacker. “Astra!?” Pikachu shouted.

Summoning ‘Reflect,’ Astra weakened the incoming strike, yet it still proved strong enough to pierce through her shield and injure her hand, causing her to yelp in pain. As Nidoqueen landed on the ground, she stomped, causing the ground under Pikachu and Rainbow Dash to glow in yellow before shuddering from the gathered power. 

Pikachu gasped as Astra jumped towards him, pushing both him and Rainbow Dash out of the way before being struck with the full force of ‘Earth Power,’ her armor and sword now in pieces. 

“What were you thinking!?” Rainbow Dash shouted as she ran towards the injured human, staring at her in worry. She glanced at her wing and cursed, “Stupid wing. You just had to stop working at the worst possible time.”

“A-Astra,” Pikachu muttered as he placed his forepaws on the lower part of her injured hand, seeing bloody cuts as the trainer struggled to hide her pain and give the two a reassuring smile. She just… took two powerful attacks… for us. Just like Ash would… 

“I’m… I’m fine…” Astra said as she stood up on her trembling legs, holding her injured arm close to her belly. “No one… dies… on my watch…”

Giovanny smirked, watching Astra stumble with a sick sense of satisfaction on his face.

Butch and Cassidy looked at the still-alive pegasus and collectively sighed in relief.

Pikachu ran in front of Astra and spread his forepaws protectively. No matter if he could barely walk, he would do everything in his power to protect her.

“Just run… both of you…” Astra said as she stepped forward, getting ahead of Pikachu. “You need to reunite with your trainer… and Dash’s friends must be worried about her.” Astra paused and grit her teeth, biting down a yelp as she felt a jolt of pain in her hand. “We will cover you.”

“N-no!” Pikachu shouted as he shook his head.

“That is an order!”

“I won’t follow that order!” Pikachu responded as he jumped forward, taking a fighting stance in front of Astra. Looking left and right, he could see that two Ultra Beasts were already defeated and the other two were on their last legs, but Ninetales was still unconscious while the other pokemon were on the verge of exhaustion. With everyone being weak to ground attacks, there was no saying how soon they would fall. 

“If you think… I’ll abandon you… to save myself, you got the wrong pony,” Dash said as she took a fighting stance, wincing due to her wing injury while trying to hide it behind facade of confidence. “Broken wing or not, I am not leaving!”

Pikachu looked at Nidoqueen and then at Giovanni. The fact that this trainer specialized in ground type pokemon worked greatly against them. Were they going to win against the odds, or would he succeed at killing them? Whatever happened, he would fight to the end. For himself, for Nica, for Ace, for Twilight and everyone else that had helped him get this far. He wouldn’t let them down.

Focusing back into the battle, he looked up, only to see an odd newcomer emerging from the shadows of the surrounding, burnt forest. 

"The infamous boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up... Yeah. Big, bad Guzma is here!"

Everyone’s attention zeroed in on the mysterious figure. White, poofy hair seemed to overflow from a pair of yellow goggles perched on his forehead as the man gave a goofy smirk. His arms swayed with his every step, matching the rhythm as he stalked up closer to the battlefield, ignoring the obvious peril of such strong Ultra Beasts lurking right beside him. He wore baggy, gray pants that dropped down to the floor, accompanied by a matching jacket and a long, golden chain holding a single charm, with a large ‘S’ inscribed into it.

Recognizing the insignia, Pikachu remained wary as electricity instinctively began to spark from the spots on his cheeks. First Ultra Beasts, then Team Rocket, and now Team Skull? Give me a break!

Guzma and Giovanni looked at each other, both remaining passive as they tried to read the other’s insufferably neutral expression.

“Having a big battle and causing a fire so close to my town. You’ve got some nerve. Some trashing is in order,” he taunted, “to teach the big, bad boss a lesson.”

Giovanni placed his hands in his pocket, now addressing the Skull leader. “If you want to trash someone, how about helping me get my revenge? Once Astra and Emily are dead, I will be out of your hair. Or you can just wait patiently until I am done.”

Guzma crossed his arms and laughed. “That’s rich. I think I will just trash you instead. This is Skull’s turf, and I don’t like seeing your goons and weird pokemon ruin our home. In other words, get the heck off of these islands or taste my boot in your face. Got it?”

“Skull’s turf?” Giovanni cackled, nearly bending over as he laughed at Guzma’s cocky attitude. “I am in command of some of the most powerful beasts from a variety of dimensions, control a nationwide crime-organization and have achieved far more than any of the jokes that scurried around these islands like pests.” 

Pausing, he looked up and quickly examined Guzma. “I was actually considering offering you and a select few of Skull’s admins a place in my ranks.” Giovanni pointed at Astra and added, “Help me get rid of her and you can leave those losers behind and get a high position in my organization.”

“Are you stupid? My boys may be just numbskulls, but they’re my numbskulls.” He snapped his fingers as numerous skull members walked out from between the trees, a few tripping by accident or trying to put out the spreading fire. “Those boneheads will throw themselves into the fire or take a ‘Hyper Beam’ to their faces for each other and they’re under my care.”

From behind him, the grunts rallied behind their leader, quickly yelling out words of agreement or threatening the intruders on their territory.

“What the boss said, yo.”

“Get off of our turf, or we’ll make you surf!”

“We do the craziest stuff for Guzma, get it through that thick skull of yers.”

Giovanni narrowed his eyes, his confident smile replaced with one of annoyance. “I am so close to achieving my revenge. If you ruin it, I will show you a world of pain you have never experienced before.”

Guzma shrugged. “I dunno. You weirdos seem tired.” He looked at each beast one at a time, noting each’s exhaustion, before looking at Nidoqueen and Nidoking. “The kids here could probably beat you up if I didn’t show up, but whatever.” He looked at the injured trainer. “Hey, kid. Is your partner a super nice Raichu by any chance?”

“Y-yes,” Astra said with pain present in her voice. “My partner Nica is a Raichu, and she’s very kind.”

“Heh, called it. Now listen kid. I don't know much 'bout you, but I heard from my numbskulls that your Raichu was kind to them. If you find her, tell her that Guzma paid back the debt, got it?”

Astra nodded hesitantly.

“Good, then get out of here. Leave these thugs to us.” 

“Alright, and thank you,” Astra said before calling back the unconscious Ninetales and exhausted Haxorus into her pokeballs. She walked towards a passage between the trees. “Pikachu, Rainbow Dash, Emily, we’re leaving.”

“W-what… but…” Pikachu said, causing Guzma and a few skull members to look at him in confusion. 

“We need to regroup. Besides, Giovanni’s pokemon are just as tired as we are,” Astra said before giving Guzma a small smile. “Show them some Alolan hospitality.”

“Heh heh, got it, kid,” Guzma said.

“You’ll regret this Guzma,” Giovanni growled, “I may be outmatched now, but I’ll return with my men and wipe that town of yours from the face of this island. Cassidy, Butch, we're withdrawing.” He glanced at Astra. “This is not over yet. I will kill you, no matter what it takes.”

“Yes, sir,” Cassidy said before shooting Astra an enraged glare. “We’ll get our pokemon back and ruin you, Astra. I swear.” 

Giovanni recalled his pokemon and four Ultra Beasts back into his pokeballs. 

“Rainbow Dash, you’ll join us by the end of the day, just you wait.” Butch threw a few smoke bombs at the ground before the trio vanished from everyone’s sight.

“All bark and no bite, pfff,” Guzma said, before gesturing for his Skulls to follow him. “We’re done here.” He glanced at Astra and Emily. “Your hand looks nasty, feel free to stop by if you want.” 

“You sure scared them to the bone, yo.”

“That’s our boss.”

“Guzma rules!”

Pikachu watched as the troublemakers followed their leader, never expecting they would be the ones to come to their aid. Nica… she was nice to them. I’m not even surprised. His ears drooped as a feeling of guilt easily topped the pain in his bones. Bruises seemed to shadow one another as they covered his once presentable fur.

Emily withdrew her pokemon back into her pokeballs before following Astra with Rainbow Dash by her side.

“What? That's it? It's over just like that?” Dash asked in confusion before looking at her injured wing. “On the other hoof, I don’t feel like having another swing at them. Their pokemon sure hit hard.”

Pikachu climbed up onto Astra’s shoulder, the one that wasn’t part of her injured arm. “Where are we going?”

“To Po town. I doubt the Pokemon Center there is operational, but we may find a safe place where we can patch up our wounds,” Astra explained as she maintained a firm stare. 

Pikachu’s ears drooped again as he looked at the bleeding injury, one she sustained when protecting his life. He then glanced at Rainbow Dash’s burned wing in worry. The only one who didn't seem all that hurt was Emily, but mostly because she took command during the chaos, rather than jumping in alongside Astra.

Now that I think about it, Emily took charge during that fight while Astra fought more directly. Nica did say that Astra had trouble improvising, but nothing about her strength and bravery and will to fight alongside her pokemon. Pikachu took a deep breath. “Astra.”


“Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it,” Astra responded. 

“Don’t say that! You’re injured and your gear is destroyed because you protected me. It is not nothing!” Pikachu shouted. He had experienced too much humility from Nica already. He was going to make Astra acknowledge her bravery, whether she liked it or not. “Nica did say that you trained your pokemon really hard so they could protect others, but she didn’t say you would take blows yourself.”

“My biggest wish was to make sure no one would have to go through the hardship that I endured. If I can accomplish that by taking the pain on myself, I will do it,” Astra explained as she walked towards an opened double gate, the guarding Skull members not paying her any mind. “Especially for someone as important as you.”

Pikachu sighed. I can see from who Nica got her selfless nature. I get a sense of Deja-vu here. He looked at Cassidy and Butch's belts which were now in Emily’s possession. If they didn’t steal pokemon from people who steal pokemon, they wouldn’t have survived that fight. The irony wasn’t lost on him.

Pikachu shook his head as a droplet of water splashed against his ear, then another. Black clouds gathered in the sky over their heads, unleashing harsh rain.

“Rain? I could clear it in seconds if not for my wing. Ugh… it still hurts,” Dash complained, giving the gathered clouds an annoyed glare.

The group took shelter in a ruined building, one filled with numerous graffiti and drops of water falling through hole in the ceiling. Some of the graffiti involved Team Skull’s symbol, while a few looked like a poorly drawn bone. The carpet in the middle of the room looked like it had been used for a game of tug of war, while big and damaged wooden furniture blocked the stairs leading to the upper floor.

Astra and Emily rested their backpacks against the wall before searching for medical equipment.

Pikachu watched as Astra bandaged her injury, doing it with surprising precision, as if she had practiced it before. 

“Don’t worry. Like any good trainer, I get hurt from time to time. My body will heal quickly,” Astra reassured, noticing Pikachu’s worried expression before looking at the little pokemon with a cheerful smile.

“Here are our potions, should be enough for everyone,” Emily said as she approached Astra and sat by her side, placing five potions on the floor next to a first-aid kit. Each came in a variety of colors.

“Potions? I think the last time I saw potions like this was when we traveled with Brock. He was trying to become a breeder,” Pikachu pointed out.

“Don’t worry, Astra learned a lot from Nurse Joy in Orange Islands,” Emily said as she tapped her boss’ shoulder. “She read many books since then and got many opportunities to put what she learned into practice.” With a pointed look, she added, “Way too many opportunities if you ask me.”

Astra took gauze from the kit and next picked one potion filled with lavender liquid, ignoring Emily. “Stay still.” She sprayed bits of the liquid onto the gauze before gently pressing it against the pokemon’s forehead.

Pikachu closed one eye and grit his teeth, feeling a burning sensation on his bruise. 

“I am using a very strong potion which should stimulate the healing speed of a veteran like you. Applying the accurate amount is essential to make the healing process both fast and safe,” Astra explained as she sprayed more of the potion onto the gauze before applying it into bruises on Pikachu’s cheeks. “I know it hurts, but you have to endure.”

Endure? I can take pain like that all day long, Pikachu thought as he exposed his left cheek to the trainer, wincing occasionally. 

“Abusing potions is just like abusing recovery moves, it can weaken a pokemon’s durability as their bodies start relying on quick healing instead. I will apply it only to your bigger wounds. The rest should heal on its own as you rest and regain your stamina.” Astra replaced the used gauze with the fresh one before applying the potion on pokemon’s hands. Her attention quickly focused on the injured belly. “I see your belly and back were hit really hard multiple times today. Once I apply this potion, I should wrap some bandages around your injury to help it heal.”

Pikachu shook his forepaw dismissively. “No need. It will restrain my movements while we search...” He took a step back upon noticing Astra’s stern glare. “Fine, fine, I’ll rest.” He grit his teeth as Astra sprayed the potion on his belly, and then used the gauze for a finishing touch. A clean bandage soon covered one third of his body. 

“Pikachu, please take a nap. I need to aid Rainbow Dash and the other pokemon,” Astra said as she gestured for the pegasus to approach, then examined her wings. “That’s one nasty burn. That Ultra Beast hit you really hard.”

“No kiddin’. The first time it exploded, it was from meters away, but this one… ugh…” Dash yelped in pain as the trainer gently applied a potion to her injured wing.

“I will take watch. This town may have a big wall, but I doubt Team Skull make for good guards.” Emily asked, “Any objections?”

“None, but come back soon. I’ll need to aid your pokemon as well,” Astra said.

Emily shrugged. “You know I have basic training in using potions.”

“It was many years ago. You know right now I’m still better at it,” Astra answered with a joking tone.

“Once we get through this, remind me to practice first and second aid. I’ll get better than you in no time.”

“Good luck with that,” Astra said with a chuckle.

Pikachu smiled before walking away, perching himself on what was left of the dusty carpet. As much as he wanted to look for Nica and reunite with his trainer, he would need strength to fight against the beasts. He placed his forepaws under his chin and closed his eyes, giving his burning wounds and tired muscles the break they so desperately needed.